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375 · May 2018
Unrequited Love
Sorbetes May 2018
This love is so unfair,
It can leave you crying in despair.
Unrequited, Oh! What a wonderful sound,
Hearing it feels like getting bitten by a hound.

I wish to end my love for you,
But my heart won't stop beating every time I see you.
I really want to end this catastrophe,
That is taking place between you and me.

You made me feel like I am your hero,
You are also sweet to me like Juliet and Romeo.
But I doubt that you treat me more than just a friend,
Because you also treat them like that, I think this is the end.

I confessed to you that I love you,
But you just said “OK, Thank you”.
Your feelings are so obscure,
Even I cannot be so sure.

After my confession to you things didn't stayed the same,
I am too shy to even utter your name.
But to you it didn't made any difference,
I wish I had a book of your feelings for Reference.

Even until now I didn't hear your response,
“What am I to you?” I want to say even just once.
I felt this pain and realized it isn't right,
Through depth less chaos and sleepless nights.

These sufferings, these feelings, that are so surreal,
Now I understand the true meaning of this one-way ordeal.
I don't want this suffering, this stinging pain to last,
And now I am thinking “What will happen to us?”
264 · May 2018
I Know Her
Sorbetes May 2018
When all they tell is “It’s one sided”,
When all they say “Her love has faded”,
You must carve this into their head,
Nope, I know her.
When overthinking says “She doesn’t love me”,
When your mind says “She despise me”,
Say this line and they will flee,
Nope, I know her.
The people you ask don’t know your story,
All of them don’t know your glee,
You tell them this and make them see,
Nope, I know her.
You are the one who knows her well,
You are the one she’d been with through hell,
And that is why you yourself must tell,
Nope, I know her.
You know the things that they don’t know,
You know the things that makes her glow,
That is why you must say so,
Nope, I know her.
You know her worries and what she thinks,
You are the one she talks with ‘till six,
So tell them again and make them sick,
Nope, I know her.
Cause when you let them in you are the one,
That will be hurt and won’t see the sun,
So just tell them and be a man,
Nope, I know her.
Tell overthinking that he is wrong,
Tell your mind that you will stay strong,
Tell them all while striking the gong,
And when she comes back and purge their doubts,
“You’re still here? You really love me do you?” her heart will shout.
You will tell this as she rids your bout.
“Yes, Because I know you.”
264 · May 2018
I, The Werewolf
Sorbetes May 2018
I am a Wolf,
Dressed in darkness.
So please take my hand,
Transform me with kindness.
244 · May 2018
Love in all forms
Sorbetes May 2018
Love takes on all forms,
It may be of pain or of pleasure.
But what really is True Love?
We can never be so sure.

Sometimes love is kind,
It will make your heart flutter.
Sometime love is of hate,
It is to improve you,  get better.

Sometimes love is acceptance,
Take the flaws as you go on.
But sometimes love is rejection,
Do not tolerate their wrong actions.

But do you know Twisted Love?
A melody sung by many?
It is as bad as it sounds,
So toxic, so eerie.

It is when you utter a phrase,
In an argument, in a conflict.
It is when you lose logic,
Ending up having a clouded verdict.

It is the unfair use of feelings,
Turning humans into lackeys.
Do you know what that phrase is?
“If you really love me.”
243 · May 2018
Perfect Match
Sorbetes May 2018
How can you MOVE if you've never known where you are,
How can you STAND if you know you'll never reach that star.
How can you SEE if your blinded by words that are MERE JOKES of a clown,
How can you STAY STRONG even if you're feeling down?

Words are too much for our hearts to HANDLE,
It can pierce our hearts,make it afloat, make it SPARKLE.
Sure it can leave you CRYING, DESPAIR, and DISMANTLED,
but isn't it better than being there, CONFUSED, being IDLE?

People don't wish being told bad things, being CRUMBLED,
They also don't want being TRAPPED,  and being TANGLED.
But how will you know your WORTH and what you are to them, without DISCRIMINATIONS and such,
How will you ever know if ALSO for HIM/HER you are the PERFECT MATCH.
222 · May 2018
Sorbetes May 2018
Memories of old,
Memories of gold.
They are the treasures we cherish,
Memories, we dearly hold.
221 · May 2018
Good Luck
Sorbetes May 2018
I held my word.
I did what I said I would.
I never gave up.
I think I never could.

Not until this moment.
This moment, where you give up on me.
Relationships are two ways anyway.
It can't be done without “We”.

So I'm gonna let you go.
I'll really let you go now.
Because I want you to be happy.
Even if I won’t even know how.

Good Luck.
Be Happy.
Be Free.
203 · May 2018
A Warning
Sorbetes May 2018
A runny nose symbolizes the tears your eyes can't make,
Coughing represents the pain your heart can't take.
Long sighs are happiness that leaves your body,
Our flesh gives us signs that our souls have been hurt so badly.
191 · Aug 2018
Sorbetes Aug 2018
He who's eggshell has been thoroughly broken,
The soft flowing egg whites of worries are woven.
The egg yolks of feelings are mixed and shaken,
A mixture of fear, that cannot be beaten.

— The End —