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 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
Lynn DeWalt
Caffeine, sugar, dairy fat
Chemicals made in a vat
Hold the threat of sleep at bay
Keep me sane for one more day
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
vicky val
i wish we'd met under different circumstances,
in a beautiful parallel universe.
where the dull blue skies we dwell under now were light,
and the hatred we respire no longer spewed from our mouths.
i want the air to be cleared and our brains
fogged from the heartless reality we maintain.
i want our imperfect utopia to be untouchable,
a place of perfect imperfection,
where i can love you with all my heart.
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
I guess you're going a separate way
But I can't find the words to say
All that's in my collapsing heart
So I drive it into works of art
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
That anger in your eyes
The frustration in your grip
You make me want to misbehave
good weather
is like
good women-
it doesn't always happen
and when it does
it doesn't
always last.
man is
more stable:
if he's bad
there's more chance
he'll stay that way,
or if he's good
he might hang
but a woman
is changed
the moon
the absence or
presence of sun
or good times.
a woman must be nursed
into subsistence
by love
where a man can become
by being hated.
I am drinking tonight in Spangler's Bar
and I remember the cows
I once painted in Art class
and they looked good
they looked better than anything
in here. I am drinking in Spangler's Bar
wondering which to love and which
to hate, but the rules are gone:
I love and hate only
they stand outside me
like an orange dropped from the table
and rolling away; it's what I've got to
**** myself or
love myself?
which is the treason?
where's the information
coming from? broken glass:
I wouldn't wipe my *** with 'em
yet, it's getting
darker, see?
(we drink here and speak to
each other and
seem knowing.)
buy the cow with the biggest
buy the cow with the biggest
present arms.
the bartender slides me a beer
it runs down the bar
like an Olympic sprinter
and the pair of pliers that is my hand
stops it, lifts it,
golden **** of dull temptation,
I drink and
stand there
the weather bad for cows
but my brush is ready
to stroke up
the green grass straw eye
sadness takes me all over
and I drink the beer straight down
order a shot
to give me the guts and the love to
from "poems written before jumping out of an 8 story window" - 1966
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
 Mar 2013 Sub Rosa
I am blurry
Even my eyes can't see clearly
My life has become complicated
And predictable
My heart has lost depth
My passion for life and meaning
Is slowly drifting away
This is
In fact
What I wanted
I lived to see the truth
To peak at reality
I gave it all up
Because I wanted to keep my sanity
I used to be strong, independent, and confident
I saw my reality as so
Ever since, my life has changed
I am an endless trip
Obsessed with herself
An active member of society
Secretly insane
I am hungry for more
To finally be myself
To be real
There is a sadness in all people
They are all crazy
I will go crazy to fit in
If thats what it takes!
My ambition is gone
My talent no more
Brain dead
Is ignorance is in fact what they say?
 Feb 2013 Sub Rosa
If you were the sky
Then I'd be the sea
And when you shined bright
It would reflect in me.
When you're at rest
Then I am steady.
If you wanna get rough
I'm always ready.
Past closing at the bars
If you show me the stars
I'll open right up
And cast them out far.
And on the darkest night
If you won't shine a light.
Then I'm silent alongside you
Until you feel right.
We'll meet at the horizon
Where lovers will stare
And wonder with passion
Why they can't meet there.
And you'll share me a kiss
As bright as two suns.
When they meet in the middle
I'll know the days done.
And I can tell that's your way of saying to me.
Goodnight my love.
If you were the sky and I were the sea.
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 Feb 2013 Sub Rosa
Fred Kinard
The truth is unknown
The truth was never out there
The birth of civilization never existed
The birth of manipulation burns slow

The earth owes you nothing
She spins
Gravity pulls
You ride for free
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