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 Mar 2014 ok
I read online about a coping technique:
When you're stressed, bite gently on your knuckles.

My knuckles are now so bruised and swollen it hurts to move my hand.
 Mar 2014 ok
Heliza Rose
 Mar 2014 ok
Heliza Rose
In this very moment everything hurts

In this very moment I regret my choices

In this very moment I realize I cant breath
 Mar 2014 ok
Vitis Lio
I've always believed
In looking at other people's
Points of view, In
Putting myself in
Someone else's shoes,
But I never meant it
Literally, until I found myself
In someone else's
Jacket, wearing
Someone else's
Trousers, wrapped
In someone else's arms.
(I need your arms
Wrapped tight around me)
 Mar 2014 ok
Marnelli Abian
Picasso, Leonardo

Neruda, and Bukowski

They will all lose

And see

The real art from me.

I’m not referring

to my love-sick poetry

Or stories of

tragedy and insanity.

I’m referring to one thing,

Something only I possess

Even the moon, waxing and waning,

Will shy away and brighten less.

It’s the art of you,

It’s your gentle hue.

Your Mona Lisa soul

Defeats Picasso blue.

Museums can’t take you,

The galaxy and stars too.

Art to be kept so true,

In my heart you will certainly do.
 Mar 2014 ok
Andrew Durst
 Mar 2014 ok
Andrew Durst
I never really traveled much;
that upsets me.
So I'll put my fingers on this modeled globe,
And travel across the world.
    In little to no time at all.
This is a perfect example of a random idea.
 Mar 2014 ok
Caitlin Driscoll
You make me want to damage my lungs and liver
10 w
 Mar 2014 ok
 Mar 2014 ok
Everybody lies, darling.
You've just gotta choose who is worth playing the fool for.
Funny to think
Eyes that once thought I was beautiful
Now gaze at the same beauty
And we're now blind to each other
 Mar 2014 ok
 Mar 2014 ok
You push me and pull me.
When you aren't here.
The past will control me.
At the wheel that I steer.

You loved me quite deeply.
But, you are no longer here.
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