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Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Now the ***** lantern light washes around in one place: my vulnerable orphanage follows the footsteps of my legs silently, following with faithfulness as a Shadow! I would put my trust in True-Eternal friendships like one who hopes for comfort from others! Their donor conversation could be a redemptive balm in an alley-smelling state of despair; I would cling to my fingers with barely known chivalrous virtues as I kneel before the Dear and send the encrypted telepaths of words out of my eyes to my petal-heart: Do you still love me?!
Our treasure-laden existence begins to fade if we only see what the insidious, biflowering mass culture projects before our eyes! In the house of fame, perfect happiness still lives on: flattening sneezing who only waits for the *******'s vulnerability to sacrifice herself daily on the altar of her prosperity! Tabloid newspapers and TV shows need to be taught about the juicy scandal that has befallen daily scandals - the more rubbed have been able to learn this for a long time!
Special attention is given to those who show off their puffy, fuller charms and alternate their passions like others in worn-out lingerie! "I have to hesitate to step into the scattered, twisted light, because I'm really just a scared kid in the adult playground realm!" I keep balancing s Get up like Jancsik I swing for myself! Sizzling envyes are still peeking at me with increasingly killer jealousy and I begin to murmur myself to the well-deep echoes of myself: will there still be Someone for whom I would also travel to the Moon if our destinies crossed the other?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Goodness awakens in a draft, lends water to a chubby face, and goes to serve for Literature! It is not listed as a deliberate surplus in the public consciousness! At times, it is surrounded by unworthy dishonesty that, as a Columbus scout, he stands out among piles of manuscripts! He never forgives the Past lightly; misery-grievance travel with him! Snarling Celebs look out of the overheated testosterone air in gyms! They judge lightly and waste their obesity! Chirping, cheap kittens laugh and scam Judas money again; puffy whimsical presenters print the jagged, brainwashed text; infected idiots peak their minds instead of their heads in place!
Very useless years follow in the marshes of the surface; free-thinking thinkers are nailing it modestly, and they may know that the Truth may come to light one day! "Defiant, gnashing of revenge - fearful - would hardly be enough, even the Sunbeam is wilting into a pitch-colored pool of honey!" Stepped by the selfish fear of hopeless romantics! Everyone is already surrounded by the saltiness of money and the desire to bear the one from whom you can still profit!
Expensive Treasure is becoming less and less common among nurses today! It is no longer possible to build a card castle from the camp of sour disgusts and malevolent critics! Sloppy leeches would hide in their circles on a leech; all-pervading cloak-turners, slender pribes! Among fiery, light-blooded women, it is increasingly difficult for the eternal Child to stay afloat, who is hurt by his selfish vulnerability! Soft willers even caretakers decide their destinies and further careers! In lukewarm scandal chronicles, you can rarely even have a Happy End! - Even with a little evil, a lot of everyone can catch up: a volunteer emigrant is in captivity wrecking a shipwreck
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
The exotic beauties of schools are also grouped into selfish, small-style sects! How many have already called themselves ******* Virgins?! He coded helplessly on creeping street corners while longing for true Immortality! Léah taverna-pimps gather Judas swags, which are easily obtained with insidious intent; who will drive the industry to nausea sooner or later, and it will be too late for those who can be saved! You can get a slap in the face for a cheap overnight swing! The usury ushers, small-style house angels, preach with responding lap-jaws! "Even a calculated crazy crouching Shadows turn into a camphor with dreams of whistling!"
The non-Golden Medium carries the shadow of swaying hangovers the next day! Light on the powdered faces of deaf people closes and the botox collagen starts to spawn; it can be lean consolation just for the risks of survival at all times! Hordes of men, with overbearing arrogance, scatter insidious handshakes, cheap promises, and when the age of proof comes back, they step down! Even today, disaster-prone melodies make us ******* dances, and it is not certain that the life-giving Light can still cling to the depths of darkened algae!
Great mouth heroes, diligent throwers can only scrape out the orphaned chestnuts for this present-day Present! The crimes of leisure pumpkins are swept under the rug with a calm heart! "Unruly, otherworldly brain evenings split into shards, and among the millions of small glass pots, gurgulans are the many pieces of the throbbing True Pearl!" Vigilant squatting dogs in the barn of vigilantly guarded alleys roar; themselves themselves can scarcely know who can be friends and enemies? Some troublemakers have retired already, and now it would be so good for a prophetic eccentric to be able to lead the way for sure
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
They hate the vigilant guard today! Gnats also work out of whim! The official decision may seem a refutation! And a stray current of alternating tendency still circulates in the brains of Man, and it is possible that some sacrificial baptisms will always remain if the martyrs have all retired! Enduring the siege of angry friends and unfaithful cedars is still harder than settling down compromisers in peacetime! The secured path of escapes can rarely be open; honesty rebels cannot be taught by rival ant crowds to prosper!
Who is disobedient and soft can not feel good in the sun! The possible route of intrusion was shattered; full of debris and who replied that the brave had cut him barefoot with their blood beads to the insecure holding the unknown! The room for maneuver for Free Thinkers is also increasingly limited; inanimate hordes also drag themselves with ****** backs! Idiots' promises of beauty are plagued by common sense! The inflation-adjusted budget keeps a slight cure and stadiums are inaugurated during lightning visits, but all?!
Bream females are onions, with a-body still sweating themselves in the gym! Life is hanging on me like a skinned porter, and I should defend myself if I can! I always have to live the story and the idea on my own - that is why I am and will be a billion-year-old, apostate Aggatya! “There are still puffy wind-shadows, and I’m getting caught up in them as I waste myself in the flow of an unchanging, rooted coral island when I have to defend myself with a murderous conquest! I could never come to terms with Celebrity’s cheap rims!
Even now, if possible, fat trout chase me richly in front of me; sometimes i need to see I have no way up
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Gitty deniers, allied with dacha, do not intentionally step on the Light today! Everyone is crowded and just sneaking in! Here, everyone can be a victim-culprit just for cheap success without relationships you can hardly know! Night Celebrity Owls need diligent prey; illuminated moonlight is nestled in their eyes with ever-breaking envy! For those leaving the career, merry widows are waving! Jealous gossipers hate anyone who still keeps the laws of his chivalry! "I could have been the immortal Universe;" I could have felt the kisses of blood petals as I filled my everyday life with redemptive confidence.
Witty, self-bored, jampec-siherers exchange theater tickets and thrive like guests of ****** bachanalias! Being always pushes before man's purposes; project an unavoidable map over the heads of its victims! He laughs at the messenger and the warning prophet! Their nasty taste buds alone honor the omnipotence of Money! The lips of collagenized porcelain dolls fall to pieces from self-sealing adhesives! Where the tabloid media is loud from career-mimicking bazaar monkeys is actually a wilderness at stake too! They show whistling alpha males and fitness kittens with non-stop complex continuity!
And he who cannot worthily strike the pedestal standard set up to be an attractive enough *** god or ultra-hot goddess can no longer be worthy enough to prosper worthily among the pitfalls of Life! "I have to be stunned to stare at the lattice lights of bohemian nights as the zigzag knife flashes - maybe you can easily cut my throat!" "Chirping, idiotically smiling leeches, like the tax collectors of an insidious age, make their lives easy on a hanging foot!" Morality and Goodness are found in a state of extinction.
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
When critics pierced my tar skull with pieces of ice drumming! Not a single missing shore could be reached without being so shipwrecked! Vermet-digging careerists threw killers and daggers, and the merit became caressing puppets because they could get an opportunity from Being to start something that had begun again! Anointed redeemers could not keep the Order, and the guarding prophets also slept and listened in silence instead of their Judgment words!
Thick-necked and small-style stici pups were plowed in narrow mouse paths; to become unfaithful natives to demotion who is Man because to stay?! Boiling jampec squirrels and disco kittens are making their way up the donkey ladder of the fashion trend, while their hazelnut brains are getting narrower! Even the proud civis proves only by text and not by his deeds; insane, no-man's-house Aarnoks get the job first because they know: the brain-shrinking **** has become fashionable! - Wrapped in flag jacket wings, you can't make a difference with a single garaboncia!
You can only run and tolerate like you know your loss! He who has constantly professed his convinced Truth is all being branded a treasurer and trampled wherever he matures! Lampshade is all about preparation! A worthy accomplice may still be skillful, but he cannot catch scapegoat mice! Rats zigzag between familiar pairs of eyes and easily betray each other when it comes to getting them!

- In the channels of the night ether in the Eve costume, Angels parodying with single-stranded petal bodies offer their superstitious charms; perhaps they unconsciously imagine that they can get to know anyone in this form! Is the time of the guardian heads of families wasted?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
I couldn't grow up! Doubt shook to the bone! My vulnerable being is peeling, like the sun phobia! Brain-shrinking silly idiots echo on modern channels as clamps! Your vigilant reminder woodpecker is on your forehead! Your conscience is constantly interrogated and addressed! "Out of the desire for adventure out there, out of greed for careers, they ******* the Sanctuary of the Earth Universes!" Form breaker XXI. cheap Celebecskés dream of lustful immortality in the 20th century!
You can also fall out of Paradise quickly, and not just by tasting forbidden fruits! "The" camp of those who know everything better "is bouncing off me, shouting loudly! Human wrecks shrinking into fetal pores like crushing vultures and jackals are brawling in drug addicts that cause serious addictions! Even my existing cowardice in my shed little boyhood cannot be intentionally unnecessary! My onion peel self can only be reached by those who approach with empathy and friendliness!
The perceptible point decomposes into a thin translucent eye for human eyes: as endless crumbs, only sporty-**** titans and goddesses can kick into a ball! Snap-out, bachanaly party queens will instantly free you from your longing dreams! "You know: the Guardians could hardly stay awake, who could still be honored with their sincere friendship!" "This is how I intentionally turn to myself: a spiral inward spiral staircase!"
I am forced to lurk among the constantly grinning flower and gorilla heads like a prodigal traitor many times! "Even among human-shaped caresses, there was hardly a person who couldn't take responsibility for what he did intentionally!" - Disco rats offer occasional drugs and services in the form of profitable hyenas, and for those who are still looking for a place, they become pale. Jerky and phalma-manneredness developed into a way of life! Only the most successful heroic heroes can be
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