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May 2020 · 184
Susan Jacob May 2020
With their smacked lips,
and moving hips,
they barge me with queries,
only if they knew how hard it stung.

It's hard being stagnant,
days spent being poignant.
They think I'm a marvel to behold,
while all I need is some one to hold.

All prospects seem astray,
all evaporating in the hotness of May.
Wish I could tell them that I'm lost,
that even I have no plans.

Plethora of what ifs and what nots
avalanche on me like bullet shots.
Wish if I could feel something,
anything except death.
Mar 2018 · 266
I just want you
Susan Jacob Mar 2018
I'm unsettling like the wind,
but I yearn for you to chase me,
behold me as if  I can never be yours,
I just want you to be with me...
My lashes flutter like butterfly wings,
on these tear swept papers.
They're black as my soul,
I just want your love  to let them fly.
Mar 2018 · 328
Susan Jacob Mar 2018
Numbers can't count the number of times
I look back to see if you are behind.
Words can’t word the love I have for you
can’t you see it in my eyes?
I must be a great success,
as I rise amidst my defeat to impress you.
Only if you looked at me with those caffeine intoxicated eyes,
only if you had shown the brownness of love,
I’d have been in love with you just the same,
Or maybe a bit more...
Jan 2018 · 364
Dreamt of you
Susan Jacob Jan 2018
Streaks of your hair
left strokes of our memories.
Golden yellow morning light,
can't make me feel alright.
You buried your head
in the groove of my neck.
You whispered secrets and love,
made me lose my head.
A smile got wasted,
in the realization of reality
that our time was a dream wasted,
and we - pathetic dead lovers.
Oct 2017 · 247
Tears and talks
Susan Jacob Oct 2017
Sometimes you cry so much that u forget y u cried,
sometimes you talk too much that u forget where u started.

So dear one, I have learned to tug in my tears,
and not let 'em tear me apart.
I suppress my heart,
cuz if I open it, I'll be torn apart!
Aug 2017 · 208
Susan Jacob Aug 2017
Brown leaves falling from brown trees
reflect how free the tree feels,
to let loose it’s brown leaves.

Leaves, they were green once,
lush green like the green that made parrots,
so green that, the leaves were thought to be evergreen.

Light danced off the leaf tops,
swirling and whirling, the music was so sick
so placid, they thought it would be non stop.

The symphony paused a day,
fright enveloped the tree,
emerald leaf showed patches of brown,
like the ashy clouds in the blue sky on a sad day.

Before time knew, the light brown went on to be dark brown,
it greyed like the greying hairs of a pantaloon,
it shrinked like the shrinking smiles of the old,
the green leaves of mine cringed and cracked.

The break was too hard,
the air of life did support the brown life,
gravity can't be defied and so it lies,
just there like a lost life.
Aug 2017 · 210
Susan Jacob Aug 2017
We are paper people,
living in paper towns.
Crumbled, torn and thrown away.
The winds of a winding life
takes us hither and thither
and we so like paper -
thin, fragile and frail.
We float away with the wind
so far away that our end becomes inevitable.
Apr 2017 · 723
New phases :)
Susan Jacob Apr 2017
I chastised chastity
from the day I lost serenity.
No elixir for eternity,
rather I'd have pious pity.

Flamboyant furrows still adorn
the depths I've don
over the embellishments I've worn.
Yet, I'm barefoot like when I was born.
Apr 2017 · 459
They said..
Susan Jacob Apr 2017
Tomorrow will be a better day,
they told me when she was gone.

Tomorrow will make space for you to lay,
they told me when she was no more.

Tomorrow will have better things to say,
they told me when she left.

Tomorrow will keep death at bay,
they never told me so.

The morrow could be a bleak way,
they never told me that.

The morrow wouldn't let you borrow,
nobody told me so.
Thought of making a song but, maybe better luck next time :)
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Susan Jacob Apr 2017
To atone is to tune,
your soul's acoustic hole.
It's to loose it and be a loon
until, intoning spawns a hole.

A spartan room is an ****
for one whose toes
never follow chronology
and never miss the woes.

Eating the fruit of knowledge
bought accolades at my foot,
I have heavens to acknowledge
but I'm aging in rummage.

I smolder in pain,
as gratefulness grate.
I repulse my thoughts
as they stab me in vain.

A suave lily appalls
dirt on it's debris;
like a reclusive lady
who hates ghoulish paparazzi.

I cipher in poetry
outlets hard to decipher;
Like pottery,
it calls for practice not paltry.
Apr 2017 · 525
Just a thought....
Susan Jacob Apr 2017
Serendipity arouses pity;
like when one beholds an abandoned kitty.
I ponder how people can wonder
when, they hold their own blunder.

I might well be a mistake of time;
sour as a lime.
A palpable yet not so able,
as a fact, neither exists a perfect navel.
Feb 2017 · 383
Flames in a rain
Susan Jacob Feb 2017
Flames in a rain,
fade faster than the thoughts in my brain.
They **** my beautiful rain,
so that it won't mean anything to me again.

Flames in a rain,
won't burn fast like my brain,
won't be restless like my brain,
won't fight against the rain.

Flames in a rain,
won't whisper like my brain,
won't shout nor scream like my brain,
won't never create a fiery rain.
Jan 2017 · 434
Under the moonlight
Susan Jacob Jan 2017
Dancing with you in the moonlight
is like being in the limelight
of my dreams and fantasies,
those preserved sanities.

You don't know the darkness
of the girl who's closeness
increases rhythmically with each rhythm,
dragging herself into your loveliness.

The apathy for love,
deep inside doesn't protest your love;
dancing with you in this mellow night,
my mind sways itself to love a lost love.

I can't trace the fossils of the rotting
love of my past love,maybe I'm tracing
the pieces of my lost love
with our illuminating warm craving
to see each other smiling,
at the beautiful warm sea of love.

The lovely sea  extends
it self before us as if our instincts
to enlarge ourselves
further extends the extensions.

As you pull my heart deeper
more closer, so as to get a feeler
of what's going on in my depths.
I can guess everything without plunging deeper.

Your fingertips trace marks
in each trailing step that marks
a new step to everything,
steps,which are the remarks
of our remarkable memory marks.
Dec 2016 · 503
They ask me.
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
They ask me to write
so that they can relate
to the love and hate
that I always relate.

I write so that I can relate
with non but, myself.
I want your help,
don't ask me to write for you to relate.

Emotions in my head,
can sew a cover for your bed
if, you'd give me time
to sublime.
Dec 2016 · 335
With you and music.
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
As I lean on my cozy chair,
I can hear the faint sounds
of, the pursuing music that hounds,
this season, warming my cold ear.

My hair still flying in the cold,
dancing as, they try to hold
on to the beats that, behold
the air with love that, heals the cold.

It helps me pick your pieces
and, juxtapose so that I can repose;
atleast tonight in the moonlight
with you, as we will sew the pieces.

Pieces, they whisper,
as they fall, that they are sharper
than the memories that linger
in both of our minds, they are just lovelier.

Don't try to hesitate, just remember
the tunes and the numbers that number
the beats, as we dance
in our beautiful transparent trance.
Dec 2016 · 496
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
Is it that I'm really stupid?
or maybe it's that, I'm the cupid
of problems and lucidity,
which explains my stupidity.

The ink in my pen let's me
leave you out, my darkness.
You do dark the prison for me,
I can't be more grateful, my darkness!

A murderer I am,
as  I covered the dark balm
of blood on my lamp
the lamp I was and, I am.

I don't know if you still care, dark.
There's nothing you lack,
I guess you don't miss
the things that were amiss.

Dark - my dreary shark
with, deepening incisors
you summon me, to be the scissors
of my darkness, my dark!
for you, my dark :(
Dec 2016 · 296
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
No matter what I do,
memories and  regrets still fly;
the girl inside knows how to lie,
I can't get out, I cannot go.

I feel so dead cold inside,
I'm enclosing my death outside.
Please, be by my side,
the screams won't leave my inside.

The insaniest depths of mine,
still know the mine
of happiness, I want it to be mine.
One day, maybe someday it'll be mine.
When I felt really ******!!
Dec 2016 · 317
Music of the musician.
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
The dust made him sneeze,
his face tinted by blackish grease,
the freckles reflecting his age
but,his mind was on another page.

The slightly greying temples,
did put forth a fear that trembles
in a heart hardly softened;
a tremor yet to be pacified.

That young stamping sloper,
he wasn't once the limpest limper
but, a young musician,
who knew how to muse precision.

He knew the trembling strings,
like his trembling trips,
to the very deepest depths.
He knew how to keep his steps.

That pondering philosopher once  he was,
I don't know if he still pass
the vast valley of momentary music;
he was that twisted psychic.

The tangled fellow searched through
the box that had the forgotten crew.
Enthusiasm shot over the place,
he couldn't yet forget the forgotten lace.

He never would want to retreat,
to the fiery fanaticism of his treat,
he had enjoyed all that was enjoyable
in his small hall of holes,he was able.

Greased of age was this musician
but,he could smile in fusion
with,pain and remorse.
He wasn't just meant to be morose.
Got the picture? - an old man going through his old things.
Dec 2016 · 1.4k
Baggy bags..
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
Packing our bags,
as if never coming back,
to never look back
at these baggy bags.

These baggy bags,
have you and me.
Memories,  now they flee,
with the bagginess these bags.

The park swing still swings,
as if it never missed our bubbling
nor the crazy chattering,
on that swing we used to swing.

Eccentric we were,
in terms of termly terms
like love,we had to squirm
and worm to who we were.

The park swing had bid adieu long ago,
but these baggy bags,
memory and love it drags;
these baggy bags don't flow with the foe.

These baggy bags,
packed bags,they sack
nothing but love and faith-
that, we once had.
The title -'baggy bags' doesn't make any sense but, what do you think?
Dec 2016 · 3.4k
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
Krypton didn’t fit with anyone,
as it was  the unfriendly one,
it never went beyond it’s limits
even if others did loose their limits.

It was from a forlorn world,
nobody cared to say a word,
to this enigma of another world;
no one wanted to share a word.

The nobles were always preoccupied
with their occupied shells,
they never hung out with the occupied,
nor the unoccupied.

Krypton was mistaken for kryptonite.
It wondered every night,
Why they accused it for the assassination?
it didn’t have the power of absorption.

Krypton had very few of it’s kind,
it didn’t know where they were aligned.
He held the hope of being able to be lined,
with the rest of it’s kind.

Poor Krypton, he was on the farthest
arena of the periodic table
it wished if it could turn the table,
so that it can at least act a bit feeble.

Experience taught this novice,
it calculated the calculations,
to traverse the long distance,
fear hindered the transmissions.

Krypton used to think without links
he was one of the stable nobles,
he wasn’t the one that wobbles
and, one of the table’s baubles.
Dec 2016 · 447
Susan Jacob Dec 2016
Noel never comes hot,
this old codger knows his shot,
he covers everything in white
even the hairs of the slight.

He comes with a whoosh,
spreading his glittery mush
this mushy mass melts too quickly,
like a candle that melts faithfully.

Noel knows everything,
he knows what they think;
He follows them on tip - toes,
eavesdropping like the evil moles.

He lives throughout the last month,
saves his mischiefs for the first month.
That mischievousness in all innocence,
this hag he never lagged in patience.

A cold cold codger,
he accepts every lodger,
with hands too cold
and eyes that behold.

He swirls across the curling Earth,
and tints it like his own hearth.
He circles around round  in rounds,
like a flake he bounds.

Wreaths and garlands round his neck,
he approaches me for a peck on the neck.
He stalks the stockings
to gasp each longing.

He pecks the pecked things away,
and,sits all night thinking of a way,
to please me with his gifts
and, feliz me with his bits.

I'll miss you Noel,
you are my  bubbly bauble and bell,
I'll wait for you,
have a holly holiday, Noel.
# Christmas
Oct 2016 · 312
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Green green mountains,
they spray water like fountains;
I have duties like those mountains,
Wish if i could feel those fountains.

I see heaps big and small
like the chances I need to haul
nut,my life's too small
my conscience often get a haul.

The drudgery dissolved in a cup of tea
at times - closed from glee,
that warming cup of tea;
fills me with all the needed glee.

This is not a childish rhyme,
you can't understand the sublime.
I tell you this is a powerful rhyme,
after all it's to sublime.

Not you can understand me
because,I'm not the he or she,
I'm the unique me,
different from the he and she.

It's simple-you and me- together
Isn't it humble?You and me- stronger.
We can win this together
and,we will die together and stronger.
Oct 2016 · 307
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Your sound relapsed
as my mind elapsed.
When my lungs again gasped,
I couldn't be more harassed.

You held my hand one day,
as if I never dreamed a day.
I don't want a 'Hey',
I just want you to say.

You know what I want you to speak.
Please,don't make it too sleek,
I know you won't let it leak,
Hey,It's better if you'll speak.

I do know that love rules
and,hate slews
but,I do love to muse
that it's left too loose.

Loving is not an avocation,
it's beyond suffocation,
You don't know the fabrication
I don't intend to make a worse vacation.
when bored.......
Oct 2016 · 287
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
I'll be waiting
like this misty morning
to have a broken heart fixed,
those pieces to be stitched.

Even the mist knows my heart!
Why do you fill me with hate?
I know I was late..
but,is it a time to surely part?

Forever is a long time short
because,it oft sinks like a boat.
I do regret the promises,
it only gave way to objections.

I pick up the pieces of the broken
I know it'll never be mended
Where were you when it all happened?
Alas!why do you seem so shaken?

The pieces were sewn,
A new me has born;
out of your captivity.
Thanks,I can finally be in tranquility.
Oct 2016 · 2.1k
Appreciating the uniqueness
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
The breeze whispered,
as if it understood my musings.
I felt as if I was pampered,
by the whole of universe.

How odious is it to feel so low?
to be dejected at each occurrence of epiphany;
Why can't all realize the beauty of a rainbow?
Aren't we made to bathe in uniqueness?
Oct 2016 · 396
at a day's end.
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Starting at the ceiling
Trying to grasp each feeling
My mind is retiring
At last from a day too tiring.

But the dreams return;
The remains of those memories still burn.
The sounds that I once loved are biding adieus.
Just a sketch on my mindset
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
The death of Humility.
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
I sit on the bench in the boulevard,
reminiscing the time gone and past;
happy that it will never last,
as the evil never becomes Heaven's guard.

Maybe there's actually hell on Earth,
being pollution and blood shed
because,people like that ***** blood.
Where humanity faces humility's death.

Machines rule the dying race;
stop for a second and think about the cost,
we'll never be a tough post
for the coming  posterity,and they won't be at bay.

The birds fly with horrid power
fearful to land on the mother Earth.
Since,it has transformed into a fiery hearth
and destruction's berth.
Oct 2016 · 325
Unpredictable beings..
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
A world with a lot of needs,

the same with a lot of bleeds,

again with less seeds,

an Earth where no one pays heed.

Leaves fall off on and on,

craving to be stepped on

soon they’ll be long gone

and,subsequently Earth will be a lifeless zone.

Are we a mistake?

because, we turned out to be a deadly stake;

A menacing lake,

A treacherous ache…
Oct 2016 · 524
The agonies of life.
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
In the stillness of that split second,

my tawny eyes recognized those woods:

for, It was a familiar bend.

woods all dark and serene as they stood.

I drew my cape closer,

my movements prudential and slower

I heard footsteps behind me;

I turned,my mind dancing with glee

but my face was soon set on a sigh,

for my dreams never came by

I closed my eyes a second time

to succumb to the darkness and stillness of the glen.

A breeze touched me with it’s silent chime;

I felt light spewing in that lion’s den.

Light vanished the dark veil that covered the beauty of nature,

a beauty that nothing in this world could attain as a feature,

the divinity that none could seizure,

the beauty that we destroy for leisure.

I hated to look back to my worldly life

because ,it only bought me sorrow.

I was carried far away,away from that sharp knife.

The beauty around me seemed to stimulate the beauty within me

giving me a better hope for tomorrow.

I had been there; amidst those lilies and heather in every weather

but,I was expecting someone,in that silent ether.

my hair danced in the morning air like a feather,

I knew that something should bring us together.

My heart skipped a beat,I saw her once again

I extended my pale hands to her

she held them,anger and agony silently drained

from my finger tips,for her mind was soft and pure as fur.

Nobody could describe the love I had for that world

where, I could lose myself like an innocent child;

where, the pain of past wounds were to be shed;

the place where the light of imagination led.

I was held back from venturing my imagination,

for they told me to live in the reality,

but,did they knew the painstaking frustration

that,involved the idea of staying back,blocked from glee?

Now that I can’t go back

to that world where hate seemed to lack

I have to die in this menacing shack.

Maybe, one day i’ll be remembered in a clack
It's actually about a woman who lives in two different scenarios.
One in the real world and another in her imagination.
Oct 2016 · 287
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Dear,can’t you see the reflection in my eyes?

please tell me,don’t spill lies,

I lay down all my pride

please don’t leave my side.

The moon looks like a hole shot by someone in the sky;

maybe it’s a sneak peak of heaven up high.

I don’t know,I really don’t,

please be the trust and peace I want.

Will you hold my hand through those shady dreams?,

Will you be my knight in the realm of darkness?
Oct 2016 · 535
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Standing in front of the mirror,

She saw traces of her mother.

Neither as thick as leather;

nor soft as the flowers of heather.

Few minutes passed...

In her mind,emotions crashed.

memories hatched,

nothing matched.

Few hours passed by,

tears slowly saying bye

a face still marked with a sigh

but her self esteem was high.

For she knew that life would go on

but,everyday she gave a struggling moan.

She loved to be cared but,sympathy had long been gone.

She seemed to be struggling on her own throne.

She believed in God,

because,everybody worshiped the lord.

but now she seemed to doubt the strong hold,

she turned out to be too bold.

Is it a mistake or not she'll see

one day all her remorse would leave her free.

Independent of any plea,

Full of glee,

From this treacherous land she'll flee.
Oct 2016 · 424
Time Machine
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Sitting on the fine sand by the sea,

the stars have all gone out

and, my senses solicit me not to shout

my mind is restrained and I can’t see.

I’m blinded by the darkness in my heart

I have duties yet to complete;

wonders and loveliness left to contemplate

help me I’m falling apart.

The morning has arrived

I still lay there,closed out from what’s happening

I am not perturbed by the prepossessing

is it an end that I never derived.

No I’m not dead I cannot end

I make a struggle to open my eyes

every attempt fails still my mind lies

all I have now is a past and a future to shed.

I can still perceive everything

it’s just that I can’t have the key to the future

I am being drawn back by mother nature

the wind whispers that it’s nothing.

The sun tells me that it’s my last day

rays dance on my corpse

All my past flickers before me

I sit by the dead me,all my wishes at bay.

I didn’t have the right to reproach myself

because destiny was not my decision

instead I hummed a song with great precision

wondering why i failed in being myself.

A man with an amiable countenance

summoned to me he searched me for life

I stared deep into his eyes it reflected strife

his face bereft of happiness.

He patted my rosy cheeks

when he lost hope he searched my pockets

those pits of memories and love lockets

he found my wallet and his mind leaks.

How true is that men are ruled by vanity

that man looked around and dissappeared

as fast as he had appeared

I’m afraid there’s none to preserve my sanity.

Where is heaven?

I wished if I could go back

is there a way,I don’t know how to track

how can I live the ghost life I’m given .

I slipped into a sleep

my soul can’t repent nor repair

I swindle and tumble with the air

I am travelling to a memory’s heap.

I wake up in a fluffy bed

my legs and arms shorter

I’m buried under thoughts more happier

I’m alive and I’m not devil’s bread.

I hear voices outside the bedroom

steps fast approaching

my happiness killed by thought suppressing

haven’t death had enough of my fumes?

My new childish mind spoke

the voices were my fears

it sounded as if it’s saying prayers

‘Time machine’,the voice broke.

Yes a time-machine,it unveiled all the mystery

I am co-existing in two different times

how absurd?it doesn’t even seem to chime

but I cannot seal it as mockery.

The little me was just a heap of experiences

it must have been a bad dream

I was taught to stay on that beam

but the time machine never halted the transitions.

I finally believed that it’s my fate

and i had to stay until i could say

the machine couldn’t have mistaken

but i realized the fact until it was too late.

Years passed and my childish self grew,

one day I ended up being on the same beach ,

I realized what the machine tried to teach;

I tried to run but it was too late to be true.

Fate can’t be changed.

I died mysteriously as I had transitioned back.

Is it my second death or will I travel back?

I do not know ,it can’t be explained.
Susan Jacob Oct 2016
Brother, Brother what have you done?

You have gone up the stairs to be God’s son.

Your voice still echoes in my heart

your smile drives away macabre thoughts.

Brother,Brother why did you take leave

when evil saw you as too naive;

Isn’t it true that death is an inevitable end,

and that you can’t escape the strange trajectory.

Brother,brother don’t consider me selfish,

I didn’t talk to you sorry I was foolish.

I want to express my sadness

but,I don’t know why,I can’t get any tears.

Brother,maybe life has trained me that way,

to stay unshakable when emotions neigh.

The peace your face shows comforts me

as your soul’s mirror is the face only.

But your soul has gone back to it’s origin

your face doesn’t matter,you were ******

of treachery and obstacles and life’s hidden traps

just relax near that power and watch over us.

Brother your presence is much more now,

you might have gone high and low,

surfing the seas jumping the clouds;

disguising as nature’s unknown wonders.

Brother,brother you don’t have a race,

you are the same as a rainbow’s haze,

or the light falling on the cascades,

or the wind that comforted me this evening.

Brother,I know there is destiny

and, that nature doesn’t judge justly.

When your heart slowed it’s beat,

did you wish something?

All I can do is surmise

because,death always lies

that’s how it manipulates it’s victims

only the Angel of death shall listen to your last whisper.

Your soul,will be the same as other beings

we are just animals,the earth always spins.

Brother,it gives you a day

but,never reveals what will succeed.

Happiness is always followed by sadness

success by failures

birth by death

chance by hard-work.

It’s not what you do in life that mounts respect;

instead it’s the display of gratitude when help’s bereft.

That makes you remembered and loved.

Death itself is a miracle never sanctioning a fair chance.

You make promises,my dear brother,

the bringer of end never bothers.

The steps you made created lifes

without any soul even knowing.

Dear brother,your fragments go back to the Earth

your soul to the spinning fire hearth.

Absorbing all the energy like a magnet.

You shall take a new life form,I believe.

Like all the loved ones I have lost

you’ll be my protector,not eternal to the past.

Sorry brother,my breath will be air one day

and,I will be where you are anyway.
feel free to criticize

— The End —