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Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
I loved this place,
But now I know that it was temporary relief.
All I know is that I need to leave.
There’s no point in me staying,
There’s nothing and no-one anchoring me down
Not anymore at least.
Maybe it’s time I left.
I’ve got no one to say my final goodbyes to,
I’ve got nothing to leave here.
I’ve got nothing.
Dec 2017 · 916
Cheerful Disposition
Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
It was just in her to smile,
programmed at birth.

Her smile was bright,
enough to light up a bleak room.

She was a joy to have around,
the warmth some needed in their life.

But not anymore.

Her smile's faded,
leaving no trace of it ever being there.

She's stone cold,
unable to feel happiness.

She's fought back with all she could,
but it's not in her anymore.

And they wonder why.

They ask her,
"Where's the old girl I know? It's too quiet."
She doesn't lie, so she can't say that it isn't them.

So now she walks down a lonely path,
one that she wouldn't voluntarily walk,
but has to.

She's lost her most beautiful trait,
and she's willing to take it back.
Dec 2017 · 298
Not Enough
Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
Losing a best friend
is like having part of your soul ripped from you.

But it really stings
if they did it voluntarily.

She seduced my best friend,
and he forgot all about me the next day.

He lied to me.

But I have to ask myself,
how did she charm him
in the course of a couple weeks,
that made him forget about me,
who he's known for years.

Was I not good enough?
Dec 2017 · 230
Don't forget me
Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
How could you?
After all we've been through,
You seem to have forgotten me.

Because of one pretty girl,
All you do now is
Leave me.
Every time we talk, you try to find a way out of it.

You didn't give a crap about me

And now I know why.
Dec 2017 · 227
Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
I'm not broken anymore,
because I've already pieced myself together.

I'm not empty anymore,
because I feel something resting inside of me.

I'm not lonely anymore,
because of you.

You've filled me with warmth,
in these cold seasons.

I'm probably not worthy of your attention,
and your care,
but you gave it to me anyways.

You've let me breathe,
and helped me to live.

I can't find the correct words to express my gratitude,
for "thank you" is too easy,
and I don't know of a word to describe how I feel.
Dedicated to my real friends, Jesus Garibay, Grettee P., Sam (a poet on this site),  and Jonathan Garcia. I thank you all.
Dec 2017 · 232
Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
Why are you like this?

Everyday, it's a battle.
You try to get me angry,
but it doesn't work.

Everyday, in order for you to have something to talk about,
you try to make me cause a scene.


I don't know what you gain from it,
nor what you want from me.

People happen to like me more than you,
so why do you tell them:
"She got mad at me for no reason"?

They know.

They know that you try to aggravate me,
that you try to get under my skin.

Is this some sort of accomplishment for you?

I'm sorry but you don't mean anything to me,
so I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying.

You're just hurting yourself.
Sorry for rambling on, but this poem doesn't really make sense without a little background. I'm still in school, and there's this one guy, Aaron, who always tries to make me angry. He proceeds to say when people ask, "She got mad for no reason" or "I was just joking". Honestly, it's one of the most annoying instances that I have to endure everyday.  When I say something like: "I don't appreciate how you're acting", he goes around and brags like it's an actual achievement. My friends don't like it and usually defend me. Thanks for reading!
Somebody Nobody Dec 2017
I've been used,
pinned to the ground.

I've been slapped,

Yet I still have a smile plastered on my face.

I've been pushed around,
been used as a punching bag,
and lonely.

I've been insulted,
made fun of.

It's rare that I laugh,
but I seldom lack a smile.

My past has shaped me in ways I never thought could happen.

I can be alone,
I can be grateful,
I can be happy.

I don't have to worry about my past anymore,
but rather focus on my future.
Nov 2017 · 312
I'm Still Here
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
Sometimes I wonder,
would it be better
if I just left?

I have little to nothing
chaining me to this world,
just a few things that I honestly won't miss.

The people here don't like me,
and I don't have anywhere else to go.

But I'm still here.

I have a chance that so many people have lost,
out of accident
or on purpose.

I have a chance to leave a legacy behind that would make me proud,
a chance to make the world a better place when I leave
than when I came into it.

That's the only reason why I haven't left.

I have a chance
that people would die for,
and I'm about to throw it away.

Sooner or later,
the weight of my choices might be too much to bear,
but for now,
I'm still here.
Nov 2017 · 220
School Troubles
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
I remember the one of the worst parts of being in school,
I was used.

I believed that I loved this boy,
a popular, funny boy,
and he was my world.

I usually watched from afar,
until one day he came up to me.

He asked me if I could help him on his homework.
I ended up doing it for him,
but I was so happy.

Eventually, I just kept doing his homework,
and he'd lead me on.

Giving me hugs,
calling me sweet names,
sitting close to me.

But I realized that I had nothing,
he would just talk to my friends,
and only talk to me when he wanted me to do something.

He'd never let me have anything,
and I regret not seeing it sooner.
Nov 2017 · 252
Parents, Am I Right?
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
I'm not saying that my parents were bad parents,
I think they have some flaws.

My childhood was rough,
I was soft and my parents didn't seem to like that.
Granted, they didn't seem to like me in general.

I had little to no support from them,
at one point I was left home and feverish for a week,
starving and dehydrated in bed.

I could tell they liked my brother more,
but I accepted that from birth.

They'd talk trash behind my back,
to other adults,
to other children,
to my brother.

I didn't idolize my older brother,
and for a while I had despised him.
But I realized that it wasn't really his fault
that my parents had loved him more.

I could feel that others felt pity for me,
but had other things to do than help me.
But who could blame them?

Now I'm not expert,
but I'm not sure how that's how parents are supposed to be.
I apologize for rambling on about myself, but I couldn't keep this in any longer.
Nov 2017 · 507
A Second Time Around
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
I don't know what I've done,
but it's come back.

I thought I've escaped,
but I'm still here.


I wish I could run,
run away from all these feelings,
but I can't.

I thought that I've hardened,
that I could take it on again,
but I can't.

I feel so

I feel so empty
that I want to cry,
but I can't.

I feel so hollow in side,
that if someone knocked on me,
you'd hear a drumming sound inside.

I'm not sure if I can go through this again,
the first time nearly broke my will to live,
I don't know what to do this time.

I just have to hope for the best.
Nov 2017 · 193
Ice Cold
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
Do you ever get that feeling,
when you're in a large room of people,
that you're lonely?

It's an icy cold sensation that just
freezes your blood flow.
It's a cold feeling that spreads from your ribs,
to your stomach.

I hate that feeling.
It hurts both ways,
and physically.

But that feeling just melts away,
when someone notices me.
The feeling just leaves
when someone talks to me.

But that doesn't happen most of the time.

And so I'm still stuck with that icy feeling,
with no one to talk to,
with no one to look to.

But that's okay.
I don't suppress my pain anymore.
I don't need to,
because I know I'm not alone.
Nov 2017 · 161
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
We're told in school that food gives us energy,
but they don't touch on support.

Support gives me energy to keep going,
a will to live.

It's the unspoken thing that keeps us alive,
the thing that makes you keep running.

I know for me,
it's what helps me wake up in the morning,
it's what helps me open my eyes,
it's what helps me go about my day.

Support is vital for a human being to survive,
it's the food your soul needs.

So I thank you,
for all the support you've given me,
for all you've done for me.
This poem is directed to all of you guys! Thanks for all the comments and messages sent. I appreciate other people reaching out to me to give a compliment and such. Again, thank you!
Nov 2017 · 235
A handful of friends
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
I've got friends who don't talk to me.

I've got this one friend who acts like he cares,
but in reality just wants to talk about himself.

I've got this another friend
who only cares about being on good terms with everyone.

I've got another friend
who doesn't care about anyone else but his girlfriend.

I've got this one friend
who talks trash about me.

But what I don't have
is a friend who actually cares.

A friend that's willing to talk to me,
to help me.

And I desperately need one.
Nov 2017 · 420
All I've Got
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
All I've got in chaining me to this world
are a few friends who don't talk to me
and a graduation party that'll never happen.

Maybe someone would be sad if I left,
but they'll probably cry fake tears,
just to get attention.

All I know is that,
very little people would actually care.

My teachers would just see me as another student,
a name to be taken off their roster.

My classmates will see me as an empty seat,
more storage space.

My parents would see me as a failure,
and just act sad.

No one would see me as anything different,
because I never am.
Nov 2017 · 215
But Alas
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
Everyday she goes to school
a smile plastered on her face.

She is lonely and despised
by her horrible classmates.

All she wants to do is fit in,
but alas,
people will never let her.

She has natural beauty,
but people don't acknowledge
or let her enjoy it.

She wants a chance,
a chance to breathe,
but alas
they'll never allow it.
Nov 2017 · 284
The worst of its kind
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
He told me he loved me,
and that I should love him in return.

I was so excited to have someone,
to be with someone.

He told me to do the craziest things,
always saying,
"You'll do it if you love me."

Eager to please,
I hastily did everything he asked.

My friends tried warning me,
"I don't like him, he's always trying to change you."
I always told them that they were overthinking it.
I should've listened to them.

One day,
he gave me a ring,
and said, "Because you can't live without me."

That day I realized that
I hadn't fallen in love with anyone.

I'd fallen in love with love itself.
Nov 2017 · 428
Second in Line
Somebody Nobody Nov 2017
When your first child turns out to be a failure,
don't expect the other one to come running.

Years of neglect had hardened her,
training her to become a cold, silent child.

She had been deprived of her childhood,
always ignored or forgotten about,
abused and yelled at.

The day she went mute,
nobody cared.

She went on with her life,
living off of her friends,
hearing about their daring adventures,
hoping she could have one of her own.

When her parents had finally figured out
their first child was mediocre at best,
they quickly tried turning to her.

It was too late.

For her entire life she'd went without them,
what makes them think they can just go in now?
Oct 2017 · 308
Things Best Left Unspoken
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
Am I invisible?

Everyday, it's the same over and over again,
with little to no interaction.

Nobody bothers talking to me,
nobody bothers acknowledging me.

I'm constantly rejected,
beaten down to the ground before I say a word.

I don't need to say a word
not anymore.

But being invisible
isn't as bad as it seems.

I can think,
more clearly than most.

I can make well-thought out decisions,
less impulsive than most.

I can't bring it up,
not with anyone,
but that's all right.
Some things are best left unspoken.
Oct 2017 · 534
Just a little crush
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
It's a relentless cycle,
of pain and pleasure.

Those moments of pure agony,
fueled by instances of sweet, sweet company.

I told myself,
I won't fall victim again,
never ever,
will I have feelings for anyone.
Not anymore, at least.

My will has betrayed me,
with my heart feeling one way,
but my brain pulling me the other.

My mind tells me I have no chance,
and it's probably right,
but my heart fosters hope.
Hope that this time will be different.

I keep telling myself that
this time it'll be different,
but I know from experience that
it never is.
Oct 2017 · 189
Humanity's War
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
The battlefield of life is not man against man,
but man against themselves.

The real battle in is internal,
rather than fighting against someone else.

The fight is the choice to bring someone down
or help someone up.

There are winners,
and there are losers.

It's based on whatever you think is right.

I've already lost the battle today,
and I'm starting losing the war.
*man is just a board term that is used for humanity in general. Apologies to those who are a bit sensitive on the topic.
Oct 2017 · 202
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
Something in her lay festering,
a side of her that she would never expose.

Her sturdy exterior shows her as

But look a little deeper.

On occasion,
you can catch her rare moments.

How cruel she really is,
how violent,
how manipulative,
how evil.

She likes to play God.

slowly making everyone into a puppet,
she controls them all.

With her words smothered in honey,
and smile shining brighter than the sun,
she controls them all.

I wonder when they'll notice.
Notice that they're all puppets in her game,
and they're all losing.
Oct 2017 · 355
Aspiring Loneliness
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
She's top of her class,
straight A's with almost 100's as every percent.

She's the first one in class,
praised by her teachers,
and her parents approve greatly.

But she's often ridiculed.

Being called "teacher's pet",
"*****", and "no-life",
by her jealous peers.

Everyday she goes to the library,
to hide from her peers.
Burying herself in the books
is the only safe haven she knows.

She doesn't have any friends,
not real ones, at least.
Her "friends" use her to get quick answers,
a cheap way to finish their homework and assignments.

She knows that she's all alone,
that nobody would want her as a first choice.
She knows that she's been called names,
and can't do anything about it.

So she buries herself in studies,
buries herself alive,
to try to survive.
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
"She's so annoying"
Am I really?

"She's ugly and nosy all the time"
I'll take that into consideration, thank you very much.

"She's so weird"

"She's so rude, too."
Is there any other word you can use other than "so"?

"I hate her"
I don't really know who doesn't, so I don't blame you.

What I thought was my best friend,
said these words behind my back.

I heard them say it when I was walking in class,
and the entire class hushed up.

I just stared at them,
until the class started agreeing.

I just sat down and ignored them,
as I should,
but having an entire class agree that you're a bad person,
well that really raises your confidence, doesn't it?

So now I sit alone,
isolated from the others,
thinking in peace.

Starting out alone was rough,
I thought that I was a social butterfly,
and that I need others to survive.

But after time,
I told myself,
I've lived most of my life without them,
why should I need them now?
Oct 2017 · 193
Next Time (If there is one)
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
I'm not entirely mad at you,
and I'm not entirely disappointed in you.

I kind of expected this,
but I didn't know how it would feel.

All I know is that I'm not happy with you.

I know you want to apologize,
and that you already have,
but if there's anything I've learned from my emotional wreckage,
it's that saying sorry right after the fact,
is always insincere.

What's worse is that,
the next day after our fight,
I was ready to forgive and move on,
but every time I tried to get your attention,
you ignored me.
It was humiliating,
in a public place,
to be ignored.

I just sat quiet,
astonished by your behavior.
I should have be mad at you,
not the other way around.

Again, you apologized right after.
Your insincere words hurt me,
but I'm willing to look over that.

But now,
I want space.
Space and time to reconsider,
to evaluate.

You've hurt me,
other people around you,
and yourself.
Think about it the next time words come out of your mouth.
You know, if there is one.
Oct 2017 · 215
What I used to be
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
I used to be completely dependent on people,
always being super critical of what they said,
of what they thought.

I used to be fragile,
anything bad said about me,
I'd cry.

I used to be superficial,
lying to myself,
putting myself down for so long.

One day in the summer,
I woke up feeling refreshed.

I thought it was peculiar,
until I saw that the rings under my eyes were gone.

I felt light hearted,
something I had not felt in a long time.

I laid my head in my hands and cried,
but not tears of sadness,
but tears of joy.

I felt my sadness slowly dissolving,
and when I looked into the mirror,
I saw her.

I saw the little girl I used to be,
happy and carefree.
Oct 2017 · 1.2k
Benefit of the doubt
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
Everyday I give people the benefit of the doubt.
I believe that good is in them.

I just can't seem to understand
why people take advantage of that.

I gave you a chance,
don't take it for granted.

To be honest,
I'm starting to lose hope.

The belief that held out so strongly throughout my life
is starting to thin out.

I'm not one to hold grudges,
but I'm not one to forget.

Just because I gave you another chance,
does not mean I've ignored what you did.

It does not mean your slate is clean,
it does not mean you're in my good graces.

I'm simply giving you another chance.
Oct 2017 · 1.6k
The epitome of loneliness
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
I'm lonely.
I'll admit that.

When I was in school,
I noticed that everyone had a friend with them.

That's when the feeling hit me,
I was alone.

I have friends,
but they'd pick someone else other than me
if given the chance.

I know that I should be sad,
that I should be asking for friends,
that I should be needy.

But that's not who I am.
If I've made it this far without anyone constantly there for me,
who's to say I need one now?

I've been alone,
and I might always be.
But honestly, I have no problem with that.

Let them talk,
let them judge!
It doesn't matter unless I let it matter.

I know I should be crying,
that I should feel an emptiness,
but I don't.
And I won't.
Oct 2017 · 223
A seductress named suicide
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
She's here again.
Everywhere I go,
I can see her.

She's batting her lashes at me.
Her lipstick gleams in the light.
Her dress is ever so tight.

Everyday it gets harder to resist her,to control my urges.
She knows how bad it's been.
Her eyes bore holes in my soul.

Every time I think about who I truly am,
she rears her pretty head around the corner.
She smiles, and waits ever so patiently for me to give in.
She wants me to go with her.
If I go, I'll never come back.

Today was a bad day.
She knows this,
and she waits to pounce on me.
I have nothing to return to,
no one is chaining me down.
I have no one to disappoint.

I hate to admit it,
but she's so tempting to leave with.
She'll solve my problems sealed with a kiss.
As much as I want to stay,
I can't.
Her powers of temptation are too strong.
I think I'm about to give in.
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
What do true friends do?

Do they talk to you daily?

Do they care about you?

Are they always there for you?

Are they always willing to help you?

Now, I can't say those for sure,
but I'm willing to bet that that's what true friends do.

My "friends", you see are willing to leave me at the drop of a hat.
And we'll leave that topic as that.
I apologize if this poem was pretty ******.
Oct 2017 · 204
Make your choice.
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
Where can I escape?

Where can I go to hide from the world?

For the world is an evil place,

and you can't tell me I'm wrong.

The world outside is unsafe,

with people running rampant

and killing each other left and right,

I don't want to go outside.

But as I look outside,

a small flower of hope blossoms.

There's so much good in the world,

but it's shadowed by too much bad.

You'll hear about horrible things that happened,

atrocious crimes that were committed.

But you'll also hear about beautiful things that came from someone,

and a large symphony of good deeds.

Life is a book,

sometimes of heroes and villains.

So I ask of you today,

who do you choose to be?
Somebody Nobody Oct 2017
I used to think that romantic heart break poems
were an overused cliche.

I never sympathized,
for I had never felt any spark.

I felt that people would get over it,
that it surely couldn't be that bad.

I was wrong.

It was the first time I'd felt a spark,
something that filled me up with a warm feeling.

Something that I could actually feel.

I felt victorious,
I felt like a champion.

Being around them just filled me up,
just enough to keep the spark going with me.

I didn't think that mixed signals were real,
that people just didn't see the real meaning.

That I admit I was wrong again.

They gave me mixed signals,
one day they'd adore me,
the other they'd just ignore me like trash on the sidewalk.

I wasn't sure what to feel.

So now I make my decision.

I give up.
Sep 2017 · 210
How far have I fallen?
Somebody Nobody Sep 2017
I need someone to talk to,
to depend on.

I am the person who is depended on,
a sturdy post behind everyone.

Everyone leans on me,
but I never get anything in return.

I didn't mind for a while.

But now things are getting lonely.

Everyone has someone
but me.

I'm alone.

For the longest time,
I didn't mind, nor care.

I was fine.

But now, I can't stand to be alone any longer.

How far have I fallen?
Sep 2017 · 209
Have you of no honor?
Somebody Nobody Sep 2017
Have you of no honor?

Life is a battleground,
there are wins and losses.,
wrongs and rights,
strengths and weaknesses.

Life is a free-for-all.
Might you make an alliance,
beware of distrust and deceit.

Some choose to fight with honor and valor.
Some choose to fight with underhanded tricks.

There are no written rules, but unspoken ones.
Do not strike a person when they are down.
An unspoken, clearly indicated rule.

Then why, do I ask, do you continue to strike me?
I'm down, done for, and yet you still continue to hit me.

I can't ask for help,
I can't fight back.
This poem was inspired mainly because of an event that happened today. I recently fractured my ankle, putting me in a wheelchair. I chose a wheelchair so that my crutches would not get kicked and I would fall over. As I rode in my wheelchair, already sad that I could not walk for a while, people would walk by and call me a "*******". Now, I would usually have no problem with it but after a while, it just gets offensive how they use it. People would say, "Watch out for the *******" or "I can't believe that ******* hit me" (I would accidentally hit other people when I rode to class). As I rode to class today, my big wheel got stuck in the door bump. A classmate walked by and laughed at me and yelled, "You're going to be late.", in a jeering tone. I honestly did not know what to do. I could not reply or I would be shot down quick. I just decided to ignore it. This event may not be applicable to many of you, but this truly hurt me.
Sep 2017 · 249
It was funny
Somebody Nobody Sep 2017
So recently,
I was reminded of a sad incident,
where I cried in public,
where I was comforted.

In a discussion,
the topic was brought up.

And you know what the said?

"Oh yea it was funny."


What in god's name is wrong with you?

I cried my heart out because of you.

And you know what you said after that?

"I was trying not to laugh."

I don't cry for attention.
I don't cry to be wanted.
I cry because something happened.
Aug 2017 · 348
Tear Tracks
Somebody Nobody Aug 2017
My mom used to say,
"Don't cry, you'll leave permanent tears on your face."
As a young child, I didn't understand.
My brother objected, smug and saying, "That's not true, tears can dry up."
My mom just smiled and said, "I hope you don't see it when you're older."
Now, I didn't understand, and I sided with my brother.

As the years went on, I could feel what others thought of me.
I could finally feel their glares and recognize the harsh meanings behind their words.
I slowly backed away, but no one noticed.
If they did, they were fine with it.

Being a "wretched outcast",
I looked for new shelter.
A new environment where I could feel safe.
I never made it to the promised land.

When I finally gave up,
I cried.
I poured out my feelings on paper,
my pain filled into countless notebooks.

When I look into a mirror,
I finally see it.
The permanent tear tracks.
Aug 2017 · 484
Somebody Nobody Aug 2017
All my life,
I'd been a sweet girl,
an eccentric girl,
a caring girl,
a passionate girl.

Your little girl
is on the edge of insanity,
fueled by desperation
and loneliness.

Your sweet, loving girl
is crying her heart out.
Her tears the byproduct
of their actions.

Their laughter,
humiliating words,
and obvious glares.

I used to laugh until I cried,
but now I just cry.
I cry and cry and cry.
I hate it, waking each morning to a soggy pillow.

I'm sorry,
but your sweet little girl is gone.
Aug 2017 · 279
It's not settling in
Somebody Nobody Aug 2017
I can't do it anymore,
I just can't.

My front has finally cracked,
and I can't take it.

I'm almost completely numb,
the only thing left is emptiness.

The realization of being truly alone has finally hit me,
right in the heart.

It's not settling in either, no,
instead every time I think of it, it hits me as hard as the first time
Aug 2017 · 242
This Again
Somebody Nobody Aug 2017
It's that time of the year again,
I have to see them once more.
I've got a change in appearance,
and a sharp edge on my words.
They want me to apologize,
but for what, I did nothing wrong.
They're hypocrites, every last one of them.
I'm not angry at them,
rather at myself for not realizing sooner.
Now I have to go through the same old ****,
loneliness, resentment, all the works.
The time has come,
and I have to deal with this again.
Aug 2017 · 206
Somebody Nobody Aug 2017
When I look into the mirror,
all I see is a broken person.
Someone's who's been through the worse things that life can offer.
Someone's who's been forgotten for all their life.
Someone's who's sick of it all.
I can't feel anything anymore.
I've put up a defense so thick that I can't feel anything anymore.
I look into my eyes.
I have eyes clouded with emotion, but I don't know what it is.
I can't tell what it is.
Jul 2017 · 252
You Are Who You Are
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I recently heard a quote: "You are who you are when no one's looking".
What if who I am isn't a worth a thing?
What if who I am isn't acceptable by your standards?
If I showed who I was when no one was looking, no one would look.
Jul 2017 · 444
I Love You Too
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
Why do I feel like I'm taken for granted?
Is it because you ******* off every chance you get?
Is it because I'm too nice to say anything?

Why do I feel like a ******* doormat?
Is it because you walk all over me?
Is it because you think I'll always be there for you, even after how you've treated me?

Why am I constantly disappointed in you?
Is it because I always give you the benefit of the doubt?
Or is it because you betray me without batting an eye?

Do you know how long I cried?
Did you even try to feel how I felt?
Did you forget that I had a conscience too?

Why are you so quick to make a joke of me?
If the air is tense with someone else because you ****** up, you always make fun of me who did nothing.

Remember when you said, "I'll be there for you, always."
Well now, I don't want you.
You're a ******* liar.

Remember those times when you'd say, "I love you too" whenever I got truly frustrated when you insulted me?
I'm going to say what I've meant to say ever since you've done that.
I'd sell you to Satan for ******* free.
But hell, you'd do the same thing.
I'm terribly sorry for the strong language, but sometimes, that's the best word for it.
Jul 2017 · 282
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I was in the depths for so long,
I forgot what true happiness feels like.
I was trapped for too long,
I forgot what it was like to be free.
I was let free.
All my troubles floated away, and the weight was lifted off my shoulders.
There was no tearful departure, nor any regret.
All I can feel is pure happiness.

It's an odd feeling, but I absolutely love it.
I can finally see the world through bright eyes,
and I'm just radiating happiness.

I'm free
and better than I'll ever be.
Jul 2017 · 453
Smile Now, Cry Later
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I smile through it all,

the insults and the hurt,

hoping for the day

that I can stop this charade.
Jul 2017 · 344
No more
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I'm absolutely sick of it.
I'm tired of
reading all of these poems
about sadness and despair.
No more.
All of you
are the strongest
and the most dedicated,
or you wouldn't be here.
I ask of you,
pick yourself up
one more time,
and fight for yourself.
No one else will.
Jul 2017 · 509
Of smiles and giggles
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I'm that person who's always smiling.
I'm that person who's full of smiles and giggles.
I'm that person who's always willing to help.
I'm that person who thinks of others before all else.
I'm that person who's always excited.
I'm that person who sugarcoats everything.
I'm that person who always takes the worst **** that life throws out.
I'm that person who no one will ever take a second look at.

I'm also that person who's the loneliest.
I'm also that person who seems that they're hiding something.
I'm that person who has a false tone of happiness.
I'm also that person who's shed the most tears.
I'm that person who's the best liar.
I'm that person who's only called for help.

The most colorful are often the bleakest.
Jul 2017 · 581
The Illusion of Hope
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I've been shattered
countless times,
each time cracking in a different way.
Every time I pick myself up,
every little piece of me,
I always pick up a little hope.
Hope that everything will turn out okay,
hope that I'd find someone
or something to save me.
It always comes crashing down.
I've hoped for so long, that I'm starting to lose it.
I'm losing hope
in getting out of this miserable state.
I then realized,
hope was an illusion.
A simple hallucination in my mind.
I've never had it,
and I'll never get it.
Jul 2017 · 251
Faking It
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I've mastered an art, truly one of the most useful.
I've shaped an image of myself to others, but it's just an image.
I've mastered the art of lying.
I'm a fake.
But no one else can see it.
I hate doing this.
I hate wearing a mask everywhere I go.
I seem carefree on the outside.
People think I'm truly happy.
They don't know how wrong they are.
Jul 2017 · 187
Bleeding out
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
I'm bleeding out.
I've been shot countless times, with insults and glares.
I've been stabbed with rumors and lies,
I'm hiding everything through a mask that makes me seem carefree.
I act as if nothing's a big deal anymore.
Not one of them knows.
It feels painful to try to get up.
So I just lay here, waiting to die.
Jul 2017 · 237
The best days ever!
Somebody Nobody Jul 2017
Having everyone around in the morning,
Everyone ridicules me without warning,
Love fills my day before it has begun,
People in my life shine brighter than the sun!
My desires have to be put aside for theirs,
E**very once in a while, they care!
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