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 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Ace Malarky
my day is naught but toil,
   my night is naught but strife.
in my sleep i turn and toss
   whilst a dream reflects my life.

why then does a smile chase these lips
   and a twinkle tease these eyes?
are my furrowed brow and fists a-clenched
   contentment in disguise?

Joy intrudes on every bitter moment;
   joy heals wrathful thoughts and wounded ken;
   joy thrusts forget on all my hurt
   and joy gifts vigor to my pen.

O God, your chronic cheer may end,
   see, your joy is hampered so.
your servant, i, will stretch it farther,
   where it wills to break i cannot know.
I'd like to know the science of inspiration, although I'm afraid that the facts will be straightforward and obvious. This much I know: strong emotion elicits either the worst or the best of whatever your talent is. This is the only poem I've been able to really put work into these days, simply thanks to lack of energy. I might want to use a few of these words or rhymes in later poems, but they're not amazing.

Strife is virtually unavoidable. It's unhealthy and absurd, but we'll never be able to get past it.

Live, love and let,

Tonight, at work, I asked 10 people
if they knew of what had happened
at Los Angeles International Airport (henceforth: LAX)
not 30 hours earlier.
Only 2 had heard of it.

One, because a cousin was traveling that day
and, the other, because a regular at his restaurant
also had family who had left LAX just before it happened
just in time to be stopped with the rest of the traffic
for two and a half hours.

I find that sort-of strange;
information, even if misinformation
spreads too quickly and ubiquitously now-a-days
with our cell-phones, internet, satellite radio and media sensationalism
for a mere 1 in 5 to have heard of this,
and even then, only because of Family's accounts.

Apparently, he acted alone, wearing military-like clothes
and walked into LAX at about 9:20 AM PST on November 1
carrying a very cost-effective Military and Police AR-15
concealed in a bag with over a hundred spare .223 rounds
and a note with words of sociopolitical dissent
and an apparent intent to **** several Travel Security Agents.

He mortally wounded a single TSA agent, after two shots
and non-fatally wounded at least a few other people
including two other TSA agents.
This thorough chaos warranted sopping traffic, air and ground alike
for over two hours, until his apprehension
after being shot in the mouth and the leg
by valiant officers of the LAXPD.
Luckily, the Police had trained for
"this exact situation not three weeks before"

Wait, what was that?
Oh, that's.. impeccable timing.

Few know about it and even less discuss it
even a day and a half after it happened
only 550 miles from here.

I figured it'd be a bigger deal than this.
What is up with this?
It's rather srtange...
quite queer indeed.

The Suspect is in the hospital for his wounds and is now awaiting trial
for ****** and Inciting Violence in an International Airport.
Many people of Office cry out for the death penalty, even here in California,
where we like to think we've "grown past that"

The Travel Security Administration was established in the wake of 9/11
It is a branch of the Department of Defense.

It took me much digging to find all this information on this event. Here it is for any who seeks it.
Quoth one of the unknowing co-workers:
"It seems coverage on this event is rather LAX."

No matter what I do, this post gets marked as explicit. That's... weird.,0,5433501.story#axzz2ja2mvpZI
Seeing such said-to-be veracity
made spurious by truer voracity
left me in a downward maudlin spiral
caught in the gravity of pejorative thoughts.

(They were right about you)

Shown to be mendacious and meretricious
with such audacious and ignominious cupidity
that is, apparently, insatiable
by external stimulation.

These words are for thee.
(They were right about you)

Mistress of Verisimilitude
Sorceress of Perdition
Goddess of  Rapacity
Nugatory Luddite
Fatuous Epigone
Specious and unctuous Girl
of gratuitous turpitude

These puerile and rather flavorful words
fueled by seemingly insuperable motifs
arranged in a terse, inimical verse
for a rather insipid person
who will likely never even know of them,
and yet;
such sweet felicity.
Eyeliner is a gateway drug;
an altered self-image inexorably follows.
I get a sense of social indignation
but I really don't care;
oddly enough,
it helps me to feel more comfortable.

Besides, I'm a Musician
so that absolves all weirdness
of makeup on a guy, right?
God, gender roles ****.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
i told her that her jokes were
always funny. that they always brightened up
my day, that she was the one who brings a
smile across my face without even

but, then i told her that the one joke
that i couldn't tolerate was the one
about self-harm. she looked up at me,
and i swear her heartrate soared,
and then said,
"i understand, it won't happen again."
i looked at her, confused.
why was that so easy to say?
i then looked down at my wrist and
gulped a bit louder than i should,
and she got out from behind her desk
and then proceeded to say,
"I did it as well, i cut in highschool."

i stared blankly at her,
not expecting to hear that
she knows the fears i have.
she knows of what its like to
have a blade go across your skin,
she knows.

i hate that she knows.
i hate that she went through that,
that she knows that feeling.
i hate it.

but, at the same time, im glad
she knows, because maybe she can
be the one who helps me from
going on some relapse

i just hope that
maybe she wants to
be the one who
helps me.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Robert Herrick
Why I tie about thy wrist,
      Julia, this my silken twist;
      For what other reason is ‘t,
But to show thee how, in part,
Thou my pretty captive art?
But thy bondslave is my heart;
’Tis but silk that bindeth thee,
Knap the thread and thou art free:
But ’tis otherwise with me;
—I am bound, and fast bound, so
That from thee I cannot go;
If I could, I would not so.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
i wish i wasn't
so ****
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
I often think
it's in a poet's nature
to be attracted to sadness
and that sadness is often
attracted to the poet.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
To be in love is my natural state
because it happens all the time
I can't help but become entangled
within a simple moment
such as being in an empty coffee house
during the middle of night
or falling for a girl who stares into my
eyes as she passes by me in the park
as I'm left to imagine how incredible and intricate
her story must be
or seeing some mystery ******* the internet
who writes the most beautiful poems
that pluck at my heartstrings so
strong and passionately
all while being so very

to be in love as a natural state
is an awful one to be in
because I can't think of a day that
goes by where my heart isn't broken.
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