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MJS Apr 2021
Gone, just a few days have past and already seems like being forgotten. No longer aloud to grieve no longer able to appease.

The next hurdle comes along, now nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter what you feel inside, whats spinning in your head. **** I might as well be the one that’s dead.

It should have been me, can’t you see I’m the bad one, the one with broken dreams. It’s not so obscene. Listen closely to my stifled screams

The mighty has fallen only the meek left in her place, not fit to walk in her shadow, head hung in disgrace.

I swallow,  push it all deep in side. Hide the emotion, go hide the knife. One foot forward; shuffling along.
MJS Feb 2021
It hurts, it all hurts. My past drives a stake through my being, my present makes me fear my past and my future scares the absolute **** out of me. I live in fear..

How do I resolve this, where do I find the power, the strength to hold on.. Sometimes I just can’t, this weakness it hurts me, makes me feel less of a man.

I walk in a shadow, the shadow of a man beaten, desperate to find a way out of this eternal misery.

But how? I’m shown love, I’m shown forbearance, I’m given the freedom to be the man I want to be.  Yet I still don’t see it, don’t see why others see something in me that I don’t. Is it really there?

At times I believe it, I hold it close but the demon in side me says no. NO you are not this person. You are a person who’s being is wrong, who’s existence is nothing but a pain to others.

I desperately try to allow my being  to unfold  yet I know; like a dagger through the heart I am wrong, evil an nasty piece of work.

But why???
MJS Dec 2020
Let it be, there is no need for this to hold me. Just let it be, these rolls of emotion can’t control me. Sometimes they take hold, like they have to unfold, but seriously let them be...

I don’t want to be the worse version of me. Please just let it be.

These feelings they take a grip, they never slip. I try to wriggle away and hope they fade.

They don’t.

Always there in the shadows....


Wanting me to be that person...
MJS Dec 2020
If it all burns will I bask in the warmth?

If hell freezes over will it heal my burns?

What if both happen at the same time?

Oh ****...
MJS Dec 2020
I hate my own breath it stinks.
My own being makes me want to be instinct.
My actions are evil, my thoughts are equal...
I do not belong in this place..

So everyone thinks I need protection, no I need the means to hide; to **** the *******  who made  me this way...

I hate you, I despise you.

Save me
MJS Dec 2020
You can’t find a soul mate if you don’t have a soul, an empty vessel floating without a sail.
The tide turns and drives me towards the rocks.

The jagged edges, **** me they dig deep, the hard stone smashes my mind....
There is no repairing this. ......
I will sink, I will drown......

The agonising pain as my lunges fill with the ice cold water, the desperation of fighting for a breath.....
The knowing that every time I try to take in air will **** me....
What is it they say ‘breathe, just breathe’ ;

But what if you can’t.....

Meh -   It’s just words, words have no meaning without action. Words are meaningless without follow through....

Tick to the tock and all that ******* rock...

I hate every single part of being me
Go **** your self
MJS May 2020
Feeling on edge, standing on this ledge. Should I jump before I am pushed?
Your arms out stretched... are you a friend or a foe?
Will you push me over or hold me tight. Please
show me I’m worth this fight
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