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Wuji Aug 2012
****'s birthday,
What to get?
Pimps got all I have.
Can't get you physical,
You have my state of mind,
Already locked under key.
It's too bad you'll never really know me.
I am much deeper than a *****,
More to my smile than ***.
I have a mind,
Of clashing thoughts,
Never knowing,
How to dress.
What can I possibly give you,
If you already claim to be happy?
If you don't need me,
Then why do I need you?
****'s birthday,
And I can't decide.
What do you want from me?
Don't you already know you have my hide...?
A gift card should do....
My present to you is anything.
Wuji Aug 2012
Push a button,
Ding ding ding,
Watch all,
The wheels,
And gears,
The evil,
Sin sin sin,
Greedy *******,
The hope,
Never stays,
For nature.
Plays and plays,
There is no cure.
And lust,
Burn them all,
That's a must!
Don't forget,
The missionaries.
Their words,
Of Armageddon,
And hate.
All kindle,
For the,
The once,
Wooded land.
Melt all,
The gold.
How come,
In one spot,
Never seems,
To get old?
Burn it all,
Purge the land,
Join me,
As I take,
Shots of sand.
Wuji Aug 2012
I play with machines,
Till the money ****** me in,
Now they play with me.
The title is longer then the poem. I think that is funny.
Wuji Aug 2012
I feel so alone,
Staggering down a dark hallway,
So many happy masks hang on the walls.
I wear no mask,
And bear a frown,
My own sad crown.

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

Why so alone?
You have a good life.
You don't,
Need anyone,
Didn't you say that,
Last night?

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

I thought you were strong,
Thought you didn't care.
But you know,
It's the sight,
Of you crying,
I can't bear.

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

So it's come down to this,
You found it all out,
You are bacteria,
In a sea of trout.
Nothing special no real positive of sides,
You know it too that's why you hide and cry.

Everyone has someone,
Masks painted to smile,
Maybe only for a little while,
Till I can end their denial.

You're trapped in a box,
One way mirrors surround.
I can see everyone,
But I'll never be found.
Where are the arms,
To hold me together?
I'm shattering,
Alone forever.
Such beautiful mountains.
Wuji Aug 2012
Why make lines?
To separate and divide?
To choose a side?
For a wall to hide behind?
Why make lines?
Is it to criticizes?
Or to falsifier,
The notion of compromise?
Why make lines?
Is it the circle you deny?
Refusing to give me a slice a pie?
Forcing a goodbye?

Line maker,
You are no artiest of mine.
Line maker,
I see you have not dulled your eraser.
Line maker,
Wasting our time.

Why make lines?
Why choose sides?
Why divide?
Why say I died?
Line maker,
You can't separate that which connects all of us into one class, kingdom, and religion.
That is time.
Stop starting wars between us.
Wuji Aug 2012
Stick and a rope,
Abolish my hope,
Slowly I walk,
Till I reach infinity.
My goal a tease,
As it hangs in front of me,
Never will get,
What I think I deserve.
In my face it dances,
Sings about the chances,
So close I can almost taste,
What always escapes me.
Chasing a setting sun,
Racing to finish what I have begun.
Or did I ever even begin?
Can't have what I can't comprehend.
So out of reach,
The sun always has a lesson to teach,
And I learn eagerly,
In hopes one day I can understand...

Understand why,
The sky separates us...
Ha, I'll never catch it.
Wuji Jul 2012
Unwanted living,
Can't stay for long.
All dies out,
Everything drowns.
Did your own dad,
Come to the final act?
Or was he not proud,
Of his son's wrath?

Who goes to killers' funerals?
And if they do,
Do they cry?
Who goes to killers' funerals?
Do they pretend,
They are in a happier time?

Killers were like you and me,
You and me were once babies,
Babies come from us,
We create killers.
We make funerals,
Killing innocents,
And blaming them,
We are at fault!

Who goes to killers' funerals?
And if they do,
Do they cry?
Who goes to killers' funerals?
Do they pretend,
They are in a happier time?

He was once a child,
Now he is dead.
The time in between,
Messed up his head.
Poor merciless killers.
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