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674 · Oct 2018
Have you ever felt
WishingForRain Oct 2018
Have You Ever Felt:
Have you ever been able to feel someone else’s pain?
The sudden shock, the rush of emotion, the constant strain?
The notion that emotional pain doesn’t equate physical pain is absurd,
For they are one in the same.
Have you ever felt the pain and humility of someone who recently went through a breakup,
or the shot emotions of someone who couldn’t kiss and make-up,
Because it was already half past too late?
The effect of what happens when being in a constant mental state, of being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Have you ever placed your feet into someone’s size 11 shoes, and walked through their journey called “Life”?
Have you ever tried to resolve their strife?
Or have you tried to evade it all together, simply because you were feeling under the weather?
The constant and crass repeated cycle through Kubler-Ross,
dealing with the denial, anger, and bargaining with depression,
but never coming to terms with the past, and finding acceptance.
Why does it take so long for us to accept the fact that not everyone’s situation is the same?
We yell at the victims, but they don’t deserve the blame, nor should they feel ashamed, let alone be shunned,
we should open up our minds and let our thoughts free run.

We need to learn how to listen with our eyes and not just our ears,
To step up and face our fears of not being able to understand the ones who we hold so dear.
We need to do more than just coexist, we need to learn how to live and be alive with individuality,
Reaching out, learning the ways of life of another brother or sister is our reality,
To learn how to read, live, and capture the book before judging it by its cover,
By listening, we learn how to give our time; it’s our lives that we learn to rediscover.
Our time is the cheapest, yet most valuable resource of our daily lives,
Helping others adds color to our lives painted in only black and white,
But we are the pen in this once barren and desolate book called “Life”, and we must learn how to write.

— The End —