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 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Keely Hartman
It's raining today
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
The children sing their childhood songs, leaning against the window pane
Smelling the water hit the ground in patters and calming splashes
So we turn the lights out and watch as the lightening flashes across gray skies
And as they all become entranced with God's light
I sneak out the door and watch the rain from my porch
Taking deep breathes and hesitantly dipping my toes in to cool open air
Feeling the tiny kisses of drops hitting my skin
Glowing for seconds at a time where all the places become damp
So I step outside of my clothing
Folding them into neat individual piles and I begin to run
And skip
Dive into the asphalt of an empty street
The Heaven's skies crying their purifying tears upon my body
And I laugh
My pupils going wide
As the endorphin rush of a lifetime grows bigger and bigger with every sin cleansed from my soul
Breaking away the ever stubborn demons of my mind
I collapse into an out of mind existence, letting each puddle cover my **** pleasure
And as the rain rises
The rain rises and washes into my lungs
Silently pinning me to ground
And choking me until I can breathe no more
And as I drown
Rain rain go away
*Come again another day
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
my burn has finally started healing
next time i'll not hold it on for so long
it still frightens me
it looks inhumane
(am i inhumane?)

i'm getting tired of glancing my arm away
when people look at me
and sweaters are tiring too
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Derek Yohn
During our last move we made
sure to pack:
all the paraphernalia, both
toothbrushes, most of our clothes,
old pictures, broken ashtrays,
tools we didn't know how to use,
the computer, both cats, commitments,
all the shot glasses, a bed,
and your unsolved Rubix cube.
It all fit in the car.

We left behind the couch that
one of the cats ****** on,
the shower curtain liner, every
working Bic lighter, your sanity,
the Monopoly game, two new
pens, one old pen (no ink)
and a bag of marshmallows,
plus one hell of a mess.

During the move we misplaced
our sense of direction, a suitcase
full of only my clothes, logic,
and a globe that doubled as a

***** given?

We still had both cats.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Bob Dylan
written at the Herzl Camp

"A drunken man got mad at him / Because he barked in joy / He beat him and he's dying here today / Will you call the doctor please / And tell him if he comes right now / He'll save my precious doggy here he lay / Then he left the fluffy head / But his little dog was dead / Just a shiver and he slowly passed away."

*This extract comes from a poem called Little Buddy, and is controversial. Allegedly written at the Herzl camp there are claims it might be originated by someone else by the name of Hank Snow.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Genuine Smile
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Found an old friend of mine
Happy me is around again

Some friends are hard to replace
Maybe because they're meant to be yours?

Happier than most days
Life falling into place
For the first time
In a few years
There's a
Genuine smile
On my face
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Tonight I experienced something new to me
tonight is the night that I almost died
tonight would have been my last night on this planet
the details I can't entail
for they are irrelevant
but let's just say I was in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
My last words to ever be said
would have been to my friend
saying, "I think you better hurry up."
Those would have been the last syllables to leave
these lips
of all the things that I have said or have wanted to say
those words would have been it
of all the letters that I've etched into paper
those words would have been the last thing
that I ever did
and oh god how I've taken this life for granted
and oh god how stupid I've been for ignoring the
smallest blessings I've got
and how ignorant of me to not take opportunities
and live this life to the fullest
I was shaking
as I stared at potential death
being sure not to move a muscle
not to breathe
not to blink
as I watched me and my friend
slowly become victims of wicked fate
realizing truly what I have been saying for years
that 'anything can happen.'
Just remember all of you
please remember 'anything can happen.'
Make sure the people you love know that you love them
make sure that you've always done what you love doing
make sure that you never leave any loose threads
and please please please for the love of god
make every word of yours count
make every word sing
make those ******* words
resonate and shake this earth
because you never know
what's words will
be your
 Nov 2013 Sub Rosa
Ace Malarky
Sing to me, sing to me night,
   for I hark!
The cry of the owl,
   the hail of the lark;
   the kiss of the wind
   from blackness so stark;

Sing to me, sing,
   cheers of the dark.

Speak to me, speak to me
   'fore morn bereaves
   the rustling footsteps
   from dances of leaves
   as twinkling stars peek
   through high forest eaves

Speak to me, speak
   as night the moon cleaves.
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