I Do not look to you with questioning eyes
For I do not possess the answers they seek
I cannot taste the bitter sweetness of your tongue,
or smell the withered flowers along your path
My heart beats with less rhythm than your blues
I am unable to stumble through your dark mind,
for you are poet undiscovered
Your answers are hidden deep within a mind and a pen
For you hide behind a painted closed window
Pushing too little but arriving late
Not aware of your own greatness
Solitarily, and feeling sorry for yourself
When instead, the world celebrates sad clowns
but you do not let laughter mix with your grey sky tears
I myself, see images of your words poured out on limitless pages, sculpted your words have substance Becoming living
and breathing beings I wish you to reveal to us your cherished words show them to a forgiving and un-forgiven world
Risk the grasping hands of rejection
True courage will reveal your greatest work
Without risk you cannot will not bleed
Instead, days will become years Yesterday will slide into tomorrow
All the while the world would be less A shadow of what it could have been in a place of unawareness
Oblivious to its own lacking.
All because of a missing Unexpressed Silent Unexplored voice!
Or maybe Just Maybe One Letter A tiny little letter will grow into a word Several strung together
Then we will all be a witnesses to the magic of a singular voice of a wide eyed dreamer
Then you will feel that collective sigh as other broken dreamers applaud you for on that day
if only you possess the courage all will know
That you truly are and always have been a Poet!