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Dec 2017 · 427
Sydney Williams Dec 2017
beauty is not only skin deep
beauty runs within our veins
beauty is in the words we say
and in our thoughts

beauty is not in the eye of the beholder
beauty is the eye and the beholder
beauty is in us and all around us

there is beauty in the way we love and the way in which we are loved

Beauty is not only skin deep.
Beauty is us.
We are beautiful.
Dec 2017 · 330
Sydney Williams Dec 2017
My eyes are itching,
"NO!" I utter to myself.
I always end up crying.
The first tear tickles, it sends
vibrations down my spine.
These keep on rolling,they leave me.
These precious tears of mine.                

I value my tears.
For they are mine and mine alone.
Only you can make me cry                  
and soften up this heart of stone.
Nov 2017 · 345
Sydney Williams Nov 2017
maybe we are like the opposite
ends of the same magnet
perfectly designed for one another
but never meant to touch.
Nov 2017 · 279
Sydney Williams Nov 2017
it was not you
nor was it me
it was not us
for us does not exist

i cannot hold your
drunken thoughts against
your sober self

i still dont understand
the things you had planned,
was there ever a plan at all?

the pattern of your actions,
becomes crystal clear:              
but never fall.
but you're not real.
Nov 2017 · 273
Sydney Williams Nov 2017
Speak your mind. . .
but never too loudly
what would they think if they heard?

such harsh words from such sweet lips?
the circumstance is too obscured.  

prevent a catastrophe
by whispering softly

and never cry,
be strong instead!

They never did deserve you,
but soon they'll all be dead.

— The End —