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205 · Aug 2020
Natures Cover Up
simon law Aug 2020
in the sand
form behind me,
another reminder
that my journey
is my own

They lazily wash over,
filling my imprints,
restoring perfection
to the beach

although they are
now hidden,
I still know
they existed,
In my mind,
And from the sand
On my feet
204 · Aug 2020
simon law Aug 2020
If I am a flower that blooms in the desert
Then let me Shine bright
188 · Aug 2020
This is LOVE
simon law Aug 2020
I hope you are happy
It doesn’t make sense for both of us to be
That would be a waste
(of suffering)
176 · Aug 2020
What Are You Missing
simon law Aug 2020
What do you see
when you look up to night skies ?
when you look out to blue waters ?
when you walk through green forests ?
What do you see
In an audience of people ?

If you see
just the stars,
just the sea,
just the trees,
If you see just me,
Then you are looking,
but you don’t see
175 · Aug 2020
simon law Aug 2020
How far does the sky fly ?
How far does the sea flow ?
How far does the ground grow ?
How far can you go ?
174 · Aug 2020
That is for ME
simon law Aug 2020
Do not define me
as the man I once was,
Or the victim of tears that have past,
Do not Define me
for who I am now,
In fact do not define me at all

That privilege is reserved for me
168 · Aug 2020
simon law Aug 2020
I will wait,              my dear,
( but I fear my endurance ),
For our souls to harmonize in joyful reunion.

For I will wait,              My love, Outside of these
skins ( And Beyond these lifetimes of
teachings ),

And suffer they will, ( beating hearts
                allow lessons )
In the flesh that we use,     to serve education,

My daring We must wait,      Allow them to
For our circle to complete, their pain must flow
My Love,          Our patience will reward
I would welcome any feedback :)
155 · Aug 2020
Days and Nights
simon law Aug 2020
Ok days and average days
But I am still surviving,
Sleepless nights and lonely nights
In my heart
I keep on fighting
153 · Aug 2020
Clever Sheep
simon law Aug 2020
The doors are flung open
with mighty roar the voice shouts ;

“Enter your changes,  and step through to the light”

Expectations re-born, with visions of hope,

desperate stampede ensues.

But the journey with no light
No brightness in circles, no fight,
Emptiness starts to creep back inside,

It is now that they ask,
trembling voice their mind whispers ;

“How can I escape the pain from within”

Travel this path far enough, eventually you may see,
the dawn of the new purple light,

With destination in sight
a splendid transition transforms,
It is inside that their light shines most bright
135 · Aug 2020
Hide and Seek
simon law Aug 2020
There is mystery in
If you
not told of the meaning,
in text,
That can hide in plain sight
109 · Aug 2020
My old friend
simon law Aug 2020
It’s scary to let go
There is comfort in pain
Something to hold on to
Am I suffering in vain ?
97 · Aug 2020
The Individual Collective
simon law Aug 2020
The more connections I make
The more individual I feel,
The more I realize
My construct of life is not real,

The more individual I feel
The more connected I become  
Feeling the rhythm of nature
Becoming whole, being one

You know, nothing stays the same
Everything is changing,
Constantly evolving
Forever creating (new)

The winter of a journey
Is the spring of a new,
Flowing to natures rhythm
Is to Synchronize with you

So a perceived loss is not loss
If you live nature’s flow,
It’s an opportunity to whiteness
Feel your soul start to grow
94 · Aug 2020
simon law Aug 2020
There was once hurt inside,
that carried my pain,
Delivered through suffering
to my deepest of depths,

Now there is a hole,
that is reserved just for you,
A hole that I treasure
as the most precious,

For, the hole inside me
is filled with your memory,
A togetherness,
that can never be broke,

So never apart
Shall we feel (through this life),

Because in my soul,
I have hold of your

85 · Aug 2020
The Answer
simon law Aug 2020
As as The sun brings warmth to my body  
And The air fills me with new life
Just as The earth gives me grounding to walk upon
And the sea is my path to renew
For purpose to reflect ones true calling
Simply Trust the feelings you feel from in you
84 · Aug 2020
hello mum
simon law Aug 2020
i have never known you, but have felt you through feeling,
not able to guide me,
so received confused meaning

the warmth of you love, was felt from our womb,
Finally coming home to myself,
is finding our home

Hello mum

— The End —