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Lola Mar 2018
A cup in one hand
My pen in the other
I can start to move on
And I heal myself further
With the help of a man
not the one I need
But maybe he is exactly
What I need him to be
Kind and caring
With a glint in his eye
Not giving a ****
As the people pass by
An endless ability
To take away my pain
to drag me from the darkness
And make me smile again
It’s not the same love I feel
But it’s almost as strong
Maybe this is how it should have been
What I needed all along
Just a person to talk to
To take away my fear
To listen to my sadness
And share with me a tear
I don’t need him anymore
The man I yearned for all that time
I can honestly say I wouldn’t care
If he never would be mine
Because I found a friend In all this war
I found another man
Who helped me want to live again
And showed me that I can
Lola Mar 2018
I’m tired of living
For everyone but me
I’m tired of being
What you need me to be
I’m tired of helping
Everyone but myself
Tired of trying
To live for everyone else
But I can try to be happy
And I can try to be me
To become that girl
That I hope that you see
Because I have so much to live for
And so much I can do
And I’m tired of knowing
That I’m doing all this for you
Although you may love me
Which you know means a lot
You can’t force me to become
A person I’m not
I’m dark but I’m happy
I’m cold but I smile
So just listen to my voice
And I’ll stay here a while
I know that you saved me
I will never forget
But I need to live for me now
And I haven’t started yet
Lola Mar 2018
My eyes are dark
A hollow window inside
Where everything evil
All the monsters hide
Do not be mistaken
I’m not what you see
I’m not all those things
That you want me to be
I’m damaged and blackened
Like a cloud in a storm
Beware of my lighting
So much stronger than before
My love is all gone now
I know you don’t know
But I’m so close to death now
But you won’t let me go
I just keep on living
A day at a time
I’m living for you now
My life isn’t mine
I just want to leave this
To be free from my pain
But I wake up again now
And it starts over again
Lola Feb 2018
I’ve got no strings
To hold me down
To make me laugh
Or make me frown
I’ve got no one
I let them go
There’s no one left
I’m all alone
I’ve left it all
It all behind
There’s nothing left
Nothing to find
I just can’t stop
I need to cry
It’s so bizarre
I don’t know why
My heart is gone
Broken in two
And who’s to blame?
I know it’s you
They all just took
My life away
I’m empty now
No more to say
Lola Feb 2018
Hush little baby don’t say a word
Don’t listen to the cruel things you’ve heard
And if those harsh things find a way in
Just ignore them and know they won’t win
And if your heart feels as though it’s made of glass
And you feel that its pumping too fast
Just come out from there and look me in the eye
And no I can’t give you a reason why
And if you find that I am not enough
Then find you a man who looks real tough
And if that man can’t care for your soul
Just come back to me and I’ll make you whole
Lola Feb 2018
Here I am now
Sharp eyes in the dark
You’ll scream if you see me
Or wake with a start
Because I am it
I am what you all fear
You may keep your distance
For if you get too near
You’ll see what I am
And what I’ve become
Hissing and spitting
And it can’t be undone
I’m broken and shattered
Rewritten with pain
Theres no way to return me
Back to myself again
This is who I am
With my blackened heart
I watched as i rotted
As my life fell apart
I watched as I lost
Every part of my brain
And now you may judge me
You may call me insane
But you have not witnessed
All the things that I’ve done
And you have not looked
Down the barrel of this gun
Loaded and pointed
Right in my face
But too scared to look up
I hang my head in disgrace
But why am I hiding?
There’s not point anymore
There’s nothing too dangerous
When you’ve nothing to live for
Lola Feb 2018
I don’t notice you come in
How strange
I never thought this would happen
But oh how things change
I don’t need your approval
Don’t need your smile
I don’t belong to you now
And I haven’t for a while
I couldn’t feel it
As you slipped away
As I let you go
And more with each day
I don’t need your love
I don’t need you now
I’m breaking free from this
But I really don’t know how
I couldn’t imagine
Escaping your hold
My life revolved around you
But I’m out in the cold
And yet I don’t feel it
I don’t need you anymore
I might not love you
I might have won this war
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