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Mar 2020 · 75
john Hudson Mar 2020
drip drip

I watch the water droplets

drizzle down my shower door

drip drip

the tears are coming out

I can't keep them back anymore
Mar 2020 · 74
john Hudson Mar 2020
Dark, darker, darkest.

I rate the  shadows on the wall.

They can't touch you if you ignore them .

But it's hard to ignore them all...

Cause they get inside your *******

And. .Then. They. Start. To. Talk.

Loud, louder,loudest.

I rate the voices in my head

and now I've lost

cause they have my undivided attention.
Mar 2020 · 101
2 A.M
john Hudson Mar 2020
Im stuck in a maze

don't know wtich way

looking for answers

God testing my faith

my feelings keep switching wave after


now I'm  drowning and and I cant be saved

because nothing's seems take it away

no matter how many lines off how many trays

no matter how many white pills and hazy Sundays

the morning after I still feel the same every       *******       time

nothing will change

these walls

                        stay the very same

in these never ending maze

where I have lost my way...

— The End —