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It's the little things that
drives one mad,
a snapped shoelace,
on your way to the
liquor store in the
driving snow.
A cockroach in
the cereal,
dead batteries, when all you
want to do is listen
to music.
Shifty-eyed people in
my house, quietly plotting
my demise.
It's the tree of
life, cut down to clear
space for a parking lot.
No love from my brother.
Another frosty day in April.
Cigarette prices constantly
rising astronomically.
Footsteps in an empty
It's Just a hop, skip, and
a jump to the madhouse.
I am so pleased to announce the release of my new book, It's Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse, available on Amazon.

Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
I am so happy to announce the publication of my new book, It's Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse, available on Amazon.  I also read my poetry on my youtube channel.
Thanks to everyone for this great site.
I used to go to
these poetry slams in
Des Moines.
Little coffee shops of
They were competitive.
I won a few.
I was homeless and going
through a divorce, life
had me by the throat.
I wanted to win at
That was going to
be a long shot.

The patrons applauded
after the poetry was read.
And after the cruelty of
The concrete, the applause
felt nice.
But mostly, it was the
pretty posey,
the cute and polished
cat **** that received
the prizes.
The stuff with no guts.
It felt like I was watching
goldfish in a bowl.

Eventually, I walked out
of the coffee shop circuit.
It didn’t prepare me at all for
my debut in the abandoned houses,
writing words on the walls of those
mad January nights.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.

And I am pleased to announce the release of my new book, It's Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse, available on Amazon.
It's Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse is available on  It's raw and gritty, powerful writing.
There is dust on
the wall.
I watch it hang in
little wisps.
I’m distracted by  
All of it.
The small and large
items of life have me
chasing my tail, and avoiding  
the pen.

I postpone writing, like I’m
ending a bad relationship.
I avoid the tough
I dance with impotence and
procrastination, like they are
lovely women.

I need to write.
I must create.
But there is an  
antagonist at work in the
trivial details of my
It smells like copper.
It hides the ink from  
my mind.

It would rather I do
anything else:
watch TV
or sometimes,
just stare at the
dust on the wall.
Here is a link to my YouTube channel where I read my poetry from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on

I have also been experimenting with building a website.
When I was
I had to learn.
Sit and wait to
I  would get
impatient and force it.
If you read it,
you could tell.

Now I’m quite a bit older, and
I quit trying.
Fodder seems to be
I can write about
the most mundane

Today I’m at the
library waiting for my
girlfriend to
finish up at the dentist.
She’s getting her
teeth cleaned.
All my drinking ruined
my teeth.
When I got them
pulled a year ago,
there wasn’t a
healthy tooth in my head.
I have dentures now, so
I don’t have to
worry about how much I drink.
I know this isn’t a
good poem, but
there she is
all shiny and bright…
and sober.
This is a repost.  I have been sober for over two years now.  Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Life is a series of tiring verbs
as I wade through the
ashes of orchids.
I'm a vagabond with
a ragged soul
coming for you *******
a lonesome road.
I float aimless,
like an acorn in
a mountain stream.
The death of dreams smells
like autumn leaves,
lonely as driftwood.

Home is not going to be
a white door at the
end of a sidewalk.
It's bigger and broader,
and can't fit behind a
fence and walls.
It will always be the
sum of my
memories and longings.

Home is walking the streets,
hand in hand,
with our son on my shoulders.
Home is lying in
the grass with your
fingers in my beard, and hope
oozing from your blue eyes.
It's eating sushi and laughing at
our accidental touch of hands,
reaching together for
the last California roll;
avocado safe at
a sun-dappled table.

I'm drifting lost on
a southern wind.
When I'm with you again,
wherever that is,
I'll be home.
Here is a link to my latest poetry reading on youtube.
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