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Kristen Mar 2015
Love is different
for the overly expressive than
for logical people
love differences
Kristen Feb 2015
you HAVE to go
you HAVE to stay
you HAVE to work
you HAVE to play

you HAVE a time
you HAVE a say
you HAVE a chance
you HAVE a day

you HAVE an opinion
you HAVE a way
Will you let it all go
for today?
Kristen Feb 2015
I'm not quite out of time,
but I'm well out of words.

I'm not yet out of patience,
but I'm well out of motivation.

I'm not quite out of love,
but I'm well over you.
Kristen Feb 2015
freedom, relative
upon what you cannot have
or achieve, today
Kristen Jan 2015
Question and question and question
Me, Closed off because I don’t
Want to break down in front of you
Every time I see you.

Closed off Because
I believe…
There’s more to life than
Problem after problem
Struggle after struggle.
Failure after failure.

Because I… Believe in hope
Because I’d rather talk about the beauty
Seen in the lives around me
Hope and pain and hurt all around in other people
And you want me to talk about myself..

Maybe I am closed off,
Because I don’t want to
Carry a box of mirrors.
Kristen Jul 2014
I don~t understand love poetry sometimes,.?

Yup… Flowers, Favorite Moments, The Whole Shebang

Gentlemen write things like “Rocking you in my arms brings be great tingles of joy”

And women, I quote, say “Protection and safety are found in your presence”

Yeah… The stereotype is lovely.

Poets and optimists alike eat up the rhythm and emotion.

Yet why?

What do we want?

What do we look for?

Who cares?

I guess anti~lovers would say.

Me maybe?

Yes I believe in love,

Yes I have felt it~s evil pangs

And seen it~s effects.

What of them?

Each generation the same.

Each lover alike in thought

“Can~t live without you”

“Miss you to death and life and back again”

What do we want?

Don~t know.

Don~t need to.

Just know I don~t want it.

Don~t want a lover.

Holding someone tight doesn~t define your life or mine.

But What Does?
Kristen Jul 2014
How do I love you?
When every fibre in my being
Against you?

How do I long to please you?
When you’ve never done
For me?

How do I not despise you?
When your mouth determines to
Every word I say?

How can something good come from me?
When I am so prone to hate
Were it not for inspired love?
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