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Just because you are a Military Officer, does it give you a license to sin?  You are taken to Court, for assaulting Women Officers, but you are the one to win.
Being a high Military Officer, are you above the law?  You are let off so easy, as if you didn't have a flaw.
I was taught at an early age, to respect those in leadership.  What happen when they are in uniform, do they think they are God, and suddenly they flip?
If their uniforms are going to make their heads big, someone need to take them away, even if they have to be hid.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
 Mar 2014 ok
it's just common sense to me.
having self worth is an unattainable peace.
the beauty and the beast.
because really if you think
about it, no one should really care
but confidence is always lacking.
few know the true peace,
of the true complete content and happiness
of having the self worth.
and envy swarms around us.
we can't see through all the dark
we're driven by that envy.
we end up even worse.
 Mar 2014 ok
a bitter pill
 Mar 2014 ok
sometimes my anger grows large enough to eclipse the sun
but not large enough to eclipse your ego.
 Mar 2014 ok
don't be vague
 Mar 2014 ok
if your purpose is vague
your voice is vague
your dreams are vague
your wanting is vague
your hopes...

if your giving is vague
your pity is vague
your sight is vague
your tears are vague
your love...

if your cry is vague
your memories are vague
your meaning is vague
your taking is vague
your breathing...

if your prayers are vague
your faith is vague
your understanding is vague
your asking is vague
your future is vague
then your God is vague too.
quotes about god...
 Mar 2014 ok
Jessica Pfeiffer
How my emotions can now get the best of me.
All it takes is one sad show, one sad movie, one sad:
life tale,
I don’t even need some sad trigger and I am at the beginning again  standing at a shore that looks into a vast sea.
An: angry,
dying and in agony ocean with each fish holding some sort of painful memory.  No this sea is not calm.
Each time I think I am getting better, WRONG, I am just a ticking time bomb.
Yep, that is right I just EXPLODE, BOOM!
Do you want to know what it feels like?
Well guess what, I will tell you anyway:
you are decaying from the inside out,
your heart feels like it is on fire and melting onto your rib cage, dripping on each and every other *****,
your brain thinking so many things at such an accelerated rate you can hardly make it out but at same time it is thinking nothing,
you are in so much pain you can not even shout, even harder to type these words down, I probably sound like a clown.
Tears? FORGET IT, you ran out of those long ago.
I always tell myself:
there are people who have had it worst than I, it is true I can not deny.
Look at me though, this is PITIFUL.
I envy:
those who cut themselves,
or try to commit suicide.  
They get help, they can not hide.
It is funnier because if you saw me on a street this is not what you would see.
I would be as happy as a bumblebee.

— The End —