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May 2013 · 757
The voice May 2013
Men are like shoes
You have to learn what pair to choose
The pretty ones will be in the front row
The front row is always seen first
And yes the shoes look marvelously perfect

But before you buy those shoes
Because some shoes can cause pain
Can hurt, and leave mark behind
They will leave you torn apart
They will look perfect but feel so unpleasing

Sometimes we forget that the shoes in the back, exist
We choose the ones that are put in front of us
And we get lost in the same idea of nothingness
Sometimes those pretty shoes don't fit
but we keep them because our heart desires them

But the shoes that truly fit us are in the back,
the ones that are not as brilliant to the eye
yet, they have the notion to make us feel better

We have to decide whether we keep wearing the same shoes
Keep hurting ourselves
Or instead look for that pair that will make us feel new and better/.
The voice May 2013
You cant go around the worlds saying you are a leader and being a follower
You lead with your thoughts ideas and innovations
Not someone else's way...

Perfection does not exist, but trying to be better that who you are does exist
You can tell someone that they have a needle through their when
You have one yourself (Bible)

There are things that have to be done, so do them
There is no worst fail that the time you don't try
Figure out what needs to be done and do it before you think about a new task

Time is consuming and dedication is the support you need
You can't promise many dreams at once and then disappoint others
Think about what is more pleasing to you not to others who look at you

Love the game you play
Play the game you love

My teacher in 6th grade once said,
"Choose the job you love and you wont ever work a day in your life"
And that "History repeats its self"

I did not understand this until the time when i got hit by that reality!

The most important of all is to ask God for empowerment in all of these,
To achieve that goal that rests in your heart
May 2013 · 344
You an I
The voice May 2013
Years ago I would have welcomed you to my life
With open arms
And a sweet smile
Years ago I would have ran to your arms
Hugged you and let you carry me around
Under the moon light

I needed you back then
I needed your words
I needed your arms
I needed your heart
Not quite finished
May 2013 · 261
A way out
The voice May 2013
I didn't find it
I looked up and down
Side to side
in front and back
I even tried a 7th way
That was within
Short beggining
May 2013 · 379
Should I...
The voice May 2013
I want to know if you will come back
I do not want to wait for you if
you don't plan on coming back
I don't want to risk something for nothing
I love you, I miss you, I'm here for you
But if you are not feeling it for me
then what can we make out of this

A Relashionship is of two people not one
I need you, I can't do it by-myself
All i want to know, is
Should I wait for you?
Or are you not planning to come back to me?
May 2013 · 251
Not me
The voice May 2013
Out there is where we started
Out there is when we belong
Out there is where many will stay
I am not staying at society's feet
at their will
I am staying where i know I fit
As a winner above what society thinks of me!
May 2013 · 690
The voice May 2013
Driver down the street
Cars running back and fourth
Lives and souls looking around
Bikes here and there
Smiles and tears everywhere
A mother on one side
Protecting her little one form danger
Letting him explore the world
but never getting her sight out of him
She so tired of the work she came from just twenty minutes ago
Yet she happily takes her son out to play
Working harder as a mother than an employee
The sweet love she has not only with her son but with the three of them
All alone taking care of three boys and on the way one girl
Mee. that girl
Waking up to dress the children
going to sleep after work
from 5 am to 12 pm
An example of hard work and mother hood
WHat a special love that only she has
Just like God, who forgave us
she does to when we grew up.
Thank you Mom
May 2013 · 304
he died
The voice May 2013
He died
Fifteen days ago
"Why did they hide the truth from me"
In Mexico
"Why so far from me"
my grandmother's brother
Someone i loved
And i miss
May 2013 · 374
The voice May 2013
In the morning i hope to see the darkness
in the night i hope to see light
simply because at morning i find hope and i want something that tells me it's real
what can be more real than a storm in a sunny day
AT night i see the problem and i want to see something that tells me it will get better
So contrary to what usually happens
When i have it I want more want i don't I want less
May 2013 · 944
Loved and still do
The voice May 2013
I woke up with his lips on my mind
I simply thought I would love to see him back
I would desire again and again
to find his lips by mine once more
and to find his eyes looking down at mine
With the passion like he used to

But it is not possible
he is with her and at her side
His smile no longer belongs to me
I would rather see him away and happy
then here unhappy but i can't help it but to
love him like the first time he kissed me
like the first time i saw through his eyes

I met someone nice, smart, hard-working
but that was not real
Not at all who i thought it would be
I ask my self why do i want him back,
And i try to convince my mind that he is not worth me
But my heart can not be controlled
HIM just
when we first
KISSED and i
loved him ever
May 2013 · 272
The voice May 2013
Some people say that
I cry like a baby
I say that i cry like a human being
they call it something rediculous
I call it reality
They think i cry out of habit but actually
I cry because i am hurt
Its the tears that are making up a feeling
Of regret or sadness or shame
Its a tear that i have led out
To seek a little happiness without me
Couple lines out of my newest poem
May 2013 · 411
At the price
The voice May 2013
Sudden give away,
My heart at the price of a smile
My smile at the price of a joke
My jokes at the price of a companion
My company at the price of time
My time at the price of joy
My joy at the price of love
My love at the price of a heart
May 2013 · 308
You left
The voice May 2013
I noticed that your heart is as hard as a rock
It is nothing compared to when i met you
What happened?
You were the person who comforted me
who smiled back no matter what
The person who tried to make me feel better
What happened so that your smile would fade away
I was too much for me, that you would leave so suddenly...
Please come back to me, the one person who is waiting for you
May 2013 · 721
September 17 1997
The voice May 2013
as better
if out of my
sight, especially
if it's a problem, Now
I am getting tired of fighting
for everything and getting nothing
It seems as if all this effort is just for nothing
We all end up dying in the end and sometimes making
the effort makes things worse and more painful to live by and
I am just tired of trying to be the perfect daughter, the perfect sibling
The one who has to do everything right so that the family name doesn't get
scratched, I fell like yelling to the world that i want to make a mistake and that I am
Tired of trying, I want to run and fall because the best part of the race is the road, getting
back up, I want to make millions of mistakes over and over again to be able to run my
race my way and be there at the finish line knowing that this was my choice it was
something i decided to do with not other voices in the background telling me
what is best and what is worse, people will say Im stupid if I fall, well
I do not care anymore, They say those things when i dont fall
So if they will judge, let them judge me for who i really
am, and not an image I am a human-being
who wants to live to her own risk
Maybe I will get tired on the
way but for me this race
can make a difference
I can change
To Me



My birthday, i tilted it that way because i think it is better to see ahead that back, and by my birthday i pledge to be myslef
Apr 2013 · 416
The voice Apr 2013
Such a powerful thing that can control the mind of so many,
Who to vote for, who to see, who to be, who to follow
Just all about what they might
Will they like my shirt,
will they think I'm dum
Will they see me different from now on
How to impress them
It used to be about who i wanted to be
And now it is about who they think will fit me best
I used to believe in the fairy tales my mother told me at night
Cinderrella, The beauty and the best, sleeping beauty and snow white
To wake up with the kiss of true love
to the sight of those blue eyes
that could bring light in the darkness
Now I see that its not about the prince, its about do we look nice together
Does him look attractive for me
Is he rich
Does he have a nioce car
What does he work at
Did he go to colldge
Why dont you just get to know him
I used to think
Now its all about they know him, so i must know him without talking to him
Getting married when we havent even said a word
just becasue they thought it was meant to be

I decided to vote
But i cant becasue im only 15
That skirt is too low,
Apr 2013 · 581
The voice Apr 2013
Sometimes it seems like a never
Its always the same fear and the same things
That torment us in the mid-night
Always the same sigh that wants to stop us
And we never know why ts us that it wants

Maybe I'm trying to forget that it exists when I'm surrounded by people who want to help me
but when i alone i bring it up myself
And i blame my self for a mistake i did not do
And i keep telling my self the same things
Putting it all on me

Maybe it begin to ******* my self
but i don know one thing:
That is that I made a mistake and i choose it that way
Now i have to pay for it!
With all responsibility i take my punishment

But not from a human, my punishment shall be from God
Because only he has the power to know exactly
what is, what has been, and what will be
Only he has that right
Not any one who calls themselves
Judge, or friend, or ex-bf
who calls him self
Apr 2013 · 443
1 2 3 4....
The voice Apr 2013
I wasn't born yet
I was a baby
I was a girl
I am a teen....
How could i define anything from anything at all
So tiny in time so far awa from what could be
New to the world i didn't even know existed.
Now i know the world
Know all i want to to be fed and picked up
Have someone to smile at me so i can smile back
Innocent, still, what age?
Just the age, something i couldnt explain
I ran back and fourth then i bumped into my destiny
Something , Who am I?
I should know by now, should have known since number three
I am a human
Worth of respect, love, peace, share,
PAtience, and all of the rest things any other human deserves
I am not only a teen, i have my rigths to live without feeling scared
wether i would wake up or not the next day!
Apr 2013 · 394
nothing really
The voice Apr 2013
Maybe i got lost withing the mind flow of my life
Maybe i didnt give myself a chance to continue and get the things straight before it was too late
But either way im not perfect
I didnt paln to be
I never really wanted to be
I have found my slef looking up into the sky and seeing
Different landscapes
New sights of what could be
Something unexpected
And i know i dont make sense
but what really does?
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Love of a parent
The voice Apr 2013
My mother cleans floor
She goes down to her knees and cleans every centimeter
She gets out of work leaving everything shining bright
My father left before I was born the I met him when I turned five
He left again two years later
I met my stepfather and he picked up heavy train floors
All for me
I used to be ashamed to say that my mother cleaned toilets and my stepfather cleaned offices.
Each have two jobs, their first starts at 6:30 and they get out at 3:00 the next starts at 5:30 then get out at 10:00.  
Yet they expect me tO wake up at 7 and go to sleep at 9 so that I get enough sleep.
My mom finished the third grade and that's as far as she went
My stepfather was lucky enough to make it to the 6th grade
My family moved to the United States when I was nearly six
We all belong in Mexico? Yea
But we are still here thanks to God's mercy...
I was never afraid of washing the dishes or cleaning the house because I only cleaned my home, my parents cleaned the offices, homes, hospitals, hotels, of other people for just 7.50 and hour.  My hands aren't soft from not working
They are rough but with lotion I cover that
By seeing me you have no idea who I am
I have committed many mistakes and I'm not proud
But I do know that time can cure all scars
Now I know what I wished I would have known since before
That people will judge you for being and for not being
I wish I had known that people aren't trust worthy until they know the complete truth about you and still stay by your side
It was my destiny to continue and their destiny to judge me but now
I'm proud to say that
My parents clean bathrooms and floor and carry heavy train floor to gve me a life worth living and I'm proud to be their daughter because unlicke the rest I know they love menin the worst of situations...
My stepfather love me even though we never shared the same blood...
Apr 2013 · 324
The voice Apr 2013
What it feels like when you cant run as fast as the others
When you can listen as well as the others
When you cant read as good as the others
When you feel like you are not as good as the others.
But there are people who have lost their privilege to even walk,
and they have finished their race
People who cant hear anything at all but they know how to understand
Some who cant see at all to read, but they try to find themselves a way
They have a smaller chance than us,
We have an advantage to them
Yet they have been in better places than us
We needed faith, something they had and we didn't.
Trust in someone stronger than us.
All we needed was to put who we were in the power of God in order to succeed
Some people go down and a person gets them back up,
But with that, another person as strong can turn them back down
But if its God who pick the person up, then no man as strong as it is can throw him below.
Apr 2013 · 587
some type of amor
The voice Apr 2013
I wonder what el amor is.
Maybe in English it has a different meaning
Maybe I have discovered the wrong sentimiento
And that is why I feel that way
Maybe I can’t describe because no es verdad
Or maybe I just not completely real

I wonder if there is someone out there who feels what I feel
But my definition of this sentimiento is not exactly like Cinderella’s
My definition is completely out of this world according to all the novelas I’ve watched.
I just figure out that
Love belongs in fairy tales that are capable of selling perfect ending to a corruptible public
It belong in the darkness of a lost soul in a turbulent desafio

Nowhere else, but reality, is love seen as it really is
El amor
It’s a powerful feeling and such a strong choice of words when they are said to the wrong people
Maybe in español it means
Only when you have dinero
And in English it means
Only when you have a good reputacion

Love can really set limits for something that can cross the barrier in a lover’s mouth
Isn’t that why he proposed marriage to her when she was perfecta looking to the eyes
But as soon as the storm came
And blew away her beauty like little crystals of sugar blowing in the air
He left

Maybe el amor is only said to the people you wished you loved
And not to those that in realidad importan
Maybe it was meant so that cats and dogs don’t fall in love
Or maybe Not, because
Romeo fell in love with Juliet then died
So if I fall in love with my enemy my destiny is death

Then why is love so poderoso
Why can it make one person run away from her family?
And the other commit suicide?
And why can it make one die floating away?
And the other living up to the sight of Titanic?
Why does it make a wish hecho por the heart be a completa fake?

I’ll tell you why!

Because nowadays
It is more importante to love a bag of drugs than a child
Es mas importante to love a dream than a family
I fell in love with reality that was my crime
Because I decided to follow my heart not my eyes
To follow my brain than to follow cigarettes or alchol

Now I am seen as a crazy bi…sitor from outer space
And a brain eating zombie
Not exactly what I thought love would be
Pero that es el love que me ha puesto esta society…
This is the some type of amor
I never thought existia
To a dear lover, who loved me when i was fake and hated me when i was real! I loved you when you were real why couldn't you do the same,
you were a to-be high school drop-out i was to be a high school graduate. We don't belong to same classes but i still let my heart follow you.
Who ever reads this, please don't let your eyes see in blindness,
No hay peor siego, sordo mudo
que el que no quiere ver, oir, hablar....
Mar 2013 · 356
The highest
The voice Mar 2013
I got tired
of this race
I couldn't just keep running
All i had left was hope
And that hope made me yell
Because there is nothing grater than him.
He died to save me and he lived for my victory.
He prayed for my sinful nature
And he always stood up for me
He never gave up on who I am
He knew my capabilities and he used them
TO make me better
I have lost the strength in flesh
But in spirit, it is only the beginning
There is not much hope in the eyes
But i know that what is seen is not all that is possible
For a poor man sees the place he lives at
And he knows far from there that there is always more.
There is always someone higher than you,
And if you think you are the Highest look Again,
He is higher than you,
My Lord, My God,
He is higher than any other living soul
He can reach the highest of all distances.
Mar 2013 · 248
tear down broken up
The voice Mar 2013
I guess it's over,
I guess now its completely over.
Things have changed
Hearts have been broken
Tears have dropped
Lies have been said
Times have passed
People have gotten hurt
And now in tired
Of this story no ending
It happens everytime
Someone gets hurt
Someone e just walks away
someone gets left
And hurts me the most is that it's always me...
Mar 2013 · 609
Break up, your charity work
The voice Mar 2013
At first when we began this fairy tale,
te sky was shining
the moon was bright
The darkness did not exist
It began so beautiful,
Maybe its just a word
but it means so much to me
It means that a million others
It meant happiness
Joy and peace
It love, love, love
It meant so much more than just 3 vowels
It the first line of our haiku
The firt word that began this whole.
Now that words dissapeered and is lost in the mist of the darkness

I was never anything more than US
because since the beggining you knew the end
I thought I could surprise with another end
But you never gave me that chance
You picked that scene,
At first i rejected it because i expected more form you, but now i know that it did not matter because all i had was nothing in the3 middle of nowhere with you
I doesnt matter how much i loved, love or will keep loving you
Because a relashioship is not up to me
It is up to both of us
I dont know why it happend
But i do know you never cared
Maybe is your act of charity, or just a game,
But my heart was not your toy or that one things you could play with
You just wanted me to break up becasue u didnt know how to get rid of me
And yet i still love you, because aas much as it hurts, it is more painful that i fell for it! Completely.
I love you, but if you dont love me back, there is nothing that i can do!
And my friend told me "it was not meant to be" (Sedrick)
Mar 2013 · 488
a little spanish melody
The voice Mar 2013
Como te va
hace tiempo el tema de amor
Hace tiempo que pasamos juntos por la vereda de la realidad
Mar 2013 · 608
Her Story part 2
The voice Mar 2013
You still don't understand, Right?
It had to get to this point,
It had to come all the way to this,
Honestly I did not expect any more,
But here goes if you really had to know,
But just remember that the victim is her
and after this story you will hate the words you said
more than the acts she made.
Age 4:
They met in kinder garden,
They instantly became friends,
They became a bond so tight
not even a fire could have burned it.
Age 5:
They talked about the deepest secrets a five year old had,
"My mom has the power to break stones and walls"
"Really, my mom can run faster than any car"
Age 6:
Learned how to write
First their names, then each other's name
Than the word "Friendship"
A word written with a pencil on paper
And shown with trust and honesty
Age 7:
They made a promise
#1 written on paper
#2 sign the paper
#3 crumble it up
#4 throw it away and never see it again
Age 8,9,10
More secrets, it went from
I saw mommy and Daddy kiss yesterday,
I saw brother getting a girlfriend
My mom and dad fought again
my brother just got another ticket
Age 11: Promise broken,
The promise: Ill will never share our secrets,
Signed, One, signed, two
The paper, its probably in a land-field
The promise no longer exists, because of one extra word!
Some promises are hard to keep
Mar 2013 · 831
Her Story: Part 1
The voice Mar 2013
"Today is the day we go to court
He got arrested last month
For a crime he did not commit.
For a sin he did not do,
He got arrested, for something not on his play"
It was the line of the play we did at our school
Simply one line
But for someone in the audience it meant a lot
For the one person who was sitting all the way on the back, just to hide away the sadness and the sorrow she was feeling. She knew where that line came from, she knew everyone thought it had been her. Everyone had lost themselves blaming here, it did see legit though, She could have done it out of anger, pain, or simple revenge. Everyone thought it was here but she blamed it on someone else to that out of the way, But was it really her? No one knows! its something destiny will clear out someday, sometime at some point. It was the circumstances that pointed to her, where she had been, the times met, the people matched, she was not really on the line, she had crossed the line.
Well I am here to fix the circumstances up .
She's innocent
No one of you all are the detectives,
don't try to take someone else's job
She was probably at the wrong place and at the wrong time
But the police and the detectives are taking care of that already
All the evidence has been collected
All of the pieces had been put together
I know, there is always going to be rumors,
People hating,
People judging
People talking
But you know that she made a mistake,
but you don't know her story
She's sitting in the back not out of regret
But out of bravery,
She made it to this place,
Where her friend is being honored,
She knew the possibilities of coming here,
The victim's mother and the friends,
Not to mention the media with their flapping mouth
She knew that many people could have hate her
Yet she got up one morning and decided
that her friend was more important than the judgment of any other
I bet you are still trying to judge her!
But once you know her story it will make sense and you will understand how wrong you were when you insulted and accused her, for no reason. Or even worse a lying reason.
Not based on a story I have seen, but it is based on real situations and real testimonies. You dont know them and you have no right to judge them, they made a mistake, and it is only to be judged by God, they were not born to be persecuted by one mistake, Let God do his job and don't try taking away his power, because within you are not only insulting her, also God and in a way yourself!
Mar 2013 · 309
My savior
The voice Mar 2013
He saved me,
He rescued me
I was falling, deep
Deeper than any other time
I knew that i could not take any more
out of all the times I sinned
I lied
I robbed
I left
He never let me down
He was my friend, back then
Now he is my Savior
My king
The one almighty all powerful
the one who never judged me without mercy
It was his hand, and his power
The one who set me free, and I read i see,
that's not all he ever did for me
His love has been the biggest out of everything
No material thing can top who he is.
John 4:9,  In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
He died for me, and i shall live form him!
Mar 2013 · 622
Lessons: #1 and #2
The voice Mar 2013
I have learned so much in this lifetime
#1: Fairy tales are In movies
I used to think that someday when i was stuck at the top of a tower, my prince would come to my rescue and take me to a far away land hidden in the middle of woods far from civilization
BUt as i grew up I learned that only princesses had that dream come true, I was just part of the crowd in the village who watched how happily ever after the prince lived with her lover.
Then it happened that I lost the movie and it stopped being a fairy tale, suddenly i was living in the reality of a teenager... Who's Cinderella movie got lost i the boxes of a moving truck.
#2: Families are not what they seem
Just because one family member said they will never leave that doesn't mean they are being completely honest with you
He said that no matter the hard times, and no matter the mistakes that they would be together. Maybe it was another fairy tale, maybe it wasn't nothing at all. Because he promised to take care of his little girl, but he left a soon as mom said she wanted out! Poor little one, the first promise she ever heard was a lie!
That's not all the lessons
Mar 2013 · 290
Ode to the HEART
The voice Mar 2013
It looks like you finally found the path
You are finally walking again
It seems, like everything fits in,
Like the sun shining again
Its part of you to keep trying to cover it
Becuase you know that the truth a lie
You wanted to hear, confort in the ear
Yet, you never tried too see further than the shore
You stayed stuck on the beach
playing with sand
how could you not see, that the real adventure was
Out there, in the water, in the ocean and in the world...
It never matter to you, that the others where there
But as time came by, you finally realized the reality...
Still not done,
But im getting there, i know im missing something, i just dont know what it is! Any help
Mar 2013 · 466
Ode to the HEART
The voice Mar 2013
Sometimes i wonder if you are slefish
others i am a slave of your will
Sometimes i wonder if you even tried
As i realize that all you wanted was for you
You answer my questions and you try to make me confort
BUt as you try to make me better
You keep puching me down to the gutter
Maybe im not ready to go down with you
Maybe its not you,
maybe its me who sees the things this way,
But as we keep strugling i realize
You are weak
and there is no one more important for you than you
Even though you think its him\
Not finished yet, wait for the epilogue
Mar 2013 · 229
The voice Mar 2013
He said one thing
He said another,
Now i ask
If hwat he said
was really him,
Now i know neither were true
Mar 2013 · 324
The voice Mar 2013
He gave me that opportunity to choose, between one side or the other one,
But he did not realize that it wasn't something a person could just decide from one day to another.
He did not know how hard this entire thing was.
His words are still crumbling up in my mind and surrounding my veins!
Maybe i am not ready for this decision, all i needed was more time
Just maybe i needed some more knowledge
why cant he just understand that i am not ready for all of this?
It s not very hard to wait at least some time
He cant put all this pressure on me like if i could handle anything that comes to me.
WHat can I do to tell i am not ready to decide between mom or dad, i love them both and its not a decision of two minutes. He should understand my reason and listen to my opinions before he makes me decide
Feb 2013 · 567
The voice Feb 2013
Are you tired?
-of course I'm tired-
It was only 3 laps around
-I am not tired for that
Then what are you tired about
-This, the constant reminder-
Thats who you are
-No, thats who they want me to be-
I thought it was your Idol
-It was, before it took of his mask-
Who is he now?
-He is the logo covering up the reality of the actual motto-
-It is a lie, and this uniform is a bigger lie, the coverup of the truth-
Just that, a lie and what hides our true means
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
It's not about YOLO
The voice Feb 2013
I'm tired of this fight
All the scars
All the bruises
All the pain
"For what?"
I ask
"there is nothing there for me"
There is
There might
There could
"what purpose do I have"
I'll tell you
"what do you know"
I know enough
"prove it"
I will
"what purpose do I have"
To live
This life
Before you
Living through
Feb 2013 · 450
The voice Feb 2013
I'm tired of this fight
All the scars
All the bruises
All the pain
"For what?"
I ask
"there is nothing there for me"
There is
There might
There could
"what purpose do I have"
I'll tell you
"what do you know"
I know enough
"prove it"
I will
"what purpose do I have"
To live
This life
Before you
Living through
Feb 2013 · 471
Us forever
The voice Feb 2013
I see the words "I love you"
Wondering what they mean
1: I
4: Love
3: You
One meaning
Four letters
3 reasons
Meaning: You
Letters: Love
1: You
2: Me
3: Us
Love = you+me+forever
That's something
No storm
Can destroy
No wind
Can blow
No tornado
Can damage
No distance
Can separate
Can end it
As long as you exist my heart
Will beat
At the speed of light
At the radiance of the sun
At the magnitude of life
At the means of US....
The voice Feb 2013
It seems like
Time takes long to get here when you need it most
And it gets here fast when you need it to be far away.
Sometimes I wish it could stop for one minute
And turn the small hand in reverse
To that moments I let that person walk away
I regret so may things
But all those things made me stronger
I believe the promise God made me
That for every tear of pain
If I followed him and his words
I would receive ten times the happiness!
The bEggining of my poem. Performing it at a slam in a month. Hopefully!!!
Jan 2013 · 667
From the mud to the sky
The voice Jan 2013
You were born in a crib made of gold
I was born in a crib made of wood
You played with nice barbie dolls
I played with the mud that the rain washed up
Yet this fight is nearly startin
I been working on this for some time. Its the beggining of a poem i wrote
The voice Jan 2013
A teacher: The Villain and the Hero
One inspiration, one true motivation  
That one person who gives his powerful students  
The right direction
That one teacher who fights for the future of others
Who finds success in the success of others
That one person who further form a teacher
Is a human-being
He might seem like a villain to some
But he is a hero to others
He is my hero

Picked me up from the gutter
Made me strong enough to deal with
X equals A to the second power multiplied times two
He is that one teacher who taught me how to leave problems behind
And solve equation easier and faster
That one teacher who became a role model
The perfect inspiration any student needs
His way of teaching the concept  
His way of giving us the chance to be teachers our selves  
That way of making us the main importance
His way of giving us our place in his class room

Taking possession of our minds and changing them to capable ones
Making each and every one of us students who can solve anything
He expects a lot from all of us, He expects a lot from me
He gives me the challenges that I can handle
Gives me a chance to prove my self
He taught me that X is just a variable
That X is the solution
That you should not be afraid of the variable  
That the solution is hidden behind the other factors
That lesson I use in my daily life

I'm not afraid of any problem in any subject
Because he taught me how to deal with problems
And when finding X was hard,
He was there ready to answer my questions
As I walk away during lunch  
I wish him a good lunch
But what I'm actually saying is
You have done a lot for these, your students
Now give yourself a break and do something for your self.

He might just be an algebra teacher
Or a staff member at Riverside University High school
Or just Mr. Sepulveda, to some people
But for me he means more than that.
For me he is a hero
That can travel the distance
And can fix any problem with time
He is the Hero who inspires me  

He is a teacher
Whom I admire greatly
Not for being a teacher
Or being at Riverside
I admire him because he made me strong
In Algebra
In my problems
In life  
And now In my poetry

You sometimes are the villain
For giving me a B in a test
But you are the hero because for every B
I get another challenge  
And I know that with your help
I will get an A in Life.  
You are the Villain of my mind
But the Hero of my Heart
Thank-you Mr. Sepulveda
Written by: Estrella Luciano
For: A true hero
P.S. I still think I deserved an A on that one test. ;)
For my favorite algebra teacher
Jan 2013 · 393
The voice Jan 2013
All you
Have to do
Is believe that
You can do ti and
At some point you will
Maybe not over buildings
But yes over all the others who
Did not believed in you and those
Who gave their back to you for long.
You can fly with big white wings of success
Jan 2013 · 671
Congrats Jerel
The voice Jan 2013
You made it in Columbia!!! Im not surprised. You earned it, you hv a bright mind and the school knew it. Enjoy this opportunity and never forget where you come from, never forget your friends and when ur rich and famous remember the place that saw you grow up and the friends you have had. Don't forget me because I look up to you greatly! Congrats!!!!!!.
Make this for you if you got to live your dream, My friend lived his because he deserve it!
Jan 2013 · 482
New year 2013
The voice Jan 2013
My first one
This one is special
The beginning of a new journey
I thanks God for this chance
This big oportunity to make a difference
This year is supposed to be unlucky
The year 2013
But I won't believe that
The unlucky year is my blessed year
The earth has made it passed
And much more
I made it for fifteen years.
I thanks the lord and no one more for that
I thanks him for life
For joy
For all I have
Nothing more
For the life in joy
For the storm to not push me down
For the windbto blow with me and not against me
Dec 2012 · 454
Diamanté of success
The voice Dec 2012
Be and
Do all that
My heart can
Desire simply by
Being positive of the
Idea that I can shine even
If the lights are not over to me
No one can tell me that I am not
Worthy or that I can not make it as
Far as I can because I know my place and
My place is where the success lays and only
If success lays at the top of the mountain
I will climb that mountain even if it
Takes me an eternity to get there
I am the only one who can
Stop me from getting
To where I belong
And I belong
At the very
Top of
Dec 2012 · 383
Is this true? I wonder...
The voice Dec 2012
Sometimes I cry
When I cry I might look like I'm three years old.
Sometimes I fall
When I fall I might act clumsy like a two year old
Sometimes I whine
When I do I might seem like a baby nearly born

I'm not perfect an I prmose you that I will never be, I love my life the way it is. Not because it seems good but because it is the life God choose for me. I like it because it reminds me of reality and true feeling.
Dec 2012 · 377
Family, My brothers
The voice Dec 2012
The smile i have is for you
I see you fighting
Like brothers.
One is taller the other one younger
You both make my life fun

One want help
the other does not to help
How funny they look
Suddenly they see me
Just cracking up in laughter

Then walking slowly to me, I notice
They are about to start....
Tickling me
Dec 2012 · 609
I admit...
The voice Dec 2012
Sometimes i give up easily
And yes sometimes when I give up
I seem childish
But i give up because
something are too hard to handle
I seem childish because
I still have that inner childhood

I have matured and i have strength
But somethings just catch up to me
And it just make things harder

I have lost many battles
And when I loose I get upset
But as soon as i get it together
I stand up again and fight again
Dec 2012 · 329
My journey
The voice Dec 2012
I made a promise to my self
That i would be better
That i would change
That I would do something new
I broke that promise

Who will know
I promised my self
No one can judge me
But, if i was selfish enough to break a promise to myself
Then i can be selfish enough to break the promises i made to other people.

I promise.....
I wont promise anything anymore
A promise are words that can be lost in the air.
I will do what i set myself to do

Even if i do it alone
Or when the world is against me,
I wont give up on this journey to be myself
Dec 2012 · 427
The voice Dec 2012
One day
As I sat i got the crazy idea
One day
As i saw the sunset i realized
One day
As I began to speak i thought

Life is an easy road.
We are born
We Live
And then We die

Thats life, but i dont want to live that Life

I want to live in Life
Be born
Make A difference
Change the world
Chase my dreams
Have A blast
Then Die

One lifetime is a long time
And even for one year or one second
I want to make this life time last
I wont ive life
Im going to live Living In Live
Dec 2012 · 563
The voice Dec 2012
This year
my greatest accomplishment has been staying alive
My greatest regret has been wanting to give up
And something i will change is the way of looking at every day to come
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