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Nov 2020 · 75
Falling Elegy
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
I can still understand: Man sinned against Himself when he could not hear anything else! The beast sounds of the wicked raised a wounding whip into the woods of my hairy Marsian back! I had to see Man-Man sell, pay, and bribe if his violable rules of the game dictate it; painters I would imagine a peace-loving still life next to my loneliness cavity so that I could rest s My darling's healing and mild-paying swan hand as a protector Angel's wing would rock rocking quietly!
The phantoms of hatred and envy are constantly besieged, and sometimes it would be better to leave everything behind and escape the window, redeemed by the bone-cracking anger of a dull angry volcano! My attentive, caring eye would open the gates of the Universe as our hesitant lips reveal the secrets of glowing, harmonious kisses; do I have to give up on eternal happiness with mature reassurance?! - Back-not-given whiplashes
I even tolerate s wear with dignity! I still wanted to laugh; Behind the precious heart-smiles of comforting and feeling the restless nerve-wracking pursuit of my soul with fleeting, squeaky-light smiles, there are tense True Pearl moods that can be seriously lived; and if it happens irreversible the mortal Judgment that I can no longer see my blessed Mother — a bleeding stump remains in the cup of my once purple heart!
my faith should someone find me, it would be good to comfort the germ of my already selfishly guarded dreaded childhood with someone…
Nov 2020 · 84
Uninvited nest loader
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
I didn't want to speak to a camp of non-flatterers, but he was brainwashed in the ditch pit of this Age to someone who was open-
With a spirit, he still understands acceptingly! In his earthly living rooms, I could well have found a heart-warming true home; as a vagrant, unfaithful stuffing Tolerating the Occupation of Executioner-Time Times - because I am forced to - still endure! Celebrity-chasing celebrity chopsticks flattered to each other from late dawn to sober nights! With uncovered *******, yet in armor-armed Solitude, I will stand among you! And I am forced to endure the blunders of my prodigal misfortune with charlatan smiles!
Today, rat souls are either glorified by others in a proclaiming loudness, or are galloping! As insidious servants of nothing, they began to viscerate the base of our easy-to-build career! "And I have warned and confessed to all, if they have heard: Beware, for the Spirit has fallen into the deep and will fall down with the falling pay!" Many have already deliberately distanced themselves from me! With vigilant patience I warned others of the Nobles with destruction!
A judgment that foams on the potted lips of flatterers is reprimanded: What has this insidious, paid Age made of skeptics, not of those who trust in themselves?! Even from the constantly licking handshakes of licking my feet but I was disgusted; remembering can keep many-sanda Promise! "Consolingly beautiful books should not be left to fend for themselves!" I would have to believe that the Galad Man might come to his senses and get better
Nov 2020 · 67
Epistolary Humana
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Like a shipwrecked, he clings to unknown shores on the last soul, but he may never reach shore; my throat was hoarse silently many times and my voice continued to sound like a muffled sigh! As a rodent worm for my heart attack-stressed soul, the greedy and insatiable Compulsion settles like this! I would have to, even if I had to be selfish for myself, sure of Man
survive! The haunting moonlight tattoos my face like shards of silent shadows! And while you ask, asking with jagged tentacle teeth useless, "What happened to you?!" "The sure answer will be written on the trenches of my wounded Face if the glass bead of True Beads trembles again in my soul!"
My broken body guards the burdens of tough-konokan and what many discover on me as a redemptive smile - Suffering! I feel like he is howling every day with the intention of squeezing my muscles, numbing Nirvana-Dark, erupting from the depths of Executioner of times! I am already struggling with selfish, selfish pride: how could the man-trying burdens of this Being be better solved?! Suicide - if there was one - didn't even hit a wooden stick! I cling to the consoling-hopeful shreds of blissful days like this; I stare terribly at the Report with trembling blood-eyes! The Nobody's House, which slowly frees me from everything and deliberately lootes it!
Wandering, fast stigma-Souls are plagued by coding, vile evenings: it would be good to unravel the chains of my ominous pains to be redeemed - I listen in the present pregnant fog of the bottomless cavity of Time that it gapes Damocles executioners!
Nov 2020 · 78
I'm calling you...
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
My dear earthly friendship is a glorified Universe! When I looked at you with hesitant, squeaking trembling after the winter-smelling aftermath of windy March idus; my incredible despair, and my selfish self-pity calvary — Intentionally you could feel yourself — if you wanted to — I didn’t go there to you! My chubby bones were rattled and crackled by the wind of the ordas: the crouching shadow on the line of my heel turned into an ugly bat wing and the peoples of the gentlemen were dressed like a *****! With ringing, friendly letters every day
I honor you and the sure doubts continue to make you uncertain: Are you still reading at all? And your redeeming tender Gioconda pillar glows again to a noble thought and we can become Friends!
But fearful: My life-giving, broad hope fades like a rotten straw in my silently killing Time, because you are not by my side to lift me up! The silly whims of tinsel trends are driving Man to my fashion monkey camp today! I would like to glorify understanding and Peace! Crying with humble humility I call you Dear to lift you up close to yourself! My stupor and my soul might be able to successfully confront those who sin against me, the marchers of my soul! "Without compromising on hateful compulsions, I might want to trust you alone when everyone else has left!"
Your quiet Universe being would glow on the hearts of my beating heart if you could, and honor me with the Angelic possibilities of your empathy! - You know: When I cry, a Child in me whines with you who needs to be comforted! My joy might be able to wake up alone next to you…
Nov 2020 · 63
Pilgrim pain
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Shame-weeping precious sorrows are embodied in the tear-battered trenches of my eyes! Annihilated Figure withered between the treasure chunks of dwindling sunbeams - I find myself less and less! Hiss has an abundant alley-scented, ominous Tomorrow in which snake-tongued weeds and hyena hear a killer-marching laugh! The far-gliding count of rich minutes is busy on the dial of the tick-clog clock!
My bed - if I don’t care - will be embedded in a bottomless abyss for me! - Fattened by the noises of Darius, this great World of Indifference is puffing: my heart is becoming more and more lonely! Grumbling, annoying, "some" temper swearers scare me at whom Literature has become a useless useless thing! That's why I'm deliberately running behind my pilgrimage walls! Her lung-pumping lung pumps rattle a expelled Silence! Midnight Wraith Shadows Evil Down Ghost Dance! What else can my crocodile tears falling like a shower tell anyone?!
For the time being, I am holding my growing pain as a guard, swirling to myself! Scraping my soul in the shelter, it rides like the food of a rodent, sanda worm-parasite, can be obtained from ***** of blood molecules - while it demands and dictates in me! "I once received eternal service to the angel wings of sensitive dew!" Fearful, soon the Nivan-Soul will flirt with nothingness, and if we don't appreciate the rain enough, the simplified razor blade can get in the way! - I would like to give my precious tears as immortal glass beads to my Beloved while on this earth and to know: I could not live in vain…
Oct 2020 · 62
Choking infinity
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Infinity is still waving but consciously playing with me! I'm tensed in as a toddler with a small child. I would love to caress the cheers rose finger of mornings to protect blankets - who will be able to kiss a redeeming healer on the cracked wounds of my lips?! Tamed into a tamed Hermit by this vile, interested Age with vile lies, which are not authentic! Even conciliatory serenity rarely surprises me when you can sit on my crusty heart with a few good words! The horror-like Fate is a present horror image: as a hard hard-headed, I rarely dare to listen to his words as a novice! Choke, killer Night is bribing me! I would seek refuge if I knew and know about myself: I could be happier if I let the spark-igniting joys of this Being surprise me even more mischievously!
On the drift of my prisoner's days, it hangs between gaps - without safety ropes - I hang on a Death-flirting, fluttering! Could no one Good and Noble have been left out of soul-torturing maxims, spiritual compulsions, would he overwhelm me with the absorbing darkness gaping even at dawn?! Most of my first joyful joy with precious and immortal deer grains
he had passed away, and who could have borne it with his child's eyes and received it again, and would have happily spread my arms so that I could hold the blessed, earthly copy of this Universe in my arms again!
Peace-crying silence cries with children's eyes at the Peace… Deceitful kidnappings; they hit and beat every day if they need the Honor wasting on the ruins! As an ugly ghost, I am scared every day by the conformity of everyday life, an evil disadvantage!
Oct 2020 · 89
In naked eyes
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Look! Someone cast stars from the naked eyes: In almond eyes, only two buttons were lit; two globes, falling comets. It was as if sweet emperor crumbs, rich peanut butter bread fragments had been swept off the sculptural face by the hand, which holds a broken vulnerability! Long intoxicating moments were attached to you and I thought the Universe was crazy - then upset. Foolishly, I let myself be led as a puppet, even though I should have just followed the higher law of emotion: The ancestral word of my heart!

Did you want us to talk? Honestly, clearly ?! "But there is a stenciled 'who feels'," somehow slipped the connecting clutch word, you stole the redemptive shelter among your other arms, while I just crawled after you like a hissing bear cub crying like a stanza, confessing my confession: I loved you!

My twist has just opened, because until then I had no idea you gave the intoxicating waterfall of your Eden kisses to someone else as a gift: Kiss, sanda eye-cathedrals - in the tiny lighthouse windows, tell only yourself? How could I have discovered the essence that guards your being in you? "Now one half of me is lame and helpless.

I don't even know if it will ever be? - with your furnished life, you are still only indebted and prodigal to me: I would honor your broken heart-promise to keep and bear witness to your future with your selfless generosity!
Oct 2020 · 100
Fugitive persecuted
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Your lips are full of shape. Immortality acquires a new meaning from him, accepting the handcuffs of Love; the Loyalty that our hearts colonized! The juicy promise of cherries drops in treasure delights in all your universe kisses towards me! Scorching passions is still hitting our biological furnace! Of us - even if we really wanted to - only crumbs of memories remain!

From soul to soul, he weaves and sneaks silently into the weave of taboo temptations forbidden. The Eye Vault bathes itself in torturous torment! In places beaten with timelessness, you order a place for yourself and your piano dentures light up your heavenly smile! You also know: Like any other secret curse, the volcanic eruption of our hearts breaks down and breaks itself with Prometheus' desire - the nauseating smell of Janus truths entails the purest emotion - but we cannot remain enemies, otherwise who can we trust our fragile presence?

Even in infidelity, I became a coward in person, a victim fleeing persecuted - I ran away from you and could only look back in the treacherous loyalty of your kisses. The proud moment passed over my head: If I could have killed by the toxic saliva of kisses, they would have been executed a long time ago! Skinny hope still swayes — just for you — in my unconscious life!

I wanted nothing more than to hear you, in your colonized mother's lap, among the delicate caresses of your protective arms…
Oct 2020 · 65
Cell romance
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Gloomy darkness. Starless universe solitude. Persecutors feel such a vomiting drag when they are suddenly convicted: Simple victims of scapegoats, sacrificial grains of dust! Something in Matuzalem carries a burden with its pregnant siege waves in the proud sea. Maybe Pandora has long lost her secret box! Maybe aborted kisses are budding, personal romances? “Outside, the wind conveys the squeaky tossing and squabbling of sounds!

The fracturing water froze like frozen loves. Behind rushing clouds, machine birds are petting, chirping with each other: At least they are happy! Packed into tourists ’favorite cage locations: through the wounds of dawn, my sleepless minutes restless. If you get air turbulence and the machine shakes under me! Do you see me alone, you priceless passing over your head?

Do I see me with the proud gaze of envious skeptics? A stormy lover looks wolfishly at me every day, and when I lick it, he flirting with me flirtatiously too! In the deserted sand dune landscape, undivided darkness ponders and sleeps. Blurred shadows, ghost figures, surprisingly anxious beyond the bus window - my traveling existence has long been forgotten by the pounding of my heart! It travels upwards with the sea, proudly besieged by the lace of the skies, the colossus of Rhodes Castle: perhaps it preserves the cherished footprints of cooled relations? Maybe Confessions of Faithfulness? From the majestic dance of sea foams, the invigorating cell romance is goosebumps!
Oct 2020 · 107
Biographical note
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I lived in my scaled rectangle room right opposite Budaörs from eighty-seven until now! Infinitely strangling Time has become a slave. Crumpled, curved-waisted bachelor. Ladies - with a good number but exceptional abilities - I even call him Norbus. There was no air, no deprivation of vacuum in our country at that time, and no enough fake, rumored chords reminiscent of anti-Orpheus. Romantic, meaningless compliments of lost confessions of love.

He was chained to the corner of the proud city by a desire for independence, an emigrant-loneliness consciousness! With my Enkidu body too hairy, no one drilled his lily head into my shaggy fortress chest, only He! My Sisyphus, my foolish figure, the blunders of my hesitation, stared all the more in Calvin Square on the way to the baroque library castle: Our lips caressed love messages like young fools, we ran away from our eternal emotions!

If I had been the conqueror Don Juan or the colonizing Adonis, he might not share his feelings with confidence, because I wrote a poem many times that brought the pearl of his face to a flaming flame like a rose bush of flames: Chinese buffet!

I have always had a living conscience; a proud descendant of flirtatious amazons who could never confess his defeat to my chubby chubby face. Maybe he trusted my hamster holster better than Ponty from the philosopher! - Voice-successful couple: I would often have taken a ton of glazing to the proud hills of Nógrád, and I was angry with my parents that there were no pearls in her cherished moments.
Oct 2020 · 81
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
There was something elusive in you! Faded chubby face with hamster arch in crystals! Sure! I was trying to put you out of a pyramid of old-fashioned laughing wrinkles. Towels fluttered like a hanging flag of surrender. Where is your deer-eyed angel who promised the universe in return if you redeemed it - and now neither word nor speech has suddenly left you as a camphor ?!

And where is your cranky, restless lover who sinned along with sand grains? The universal message of orphaned immortality and the romance of our kisses came with it! "Something unspeakable primordial matter, a secret cell-cathedral, has burned in you: Proclaiming a long-standing Order as a yawning ruin, and now you're pondering one thing and another: down in yourself - why don't you still find the answers?"

Shaggy forest eyebrows are still covering you with more and more hesitantly vulnerable tears - not sure how long? In addition to the dazed copy of your face, toiletries and toiletries are impatient: A shower rose will send you life-giving pearls! Just always listen inwards!

Always straight and between your two seeing eyes: The interior will become enlightened, and perhaps he hopes for salvation on a strained retina. In your hall pits, sharp blood vessels, twilight craters swell, swell due to lengthy strains! “I woke up to crypt ditches — in vain the dawn of dawn; he peeked in and woke up again in mischievous ways.

The ridge stretched like a giant, panting giant!
Oct 2020 · 61
Two-way listening
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Closed doors open before me again,
The yawning tear in the skies threatens to be stabbed by lightning knives if I don’t pay attention, I take care. - Everything greets you as a friend here: The cathedral, which has lived for a long time, the overbearing series of battered furniture, and the portrait hall of history have long been familiar! But in school days, in the universal corridors of solitude, long-unseen faces and echoes greet, and the Inquisition of my black book is insufficient!

I never understood: If one grinds one's mind with knowledge to sharpen and stay minded, why should it be punished? When I was here at an ice age: Ladies wreaths adorned every window and they laughed intoxicated! What could have happened? Were the truth-tellers, messenger-sages, expelled? Wherever I stop in the fragmentary moment, the legitimacy of fear and dread takes hold of cells!

The whitewashed walls screaming snow-white also tell of betrayals and humiliations! Behind the doors, I still listen to the threat of unfriendly exams and exams! It carries a doom inside every minute: The time here is always over; Innocence swears with frightening humility in lamb deer eyes! "The alien passer-by is immersed here in the fog of statelessness!"

No apology! No excuse! No forgiveness! One cannot always trust here on one's own, one can hope for emerging goals!
Oct 2020 · 67
Swaying watches
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
What am I used to? The push back and forth, the onslaught of chaotic sarcasms? Blood sponge geysers from the stained organs? Fist whitish-colored purple-pimples, cam-trenches? The singing of charmingly chirping fairies, flirtatious ladies in my childhood when an immortal emotion arrived in a single superstition, a sigh of magic?

Twilight red blood flames reflected in crystal eyes. At night, my heart cherishes nightmares and, as a strangled prison cell, I even tolerate indifference if I have to! - Is that what I'm used to? The constant dread of little boys that greets you every minute! Is the cherishing of you wasted? As a dilated crater, my broken ****** wounds all hang up, open up!

Your encouragement is needed for my livelihood. I wanted nothing more than to place my perforated heart on your fragile swan hands, and to be able to sit with you at the end of old age and soar on the heights of happiness, like a sky-whining plane flirting with the skirts of cloud continents!

I would have changed my life: for noble, chivalrous, proud purposes, because I found the secret tunnel in the hearts of ladies and listened in whispering sighs to the stray beats of our hearts!

"I wanted to be with me the one who would lay the guardian angel wings on me, if the sizzling fear greeted me again, he would share my sorrows and joys with a cherished maternal understanding!"
Oct 2020 · 75
Front's siege
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
It's still stopping now. My heart drummed and my uncontrollable heart bounces. We also feel it in our bone-breaking viscera, in the basic formula of our skeletons: Infinite Time is hysterical, in large cloud passages like a herd of greedy wolves among an army of lambs!

What if I can't take this cudar atmospheric front anymore? "It just depends on your organization, like your only driving force for many, many years!" - Oh, but Summer! The heated nights of insomnia! Swirling insomnia and restlessness, which suffocates everyone as a temptation, and an ****-winking of ripe colorful fruits, out in the kitchen garden, and

those unforgettable, immortal passions, sighing flames that came out every summer! Wounds, purulent scars bulged like stigmas in the craters of my body, and because I was careless I now have to put up with clenched prison teeth that fatal UVB radiation measured on me! - You haven't even looked at me!

,, Come on! What would I have done? I was just playing with you so I could throw it away forever! ” - The destruction of the apocalypse of the universe in all your deeds, your ancient deeds! You have been exiled in your heart for a long time, and I have not found myself since! And then, as one who has long been forgotten and described, he is devastated, he digests himself incessantly! As a one-eyed prisoner of the Cyclops, he cannot escape!
Oct 2020 · 637
Pessimistic sun ruins
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
There were many, it was illegal to have a pessimistic weekday, a worn out, useless desk and a climbing Sisyphus ticket: Insufficient - mostly - and sufficient. The crossfire of promising grains of pride, and the pathetic judgment of the Inquisitions lurking in the eyes: “Let's see! Who dares to do more and more ?! ” - There was a murderous rage in the hearts of the people,

"What did I know then: What can I expect?" "Destroyed nervous system, suicidal pessimism?" Nice promises or Janus-faced compromises? In which the victim is always his own scapegoat! "In the conscience of the people, they beat a homestead and strangled it with stigma stamps, handing it to you as the title of loser, as an honor in the camp of innocent fools!"

There were many, it was illegal for the pessimistic weekday, many were the self-destructive consciousness of Nothing: that you would stay that way, but only the Apocalypse-bad guys rushed at me every day; miserable, trampled on, destroyed! If I look back, I can still see it as fooling and humiliating the germs of youth in slavery, the reliable cornerstones of spiritual libraries, because “someone” mentioned the word in defense of imaginative and new ideas! And still, I can only guess: Did I get the magic D-letter document in exchange for the omniscient silence of my silence, or just for the awareness of my sooner liberation ?!
Oct 2020 · 74
Among memories
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I watched her! He was there every day and stared with enchanting roe deer eyes, and there she always stepped one step in front of me, as if he were secretly leaning towards me: he was leaning gently on me with his amber curls and wishing for shelter beside me! "There's always some cracked vulnerability left!" The stern eyeballs were also amarra: Execution squads, murderers, examined the unfortunate speaker, while in his awkwardness he failed, failed, or somehow went down. "But where might He have looked, where did a burst of nimble clouds step?"

In the emptied and worn summer maturation, his cold and warm atmosphere stretched his temper. Only loneliness is what left me with loyalty, as an acquaintance. Where a camp of preachers aged in the valley-cauldron of mountain giants represents moral values, as in their words faithful orator-prophets represent Unity daily!

They look right and left and I can only examine why the troubled emotion could be completely ruined in short-minute shards, once it stumbled in front of the door of our hearts ?! "And how long will it be possible for us to conquer each other's indifferent lips with immortal kisses?"

We don't even know anymore! But from the dense image obscurity of memories, we often weep back the Eden drops of our still bitter love: Maybe our perforated wound hearts can be successfully divided and filled in a single moment? Maybe it just doesn’t matter just the thought?
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Our neighbor roars at her pampered child again. the gray-knocked prison walls are still crackling and shaking. The constant bombardment of nerve pathways is already unbearable. From the shining saints of the stars to the continents of lanterns and lanterns, the dusty night shines.

The little guy, with a hysterical, demanding mood, searches the wheel tracks of his missing bike like a magic tricycle that can fly him to the sky, but he only finds an aluminum floor worn into yellow parchment, an iron lattice drilled into the islands of panel elements! I would comfort a handkerchief or a pleasantly sour rubber bear so that the lost earth harmony could return again, and blue, red, yellow, green,

delicious little taste-snacks, rolling down your small throat like a huge grab with my tiny hands in my bag! "But what I imagine is that the proud foundations of a possible friendship can be laid," I murmur to myself. "The boy continues to demand hysterically - and more and more, and the neighbor;" an orphaned young woman is still clueless about the more playful issues of upbringing and tolerates child tyranny with gentle Joconda patience!
Oct 2020 · 65
I hurt in everything
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
It's day again and again. My heart pounding and straining again, and every moment what existence obscures! The ancestral mercies of mercy are not yet reserved for me! Sometimes a rusty office door squeaks loudly, - the reading of names is heard aloud, in a silence pregnant with ******: the messengers, the philosophical nebulae, the green-eared ones go to execution in order.

The patented buttons of a dressed-up, masquerade suit cracked over me in a cauldron of stifling heat when it came to testifying about the knowledge I had acquired, because one could hardly do anything else! “During the day, glass and crystal palace-shaped tear-***** rolled down like soft and gentle praying screams in the grooves of faces: the immortal vibration of fear artificially aged us to our humiliated moments. It’s as if the secret law of hopelessness on this planet is asking for admission - but no one is afraid to hear it. He was praised by a camp of eminents who knew everything better

licking soles with brighter spirits! - I wanted to know, unravel and recognize the ancestral-One secret: How can the justice of merits really work? With delusions, nail-boggling - surely I have encountered more than the humane speech-charcoal! But only the adolescent revenge of legitimate complaints, of judgments flickered away from me; unworthily and sincerely as it once was

they were called libraries of the brain. The creative intellectual workshops may have closed their proud gates forever!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I walked there in motionless minutes. Down there, captive to sand dunes, romantic sunset. Helios' proud sunny island smiled only to herself: sparkling and sparkling. And I secretly wanted to scream madly inside my heart into the crispy foams of the waves: Note the Sea that we can stand here in pairs with each other's One-hearts, clasped together like in that characteristic sigh-minute.

We walked hand in hand in a budding universe. Somewhere I wanted to unravel the secret of his sad and bohemian lover, his unknown magic: How can he scout her sand-grained body with the kisses of waves while unspeakable harmony, otherworldly promise rages between them? “Your scorching sweet chestnut eyes revealed top-secret secrets, and you ran across the shore competing. The delicate strands of your amber hair were tangled in the wind!

Did I soar? Did I imagine? Or am I just disappointed? Or I could only have been a passer-by of immortal accomplishments that you, if you can be with you, sink into self-forgetful dreams of self-forgetfulness: knowing that you are drowning in Eden kisses. And I swore! Always calling on the Truth to you: Unconscious magnetic pole energies attracted, demanded, called you, and you could be greedy and insatiable in the only Heureka minute that demanded the immortality of Existence…
Oct 2020 · 63
Fire-pulling Universe
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
How much have I pondered - incomprehensible - and how much have I postponed? I can't catch it! I would say. With a true-proud and perhaps whimpering consciousness, to whisper only to the pure light atmospheres of my eyes, what thoughts, moods, emotions I cherished for Someone who gave up trampled on me. The happy fulfillment of the universe can be here on this earth two sparkling, fire-piercing eyes: a tiny dance of teeth, the body speech of tongues in the palate, in a system of organized tissues!

And for in every kiss the elusive charm of immortality flares up; passions collide in the wake of heroic battles. The crease of lips and faces shreds each other after midnight! And in the end, each one breaks, hangs, and finally merges with the fulfilled universe again with united force.

The shattered, sultry bars of the night melt into themselves, guarding the sleeper hard! - how many unearthly, cheerful minutes the cubs wished each other, in love They are True. You have to feel, search, discover the pagan spells of fulfillment, your hidden body landscapes! The smiled and gifted smile once again stretches the drunkenness of emotions for the last time, and the yoke yokes of lust also dream of a fulfilled redemption.

And because the expediency of goals fills every foot of the essence! None of them are wrong in the sure decision; their circle is driven by a circle of conflicts! "How much have I wondered if I should do enough, act and confess!"
Oct 2020 · 66
Wounded reality
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Wounded eternity is on its way: you are stepping over the broken loneliness of the heart, sharing your pain only alone! Your skin is sore and cumbersome! As a child of Sisyphus with fear, he is dragging himself! He who has endured the existence of moments, the crap of humiliation is now helpless and hysterical! Guarded by innocence and now thirsting for sincerity - but he doesn't even know where he left himself!

He was turned against him by foamy-mouthed, green-eyed devils, flattering contemporaries, greedy enviers - only his loneliness, his single handcuff uniqueness lasts forever: The last refuge that shares fertility and madness! He needs a purifying loneliness consciousness, a secret incognito Being! "This is how you walk with wounded eternity, cumbersome and half-naked at every step!"

Words he faces cannot heal him, only selfless help! Something bias suddenly moves in the hearts, and the treasures of Humility tremble in omniscient stellar eyes! It is more difficult to walk and weigh the boundless unknown - isn't it!

The wounded consciousness can only bubble in the hearts, rage - never calm - rocking at most in the shelters of mothers! The boundless emptiness settles on everyone quietly and awkwardly! Humble loneliness also expands. It grows its unstoppably proliferating nests; consumes its victims with slow cruelty!
Oct 2020 · 76
Facial plasters
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Outside, tears are besieging his fragile ****** plaster. But inside, in the ball-cosmos of eyes, in the spheres of retinas, the reality of sadness became more and more likely and vulnerable! As a careful survivor, we cherish the seeming pain and the ruins of emotions for a while, and yet we do not ask: Have we changed or stood up again? “One gem is pale, the other crystal carrying the treasure, the third glass palace, and all so fleeting and mortal. They work in the secret cavity catacombs of the body, the always living cell engines are biological particle molecules!

People may once again melt into one in a sea of ​​pain. - Even those who have yet learned to respect the still rules of existence will remain alien in vulnerability, when the falling humanity of Reality will be revealed in the face of a shower of tears! Pain - not knowing where it comes from! However, at the metronome of secret stimulus thresholds, everyone understands and you can never get out of miserable bitterness in vain, because they have a hopeful hope that there is and maybe even may not yet know it!

Because whoever shatters and breaks in his heart, the stem cell and atomic explosion of carved crater cavities into his soul will be the hardest thing to do! - Just the apocalypse pit; the den in which the Cassandra stamps of Life have multiplied will be the last judgment, in which sufferings and tears will be caught again, bursting to the surface bubbling!
Oct 2020 · 42
Questionable emotion
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Wait for me again! Silently open your arms. It’s so nice to get lost in your flag-burning eyes now that I’ve long forgotten! You kept my head in the midst of your banging, purple bangs, and you cared my serenity to caress me caringly! As the caring mom evokes fear and the shadow of terrible goblins in the evening!
The unquenchable universe of truth is scorched by the flames in this minute that we have both received as gifts. Above my face you are: A blessed-looking, full-smiled angel. The wings of your protective swan hand weave around the abundance of my oak shoulders, my hairy, prolific Enkidu chest weaves around like an amber tendril,

s sudden! Wait for me! If you love don't go! The prison cell of the ancient loneliness has been let go, it will not let go. “I bathed with you when you were by my side in your infinite harmony, in your spacious sea-lap, which calms my rippling storms.

"I couldn't understand how long I could cling to your spasm rejection and my selfish exile?" Please don't even deny it: The first despised the tiny raging SMS You wrote and I always listened to you in the gap of your tearful hours; I supported you!

My destiny is torn! And I regret not committing the sins of my deeds anymore! Would I have ended up as a disposable rag in a love trash can ?! You tasted the silky Eden cube-wedding of my chocolate with a longing, ******-bomber: you gave a kiss even in questionable and fatal fragment-minutes!
Oct 2020 · 68
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Even maybe I didn’t even break up now that you executed me and threw me like a rag! You broke my heart, trembling for you. Even now, I may not have interrupted even now that in the time of your pressing need, I was the one who sacrificed you in consolation, and when final despair drove pearl ***** in the trenches of your snow-white face, I was there for you and my consolation mixed with selflessness!

Even now I am not used to perhaps seeing the betrayal of your kisses not meant for me, and yet without envy and jealousy I endured and hoped in you - maybe one day the consecrated vow of a juror will change! Tell me, my little fairy pup? Have you ever loved your son-in-law fool?
Even now, I don't quite get used to the fact that it's just a dream, a fairy tale - a mere nonsense, and that deploying super bombers of your kind is just a general exercise, a game, and a pleasure. - Now everything is confused and the memories are hurting and swirling.

"Even now I don't really know what you chose in me that made me a traveling companion in love?" And that everything He gave with the momentary joys, cosmos blisses of the Universe, He gave with you! With your outburst of laughter. Hair, but there was a little beetle long ago that I could meet you: Times were unworthily kidnapped, and oblivion was closer to you than memory.
Oct 2020 · 86
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
You said you knew me! Just look boldly at my humble abode: With the gradual orderliness and cleanliness arranged, you can't find any clues that I can sometimes speak to myself my vocal cords, a secret, inner room, with a strange mutter! My manuscripts and my mother can know my fleeting fads, my laughable rhymes - but only my mother knows me! A disciplined army of my folded feathers standing guarding may know the furry forest, the jungle bushes of my chunky hands, but really even they couldn't solve the eternal mystery about me: Why am I thirsting for loneliness, loneliness condemned to fertility?

Even so, I still like the shady sides of incognito, and despite my great hall, I avoid being noticed! I am still researching, discovering in myself the essence and content that I thought was led away, but my inner being is the constant doubt and despair itself!

I have countless secrets! I'm a survivor! The ancient hiding place, whose survival has become survival at all costs! Therefore, how can anyone imagine that he could have seen me without a thorough mapping of the inner soul-hall? "So next time I can only afford someone who has no back, sneaky intent,"

and it can't be - but whose mind is more understanding and whose heart is nobler when it beats, and who accepts my stupidly mature blunders, my little boy's dreads, half-truths! “Even in my heart, his hopeless troubadour, romantic son-in-law is hiding.
Oct 2020 · 31
Fairy in a white apron
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
You used to be a fairy in a white apron: charming and strong - you extended your arms of hope over the sufferers and victims, and you flew barefoot even in cold crypt shops: on the cornerstones of patinated universities! Oh, my angel! You remember? Your tiny soul trembled like a lily petal swallowed by a thorn, and your ever-increasing and faster pace hammered your immortal heart pounding

a chirping, caressing word, “Honey! Honey!" "During the day, the consuming fire flared in your eyes, and when the dream drifted on your blessed head to promote your harmony," you stretched out your graceful, reed-slender limbs like a cat when it rubs and purrs to win your wish!

Your laughter was an ambrotic universe to me. You have faithfully and faithfully restrained your uncontrolled Pegasus, and you have sat on the ******* - the majestic Artemis body of Amazon. I listened to the delicate eroticism of your lips as you sweetened your melancholy mood with chocolates as a modest request, and maybe you couldn't and didn't know

you may have guessed that I had long ago set your heart on the marble wall of my heart, and my feelings for you were shattered. “You used to be a fairy in a white apron — and now the fulfillment of love is conceived in your body; armies of tiny toddler legs greet you when you get home: you are still gentle and strong and you protect others, you are afraid to defend!

Think about it: I did not mean my complimenting words to destructive forgetfulness, but that your mischievous mischief may not be lost forever: once you wake up and visit, your emotional hermit will greet you with the death of humility, and if you fall asleep: Angels keep your dread dreaded!
Oct 2020 · 74
Sketch season
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Now it's still a warm, lukewarm daze.
Dressed in a morgue, getting the gray sky. clouds of cotton candy vented out of themselves the broken drops of their grief. The late-zigzagging injection needle tips of lightning do not split: Although ominous breezes still explode, they secretly pop up here and there.

The unchanging buzz of the end of summer ripens on the branches. Autumn kisses its green scaly fires with its imit-amott flames: their bodies are threatened by the price of digestive fire! Beyond that on the Mountain of Birds rest three balding aggastyan kings: and their mountain ranges are gently and veinily connected like tired and limp muscles on the barren surfaces of their bodies.

Now everything is, can and will be! - It is a happy consciousness of safe satisfaction. I have nothing but my self-conscious hope of forcibly pulling me out of the mud and setting it up: I will - yes - my work and the wolf laws of the world will no longer trample on me, and I will not mortally injure me!

It would have been good to moor in the revived era of existence, and to settle down on a reciprocal lottery run: I accepted Loneliness as an unexpected traveler, a grateful guest, and I do not expect to thank only envious scolding.

on the scraped debris of my infinite days I am still reading the eternal and immortal Truths of the letters! - I'm feeding my food, but with increased hypochondriac diet mania! "In the morning, you just get out of bed with a ball and grumble grimly."

I could only see the morning star again, and in it lost my sweetheart in blunders!
Oct 2020 · 40
Uncertain guesswork
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I see as an accomplice, have you ever been able to listen? you thought to yourself overwhelmingly, proudly, “What can this worthless willow cub want? Even that immortal kisses and the nectars of idyllic laurels? What nonsense is that again ?! ” "I didn't dare take my lips to magical, complimenting words," he was afraid I knew, I'd scare you for good!

The bewitched Moment of Fate gifted me, and then he was suddenly captivated, he took me far: Maybe if we became the cuddly grandmothers and grandfathers of the School of Life, we might still run into each other in the great abundance! "I couldn't even say one last word to you: And now it's not just the usual 'how am I?' - bagatell's question rides in my head, why did I collect misguided minutes, idyllic gazes

shreds? I already know: The determined will boasted in me that would have handed out trust graciously! I haven’t changed almost anything: I’m still just shaving every four days to save some on my costs!

Even within me, I am still speechless carrying the Burden that I once suffered your damage! My partner is not even now - hoping, hoping in the endings. Remember, we once had a princely feast of chocolate cavalcades, and we could forget each other selflessly; cheer boldly and flirtatiously so we can lick!

Your tears shed a pound of amber on my weak-willed heart. And he became one fate with you, but you ran out of self-sacrifice that also took omen! "I don't know yet: Did you betray me, or did you just run away forever ?!"
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I have survived the full steady pace of my life! The treasures of smells, wonders, and emotions evaporated behind me — doing nothing as it would have seemed through the eyes of others: The tiny cells of the unknown existence were influenced by molecules. My swarm-toddler's turn of the century was watched by women, as they later leveled my school-lesson career — I was able to go to their safety once and for all: my spirit could finally be aware of and marvel at the formula of the anthill of the world,

however, the remaining order is like the molasses tutyimutyism! I hid among the shadows unnoticed, unmoved. With my inner eye, I measured the bizarre message exchanges of immortal kisses: every tangled, exhausted tiny coal challenge generated real emergency challenges, like when nuclear nuclei split.

I am ashamed of a lot of my mistakes and mistakes for so much - that's right! I saw the ruthless brutalities of real life in a crime siren. Even though I was on duty as a school circuit runner in gym class, my tear-wounded face burned from both sides while my mother was watching me, comforting me, protecting me! But now that I'm pretty much just knocking out empty heaps of paper, the inserts of a garmada of feathers, for myself - I could remember and live

the full need of Existence: Missed births, birthday parties, bicycle teaching, - to rejoice and live that I could be a creative and creative part of Someone, even if for a little while! "But life is not a frothy cake, if the overhead lines that are felt in the overhead lamp world are like the trampled beetles!"

Maybe someone will come, secretly capitalized out of little money, and even faced with a scarcer opportunity to thrive on immortal emotion!
Oct 2020 · 34
For her
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
A tiny home of a walnut shell that shines in your eyes. Calm in your arms and happily, I would have driven my stray head to sleep - you kept every moment of miracles, magic between your two swan hands like the sparks of the Universe! you dared to dream of immortal fulfillment - while I was held captive by the shackles of cowardice: you could not let me go! You raised your lily head toward me. Your gaze thirsted for goodness, honesty, as the only forgivable

excuse me before lies! The magic of your face, the self-sacrificing will, was beyond everything I could perceive, discover! You became a miserable pain that lingered in yourself, and you asked yourself every day: How long? How many earthly minutes can I tolerate people's envious spit,

swear words to hated wickedness? You were a redemption that extends its angel wings to escape to the only recesses in the world! Even in self-sacrifice, you have always been an encouragement - a healing hope that stars in times of need!

Underneath your feet, the forest of green music, autumn avar, covered in velvet flames, has sprung up! You came and went, the tiny-sweeping worries of existence pushed your fragile shoulders deeper and deeper into a happy pregnancy: Human embers emotions, the romantic charm of kisses, the superstitious music of lips flew around you!

The radiance of heavenly grace has drawn you into your untouchable circles like a magnet! - Where did you go? You live in your tiny garden house, you have now exchanged the compliments of the dreams of our dreams into a feminine virtue, behind which is still your little girly fang! But your indestructible memory is still indelible digesting and fluttering in the labyrinths of my head: And I don't know how you feel or do you feel at all
Oct 2020 · 104
Rewritten fate
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Only the gaze laughed out of heaven, with the merry music of sparrows, message to the heart. Only two fragile hands that touch it with care will comfort you when you need it! Just an immortal smile that promises the Universe and then offers you its fruits of Eden! He promised with the appearance of uncertainty while Everything was himself!

There was: A brilliant rainbow to drive an overcast cloud sky out of the chimneys of my head and to expand the vast prison boundaries of trust around us! What a happiness I liked: It was an empty loss of eye light, and it was possible that only grief grew bottomless ditches!

There is only one sure point left: Mutual self-deception, false consciousness. "Tell me, honey?" do you still love me? ” My pounding heart whispered to him. "Better than anything in the world!" The gracious, false words were still a little poisoned.

Yet I tried my best to win the reciprocity for good in glittering eyes! "Instead of fragrant wreaths of bouquets of flowers in my hand, I cherished chunks of chocolate for him - I still remember,"

and not easy to forget! You see! Blessed is a mischievous angel hiding in secret between your lips halfway, and he couldn't stand the pretended cowardice for a while! I didn’t talk about it either, which is why I never, but in my heart, the vein of glass finally cracked with an irreversible act,

when your novice knight, your love of heart, grew beside you, and you did not mention in a single, innocent word that the melody of our beating heartbeats was also transcribed by Fate.
Oct 2020 · 81
XXI. century panorama
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
I saw wild, human-hearted animals roaring in the filth of filthy crumbs of the crumbs of discarded chips-bags, - of the infected carcasses of garbage cans, and I thought the Order was now dictated by wolf laws. Miserable human wreckage did not understand what might have happened to them: They also took away the order of begging humility!

Humiliating each other to the ground, chanting motherly curse words, they cut their ugly words into each other’s eyes - while spitting themselves out too! They are still saving their stranded shipwrecked lives, their own recyclable waste bungalows. But there are those who have become messengers among them and its outburst is foolishly impossible. He jumps on a bridge, he thinks, all-shift firefighters are just bringing down: A new world of precious human life!

A few more stand next to him and comfort him, “Don't be discouraged buddy! You can even wait for the hand tomorrow! ” - They see only a gentle and tolerated suicide chased close to human subsistence; social debris, insignificant harmfulness, the sword of Damocles running above him, which may have been permanently cut off -

now he has regenerated nails and fangs! Unemployment benefits, secure work, a credible standard of living, empty congruence, word-thirst - it's all incomplete, almost all connections have been lost!

And even jealousy, old-fashioned envy, like a leech worm, erodes the drops of precious juice from the war of the needy. - Among the wreckers, silents call on the wise men to speak.
Sep 2020 · 59
In the ravine of waves
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Waves, waves: The sailor is rocking with their dreams, and the living one who was not swallowed by Atlantis! Bikini amazons, sea goddesses stepping out of sea foam boil my blood like the words of dreams. They hope for romantic compliments. Ditches, valleys, gaps open as gates to the doors of the Sea: The ancestral philosopher!

Grumbling raging cemetery, lover licking the hips of rocks southbound! Chewing on the broken crumbs of memories, I like tiny moments of what’s left. The knife tip of the volcano of the sun still hurts my blistered skin: insomnia greets me every time the nightingale light looks at me!

Carefully I dare to just lubricate: Struggling with my increasing oxygen deficiency helps me in my fear of death; warns of dangers by flying bubbles that call for existence. And every footprint ever immortalized by immortal emotions into the home of desert sand dunes becomes a petrified stone.

But did anyone also ask why the stone bleeds when exposed to water? My heart is still dominated by mood pessimism: from where discouragement and self-pity gently shine outward!
So far, I have no idea that the given bombing moment that conveys an eternal universe can be captured! “In the secret, bubbly ******* of my heart, fairy cells run, unceasingly, peacefully. In my mind-creating thoughts, the fragile and tiny pace of your breathing changes,

s your priceless heart to slow down and to rise below your chest! - Now the changed World is utterly bleak and barren; without you all will be invalidated.
Sep 2020 · 59
Wandering eyes
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
What a fertile serenity. Maybe a time of immortal fulfillment, that’s why he’s so content. Harmonious move here now. cherished unnecessary activity as a caring parent of Time! - We're still here; in the realized immortality of the Universe, imprisoned, in each other's hearts, in their consciences.

Walled in the prolific tunnels of our blood vessels. - It's unnecessary to talk here, it's not appropriate. Then come the gray-worn everyday, - voices enviable and jealous of our happiness. Just living for each other, hoping; to forget the Heaven of Existence - the most important moral act: To live and appreciate love, to live as long as possible!

How many hopeless, transient moments chewing on the eternity of error: more and more certain can be given by the unconditional oath of allegiance of a given emotion! The pounding messages of hearts live side by side like ripe apples in the secret gardens of Hesperides!

And when it suddenly cools down, it tears to pieces like an empty, meaningless ******* with the given love, omnipotent emotion, maybe inside and inside, we'll just be like the undead! We all embark on a long journey of emotion: Deceptive, empty promises, free return: where perhaps the answers to promised kisses can be bribed!

"The broken insecurity, the impasse of trust, should be left behind me." It is a great blessing and a rare fortune to confess the sincere Faithfulness, which shakes the blood globules of molecules in the tunnels of cells. With true faith, a raised head, yet human humility!

The Spirit and the Heart want to play drums, effervescence, boil like cauldrons, merge, and merge into one, if we dive into each other's planetary eyes!
Sep 2020 · 55
For you
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
You haven't looked at me for a long time! Now you lived more for yourself and your family! Who in the time of earthly afflictions you were a lily-valiant, now a mother or a successor to the next throne. "Because there is still an unfortunate, clumsy, chubby son with whom and jokes and jokes could still be pursued freely - and his selfless, loving compliments were his innocent little attitudes, the main ones being good, humble."

tact. In the distance of the earth, you cheered my soul out with your mischievous laughter, you let me worship you in self-sacrifice. And now, among the junk alleys of my memories, I think of you in front of me! Who is your hair-slender body, your fragile lily hand, now blessing your self-luck with blessing that it can be with you?

To your fragile swan hands, who with their velvet caresses have forgotten all the dangers of the earth, now who has poured rich tears of joy? "I can't ask you what's left in my independent imagination forever: the penetrating flame of your Almighty smile,

the tweets of your chirping-melodic voice! "You taught me the little joy of being." I spent perhaps the most precious crumbs of my life - how irresponsible, light-hearted and careless I was to let you out of my holey hands: My prolific calm and good luck!

I intended all my spiritual treasures for you now - because life is a Rubik's Cube, you can never guess which side is responsible, lucky for unexpected decision situations? - Please wait! Don't run away yet! Upside Visegrád, a nightmare moonlight looks at you and shines your faint face in its light! Your children are already washing - if the lesson was responsible - they have been asleep for a long time,

but you lie restless in the presence of the awake consciousness and only imitate your automatic breathing so as not to arouse your husband! "Remember you were angelic music among the shackles of my gloom, and it's up to you to stay yourself."
Sep 2020 · 81
Bird mountain
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
My feet are swaying to the extermination next to the bird-mountain, studded with the rivets of surgical scars, where the old forest once dreamed of an even fuller and calmer harmony, a happy fulfillment: At most a grumpy bush, if you look at me! Offended, pregnant Sisyphean gorge resumes their orphaned tears with offended clouds: Abandoned, heavenly continents. Twilight's red blood kiss is still haunted by a dying, pisla sundial!

Semi-rich pasture, half-built concrete Atlantis — plenty. I continue to walk and take my feet, the attention that has moved far away involuntarily wanders, and it hovers here and there in the shadows of pasts: I have seen a beautifully decorated celebratory girl. There was an immortal emotion on his red lips, like a ripe and irrevocable cherry!

But now, like me, the departing one is moving away, because he himself is certainly a conflict avoider - he looks at my beautifully, understandingly barren, magpie-legged face, the year rings of my suddenly silver-turned hair. The unfaithful lover, by saving himself, makes a bargain, betrays him.

And between the vague crossfires of exploratory glances, two pounding, innocent hearts dream of the risk of a rechargeable, earthly universe! - Twilight haze is still simmering and struggling on a soft hilltop; The time of the singing birds may have been sacrificed forever, and the beautified Time will not deceive either - but in the solid and uncompromising captivity of the valleys there, the immortal transcendence still remains patient, secretly longing for Someone!
Sep 2020 · 286
Loss of personality
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Turning inward, you just look, you don’t see yourself inward. Chasing the ring tooth of an idyllic daydream, into the memories of lived events in childhood, into an unchanging past, among the blunders of your futility; you dwell there, who can whisper to you the caressing words of your conscience!

You see cheerful, bouncing players around you - all breaking the rules, you imagine yourself: It could be Order in the midst of clutter! And the others didn't even guess your secretly flattening helper - tell me, where did he go ?!

You hold your individual, selfish hope to yourself, if you keep them so you cherish your emotions! Your heart trembles when you have to decide responsibly, so you ask them and what they murmur into the gaping shells of your ears, you can even decipher it, you can pour it into words like a hermit saying a message, a silent prophet in apostasy - you fight with opinions,

sue! The True Word is bubbling in you in an immortal cauldron that you have always been afraid of, and you ran no matter how many times you should have stood in the mud! You have consciously remained a child in your selfishness! You are caring for your childlike dreams, and you would have proudly hid underground to see yourself through the mirrors of your receptive eyes, the only possible guarantee of your survival: The cowardly runaway!

I have to think on my kicked stomach and ponder how much I didn’t do on the fringes of my scarce fears, it could have been! And every time he suffered a weaker injury; flocks of roaring wolves roared my ears deaf. "Maybe I've lost a little bit of my personality, too, in so many changeable shapes!"
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
I relied on my self-pity, my spasmodic despair, my rigid hesitation. I went to cover in front of all-seeing eyes, behind the stinky and contagious clouds of toilets, to the homeland of sticky dirt! I understood the solitude of the chipses bags crouching on the ground, the silent boycott of shrunken cola bottles: when I was a sick little child, I didn't want to get out of the cherishing shelter of beds!

The toilet, the dirt, the dirt, the filthy swear words together as a sworn enemy against me, none would have helped: ,, Fear not! Keep your head up! Go further! - I can guarantee it; was the skewering action of the innocent, our main catch. I am a loser adolescent! I can count on my doubts, I dream in the silence that carries the Universe - my cell room is silent, lousy-cold!

"How did the tormenting whips let the sufferer live for a while?" - Come on, come on! Vengeful, stubborn hatred flashed richly from their hyena teeth, and they spat out like infected, and strangers used to! "I should wake up permanently from the Night of the Nightmares!"

Insanely, like crazy, I talk to myself, to myself! An orphaned gaze comforts me - on the cosmic bridge of stars in the throbbing night I imagine: And it doesn't come towards me no, it helps, just the sound of a squirrel cheers, comforts! Uninterrupted in my cogwheels: I don't see a forest of open air from proliferating thorn weeds, tarragon bushes!

And I'm afraid that Hope will only be temporarily bribed as a negotiated travel companion!
Sep 2020 · 47
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Time is over my head: It is leaking from the expelled universe. Everything is so homely above the cauldron captivity of valleys in a small house; sadness, like a dead ball of tears, otherwise falls more easily, dripping more and more while it hits the ground. "I greeted me with a one-of-one consciousness of happiness: I could not kiss the immortal footsteps of your feet out of cowardice!"

And yet thousands of agonies tormented me, and the prey of heifers became my orphaned soul! A goddess I haven't seen in a long time now I don't know where she stumbles, lurks, curious after me - we kept immortal drums together while we folded our hands together! - To the bottomless well; into our selves as sinful recidivists, we fell back because we ourselves were afraid of the Truth

patinated halls. And only in secret, so the dele of my life slipped away like a mild summer shower: it came suddenly, fresh-smelling, sharpening my mind, liberating it - and it passed away like a flame! Our podium judge was wiser, more ruthless than ours, and set off a blushing war of kisses: "You're not ready yet!" He replied.

And the break-ins will never be a whole whole again! There is always a humiliated, humiliated heart that secretes secrets among half-looted treasures! Where is the limit, the awareness that with common Action, everything can be improved? Because it was bad, it was evil, and the manipulation that the blinding effect of two eye vaults had on the restraint of male hearts could be exploited!

The eternal torment of pain has always struck my heart! I couldn’t have been counting on me with turning moments!
Sep 2020 · 62
You won't save me!
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
And then, in that unspeakable, superstitious, at once frightening temper: The biological current of immortality crashed into our bodies like the lightning-giant mountain giants of lightning. Then my two vibrating and seeing pupils began to ram and vibrate silently, the heartbreaking prayer “send heart to heart”! Hair dumplings pinched the jungle of my chest and pierced with the spikes of your bush

their rosy, believing faces tickled, but you didn't mind! Love made you obsessed, and you would have traveled to the stars if you knew you could still find Him there, you could reach Him! - Wavy, gentle amber tendrils stretched into raven-night silence like fishermen throwing a net:

They could keep and encircle the prey: Hairy boy-animal! Infected with half-heartedness! "You have gracefully driven your marble neck over my shoulders, your idyllic daydreams have opened New Worlds to me." A mischievous goodness cheated on your eyes in two eyes, I also learned the secrets of your sigh!

Oh, but still! Threatened Depression into the Kharübdis Gorge, you were afraid to follow me among our inevitable transgressions! In the meantime, I have always called for you: If you chased and stranded the desert, lonely loneliness. If my body was reduced to boiled-cancer by bombarding rays, and if I screamed at night while seeing nightmares because you weren’t by my side to shake my boss with your swan hand!

And if you sometimes hit the ****** trombones of your temper, you know, I forgave them all! Just ask yourself the eternal, irrevocable question: Was your hurtful swear word right while you acted on the laws of your heart?
Sep 2020 · 54
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
If you were to visit me again now, and I could only take you in my arms for a single, budding day - alas - there would be no more unnecessary words hiding under your palate! The endless, dazzling blueness of the sky would embrace the sandy land and the wail of the sea waves would caress the footsteps of your eternal immortal and fragile feet!

Illusions, daydreams and meaningless words cut into each other's heads in which we hibernated each other for a long time. It was unnecessary pretense, fleeting in itself! “What more would it matter if the Earthly Universe rediffered two broken souls to an unforgettable day? Now the same pain still hurts: On one side the desperate despair itself is lingering, while on the other it is hardened, yet a fragile snowdrop clings to the captivity of the forgiving Spring!

"If you were to visit me again now, I could only make mistakes in your heart clamps again." We could already know and guess clearly: Our immortal transcendence did have a message! - And there would be no other power than the power of kisses, if you visited it once: The earthly, long-lost harmony would greet you again in person.

and would occupy self-forgotten, worldly devotion! What’s left of us: The sublime clicks of Platonic serenades, romantic compliments. Just like the lost, wandering lover in abundance, there is a timeless message: The immortality of faces and gazes! Even now, you will shine brighter and brighter in front of me!

And I couldn’t go after you while your heart was shaking for someone else!
Sep 2020 · 60
The street
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Proud and light-hearted signs of neglect are everywhere, attracting every corner of the street, embracing them! The shadows of more and more hidden places on the alley balconies of the streets are growing! They are augmented by the false awareness that they can scare people with impunity while going to the nerves of others strained to the ground!

But even now the old houses stand majestically and on a proper hill: Shuttered shutters, indifferent caretakers proclaim the abundant peace that still remains! "Even though the street is an eternal, immortal noise-noise," he still keeps something of your indelible past: How far have you come? How do you achieve the curvature of your stretching track?

For it is in vain that ruthless darkness weaves a lasting cobweb around you as an untrustworthy trap - you do not know your broken tears, nor your suffering trapped in mud. Proud and light-hearted signs of desolation are everywhere, embracing every corner of the street.

The people here are just life-threatening wrecks, wounded ghosts! This big city is getting more and more unrecognizable, more and more dangerous! Suspicious gazes cling to you like sticky leeches like assassins and you know, even if you run away: Evil and jealousy are secretly sneaking up and uniting to plunder your universality!

A deserted street that lived better days - no flickering light. The stomach-turning silence before your doom moves into the sight of your eyes! You would run, flee to your angelic redemption unfolding in two eyes: But He must be far away while you are struggling with the demons of your own fears, fighting! S after dark starless hopelessness shackle s tie…
Sep 2020 · 33
On the platform
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
We stand alternately on the platform. We stand in the changed Time; we follow the side sound of blind tracks purely, disciplinedly unceasingly. Here the joy of existence is that we dare to get up and hope again - what was once priceless and perhaps most precious!

Blood clots lift up rocks, tiny dams, wordless in us, like silent murderers who silently sit down and ****, choking alive! The final fragment of Being is now scattered with monotonous and melancholy indifference, while under the surface the devouring death moves and bites…

The year-ring of the seasons is placed on our faces: The broken tears of snow, soot and sky send their sky-whining messages to us! "We are only digested on our own, and we are free to digest us in degrees of self-pity!"

With the gaping black threat deep in our hearts, the flowering spring and summer of the missed happier years stares at us. The cradle of the mundane universe of life, in which innovative love may have been conceived! -

This is how we stand, we stand and wait in the hope of a safer start, and we do not realize under the surface secretly and individually how much of its hidden weight and driving force is the secret mechanics of the richness of forgotten details, the chain of small fragments! And if we are mistaken for a single moment in sure uncertainty - the obscurity of the future alienates us!

Let’s ask ourselves the eternal One-Question: Where did I have to start, and how long do I understand ?! "Desperate abandonment and abandonment is our most patient killer, because it doesn't ask much!"
Sep 2020 · 75
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Hallo! "Once the angel has made sense of existence again, now he's just sleeping still!" "Is it you again ?! Where are you talking from Why don't you visit ?! I haven't seen the gamma rays of your immortal chestnut eyes that have been blinded for so long! ”

Just not because of your selfish husband? Are you a free and independent lady and woman, and are you still just tolerant of the word of arbitrariness deciding for you ?! "That's not how I appreciate Loyalty!" You remember?

I remained faithful to my murderously honest word, but inside you something mysterious could be broken… To listen with my ears richly hearing in your cells to my fragile heartbeat and the raging despair within me! - It must be too windy

I was whimsical to you, did you find it? If only you could know that in every hidden word-bush like a fly in wine, I beat you in a symphony of serenades and you always shone! But righteousness came over the souls of the two of us: The bittersweet bread and the black soup came!

You know, I wasn't able to lie to you because you deserve the absolute truth - Now tell me, where are you talking from? ,, You're already telling me to get off me! Knock it down, OK! ” "And your voice is hurting, stabbing, hurting like the razor teeth of the harming Kharübdis, hyenas." Then let’s ask ourselves the unanswered: Why can’t we just be really friends?

Because he secretly tears it apart, secretly tears apart something in them, broken apart… The double combination of the Universe is still rampant in them, throbbing! You let it go easily! Come to your senses!
Sep 2020 · 59
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
See emerged from the past, then suddenly disappeared again; I taught my half-knee to humility before him! I volunteered, bowing down. That swan-white mischievous face, that chocolate color that weaves like a fine strand of straw that disappears into the darkness of the night, forced and interrogated by the Truth! She had to melt disarmed from his smile!

And I had to think: In these bombarding, sensory-igniting minutes, what will happen to me when I can no longer see the smile of pride-igniting wounds? "It was an imagined dream, a distant imagination, only He ruled over my head, my heart!"

I was amazed: I was secretly surprised that he had not shared the secret, inner word of his heart with me — I could only watch and destroy the kiss of others as it melted, destroyed devotionally, and flooded with tiny details of our immortal Universe; that maybe I could have been happy with you!

"Now what else can I say: Alien exiled as an outsider?" In my place, a lot of roosting roosters would tidy up their own porch, and now I am forced to face a destroyed end result incessantly! Isn't that weird? The half-naked young man tried to believe in fairy tales, but his love affair, like a serious illness, overthrew his proud, sublime throne of existence! "He thought foolishly that I would confess all the insignificant bagatelle secrets, and honestly

holding hands forever, perhaps we could walk together through the macadam paths of the unbridled World!
Sep 2020 · 52
Secret electricity
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Just because my secret electricity turned into a scorching passion in me alone, there could have been something unspeakable, tangible Extra, plus things between us, that could have repaired the fuses of my burned-out heart! In the secret courtyard of charred keys, where rampant cell division was always present, all throbbing connections were suddenly broken, irreparably damaged!

We didn’t know what to do with him, and we didn’t learn to treat him fairly just because
we meditated in the unconsciousness of the immortal minutes, and we wandered for a long time, and in our relationship, which can be called by name, at most only one of us is here! - Yet the meaningful time spent with Him became an important and indelible part of my existence!

- Behind the gazes of heaven, he was greeted with a laughing smile whenever he could, if he was not squeezed into foolish conditions, compulsions to meet others: When he could only be himself! It was a garden of wildflowers, pregnant and full of the scents of Eden!

And I couldn’t go after him in the alleys of everyday life weaving tragedies. "Today, surely the sublime happiness of the Universe is his." The future of a caring-hearted mother. But do you still think of the times when for a few moments only He was the center of the world, and loving troubadours, zealous Adonis, as loyal lollipops, sought hard-won graces through struggles and struggles, while only one of the overbearing ranks, just kneel in front of him?
Sep 2020 · 53
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
My heart rings with an increasingly dumb answer that it can no longer be, it cannot be! Two immortal passions battling the struggles of wolves within you, and yet I could not meet you forever! He blew your angelic being on the edge of Eden! - There's still no other connection! Why?

Come on! Foolish aside with the speech of a fool! - Not possible! In my lava soul, the consciousness of death is spreading, the bitter complaint of being left alone: ​​It can no longer be a completely missed opportunity! I understood the flood of words of your tears, "Knock it down at last!" You are ANYONE! ” - Does it make sense for anything?

I wake up halfway between the waking coma in the morning, the hypnotized hibernation, maybe waking up from latte: It's so incomprehensible that you can't be by my side when I need you, you're not with me! Without you, I look like burnt-out wreckage, rusting bodies! I really miss the radiation of your being's nuclear nucleus, its constantly feeding cosmic energy!


It would still be so good to exchange a word or two of friends with you liberated, without restraints, before your pessimistic sense of existence is finally infected! - I still wonder: Did I ruin everything or, if we knew we didn't fit together, why did he stop with a commanded law: The Mood of the Heart?

I have lost you forever, irreversibly! And I do not know in the trenches of unpredictable destinies when I will be able to meet you again; not with you, not without you passing by? The pensive Time repeats itself, still falling apart, I fall to the depths quickly, the number is still half-hearted, I hear repeated stumbles, I try to avoid the painful Truth on unknown paths!

You may know: When your lily head fell asleep on the shoulders of my shoulders, I confessed the Truth: I love you very much! "Suddenly the fleeting dream fell to pieces," I had to wake up.
Sep 2020 · 79
Before autumn
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
How could I have had a brain in some jagged skull? Watchful eyes, watchful gaze, watching in the autumn fog. The shadows of the night respond to terrifying souls with frightening wars! Shadows slid, and goblins snarled with a snarling smile between the house walls! A rare, broken piece of glass falls to pieces, and the meteor shards of street lamps are almost hurting the ever-tearful sympathetic eyes!

The consciousness of fear is not getting quieter in the corners of my brain, it is only growing more intensely! I would run to him, Yes: Who would take care to hug me, put them on my lap, - and caress my boxing head until I just fall asleep! Hiding as a survivor, I stealth, I move together, I move with the all-filling silence while I tremble myself! It would be nice now to return to Helion’s dazzling realm, where the sun rises every day for sure in eternity!

I would run away from magical nights, and yet involuntarily attract something to it! - And the warm clothes made in the muddy era follows. If we took everything as lightly and lightly as ice-cold indifference! The rusted leaves of the worn trees suddenly turned to gold,

the season stretched out, and as King of Mides he eagerly preoccupied streets and squares! The trees instead of me sobbed with the rustle of rain: You can never be yourself again because fear has moved into my heart - the thrifty Avar is already gathering: In reddening twilight, volcanoes are sacrificed in flame as a favor, with its final redemption in Autumn, but this year I have seen enough! The torment of penniless is often tempted, though pocket money as an alleged adult, I still get! I can only rely on what I need!

The treasure of the golden apple of the seasons, still useless, yet their aesthetics are inseparable, with a message of eternity ...
Sep 2020 · 65
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Bucket; pounding ***** knock on the windows. Perhaps this is how the ominous sky sends us hidden star messages: Millions of tears from a meteor and comet shower brazenly, sadly the wind! Man is often better, fleeing to cowardice - a bed pulls into a cherishing loaf, hesitantly tolerating the gloomy veil of the night being torn apart by the pointed dentures of lightning: Whip-popping rumbles!

I can only listen to the murderous, compromised silence of the indifferent nature, sandan from the craters of telltale eyes, staring with a sly blink; fears, dreads, horror mists are attracted to each other, and they are not let go by strangulation - on the levels of nightmares.

I succumb to the roosting distortion of cosmoses! Raw diamond-hard reality is burdened only by my loneliness: It would be good to be comforted in maternal lap caring harmony only one last time! - I saw angry nihilistic sorrows fluttering from apocalyptic skies, and I imagined: The vanity of misunderstanding sits proudly on the ruins of my common sense!

Even in a disturbing chaos, madness is leaking, now I would just want to lock myself in between lightning-fast home walls, where celestial threat proves to be little, because there can be no other harm from raging rage - I would have looked up if there had been watchful stars! And so consoling in the midst of so many ordeal-like celestial horrors and plagues,

your self-sacrificing smile would have had a gracious effect on me! In vain! The meteor tears of the unspeakable pain of heaven still torment me!
Sep 2020 · 179
Suicide moment
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
It still lights up with the dazzling lights of Autumn - why aren’t you with me?
He cuts the woody arms into honey-flavored gold - why did you throw me out? - Gentle branches are replaced by skeletons, indifferent death hooks, and the sudden coming Winter quickly wears away!

Immersed in the captivity of shelter pillows, caring maternal dunes, why don't you comfort me anymore? In the deserted waves in the field, he still hits his head, the mature avar breeds peacefully — as if you were lost chestnuts with your lost eyeballs — where did you get away from me?

Rosehip breaks down its red berries, twilight wounds: Your blushed face is happiest at this time! - Where could you go from me? Morality gets its name on your wall, your proud head shines! At Nagymaros, the silage and the wild Danube are wicked into fragile tenderness, and caressively caresses the blessed eggs of swan soles! - Why didn't you stand by me? Only the broken wounds of your heart should heal, - I understand that - we should have judged one last judgment, and we should gently tell each other as long as we could, until the magical sunset burns twilight roses in your hair!

- You're not by my side yet! Yet now the emotional need is very close to you: In me, a starving child chuckles for babysitting and love like an innocent selfish! When we were even younger, did you think there would come a time when the immortal Universe would also thirst for our unquenchable eyes?

"You can't be by my side at this poisonous, murderous moment," you know.
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