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Wuji Aug 2012
Today I go to my past,
With a smile and sharp sword.
I'll walk the walk,
That I have walked a million times before.
Looking as always in awe,
At the light shining through the tress.
This time I'll enter alone,
And alone I will leave.

Wasn't long ago,
When I felt this was my home.
But now I am a stranger,
So now I roam.

I'm a visitor,
I hope I don't see her.

Ruining my old home.
I am excited.
Wuji Aug 2012
One eyed frog,
Misses all the flies,
Yet still he gets that feeling,
That he succeeded,
A high.
Poor little frog,
He forgot the taste,
Now his tongue,
A tangled mess,
Never leaves its space.
One day that frog,
Manged to catch a bug,
Never wanted,
To let go,
He felt so loved.
But that stupid frog,
Grabbed the fly all wrong,
It got away,
And still comes around,
But can't stay too long.
O' one eyed frog,
Your song is so unsung,
And the only day,
The world will hear it,
Is the day you have no where left to run.

Now he is alone,
On his lily pad,
One eyed frog,
Only looks half sad.
I feel for you frog.
Wuji Aug 2012
The wind will wither it,
The fire will burn it down,
The rain will drown it,
The earth will bury it underground.

The elements will protect,
Their only home.
**** the disease,
That condemns our dome.

I'll wish you no luck,
You have ate more then your share.
And when I told you to stop,
You said you didn't care.

No matter how hard you push,
You'll never be able to resist her pull.
As long as you have loved here,
You are tied,
A docked boat,
That can't fully stray.
Never just one.
Wuji Aug 2012
This dark room is so familiar,
As my eyes take it in.
Memories of lying there,
Lying in our sin.
Over used devices,
Will meet their breaking point,
Some are happy,
Some are sad,
Some pass the joint.
But I can't help but recall,
How I felt in the dark.
So unsure of where I was,
But certain of what we are.
Can't erase the shadows,
That existed even in absence of light.
Outlines of death and fright,
Watch me all night.
This darkness is so familiar,
I know I've been in this room.
I want to recall those feelings,
But I want them,
With you.
I know I need to make it happen...I just don't know if I want it to happen.
Wuji Aug 2012
Stabbing stabbing,
Never wishing he had,
Everything that makes him sad.
Once betrayed now he has his own goal,
To put in end to the ones that made him pay the toll.

People are disgusting,
Not only that but they are distrusting,
Always needing revenge for the most pointless of crimes.
Out doing each other because why not be better then what we were originally,
Why even try?

What bad taste,
That left in my mouth,
As all positive thoughts will head south.
Everyone hates someone but why does anyone care?
High on your narcissism you think no one compares.
It's sickening.
Wuji Aug 2012
He screams,
He claims,
That Jesus,
Has died in vain.
He swears,
And declares,
Words of his god,
Saying he is scared.
Scared of the devils,
That house our kingdom of sin.
Calls us the ignorant ones,
Says none of us will really win.
He hates,
And remembers the date,
The death of his lord's son,
Mourning his savior's ****.
I wanna get away,
From the lava he spews,
Burns all the non-believers,
Better catch up on old news.
Not a preacher a police man,
Violently whips those who are unjust,
Never stopping,
How ironic,
Screaming "In God We Trust".
Wuji Aug 2012
Sexually driving,
It's almost a given,
For all the boys,
My age.
Yet I feel so perverted,
Twisted and distorted,
In my own way.
My lust for love,
A starving coyote,
Chasing something too fast.
Each day without love,
In this barren desert,
Brings me to the last.
Hard to chase,
Something that never stays still.
Hard to enjoy a party,
When you know,
That you will pay the bill.
Easy to fall freely,
Into the nearest set of arms.
Easy to forget,
That even poisonous snakes,
Can be charmed.

In the desert,
Endlessly dry.
No water in sight.
Except that...
Is it real?
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