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 Sep 2013 thinklef
raw edge
 Sep 2013 thinklef
I can't give the raw edge,
Of Life,
a chance in words,
flies away like birds,
it is not mine,
to give.

like the amazon queen,
who ****** for her ****,
(they sleep for now)
they both crawl or limp
out from behind the bustop
I can see the scars from her battles,
starting with the nose on her face,
working down her arms,
and even her legs,
he is an intense pair of eyes,
Address *mean street
on repeat,
as his looks are like darts,
avoid eye contact, or there
might be only two sounds

he is porter, drags the bags for the both,
they are looking for a home, as the hint,
of cool morning dew tears, is fall, then winter
Will chase at their heels, and his role as protector,
will be tested against a cold-hearted enemy,
in the open, they are on the hunt for a shelter
to run the business, where he is lord, master, lover,
And ****.

every day this merciful summer,
it has been a different stop, bus or not
every night under stars pinpoints,
Not Needle Marks,
but the Personal Crack Pipe,
needs cleaning before the next use,
like removing makeup from her skin,
just to put it on again,
And off,
And on,
as he banks the money,
for commodities Street market loss or gain
after all what is the price of crack *******?

The raw cost,
In the raw, her business attire,
The raw edge,
I have not lived, not mine to give.

*see "up the creek ...." Apr 3
"Two sounds" reference, you know, his fist hitting anyone's face and that face hitting the ground.
 Sep 2013 thinklef
Fancy clothes, expensive cars
Big diamonds, fine cigars
Money beyond compare
So many riches everywhere
Perfect family, amazing friends
The blessings never seem to end
But despite having it all
You could easily fall
Money can't buy
That would
Be ridiculous
Money makes
People miserable
Makes you feel
Too powerful
It can make you
An addict
Diet pills
Substance abuse
It can cause
Early deaths
Money, fame
You could have
The full works
But it wouldn't
Make a difference
You'd still be
The fragile shell
Filling yourself
With material things
Silicone, toxins
Baby, take your
Take care of
Your life
Before it
A ****** case
In paradise
A bullet through
Your skull and brain
Because you had
What everyone
Wanted to gain.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I wrote this.
I guess I was highly inspired,
by the tragic consequences and problems,
of sometimes having too much of a good thing.
Life is but a cinemax,let's face the facts
we travel round and round the screen and though we'd like to be a scene within the picture that's being seen,we haven't got a hope in hell.
They sell these scenes to make our dreams and any scenes we may fall in are cut and put into the bin.
The real sin lies in the lies we're told,
as the green screen folds our lives in two
and the camera crew don't give a frig, to us, the not so big that we don't matter but we could shatter all their dreams by boycotting their clapped out screens and yet we still pretend that in the end,we'll get our break,take our fifteen minutes of fame,
well,thank you all the same I'd sooner not,I'd sooner scratch the spot that's sat upon my ***,
and one day anyway the day will come when we all get our moment in the spotlight of the sun
so why worry?
 Sep 2013 thinklef
 Sep 2013 thinklef
Intrigued how people
Fall victim to deceit
And greed
What makes
A person
Want to seek
Levels in which
They cannot reach?

There is no need
For reverse
All you need
Is to think
Like the one
Who you are
Intrigued by

Maybe it's their intelligence
Or their lack of remorse
Maybe the way they act
And are well spoken
With their words

It's those simple things
That tell the tale
Of how this man
Or this woman
Made you feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
I see the stars,
I see the light.
The only thing
I see is your
beautiful sight.
I see your plain,
I see your pain.
The only thing
I see is you
wanting to
be loved by
I see your price,
I see your dice.
The only thing
I see is you
caring for
one another.
I see you barely,
I see you carelessly.
The only thing I see
is you watching
over yourself.
This is what
all people
do I guess,
But all people
need to fellow
their dreams.
Do what you
want while
your still young.
From me to you,
all peoples lives
are a successful
journey and love
ever new day that
god brings to you.
Be one with yourself
and one with the world.
 Sep 2013 thinklef
Mike Hauser
A well worn path in the grass
A permanent smudge on the bell
Both put there by U.P.S.
Bringing me more of which I delve

Whether Infomercial or Shopping channel
Maters not they're both the same
I have both they're 800 numbers
They have both my number and name

My family thinks I have a problem
It's plain to me they don't understand
Shopping and T.V...the best of worlds
With remote grasped firmly in hand

And the deals, why they keep on coming
3 easy payments are done in a snap
I might have a bit of a habit
But it's not like I'm addicted to crack

Of course I only purchase what's needed
Though every so often I do have to splurge
But only if the object is shinny
On that you do have my word

Now if you'll pardon me, here's a new item
And they're getting ready to spill the deal
By the way, I'm also expecting a package
Would you kindly listen out for the bell
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