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 Jan 2019 Victoria
Questions I have
Have no answers
Words I say
Makes no sense to others
Being silent
Being muted
That seems my future

I don't want to live like this no more
I've been damaged by the oppression
And I'm not weak by admitting it
I'm healed enough to fight again
Trust me
You will hear my voice

Never let others say what you can and can't do ... Be you, be strong
 Dec 2018 Victoria
Ashley Jerome
Red were the roses, the ones I left on your casket,
Orange were the leaves, the ones in your tree,
Yellow were the bruises, the ones that covered you head-to-toe,
Green were the stains, the ones left on the hems of your jeans,
Blue were your lips, the day you were found in your noose,
Indigo was the night sky, that night that you died,
Violet was that bruise, the one you wore around your neck
by Alice Thyne, but i can relate so much

— The End —