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Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
Had I known that you'd never
Ever reach your destination
I have kicked out my stubbornness
But you were eager to teach me a lesson
Why would anybody do like this?
Unless and until he's mentally ill
But you were not out of gears
Still you made me shook with fear
From beginning to the very end
Oh! The protagonist of my life
I loved you more than anybody else
Is it a crime to be so close to someone?
I'm out of gears..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Hey I'm sorry but I still don't get it
It's all ramshackle buried in pits
You teared yourself or me
Is it a nightmare or a daydream?
Caught in a frenzy of self- esteem
Half of my soul is devoted to you
Is it a stolen lie or a bitter truth?
That doesn't mean that I give up
Cause giving up isn't in my nerve
May be you're thinking me crooked
Yeah I am .... infact a coward too
Deriving formulae of broken bonds
Spilling thoughts ins and then outs
Isn't  affordable and is too expensive
Still paying for your gratitude has been my uncanny habit..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
Her inexpressible eyes sided its curtains
No alarm rang
But her alarmed eyes
Day after day
Moulded into binoculars
Rose up in an unknown haste
Flung into the kitchen
Breakfast and batter
Without smash and dishes' chatter
It was Sunday and severe snoring
In the whole house
It was a compulsory duty
At workplace
She couldn't be late
I opened my eyes
The whole house was clean and fine
I had my breakfast prepared
At the shining tiles of the kitchen
In early evening she came
She asked for just a little help
But nobody was there
She was so glittering after such a long walk
At night they just came
Have some fun and dinner
Everybody went in their heaven
Of cellphones
She was alone in a dark room
She had some joint pain
But she had one more line on her head
It's just for family's gain..
How can they call teachers at schools even on Sundays when there are no students in the school? can someone be so rude..
It can take more than 2 hours just to reach the workplace..and 2 hours again back..
How can I talk without any sense to someone who cares for me a lot?..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Smelling the purest aroma of delight
Particles are rushing narrowly
Delivering by the nature's sight
Lungs are shooking  badly
Intentions owning actions
Actions gearing imperfections
Imperfections bearing confessions
Leading to frustration
Tasting the hues of petals
Delivering ***** letters
Consequences of fair deeds
Fruiting security of the hardest shell
Experiences of the aroma of delight
Just with paper and a pen..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Emissions from the blast of envy
Flames from the darkest miseries
Ashes of predicted defeats
Soot of guessed mistakes
Carbon of pollutant companions
Venom of dressed masks
Terror of dishonesty and corruption
Freezing in the confined flask
With leashed cork of weak principles
And a terrible djinn for vain care
Magic and Money
Money and Magic
Bought my soul
But not my thunder tragedy
Flames from the darkest plight
Emissions fused by your sight
Ashes burnt in your appearance
I'm enjoying your soot's fragrance
I promise I'll give you whatever you want
But would you buy my horrific tragedy?
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2018
I can't compare to nothing
The jubilant, frost morning
When you put your arms around me
I felt seasick at seashore
At the dawn of horizons
Skylines curved, waggled smiles
As coquettish waves brushed our feet
Sand shining imprints
Stabbed under feet
Shines still the frost, jubilant morning
However me out of gears
On the sand of my heart
Close and perennial..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
The devoted scent of relationships
And the unconditional love beyond compare
Hand-in hand in harsh hardships
Trusted promises not to set tears
Hearts enlightened by lush greenery
With the blossom of the sweetest flowers
And then the fragrance embellish the saddened sighs
With the love and benedictions shower
With sometimes the bitterness of weeds
But you both have already sprinkled pesticides
And as I watch day by day
These pesticides turning into mild perfumes
With again the victory of good over evil...
Happy Wedding Anniversary MP:)
Wish you both the greatest years ahead..
Surely the first one not asking for party..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
Framing a quaint perspective
Pertaining metaphorical abased character
Shoulders of ridiculous initiatives
******* the pleasure of the sweetest nectar
Evaluating by rough deformities
Framing a quaint perspective
With dignity of formalities and amenities
Portraying ****** sketches of victims
Sufferer in the mouth of cannon
Soul in deep dark abaddon...
Don't know why people interfere in other's lives...and hadn't expected such an act by higher authorities...
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
Are the retina of my eyes uneven?
Drooling poles apart
As I lose myself in a frantic night mare
Where you're selling empathy and love
Are my visions superstitiously omens and portents?
As I lose myself in a daydream
Where you burn world's bitter ash
Have my emotions met debt trap
Or was it quite a bargain??
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
Even when the skies will rage terribly
The surging stormy seas will perish the candid coast
All dear ones depart on and on
The world tear me apart
I'll be always a solitary lad
In your never ceasing heart
Waiting for your grand arrival
Waiting for just a habitual glance
From you...
Just to call my name once..
I'll be assured
For I wouldn't have to dig
Other ways to ***** my conscience..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
Mountaineering the heights of drooling desires
Refreshing the buried hopes of accomplishments
Tapping pollutants from the waterfall of satire
Unveiling the boundless commitments
Rejoicing the deserts with the blossom of roses
Seeking perpetual stories from veins
Bearing the stubborn parasitic lichens and mosses
Flourishing in the heart's darkest dens
Oh! The venom won't engulf
The companionship with venom engulf
And the continuous sparking will eventually become dull..
For a friend who is in great depression...
He faced many challenges..and now he's in a great dilemma..Wish he would soon pave the path of success in every aspect of life..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2018
Let alone breezes blow
Caressing whipping cheeks
Brushing velvet hair
But the breeze of accusing and betrayal
Smacking grumpy frails
Behind the bars seeking dismay
Abandoned thoughts devoid of trails
Swords rebuke velvet words
Crayons portray drained present
A void brims demonic forces
Revolving sans revolutionising
Behind the bars ******* dismay
Abandoned thoughts devoid of trails
An empowering pen in the rustic corner lit
Leisure in locks
Mason of the poem
Firm manacles
Penned a prose
By a prisoner in locker..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
You're not allowed to do this
Right, You're not allowed
Why these restrictions everywhere?
Shimmering loneliness in the terror's crowd
The world is a confined prison
In the vast open nature
Without any dimensions
Everything is strictly prohibited
In this ghastly reign of terror
The sea is full of don't's
I'm sailing the boat
With a fragile thread
Of rules, regulations and amendments
Nah! I'm not  allowed to do so..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
She sneaked in with polished boots
Carried her lateral inversion
To her " the other side"
Left behind indelible impressions
Shattered granite masks
She snapped off yet persevered
In the social, ethical arena
Utterly bewildered and besmeared
She entitled herself
" The Protagonist in Photographs"
But in the flashlights of sparkly stares
Filled with immense lustre
She was bewildered and besmeared
Adored her dull granite mask
Carried her lateral inversion
Left behind memorable impressions
Crying in the corners..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2019
I see the exhilarating sunshine, refreshing rain
One among the little -known legacies of you
I see the pleasure gushing without thankfulness
I see laughter riots without happiness
I see different weather in your dreary desert
I see innocence in your indifference
I see you in the swamps of sticky roots
No legitimate force can pull you out
Except the wilfulness of your heart
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Criminals are born to be wicked
Rules are made to be broken
Honesty is just to be tricked
Devils rule the whole world
Social harmony is a shackled nightmare
Wars are the blissful day dreams
Selfishness is in ghastly possession
Calmed by taunts and sufferings
You're not my glistened star
Cause I haven't seen any twinkling spots in the night sky
You're my LED or CFL
Yeah..This is what I can say..
Is this really so?
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
Flowers blooming
Fruits ripening
Spring sweeping,
The fall of nature
Painting worthless imprints
While somewhere
In the remotest past
A shadow sweeps over
Wipes the stark glories
Quadrupling, surfacing
"The remotest past"
Back on the present pallette..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
I request my soul to kindly erase all the curiosity and sit down comfortably
With a cup of chocolate drink
And cream topped over preferably
I request my heart to give up the vain desires and to become a devoted pious
And fill the excited colours to my life's sapphire
I request my muscles to have a great fun or outing with family
Cause outing with friends is a daily habit
I request my mind to spend some good time with Mama cause it's rare
But I can't
They all are controlling me
And I'm the one dancing with their appeals..
Wish there would be a moment when all members of the family will be together.
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
Baked with blazing trepidation
An enthralled hare roamed here and there
Pure water, a morsel of food neither
What he unearthed was a mere beetle
Cloud nine burst in guise of an underground creature
He ate it not..nor he threw
It was emancipating he went through
Vexed in firmed fist
The beetle yelled in grief
"No matter how much you turn rude
I'll be gracious genuine to you
Let you grant me one more chance
To glorify my potential and past
The world is galvanized with impostors
But I'm a cunning fellow
I'll be your blessed slave
If you grant me the chance for God's sake"
Escaped was he by hare
With some deal of property share
Beetle walked hare to an infamous restaurant
Desserts, grilling and gourmet
Hey bunny..What'll you have?
The hare fathomed the taunt
Ordered wildly on and on and on
Since too many cooks spoil the broth
The hare churned abdomen
And unconsciously died
The beetle decomposed debris
And looked upto another foolish
He however gigantic couldn't rescue from cunning...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Drafting gallant resolutions
Promising with a winner's spirit
Waking up the hoarded ammunition
Ginger like curiosity to fulfil
Hearing the voices of mind
And not you disfigured heart
I'll test my kind
Not to loose out them apart
Days pass by
With instantaneous speed
Resolutions losing lusture
With shady deeds..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
Oh your crystal transparent eyes
Is it because of your glistening tears?
You might have seen a beautiful sight
Or glanced something fascinating or surreal?
Hey! You look so exhausted and lethargic
You can close the windows of your eyelashes
My conscience is disastrous pricked
As I get stucked by the warmth of your indelible traces
Oh! Don't sleep right now
How can I then rest in your eyes
Rest in your heavy calmness
Rest in your silvery glass case
Rest with your shady grey eyelashes
Oh! Was this a dream
Or just a fake imagination
I'm in peace with your eyes
Without your presence...
It's not always a nap or a sleep which gives us rest ..sometimes heartfelt experiences can also give us the soothing effect which we always carry in our memories..
For a person with great and impressive personality...
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
In this changing world
Where evil is dominant
I am searching for a pearl
Among the herds of dishonest.
Rules have became opposite now
Victories have became for liar
Oh Almighty! I bow
End this form of satire.
Forgetting the past principles
No one can be trusted
We, as your disciple
Pray for the salvation
To this thunderstorm of devil's gust..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
What if the gusty chirrupings ceased ?
Faded walls  echoed  frost laugh
The leaves halted, encased in dew
Lost eyes  suffered  lifeless existence
Fall came and went away without fragrance
A twig in the backyard knocked the treasure of nature
A social being devastated Earth's caricature
Knocked off pleasant , lively picture
Barred in sand..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2019
Let the marginal tillers, handicrafters usher in prosperity
For life of labour and self-esteem sufficiency is worth living
Let the least and the lowest be granted affirmative action
For the good of an individual is in the good of all sections
Let us together structure mindsets, free of social evils
Showing extreme resilience against wrongdoings
Let us empower the exploited, weakest and oppressed
Let us eliminate hunger, brutalities and violence
Let the poorest ride on with humblest integrity
Let us all discard egocentrism and be sensitive
Let us savour the essence of hard produced fruits of labour
Let us groom faith and trusteeship in their abilities
Let us close the lid of past sufferings and hardships
Everyone will shine through integrated development
Sarvodaya shall welcome Universal Upliftment...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Say you'll be tempting me
Even I fall ******* a bed of roses
Wrap your arms 'round me
Even if I seep in assertive hopes
Say you'll be sweeping my tears
Even a fake smile, I wear
Immortalise our sand imprints
Even I build a castle in the air
Would you commit it to me?
Even if I'm perturbed and petrified
Say you'll remember me
Even behind the bars, manacled..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
Tossed, turned on the bed
Thorns of thoughts kicked him
The hues of his unseen palette
Flashed him with thundrous beats
Injuries fade stealthy
Wounds never heal
The pain lose apart
Imprints maintain kin
Staggered he to the balcony
Smoking out waves of moans
A devastative despair and agony
He said in the lowest tones
" I loved her terribly, passionately
I lacked the courage to erupt my feelings
First I lost my life, then my friend
And now my foe
Should I grant my life second chance again
To bury deep into the insights of compassion?
Being loved again?"..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Secrets are trapped
In a locker
Rimmed and shackled
Smashing and making me moider..
Not less than a treasure
With someone's trust
Which someone reveals to you for pleasure
Fly away like a fading lust.
Secrets must be kept secret
For they are related to someone's emotions
Because, if revealed, you'll regret
That you can't balance yourself with the deals of trust
Leading to only lamentation..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
" Hey.. What's the date today?"
I turned my idiotic face
With that twitch in ****** bones
"Oh.. It's...."
After four long years of boundless patience
Hopeful eyes looked into mine
Mitochondria is the power House
Yogss 15th birthday...Nope..
I noticed that I was unnoticed
Somebody was gone
I must have looked like a black scared crow
I just had to say," It's September 15th.."
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2019
I cultivate my soulful dreams
In dark, frozen hutments
In the tearshedding trauma
In the dignified sweat of labour
In repressive impairedness
Among intangible delights
Of a repaired lease
I penetrate into a blissful radiation
Radiation of ever-lasting candles
While dreaming an unsustainable dream
Among rags and foul trash
Poverty is a dying breath
A haunted house of lows and lows
A ladder's step wherein is a deceptive delusion
What I brazenly reap
What I surrender
When generosity will prevail
When coins be miniscule
Shall I bravely reap
Yet I surrender..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
From head to toe
She stared me
As if I was her bewaited foe
We played hide and seek
For hours and hours
I went out
She also went out
She wildly followed
And she came to me
I became pale yellow
With Her every step's echo
She came to me finally
She did nothing...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
She doesn't knew it
For every ladder she seek
Venom snakes are straightened
For her sincerity to mistreat
For her assurity to mislead
She doesn't knew it
The masks of the hypocrisy evil
The instant of their reckless arrival
Her boosting confidence is now an expected trivial
But she knew it
How to deal the callous miseries
Still she's in need of a referee ...
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
Under the sober moonlit night
As her face grew starkly pale
A delicate moth lured in
As it's drawn to a flame
Shivered as she with a misty leaf
Sweat out poured rigorously
As she wept neglected, unseen
The fluttering moth flustered her
Wild fantasies lingered,  hovered
A shadow crept gleaming ecstasy
Caressed her back and feet
Rode her wavingly
Lulled,  rode her
As mystery, she mustered
Out,  she dwelled
Out of her brutal shell..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Move aside
Be light smile
Widen your eyes
Fix them asap
Be gentle
Oh no! Don't be funky
Be ready
Ohk!One ..two and three
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
Why am I still in this room?
Can't I go outside for just an hour or two?
"But dear, Don't you care of your examinations?
Don't you want to design success's definition?"
But I've been so consistent
Is it really still important?
What if I come back nice and fresh
After a pleasant walk with deep breaths
"There isn't any place of argument
Cause this is pretty obvious
Sit and study for next two hours too
Cause last year was really bad one for you"
She shut the door ...
She shut my thoughts
She shut my imagination
Is it really important??
The weather is so fine outside ..
Can't I play for sometime?

Based on an observation...
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
A crown of oak leaves
Lopsided, adores her
Earnestness in her eyes
Sparkly, binds me
Torch of her wand
Weeds my conscience
I linger, knuckle
As she evaporates
With a fierce chuckle..
There is something magnetic about her..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
The volcanoes of your conceit erupted
Although lava ablazed me
Adversity smitted me with frostbite
The magnets of your all- pervasive nature sharpened
I was a needle in a haystack
Although winds blew me off loose
Generosity smitted me to stay aloof
My visage shows nuances from the heart
And you're skilful artist enough
To show my countenances from your brain
You might now be a herd-robber
But I precisely must be a phantom..
Is it really inconsiderate to take a slight, miniscule bad stand against injustices sometimes in this devilish world?
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Bullying and ragging
Teasing and taunts
In spite of your spying
Of  cameras and guards
Our fake security
And a blast of vulnerability
I know, you all had just accomplished your duties
With long syllabus and revision tests
We're not seeking inspiration
You just bind us in the shackled cage of calculations
We've already lost all our imagination
Imparting the valuable knowledge isn't enough
It's we who suffer
Under the piles of rules and regulations
That harsh incident reminded you of our security
Now you're waiting for another incident
To modernise all facilities
Still I bow in respect
To your every thoughts and teachings
Is it my weakness or some kind of gallantry?
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2019
What nips in a bud is novelty
Unconventional, perturbed
What skyrockets is conservatism
Stimulated by critical dissent
What inconsequentially bursts out
Is then societal haemorrhage and paralysis..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
"Hey! Wanna be a beggar
Or do something incredible
Thousands are fighting
Do you have something special?
Set your goals and targets
Hit them one by one
Don't let turn your defeats to regrets"
I lectured my brother
He listened with such curiosity
That I've not ever seen
Even in his most difficult times
"Now go and read something
With the best dedication ever
Settle down there"
He sat and still stunned
I smiled and got busy in my work
After 21 seconds..I leaned secretly to watch
He was just drawing 3 tetrapods in a circle
With his books wanting readers
What about my stunning inspirational speech of one hour?
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
Your elegant embellished clouds
Are eternal bubbles in my coffee
Every morning the hail of my mouth
Storms the cups of my kitchen closet
Your harsh crass vocal chords
Are my splendid baritone
Melodious the song I sing
Reverberated and springed through your teeth
Your sunshine I perceive
After storming with the cups of my closet
In my heart once rose a thunder
The sparks flew of your sunshine
In my coffee and splendid baritone..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2019
Luckily, I happen to be rib-tickling someone
Reviving your rare smile as I fluster
Badly, I still happen to be specific someone
That you ponder over in closed quarters
Never paying dues for my undivided commitment
Astonishingly, I find delightful and pleasurable relief
That I am still your Someone
Someone you attribute as Specific...
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2018
Engravings of trampled sands
Irrepressibly brutally invidious
When motioned irresistibly
Through crystal delusioned prism
Array of brandishing invocationing
Spectrum gleaming grapple
Cure, perseverance, persistence,
Pledge, pros, plums
The lazarus ray shone legacy..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Revelations of unsaid mysteries
Rumours of fake illusioned stories
Residing between physique and spirituality
On the bridge of divine
With pillars of warmed support
For a ride to the heaven of guilt and confessions
For all the perdition of crimes and treasons
Now in a beautiful yet cursed nature of guilt's heaven
The demands of prosperity
Livelihood, shelter, charity
Love, Bliss and dignity
Are now in a dreadful natural calamity
All I have are the bare hands
Seeking for spirituality..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
Crimson buds gardening my drowsy heart
Under the shallow skies of crystals
Of yearning unfulfilled necessities
To become my part and parcel
These then formulate and modify
To zeal and infinite addictions
As I open the gateway
Of my drowsy heart
And then a storm of knocks again
I undoubtedly accept them
Without any question or inquiries
Unknowingly inviting my disabilities
Half of my heart lie in them
Not less than reckless
As I caught red-handed
Indulging in this mess..
I'm seriously addicted to smartphones..They are, to me, like a blessing in disguise. I have to tell my brother to hide every gadget somewhere where I cannot easily find it..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2018
Under the resplendent chandelier
Castles crumbled, clandestine confided in
The beaconing shower bade adieu to strangers
Hatched were couples of ludicrous kins
Under the savor havoc of thunder
Clouds burst,  lightning's curse decepted in
Ludicrous ***** kin bade adieu by acidic rain showers
Hatched were two sluggish strangers..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2018
Oh pouring rain and brewing coffee
The patter and warm sips
Dive in deeper, sombre,
Hues of dew emeralds,
Pure- scented blooming lavender,
Oh divine drizzle
Cease the death march
Aggravated catastrophe
Hoard in tender, subtle
With no intended puns and irony..
Living in the least humid parts, rare rains freshen me up and give me the greatest delights..but when I thought of flood affected areas, unprecedented rainfall,
The calm ocean of emotions upraised to ghost of water..and the whole pattern reversed..and I stopped..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
An ant was roaming
May be, in search of mates
Creeping like a snail
As if desperate.
From one end to the other
It took almost two hours
Without any rest
Running with a great quest.
Perhaps, in the search of parents
Or may be children
Can be soul mate
Or someone for fun.
Another ant emerged from the woods Made a guess
Searching for her food
.....The fellow ant saw someone familiar
I observed, creeping became a race
With a very fast pace
They both were almost too near
Suddenly, a man walked on them
With his fatal feet without sympathy
The two souls were then lying barren.
Crushed by chance or carelessly
Didn't matter
Their transitory fragile heart
Stopped by that evil
Ready for their next birth
Either of an angel or of a devil.

Surbhi Dadhich..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
You don't feel awkward
Noo..Cause you're with daily struggle
A deal with sarcasms
A deal with challenges and troubles
We're in our relaxed comfort zone
But you're in a cage of expectations
We're foolish...insane
But you have crossed all our imaginations
We're **** sure of impossibility
You turn them into reality
You opt the worst
To be the best
Your precious life requires no entertainment
It's itself an emotional drama of arrival and departure
You don't require exciting enjoyment
You have made it a true adventure..
Wrote it for a friend..A greatly admirable model of behaviour and intelligence
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2020
the shore is not visible and
the water is choppy
the sun is inflamed and
the boat keeps sailing...
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
"A robot went away", I depose,
"He'll surely deprave" , I posed with a red nose.
He'll commence a new world of intelligence,
Where there will be no values, no fragrance.
No society, no feeling, no excitement, no heredity,
He'll develop a society of discipline and punctuality.
Are these 2 things only responsible for a country's economy?
They'll rule over us, crush us.
And , we'll be left lamenting ..and watching the eroding lust..

Surbhi Dadhich.
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