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Wuji Jul 2012
Die for me,
If you love me!
Die for me,
If you believe me!
Die for me,
If you want me!
Die for me,
If you want to be happy!
Die for me...

Never good enough,
You won't get through the gates.
Clouds shroud the entry way,
Graves diggers will get the best pay.

Die for my love.
Die for family.
Die for happiness.
Die to reach the stars.

Or live...
Breath the air of betrayal,
As you slowly sin away.
Why can't you just die?
I can't...
Wuji Jul 2012
With a smile the martyr ascends.
Killing for peace.
Dieing for peace.
Thrives for peace.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
Paradise in eyes they die.
Tears in eyes they die.
Twisted ties of us all seem to die.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
As he ascends he lives on.
Everyone mocks the martyr and where he will live on.
Some claim he will not live on.

Martyr martyr I believe you live on.
Your cross can carry you,
Into the caressing arms of your dreams.
Martyr martyr can you take me?
I've wanted to be happy for so long.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
They all laugh.
Shunning him they all laugh.
Mocking his one hit or miss chance to finally find peace they all laugh.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
They all think less of you I am sorry.
They all hate you for your sacrifice I am sorry.
Your god will reward you because it too will be sorry.

Martyr martyr I believe you live on.
Your cross can carry you,
Into the caressing arms of your dreams.
Martyr martyr can you take me?
I've wanted to be happy for so long.
Stop laughing at him.
Wuji Jul 2012
Head hurts,
I don't know her.
Water never flows,
Behind curtains,
Just rocks.
My chair rocks,
Back and forth,
Left and right.
Why am I never right,
And always left behind?
The trees,
The trees,
The trees will not sneeze,
But bless everyone.
For paper will be printed,
Burned and defiled,
Can't be trained,
To be wild.
My head hurts,
But why ask questions?
Dieing and breathing aren't choices,
Can't drown yourself without,
The help of a rock.
The movies play on,
While I am stuck in the ground.
A zombie with one brain in mind,
Will get it sometime.
My head hurts...
Wuji Jul 2012
My dreams won't leave me alone,
Sheets bind and blind as I am tortured in my own home.

Images are whips that slash into my mind,
Blood corrupts good dreams to the twisted fabrication that distort time.

Dreams will always keep me hoping that I will find them true,
They will never cease reminding me that I love you.
I woke up.
Wuji Jul 2012
Another day goes by on the beaches of Dubai,
And I'm sitting here drinking my tea.

No explosions or death,
Erosion not theft.
Just enjoying my days on the beaches of Dubai.

Planes over head,
My head filling with dread,
As the bombs begin to drop from the sky.

Now we all need to say,
Goodbye to the beaches of Dubai.

Bombed for our oil,
Exterminated for our pride.
We now say goodbye to Dubai.

Big American men,
Dressed in gold suits and ties.
They will always deny.

Their seeing off the land tonight,
Can't wait to get their prize,
That big old slice of oil flavored pie.

And they will never learn to share.

Now we all need to say,
Goodbye to the beaches of Dubai.
Those beaches.
Wuji Jul 2012
I'm looking at the ***** in the mirror,
All he does is stare back at me.
What's wrong with that ***** in the mirror,
Why must we always meet?

Let's pick apart that ***** in the mirror,
Let's dissect, and see what is wrong.
I hate that ***** in the mirror,
He is my worst enemy.
Always ruining everything I do,
Scaring off all I see.
He keeps getting in my own way,
Never seems to want to play.
Messes everything up,
I yell at him to shut him up.

I'm looking at the ***** in the mirror,
All he does is stare back at me.
What's wrong with that ***** in the mirror,
Why must we always meet?

Whats wrong ***** in the mirror,
Are you going to cry?
Why are you laughing ***** in the mirror,
Don't you feel the tears in your eyes?
I surprised the mirror doesn't,
Reject your own form.
Nothing special or unique,
Just skin and bone.
***** in the mirror,
Don't come any nearer.

I'm looking at the ***** in the mirror,
All he does is stare back at me.
What's wrong with that ***** in the mirror,
Why must we always meet?
Washing dishes.
Wuji Jun 2012
I want to find my Alaskan Sunrise.
Her appearance rare but burned into memory.
Whose warmth begins a new era in time.
Doesn't last long but neither does high tide.
Her beauty is an Alaskan Sunrise.
Burns away evils of the past.
Replacing my thoughts with a warmth that will last.
The light at the end of the month,
Tunnels of darkness a tricky labyrinth.
But I will find that Alaskan Sunrise,
All in good time,
As I wait out the dark,
Dreams of her warmth,
Warms the hollow tree's bark.
My Alaskan Sunrise will melt the dark ice cold,
Erase the old,
Replace with gold,
Hell, I'm already sold.
Alaskan Sunrise,
All in good time.
I can wait in the darkness.
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