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There is no echo
In the realms of hell
There is no soul
Hidden in an empty shell

There is no hope
For those seen unworthy
There is no scope
When you are unearthly

There are no dreams
When the nightmares call
There are no screams
Whenever you will fall

There is no echo
In the realms of hell
There is only the show
And no one to tell
 Nov 2014 Cassidy Skye
i am trying to be okay
with the way my hair falls
into place all over
and how my voice gets
really small when i talk to
new people
i am trying to be okay
with how i cannot please
everyone to their liking
and how i stumble over my
words in public
and how my hands shake when
i don't know what to do

i am trying to be okay with myself
and who i am
but i am learning
and this is a journey
i am learning to love myself
because i am the only one who
will be there when i lay in bed
to rest
and how can i rest peacefully
when i have the voices in my
mind criticizing me for every
flaw i have made
so this is going to stop
because im on a journey to
love myself
Vast and grey, the sky
is a simulacrum
to all but him whose days
and vast and grey, and—
In the tall, dried grasses
a goat stirs
with nozzle searching the ground.
—my head is in the air
but who am I . . ?
And amazed my heart leaps
at the thought of love
vast and grey
yearning silently over me.
 Nov 2014 Cassidy Skye
Im not mad at you.
Im mad at me.
Im mad that i get so attached
When you obviously arent
I just dont know what to do with myself anymore
Im so tired of being sad
Im tired of not feeling like im enough
Maybe it would be easier if we just stopped
Because i cant keep falling if theres nothing there to catch me
 Nov 2014 Cassidy Skye
Classy J
criticized, left out, shut down. Isolated in everyday living, the only friend I have are my possessions. Not even my mind accepts me, but I guess that makes sense, because all my life people have never once said anything nice to me or about me. I wouldn't believe them at first but everyone has a breaking point. Now I am trapped, all alone, with nowhere to call my home. Hope is a thing of the past, love doesn't exist in a world so cruel. Friends end, friends and family betray you, or hurt you. I am a good person but my appearance states otherwise, statistics say otherwise, life as I know it; states otherwise. So now I live this life walking a lonely road the only road I've ever known, don't know where it goes but it's only me, so I walk alone. Dreams are a bunch of fantasy's, passion is a clever lie, truth;there is no such thing. I have a truth but my truth might not be another person's truth, so does that mean one of our truth's is a lie? belief's start wars, because people can't accept one another, people can't even understand themselves. That's why they search for truth, but what is truth? I just don't know anymore.
 Nov 2014 Cassidy Skye
Classy J
A gruesome dark figure approaches
This may be my end
This demon looks at me
eyes are red as blood
it's cold hands grasping me
teeth sharper than any knife
it's breath stinks; mouth drooling
heart beating ever so fast
Then...... rstiubbbuiubfutc4cecewawatvxzllmknoh

— The End —