I know I am in need of humility Lord,
To throw off my shackles of insecurities,
Of needing to feel significant,
For only you need bear witness to the impact from my good deeds,
To know the impression from concentric rings
Of my thrown stones of kindness
Rippling out in the water of life.
Not others.
Not me.
I just need to let go,
To trust you,
To trust others,
To trust me,
And know the timing is ok,
I’m here now,
Imperfect yet ready
To serve you in whatever way you have chosen for me,
And to throw myself into others with kindness and compassion,
Starting with myself.
And to know I have your divine strength to help me bravely fight and overcome evil,
So I drown no more in the murky mud and tangled weeds of tumbled thoughts of negativity and insults,
And instead show others the way
Of truth.