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  Sep 2019 Venga
I met a boy with bright blue eyes
He looked at me with a softness I didn’t know I needed
As he softly whispered
Don’t go.
I just started seeing this guy, and he is wonderful, so patient and soft with me.
  Sep 2019 Venga
Grayce Hobart
to look back
at my words
tears open old wounds

but perhaps they have stayed open
because i have stopped tending to them.
Venga Sep 2019
a whole visual
based on watercolor and paint brushes

mapped on creativity

the different hues
of pink and periwinkle

strokes that indict emotion

strokes that indict our surroundings

strokes that indict spirituality

and more and more strokes of paint
Venga Sep 2019
what if

we could just simplify things

be at peace and happy

love unnecessarily to those who need it
and to those who don’t necessarily
deserve it

look at the bright side of things

enjoy sunsets and sunrises

be grateful for the air we breath even if it’s
not the exact air we want

judge nothing but the flaws in ourselves
and work on them

look in the mirror and see ourselves
not the person we want others to see ourselves as

fight less and talk more

eat foods that make our body smile
and one’s that make our hearts too

sing to ourselves and the world
about happiness

a concept about a world
possible but not
Venga Sep 2019
i’d like to think

there is more to me then the surface
that I can bring joy to lives

I blame others for not willing to try
to meet my deeper person

when my deeper person doesn’t
want to meet others
Venga Aug 2019
i wanted the classic

“good morning”

i didn’t want money
i didn’t want anything extraordinary

i wanted the classic

“i love you”

i wanted loyalty and trust

i wanted to be wanted

but that is too much
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