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Vanidy Jul 2019
Leave me alone.
I don't want comfort.

I don't want such holy water
Over these wounds I caused to myself.
I won't want your uplift
When this weight on my shoulder keeps sinking me down.

Why do you want to play with me?
Why are you still here?

Leave me alone.

What else do I do? Lie to myself that I'm useful?
Sweetness stays for awhile before everything returns to bitterness.
Your comfort can only sweeten so much of the bitterness of my uselessness.

Leave me alone.
I went on a breakdown after multiple problems in a week, both in life and in games.
Vanidy Oct 2017
A little sugar, a bit of ink.
Hurry up before your inspirations sink!
Let's put the pen down, don't be lame.
We are going to make a poem!

A little ink, a bit of sugar.
Put more effort in to make the poem happier!
Just move your hands,
Make your poems even more grand!

Just a bit more time.
Everything must rhyme.
And we finished the game!
We have a poem!
Vanidy Nov 2017
The moon shines.
No time to cry.
Step out of your shrine!
It's time to fly!

Let's gather everyone
And have a trip downtown.
Do whatever you want
Until you're drowned!

There's nothing stopping us tonight.
So let's give it your all!
Everything is filled with sparkles and light
So let's break the limits, we shall!
Vanidy Oct 2017
Little dragonfly.
Flapping it's tiny wings.
Giving it's best try.
To ride the air in one swing.

Lights above a car.
Car under a tree.
Fireflies in my jar.
Nature over me.

Little dragonfly.
Show me where you live.
So I can sink myself into nature and try
Try to see how my imagination can dive.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Oh, little kitten.
Letting out your little sounds.
So shy, yet so confident.
Like a little puff on the ground.

Curling up like a ball.
Just burying into the grass.
No worries, you shall.
As you're a very cute little lass.

As shy and as confident you are.
You can drive another person crazy.
You're like a little nectar
That makes me happy.
Vanidy Nov 2017
I'm lonely.
Rolling and sighing.
Very unhappy.
I'm used to people companying.

The sound of silence.
The wind howls in the room.
It makes me dense.
Everything becomes so gloom.

I'm just sitting
Playing with only a bug.
I'm lonely, so I want someone coming.
And give me a hug.
Someone come and give me a hug...
Vanidy Nov 2017
I have been seeking for you.
Love is the only reason.
You are the only truth.

I was pathetic and alone.
Still as pathetic now, but less.
Do you know how much I was affected on?

Even though I am careless.
In just a moment, you are already there.
Death can't compare to when you are in unhappiness.
Vanidy Nov 2017
I used to walk down the path to my home.
Lonely, cold, just like the norm.
The frostbites still hurt.
Until he touches my cold heart.

I fought battles on the field
And I fought the cold against my feels.
But I certainly couldn't fight
Someone that is in my love sight.

He's always been there, watching
Caring and talking about what I'm thinking.
He gave me a scarf he made.
Since then, my life changed by a shade.

And now I'm here, sitting next to my little vain.
With the shaky movements of the train.
His sleep sounds like blowing into a bullet shell,
It makes a good melody. With his cute face as well.
Vanidy Nov 2017
I remember, when I was in the army,
Everything was cold and heavy.
So I was affected and trained.
To be as cold and lethalized.

Most people don't look at me normally.
Or I don't think even myself do, actually.
The bloods on my hand, the cold fingers
With my tip on the trigger.

And then he comes in, slowly but surely.
Grabs on my hand with no worries.
The finger on my trigger moves away.
The only time I've ever felt such traces.

I keep remembering, about his arrival.
I suddenly forget about my train arrival.
Because for me, the war is ended
When our hands are intertwined.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Little bullets, little shells.
The ping echoes very well.
The sound of lead falling to the ground.
Peace has finally been found.

The cheering noise of the winners.
And the calming complaints of the losers.
The arguments about anything False and True.
And the hugs between me and you.

Everyone and everything,
With their own noises and things.
But what I love about such loudness,
Is that people won't mind our business.

The little sound of lips touching,
The movement of our kissing.
The little wounds on my shirt
And the victory in our heart.
Vanidy Nov 2017
The wind howls tonight.
The moon still shines bright.
The leaves are wiggling.
I am still waiting.

Under the soft dancing rain.
The city looks like decoration on porcelain.
The water drops down the vain,
Softly like winds against curtains.

Under a little tree outside.
With the cold, romantic air tonight.
I guess it's a beautiful sight.
Oh look, he is there alright.
Vanidy Oct 2017
i made cupcakes for the job
it's filled with icing on the outside
just to cover the dark chocolate inside.

i made cupcakes for the job
it's a vanilla flavor on the outside
but inside, it's just empty white.

us human are also made for the job
they seem to just be happy and cheery on the outside
and just like cupcakes, they are eaten, slowly but surely
until they become empty and dark inside.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Oh darling, show me what you can do.
You said something about cooking.
So please, make my heart go doo-doo.
And make me a dish for tonight's dining.

Under candlelights and moody atmosphere,
Under romantic breezes and gentle bliss,
Please make something to feed my sphere
And add to this perfection a little kiss.

Oh darling, so little I see from you
Yet so many that you could do.
So please, give me more of you
And make my heart go doo-doo!
Vanidy Oct 2017
Chocolate, strawberry.
Making me some nice delicacy.
So I can bring to the class.
And become happy with the clash.

Vanilla, eggs and powder.
The sweetness I ponder.
A little sugar in my slice.
Give life some more spice.

All in oven, high heat.
Everything must be neat.
Because cakes are for friendships.
You'll never get better tips.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Match, match.
Burning a box of match.
The fire lights up dim.
Brings back the war grim.

Those days through the fences.
March through the trenches.
March through the fire.
Without any desire.

I fought aimlessly
While aiming endlessly.
For I am a soldier
I will give no quarter.

But then the lights burn out.
I came back to reality with a quiet shout.
Comparing to a girl that lives with trees,
Was that really me?
Vanidy Oct 2017
The world was generated
With trees and animals
Nothing to be afraid.
Until human came.

They put their life to good use.
They invented lots of things.
They put life into the blues.
They made "meanings".

These meanings we made
Squared up mother nature.
It's more tidy in this shade
But it's more than what we are sure.

Later and later, the meanings
Squared up everything around us.
Everything is in for framing.
And for us to discuss.

And then there will be no meanings
Nothing else to square up.
To explain where life is aiming.
Vanidy Oct 2017
It's almost winter.
I sit in here, shiver.
Reading a story.
About a bit of glory.

Hot cocoa.
A bit of sugar and "moe".
Songs with lyrics.
Clock ticks.

Time goes by, slowly.
So do I walk, to my bookshelf of stories.
In this near winter, with my hot cocoa.
I want that little bit of "moe".
Vanidy Nov 2017
Wherever I go
Shiny moon follows.
The fact for years
Strange for me to hear.

It never stops follow
Wherever I go.
When I'm sad or happy,
Moon is always with me.

Moon doesn't come at day
And only visit at night's haze.
It's been a fact for years
Now, it's common to hear.

Whenever I'm sad or happy,
Moon is always with me.
And I'm more than through,
When you are always with me too.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Silent morning.
Broken in such great timing.
Drills, saws, hammers.
Breaking the silence of nature.

Can't sleep with these sounds.
My head goes round and round.
So I decided, yet again.
To go on an adventure, escape this ears pain.

But now I finally know.
About the sounds around me right now.
It's trying to keep me awake.
So I can go on an adventure without stakes.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Notes and Tones.
Sitting on my throne.
Playing instruments.
With a weird enjoyment.

Musics are like toys
For bigger girls and boys.
Just arrange the sounds
And bring the melody to the cloud.

Notes and Tones.
My own music zone.
For my own taste and youth.
For my daily reminder of you.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Music notes fly around.
My head goes round and round.
Playing with the melody.
In my head, a sudden symphony.

My fingers move along the keys.
Humming happily as I can be.
Mi to Fa, then to So.
The class has just begun.

Moving my fingers along the keys.
My hair waves along the movement of my melody.
My head goes round and round.
Music notes fly around.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Day another, night another,
I talk to my friend, to each other.
She was a person who stays with nature.
As the rain and moon follow her.

One night, she talked to me.
She talked about happy things.
In a quiet night, with the moon shine brightly,
The rain starts dropping like dancing.

And every night, she's like that.
Always find me and chit chat.
Always with the moon shine bright
And with the rain dancing high.

But one night, she talked to me.
She talked about happy thinks.
In a quiet night, suddenly a burst.
A burst of rain and her emotional curse.

Then every night, she's like that.
Always find me to chit chat.
But it's only sadness and pain,
A broken moon, a stormy rain.
Vanidy Nov 2017
I bought a little bunny.
It's cute and jumpy.
It's too cute, I thought.
So I made it my mascot.

And I appeared as a bunny.
As cute and jumpy.
Everyone cheerish on me.
Saying how I am so happy.

And everyday, I'm always a bunny.
A cheerleader for everyone in the university.
I need to be more jumpy for enjoyment.
Because everyone needs encouragement.
Vanidy Nov 2017
A stream of river.
My pen shivers.
And so, my poem rolls away.
Like a path with only one way.

Anything will go in the past.
Like all my cupcakes and custards.
And if I'm lucky,
My poems become history.
Vanidy Oct 2017
The night comes, darkness blows.
Streetlight glows.
I walk outside with joyful mood of the blue.
With my new pair of shoes.

Checking stores, looking at trees.
Have fun with anything as they be.
Cats, dogs, mice or birds.
Staying inside at night is for nerds.

Just walk outside, feels the wind.
Splashes against your face and hairpin.
Let's have a trip before the sun.
Everything at night is even more fun.
Vanidy Nov 2017
The moonlight shines on my skin,
I take a small walk down the path
Shortly after my quick bath.
Everything seems more strange than I've seen.

The soft, cold wind blows,
Hitting against my soft cheeks,
The streetlamps lit up at where I peek,
With the friendly wind howl.

Walking down my path
Of life and love.
Like wings of a dove,
Soft and gentle like a pat.
Vanidy Oct 2017
One day, I was walking with a bad mood.
Then I suddenly see a pile of mud.
It was terribly ***** and gray.
I tried to stay well away.

One day, I was walking with a better feeling.
Then I see a flower bush, very appealing.
I went closer, then snapped one.
Bringing it home, just what I want.

Mud and flower, two things that always oppose.
But there's one thing they didn't know.
Inside the mud was the most perfect flower.
And inside the other one, there was a sting bee with power.
Vanidy Oct 2017
One wish
If you had one wish in this world?
What would you wish for?
In this one life changer
What would you do to use this galore?

Would you wish for
Traveling around the world?
Or wish for
Being a little kitty to curl?

Wishes for
Being a bird and escape?
Or wishes for
Being anything that can run from the repeating tape?

Wishes for
Being a normal human person?
Wishes for
Best first impressions?

If it's me, I'd wish
This entire life restarts
And even my poems that will perish.
Only if I had
Vanidy Oct 2017
On the way to my little school,
I saw two kids who were kinda cool
Suddenly one kicks another in the back.
The other one still go away with his backpack.

On the way to my little school,
I saw birds tweeting two-by-two
Suddenly, they saw a little piece of grain.
They start fighting for it, in pain.

Life is like a school's typical day.
Either gets kicked in the back, or die the other way.
On the way to school, I wonder.
"How much can this life be more insecure?"
Vanidy Oct 2017
I have a cup of orange juice.
Makes me forget about my bruise.
Makes me forget about any anxiety
Depression, boredness and worries.

I can imagine rainbows above my head.
Cats, dogs and birds around my bed.
Anything that hurts won't sting.
As long as I'm enjoying my drink.

A little bit of orange in my life.
Makes me forget about cutting myself on a slice.
Why do we need anti-depressant and alcohol?
When we can just have some juice after all?
Vanidy Oct 2017
The room.
Flowers bloom.

The rain.
Coating paint.

The product.
Don't need the plug.
There's still happiness.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Physical Education.
Filled with stress and frustration.
Running here and there like an idiot.
Can't stop looking ridiculous.

Hopping into sandbox.
Hopefully your knees won't knock.
Or running through a whole school yard.
Hopefully your legs won't react.

It's just frustration.
But it's also a competition.
To show who can endure the longest
Through the stress and become the best.
Vanidy Oct 2017
The notes are lower than my emotions.
The instruments break just like my motions.
I keep pressing the wrong keys, messing up a line.
Just like that moment I mess up my life.

Now I see why it's called a piano.
Because for me, that's a no.
And also for me, I deserve nothing.
And only the most perishing things.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Music to my deafened ears
Taught me how to hear.
Hear the sounds of nature's haze.
And hear his piano plays.

He may not have a very smooth finger,
Nor a very attractive accent, or is very tinder.
But he is very kind and good to the social.
Especially when he moves his hands on the piano.

Oh, the peaceful sound of the instruments
Makes me forget about life's torturement.
Oh dear, please don't leave with your music.
Play until I sleep and stop being sick.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Oh dear, when you play your piano.
I always forget all my tension.
But whenever you give your talent a go,
I can't seem to hold my confession.

When I can't understand even myself,
All I want to do is just smile.
But it's like reaching a bookshelf.
I feel like you're standing away by a mile.

Oh darling, how must I express to you
When all there is nothing left, just a bit?
I think I can just die now, too,
And just listen to your piano sheet.
Vanidy Nov 2017
When you play the piano,
It sounds like grabbing my heart.
As the music notes go,
My chest feels both healthy and hurt.

I cannot understand such mechanism
That I am feeling inside.
What is it called, in this realism,
To describe such peace in mind?

My head is running, yet resting.
My body reacts strongly.
I think I'm just addicting
To this amazing melody.
Vanidy Oct 2017
I always talk about a pillow.
I know she doesn't like it, but no
She sits there, lets me talk about it.
As I happily talk about it.

How I always love to hug the pillow
How I always stick with the pillow until now.
How I keep talking about my pillow.
And how I always cry with it in my sorrow.

I keep talking about it, she forcedly smile.
We've been talking about it for awhile.
Little did she know,
She was that pillow.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Poem streams
Every now and then
I write with my poem streams.
In my literature tent,
About nature and dreams.

I look and write about
Cute little things that I've seen.
I keep going in and out
Like a naughty child I've been.

I've written too much to recall
About all the things I love.
But I can't seem to write, at all
About the person that I love.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Poetry is like a flow
Of endless words and lines.
You just have to follow
Until the end of the line.

Maybe you will get exhausted.
Maybe you will feel down.
But you must be reminded,
If you stop, you drown.

You must keep on writing.
Maybe you can't stop it.
But you must keep going.
You can do it!
Vanidy Nov 2017
I have so many questions
That I can't even mention.
Life gave me curiosity.
I gave life creativity.

Why doesn't the atmosphere
Stay at one air degree?
Why does my hair fall
When I let it go?

Such simple things for ordinary people.
Yet for me, so knowledgeable.
And there's one answer that holds me tight.
You will answer them for me, right?
Vanidy Nov 2017
It rained hard today.
The thick water wall covers the atmosphere.
Can barely see my way.
But I see everything yet so clear.

The rain drops down like a weight.
The water gives the landscape a white cover.
I just keep walking ahead straight,
Without even any consider.

This wetness is shameful, that's true.
For nature rained ******* me.
But it's more than shame on you,
For not taking nature's challenge seriously.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Rain and Sun.
It starts becoming fun.
It interrupts with each other.
Makes an orchestra, unlike others.

The grass starts dancing to the rain.
The sun calls the flowers out of their veins.
I start peeking out of the window.
Watching such interesting event now.

It starts raining cats and dogs.
While the sun wipes away the fog.
I lean outside the window.
Gaze at the rainbow.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Wind and air.
Sun and cloud.
Sound of despair.

My grandma.
Raincloud loud.

Sadness and empathy.
All for my granny and me.
I'm proud.
Vanidy Oct 2017
The streets are flooding.
I'm just sitting on my table.
Listening to something suitable.

The rain never tells right and wrong.
Sometimes so gentle, sometimes so strong.
But I'm still sitting here.
Music in my ears.

Eventually the rain will stop.
And the busy streets start going hop.
But I'm just sitting here, sobs,
I only wished, the rain never stops.
Vanidy Nov 2017
Everything will essentially
Decay to dust.
Because naturally,
Dying is a must.

The way is long for us to rally.
But our life is short against gusts.
So we ought to hurry.
Before everything goes to dusk.

The sight ahead is blurry.
But we have already discussed.
That we must go ahead furiously.
Before everything goes to dust.
Vanidy Oct 2017
The lamp posts flash.
My feet dash.
Running through the rain.
Engulfed in happiness and pain.

The raindrops strike against my cheek.
It's raining so hard that I can't even peek.
But still, it's been awhile
Since I've tasted a rain this wild.

I run under the rain, soaking wet.
I'm gonna get scolded at, I bet.
But I am happy.
Nature rained for me.
Vanidy Oct 2017
I am sick now.
All I can do is frown.
Shaking from all the chill.
They said coldness can ****.

I'm just sitting here,
Waiting for a cup of hot tea.
My fingers can barely move.
Yet my ears can still feel some groove.

I'm just sitting here, sick.
Random cough and hiccs.
But at least I won't go to school.
That's a lot more cool.
Vanidy Nov 2017
A blanket and pillow
No more sadness and sorrow.
I jump into my bed and sleep
With warmth and sheep.

No need for worries.
Just dream about curries.
Tomorrow will be bright.
And everything will be alright.

I just need to sleep.
Before my clock goes beep.
And I don't mind the blanket.
Someone will roll me inside it.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Chocolate pudding.
Cupcake icing.
Everything is so sweet.
I can already feel them in my seat.

Green-tea Biscuits.
Cupcakes are cute.
Snacks are like me in a gentle bliss,
Waiting for a kiss.

So much delicacy.
So yummy and tasty.
And what I want to do
Is to share these with you.
Vanidy Oct 2017
Because of the rain.

I dunno
What to do
Where should I go
And just, myuuu...

Medicine in mug.
Give me hug.
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