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 May 2014 Just Jenny
I can't focus
you're all that keeps my mind straight
You're all that keeps me in line
Please don't leave,
stay so things don't go blurry
 May 2014 Just Jenny
Inspiration doesn't strike me
I feel I have to earn it

My heart says,
       Write, for you have words to say
          Words to be heard
             Words to be thought on

My heart and head do not converse
I know this
As my hands are still frozen
There is no inspiration
Should I write when the words won't come out?
 May 2014 Just Jenny
With age comes wisdom
I'd rather not know anything
Than have to experience the pain
I rather be ignorant
Than be all knowing
Why ?
Because when you don't know anything
All you know is **Happiness
 May 2014 Just Jenny
 May 2014 Just Jenny
Why is it then when I try to write a happy poems
the words they don't flow as well.
My mind over the influence of pain
keeps me under to drown again.
Until I'm close to destruction of self.
Then It lifts me above water for a breath.
Only to sink me under again.
Giving me just enough air to breath.
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