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Dear Lord:

I am confused.

My life is Damocles,
My name is unimportant,
My sword's thread stretched
thinner than thin,
barely a 10 word poem
slender wide.

This body's homeland,
this deluded tired,
where my physic resides,
is indeed nominated accurately:


Yet I am not alone,
though cut off in ways,
few can comprehend.


withdrawn but not by choice,
the loveliness of life
escapes and
eluded and yet,
I still believe...

a disciplined disciple,
my faith constant,
in this,
your awful trials and failed tests,
to me, success eludes,
and life deludes.

tested beyond exhaustion,
you let me sojourn for a few brief, precious,
every-days in a multi-windowed world
where the entry fee is simply
the freedom of words
but well defined,
in perfect clarity.

Rest and restlessness no longer debate.

defeated has departed for more hospitable climes.

has won,
I rail not, swearing faith,
debate not your choices for us,
long ago,
surrendered that incomprehensible struggle.

Here I am
still here,
worn but standing in
your verbal grace.

One comfort
and it helps me
and for that,
I bear the knowledge and the burden of what ails all humans,
and what can bring them comfort unceasing..

Gifts so small  
that that some
single lettered,
make up a whole

here is me,


bowed, boxed, bowled over
and still bowing,
on so many days
in so many ways,
and in those the few hours
when the mind refuses
the opportunity to sleep,
hope tries to keep itself seeded

for here is  found,


where sonnets bloom,
where one can draw welled fresh water comfort
from the words of poetry
with which you surround us,
letting me be reborn in hope ever so small,
daily, like you

The misbalance of life,
where the justice scales
seem weighted all wrong,
for in the glory of human word
is a world real and imaginary,
this poetry, this art,
so weighty this god gift to humans,
in its beauteous weightlessness,
gives me shelter so brief,
gives me shelter so grand,
that though my greatest burdens accursed,
so much suffering surrounded-sounded,

these shared words
and the ones
you gift me,
makes all these woeful waves
tamed and becalmed,
the scales of tribulation lose

Through these words,
breathe through them,
once again,
rest and strength,
restored and returned
in ever small lettered says
and your incomprehensible
in humans,
thus stored for shared safekeeping,
is mine to share and shared.

So many the mysteries,
but this above all I cannot comprehend,
how can so many not see,
how so many abuse
so carelessly,
that greatest gift
after life itself,
the restorative words
so plentiful,
you have planted
within the earth of our
human existence.
for our fellow poet, Timothy, so long overdue this, my guilt finally expiated...ten times better than the best, obligations won't let me leave as fast as I want to...
Tyger Tyger. burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye.
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat.
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp.
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears
And watered heaven with their tears:
Did he smile His work to see?
Did he who made the lamb make thee?

Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
i bet even after all this time
that if my chest were to
ache with emptiness enough
like it used to i could go to your house
and find the outline of our bodies
on your dark blue bed sheets
i have spent the last year
both trying to run from you
and find you at the same time
but i left everything i knew
about falling in love
on that mattress and
it's still settling there
like dust and
all i can do is write about you
until it comes back to me,
or by some kind of miracle,
you decide to.
We counted stars in the sky
my Lady and I,and
lost all track of time,
she was mine
I was hers
and as we climbed up the stairs
to the heights of the moon,
to the depths of our room
to surface too soon,
we had numbered the suns in the heavens above and
counted ourselves lucky to find that true love
while counting stars in the sky.
He must be all of sixty years
but in matters of the heart
the man's still wet behind the ears
hasn't got a clue
does not know what to do and
so muddles through as best he can,
not self sufficient but
he's a man and you can't blame him
for that.
drop me out
don't want to know
what you're on about.
Leave me alone
I am in the silent zone
drop me out.

Everywhere I go there's someone wants to blow their stack
attack me with the alphabet,
with sentences they sentence me
to noise and noise, why
can't they let me be.
I drop to drown again
reintroduced into
the volcanic mass
spewed out as lava ash,
as time will pass then
so shall I,pass to live and
pass to die and underneath
the pale blue sky
I drop to drown again.
There's a room in me where Rumi sits
and spits out apple pips,those
seeds that grow and
words that flow and
wonders never cease.
I find that in the room,
it is Rumi
gives me peace.
Do you ever think back to the time
And gaze out in wonder
Does it ever come cross your mind
Every now and then or another

Does it cause you to break into smile
At the passing memory
Even though it's been quite awhile
Since it is we've seen

Does a bit of laughter escape your mouth
Thinking of the times we had
Memories you can't speak out loud
Does that sometimes make you sad

When you close your eyes at night
Who is it that you dream
You may think I ask these questions of you
But I really ask them of me
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