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Fearless Sep 2020
Drive down the dirt road
In my lifted grey truck
I steady my shot gun
and aim for that duck
big pond on my left
and a field on my right
black eye a bit sore
from my big fight last night
pullin the trigger
I laugh at my luck
as down she falls
that beautiful duck
Pirate the dog
jumps out of the back
he's off like a shot
put my gun on the rack
duck in his mouth
he comes back with joy
and I pat his head
cuz he's such a good boy
back in the truck
and we ramble on
there's no tellin' at all
how long we'll be gone...
Fearless Sep 2020
Why am I anxious, no I don't know why
the spinning thoughts, they make me cry
Not good enough, the devil's own lie

Filling your mind up with all of this stuff
making you feel like you're never enough
TV and social media, making things rough

shut off all the noise and enjoy sweet release
with none of that clamoring, anxieties cease
let yourself make room for God's loving peace

Imbalance comes next, after your mental intake
all that time spent dwelling on a past mistake
will keep you stressed out, and always awake

let it go, it's no more, just push it away
don't repeat it! It's past, and it had it's day
the price not an endless thing you have to pay

One thing that's awful is indecision
this can be an unending prison
a jumbled up mass of creative vision

anxiety comes because you can't control
you try and you try to but it will take it's toll
just make a choice, and then work towards a goal

Integrity's a place where anxieties start
it's when you are not being true to your heart
you'll feel torn, like you're falling apart

put others first and scatter some joy
don't treat others like they are your toy
be patient, and not easy for them to annoy

another thing, is check your intention
don't strut around, oozing pretension
this one is an act of anxiety prevention

you're responsible for the reasons you act
YOU are responsible for the things that you lack
don't be a victim always feeling attacked

watch what you imagine inside of your head
replace negative thoughts with happy instead
or your heart will feel heavy as a bag of lead

Don't stay isolated, it's the worst place to be
it's where all of this takes root, don't you see?
Being alone will drive you up a tree

people need companionship, friendship, and love
and never forget to ask for help from above!
Fearless Aug 2020
I'm sad I had to leave you
I hope you understand
I loved you oh so much
your wish was my command
I know you're sad I'm gone now
but you don't have to be
because I know a secret
and I want you to see
there's this place called Heaven
and that's where doggies go
with endless parks and milk bones
I thought that you should know
there also is this big guy
His name is kind of odd
because it's my name backwards
and so we call him God
now you know I'm safe here
where dogs go when they die
I hope you get a new friend
'cause I don't want you to cry
Fearless Aug 2020
The day that you were born my life was not the same
because on that day, everything became a game
you can't play games alone, so I'm happy we are two
cuz life would never be as fun, if I did not have you
no one makes me laugh the way I know you can
not my friends or our parents, or my favorite man
we played barbies, rode bikes, and then some hide and seek
lift each other up and help when the other's feeling weak
punched each other in the face, and cried a lot of tears
we had a lot of ups and downs and struggles through the years
but you're the only one that's been there and gets me like you do
and I hope you know that I'm the one that really gets you too
my life has been so blessed because you're in my life
I can't wait to stand beside you, as you become a wife
you're the best thing that could have ever happened to me
being an only child would have driven me up a tree
so have a happy birthday, on your special day
and to your happiness and hope, to God I always pray
Fearless Aug 2020
folded in upon herself
round curves and sharp lines
her brain all fuddled by it's grief
and her circumstance defines
she feels an empty shell
and so I've drawn her so
a girl without a face
for nobody can know
a person not themselves
but what others think they want
crushed inside this empty shell
the bravest soul to daunt
the empty loneliness engulfs
though surrounded by her peers
afraid to breathe or move or talk
locked inside her fears
and so she's sketchy pencil lines
for I have drawn her so
because one is not in color
until they can just let go
there is freedom in worship
but not if we are bound
we cannot even love ourselves
when worshipping those who walk the ground
Fearless Aug 2020
The sea is calm right 'fore the storm
I swim along, the water's warm
the moon so bright it calls my name
I answer as a moth to flame

a path he draws me with his light
I follow the trail of pale white
the stars are sparkling high above
all bathed in some creative love

up from the depths I swish my tail
catapult through air I sail
arch my back to dive back down
a simple joy my heart has found

hurricane's hold no fear for me
for I live deep within the sea
but if a sailor starts to drown
I hope it's where he can be found

for I would like a prince you see
a pirate man who loves the sea
bring him down to my watery home
where he and I can ever roam
Fearless Jul 2020
Do you wanna build a treehouse?
I just wanna play
we've no friends anymore
I feel it to my core
'cause we're all at home to stay

we used to be so social
and now we're not
only ******* reasons why

so do you wanna build a treehouse?
it doesn't have to be a treehouse

(Put on a mask!
Ok, bye...)

Do you wanna build a treehouse?
ride our bikes just where we choose
I know some social life is overdue
I'm so done listening to
the stupid freakin news!

(hang in there folks!)

It gets a tad bit lonely
with a covered face
watching our lives pass by...

Hey...I know you're out there.
we all probly feel the same
they say stay home stay safe
but see, I have this faith
and it's too big to tame

We all should help each other
there is always hope
so what are we gonna do?

Do you wanna build a treehouse?
sing to the tune of "Do you wanna build a snowman"
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