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125 · Apr 2020
Puzzled mind
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Transitioning my emotions from inside to out is such a puzzle piece. Gotta find the right angle to position the hurt. That corner piece is too small to fit the stress. I finally get the foundation down to find out been seeing it wrong this whole time. The bottom is the top and the top is mid section or whatever thought of it is the middle. The bottom I haven't even seen yet because I'm having to reposition the big picture. When I finally see it done what it is I notice that I'm finally to where I need to be. All over I see and start from the bottom. I'm not close to being done yet but it makes it easier when I now know my place.
125 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
No you not misunderstood you just dealing with the wrong ones
Your heart too willing to love
You not using what's up above
Ya mind is the best tool
You are weak too many times played the fool
Trust in the wrong ones
Toxic masculinity womanizing no fun
You want a dominant man
But what you got wasnt the plan
Family, new beginnings
Months later it's broken its finished
Was it real to begin with
It all happened so fast skipping over the issues not trying to trip
I just wanna be understood
Let me let you into my mind
My weakness you can find
Pull it up out of me
Throw it away
Dont want it to be the cause of our fall
But what can be given other than your all
I'm not falling I fell
Leaves dropping one by one
My heart is aching
My limbs are shaking
I want it but I dont
I'm trying then again I dont
I'm torn between how to feel
Giving some space time will heal
But these wounds have been dug deep
The grounds shaking the dead as they sleep
But my pain wakes them up
I just wanna be loved
But my heart doesn't need it
Being told I'm all these things
No one knows my Hopes and dreams
They dont care
They dont wanna hear
Ears closed , mouth wide open
Meaningless words but they hurt
The thought of how you feel
The thought that you've felt this way all along
Your expectations dont match your actions
Give and forget
I cant even shed tears
My heart wont allow me
I should have been smarter
121 · Apr 2020
Midnight flight
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
At night I lay awake
Dreams of the unknown
I cant sleep
Knowing what I don't know
Exists in reality
Wondering where did it go wrong
Or was it ever perfect
Human emotions
They are never worth it
The risk of giving your heart away
Only to see that its broken
Molding it with clay
Reassigning it with caution
Playing catch
Possibility of love is far fetched
My mind won't sleep
Until I know your every move
Then the How
Now the why
I demand the truth
But I know it will be all lies
Clear as a blue sky
Your insecurities
Itching you up like fleas
You cant get rid of them
So you can't begin to see
Your worth to me
How high I'll climb you see
So my efforts are in vain
My love for you goes beyond name
But your blinded with shame
What a shame you lose out on love
Looking for me to love you
But u never was
The one I needed
More like who I fed
Until you got used to the service
Coming back for more
You take all of me
I can't give anymore
Of self
I love but theres some one else
Who gets your attention
Clouding your judgment
We can't go further then here
I wish happiness was near
But its clear
It will never be more than
Me, You & them
119 · Apr 2020
Thoughts down the drain
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
You sparked my interest at hello
Curiosity tingled down below
Tried my best to stay away
Conversation in my head but never nothing to say
Out loud but you read my eyes
Up and down my heart would go
In bed but my thoughts with you
I really wanted to know what loving you could do
My faithfulness kept me at bay
But falling for you there was no way
I could STOP
Your eyes melt my heart
Your words run through my soul
How could I have ever known
That this time would come
Now that we are here
I'm now beginning to fear
That loving you was a mistake
One that my heart cannot take
109 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Shadows of your smile will always remain Avant playing in the background. Long day of shopping šŸ› come home we washing. For the new day, Iā€™m in bed ready to relax as the music play. You hop in the shower body wash opening up my senses. Something feels off I think to myself this night feels different. My mind starts wondering to places I never knew were there, hoping you ainā€™t going out anywhere. New clothes picked out fresh socks šŸ§¦, you smile as the clock tick tocks . Where you going I ask you, out with my boys if thatā€™s okay with you. I roll my eyes cuz I knew this was coming my mind wasnā€™t racing for nothing. You always do this I yell in my mind, all the while his jays im helping him find. I know what this is, another ***** ainā€™t it? You all ready to go you already faded. Smoke through the hallway didnā€™t even pass it, spraying cologne trying to mask it. Bae just stay home tonight please donā€™t go, Iā€™ll b back by midnight his
Words rolled. Kiss on the forehead hunny Iā€™ll see you lata. The I love you was brief no one could hear it. Itā€™s now 2am your phone going to vm, Iā€™m up canā€™t sleep Iā€™m ****** u can tell.
107 · Apr 2020
Office thoughts
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Been feeling empty inside
Asking myself daily why
Keeping a smile I'm afraid to cry
Saying I'm okay but he knows it's a lie
I have so much I wanna do
I have no clue
Why I cant fit into these shoes
The glass slipper it's too tight
I cant fit it even with all my might
I wanna reach the top but there's no height
I need a ladder but it's my fright
Keeping me behind these steel bars
Peeking through the small space
I can see the sky
I can feel the breeze on my face
But I cant reach it
My arms too short
My mind doesn't comprehend
I have it all
But i dont want it if i cant be it all
I got the answers
But I still have unanswered questions
I still have hard lessons
I need to learn
Still have my stripes I gotta earn
****** expressions ease up always stern
My heart means well
But with each good act It churns
Into pieces my pride falls
Crumbles everytime i see a smile or laugh
That's what you want it's not me
I wont be jaded my eyes open and they see
The truth behind your love
The meaning in all your hugs
You just want that love she gave you
You want it but she dont want you
So you pretend to love me
While loving her from the distance
Daily checkups making sure she knows your existence
All while breaking my heart in one instance
But you dont know you are
Because i smile and kiss you every night
Pretending that my soul is alright
But I'm just allowing you to pretend that we gone make it through
All the while I still feel like the fool
The fool in love the fool for loving you
99 · Apr 2020
The world today
Letitia Adair Apr 2020

Where do I go from here , success is so far away failure is near. Everyday we wake up hoping for better days. Turn on the tv nope donā€™t see a better way. Killings and kidnapping walking the earth, what happened to keeping God first. Churches now playgrounds for sin, come as you are they say then judge you from within. Psychiatrist promising you a mental break, but at home they have no say. No say in how life really ends but you pay big bucks to get told where reality and fantasy begins. We are slaves to the tradition thinking thatā€™s the way into the pearly gates. Living unhappy day after day if only I can make it in He thought. As he lays in bed, his lifetime partner by his side. But his mind is full of lust his nose is wide. Open are her eyes as she pretends to sleep when really she longs to be held and stroked deep. By him or by his best friend sheā€™s had both. No daddy growing up so she doesnā€™t know. How to love herself and **** sure not him so they pretend to be in love because the kids must grow up. Happy home happy life they say but mentally the house is cold and far away. Far away from true love . See what I donā€™t understand is how we can love a world give it everything until we are blue in the face but resort to our personal space with a cold heart and no trace. Absent minded no love for ourselves no love for humanity but giving our all for nothing in the end. They say itā€™s going to be a grand entrance the clouds will part. Light so bright we canā€™t even see. Is it a hoax or will he really be. Coming down from the sky to save those who followed the traditional life. Trumpets will sound from the heavenly speakers letā€™s all rejoice the day is here where true judgement has no choice. We stand before him ME ME please play my life on screen I want ppl to know Iā€™ve lived right but my sins cant be seen right? This day is something weā€™ve been told to wait for but really what we waiting for? Live your life the time is now. We are judged everyday by our conscious when we lie down. The time is near but donā€™t be afraid EMBRACE ITā€¼ļø
96 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
You ask how do I rejuvenate?
My problems are left where my clothes go when we make love. All over the room the moans echo in the darkness. The felt of your throbs affirms the chemistry. Between us is simplicity. I position in your body , mine, the covers hide our naked skin. My body longs to be touched, my sweetness wants to be tasted. My desire is to be heard louder than the tv as itā€™s playing. Late night shows as we drift away, my thought is could this be real or knockoff? Could the person I need be right behind me? Grasping my body the weight of his slumber weighing on mine. Sleep so peacefully or is this a lie? Is this apart of who I am or subconsciously making it up, if I move Iā€™ll wake him up leaving him no other option then to turn away. The smell of his skin the whiff of his breath. I need that each night. The look in his eyes his smile makes me feel strong. You ask me how I rejuvenate? Hunny this is why ā˜ŗļø
95 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Before you came into my life I was working on MYSELF. Letting go of the things I didnā€™t want and working towards what I did want. I thought I had my goals figured out. Boom šŸ’„ Iā€™m hit with the unexpected, another person I grew feelings for over time. It was fresh it was new and it was needed. Fast forward Iā€™m falling in love ( not wanting to) Iā€™m pregnant and my life has drastically changed emotionally . Iā€™m okay with it... but the change happened so fast I am still playing catch up. Apart of my self growth was learning how to listen to understanding and learning how to put my ego aside and lower my temper. Iā€™m very hot headed and I have a way to go. Please understand Iā€™m very smart and I know my actions and how they affect other people. Iā€™m working on it. I just have to learn to make that adjustment in my attitude before words come out versus after. Once Iā€™ve tā€™d off then Iā€™m like **** maybe I should have done it another way. But while Iā€™m one track minded and I just want to apologize for how Iā€™ve handled situations when we are talking. Thereā€™s a better way to get my point accros but what I say is what I mean itā€™s just a better way to say it. Iā€™m learning YOU specifically everyday. Each day I learn something new and each day I grow to love something new about you. Itā€™s apart of a relationship. As we go on there will be things I donā€™t like that you do, itā€™s normal but I will ALWAYS be able to admit when Iā€™ve fallen short or when Iā€™ve messed up. I do not mind apologizing for my doings. Just understand some situations may take longer than others simply due to I like to fully analyze the situation and where I may have gone wrong or where you have and how it should have been itā€™s just how I am. Donā€™t think Iā€™m ignoring the situation or too bighead Ed to communicate. I love you Iā€™m happy with who Iā€™m becoming but you met me in transition and so there are still so pieces being rearranged.
94 · Apr 2020
Too Hard
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
At times we try too hard to impress the world
Layers of make-up, do i look good?
I want him to like my body
So this girdle i should
Squeeze my organs so a man can compliment me
Just to go back to the motel 6 and give away
My most prized possession
Next morning i cry while uber home
**** this make up my ribs are bruised
No name no number i feel used
But today's a new day so let me choose
The color lipstick for the day
He loves dark blue, thats my bae
He said he on the way, but now 45 minutes ill wait
Night skies hover the earth
He finally came with excuses
So first where you been
He said he texted me but it didn't send
working babe his famous reply
i can see through him i know that was a lie
He's high
I was wett now im dry
Guess another waste of the day
Smeared lipstick anyway
But tomorrow is a new day.
93 · Apr 2020
Through Me
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Still it rushes through me,
in every pore,
through every cell.
What is this . . .
what feeling is this?
I cannot tell,
what secrets unveil
unknown to limits.
This absolute emmersion
blankets my every
conscious thought.
Drawing you closer,
bringing you here.
So close to me I dare not say -
still not within my sight.
I feel your breath,
heat penetrating my skin
like a hard summer rain.
I feel your face, your eyes,
trace your mouth
with my fingers.
You give me breath
so close to your mouth,
still we do not touch.
Smoldering fantasies
ignite burning,
lust and longing.
Desire tempts me.
"Move closer . . . " she whispers,
"closer, closer. "
A paradox? Closer to you,
like the finest lace -
our bodies occupy exactly
the same space.
Deeper you come!
Taking you in -
surrounding me and filling
me up- and down- push, shove
Eyes open, must I see?
Truth is now . . . this reality
92 · Apr 2020
Picture Perfect
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Laying here, tell me can you picture
Playing touching teasing it
The beginning of our lust playing in my head
Knowing while youā€™re gone my wildest fantasies would manifest. Walking in the door tall caramel skin. **** musk Sativa and hard **** is in. **** he fine as his eyes find mine. Daddyā€™s **** I needed this time. Opened the box and his eyes got wide. Already drip and dripping more with his trace. Mind hazy šŸŒ« head spinning he is what Iā€™m picturing between my thighs. His words turn me on
Turn over , this my ***** he takes in his mouth. Spreading my cheeks as he vibrates in it, his freaky is ***** so he drove right in it. Licking in spots I didnā€™t know were there, his masculinity is definitely something to fear. Sliding his **** up and Down on my wet plump ***. Oooh **** I felt that go in. I hear his moans as he slaps my ***. I love feeling his grip inside me. His manhood goes perfectly inside me, his soul please confide in me. Unleash the beast, my pain is his pleasure. I want to experience heaven and hell forever. Back and forth back and forth between each universe when he digs inside me our souls take course. High off into the atmosphere the bangs from the bed is all you can hear. Way up there šŸ‘† how high can you go. The fact that this is what I truly think about please let it stay between you and me. šŸ˜“šŸ–¤ā™“ļø
91 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
The knot is strong
The strings are tight
It wonā€™t break loose
No matter how hard I fight
The grip is fierce
Disguised by my tears
I wish to overcome
This emptiness of fear
I know once on my own
I might not survive
But if there is a mere chance
I plan to be alive
The cost of losing a bond
Could it be my biggest mistake
But I refuse to continue living
A life I can no longer fake
91 · Apr 2020
I need it
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Iā€™m *****
Waves of pleasure hit my body
One after another I wanna feel his tongue
Spread my legs apart
But not too wide
Set your lips right over my pouch
Feeling your breath as my ***** jumps
I want you to devour my soul
**** it in with every bite
Letā€™s your lips relax
Donā€™t be too rough
I like it soft and slow
Make love to my core
Imagine kissing my lips
Our saliva meet and drip down
My thighs, baby lick it up
Long arms reach my neck
Grab it, choke me
My fantasy
Spread my legs wider now Iā€™m wide open
Gyrating against your thrusts
I can feel Iā€™m so close
You pick up speed
My mind I canā€™t speak
I can only moan in ecstasy as you open the box
My love pouring out I canā€™t control it
I want that moment to last forever
As I drift off In a slumber
Youā€™ve stolen my heart all over again
90 · Apr 2020
Second Guess
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
We second guess it
We hurt it
We misuse and abuse
Itā€™s very strong
Full of answers
Full of questions
Full of pain
When we donā€™t use it
We loose it
Itā€™s controlled by the music
The technology the biology
It controls the rest of our body
Without it we wouldnā€™t exist
Vegetable weā€™d be
Well we are already are
Lost in space
Our mental no trace
What would YOU do without it
Do you have a clue about it
What these things create
Just think šŸ’­ on it
Nurture it
Make it great.
89 · Apr 2020
Not a Poem
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Me and my girls left you and ya boys at the club. I was ready to go all I wanted was your attention. Your hands on my back your lips on my neck. When I first met you I wasnā€™t feeling it, now I canā€™t live without it . At least thatā€™s what my hormones saying. ****, if I keep thinking about his big **** imma *** on myself. I get home and lay on the bed. Images of our first night together scroll through my head like a movie. The way your tongue ran down my body I was shocked. You tasted every part of me and I enjoyed it. The feeling of such large masculinity over powered my juicy body. When you slid inside me I fell in love. I knew right then I was hooked. Your thrusts came frequent and my *** jiggled when you smacked it. **** this ***** got **** ****, ā€œGirl what did you get yourself into? ā€œ his hand hit the wall and he plunged deep into me . ā€œBaby Iā€™m finna nut in this *****ā€ his tone took me to the clouds. My ***** muscles tightened up and I couldnā€™t hold it. I moaned loudly ā€œā€SHIIT Iā€™m ****** baby.ā€ His groans became slurred as he unloaded inside my soul. He slid out , I collapsed and he rolled another L.
I believe I was feeling a mix of emotions
88 · Apr 2020
He was
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
He was the one until
He wasnā€™t coming home on time
He was the one
When he finally got a job
He was the one until
Excuses for getting off the phone became the same
He was the one
Until his good byes lost emotion and eyes showed pain
He was the one
And then his interest faded
He was the one until
Nights weā€™re alone
He was the one
And then he slowly moved out
He was the one
Until you saw them as you drove past her house
He was the one
Who didnā€™t sign for 9months later when that unexpected delivery came
He wasnā€™t the one
Finally you seen through the neglect
He wonā€™t be the one
Because my standards are high and ainā€™t been met
83 · Apr 2020
In my mind
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
Sitting on the couch writing in my notes. If I was your man by Joe playing and Iā€™m wishing you were here. Every night you neglecting me saying you working late. I just need to pop up there I keep telling myself. But I donā€™t wanna seem desperate a ***** who canā€™t trust her man. I donā€™t wanna look like a fool in front of all his friends especially šŸ„°Tyrone. Mmmm that **** Tyrone is going to get me caught. Last weekend at his show I was so fixated on his body. Flashes of how he would grab my neck and **** my soul. Oh and his **** ā€¼ļø Uhhhmm that ***** had a huge ****. I swore I should have been pregnant at least twice by now. But let me get my mind together and get to work. As Iā€™m hopping into the shower guess who walks through the door. šŸ™„ I guess all that Tyrone thinking got me ***** I thought to myself as I felt my wetness down my leg. Benny ainā€™t good for **** else but he know how to satisfy my cookie šŸŖ. Soon as he gets to the room Iā€™m laying naked legs wide open and he wastes no time kissing my sweetness. I know imma *** fast , I start moaning and grabbing his head as he vibrates faster on my ****. I hear him say he gonna *** as he stroking his **** and my body unleashes this sweet moan and he jumps out and unloads all on my face.ā€**** babyā€ is all I hear before we slept the night away in each others arms.
82 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020

Before I was strong
I knew what it was to be weak
How difficult it was to love myself
And find the wholeness I seek

Before I knew the light
I lived in constant darkness too
My world fell into hopelessness
So dark I couldnā€™t see through
I have cried the tears it takes
The courage to stand up again
Being broken down and bruised
You can only relate to the pain

How can I appreciate the love
If i havenā€™t seen hate
I forgot the meaning of love and laughter
My heart was left abate

Now I know strength and courage
It requires a lot to get it right
Iā€™m facing the things that held me down
I gotta hold my head up and fight

Before I was who I am now
I was someone I didnā€™t want to be
I was lost, battered, and defeated
Before I knew how to be meā€¼ļø
82 · Apr 2020
Letitia Adair Apr 2020


We over complicate the meaning

No matter how much we describe and explain when we fall in love we are ashamed of our own words.

The goal is not to seek it love but to find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Knowing your voice, sensing your scent when I walk into a room youā€™ve just left. The glide of your foot, the weight of your steps. Love cannot be controlled , but when it finds you worthy it will direct your course. How do I love you, I can count the ways. The time it took, I can count the days. Until Iā€™ve seen your darkness I do not know you, until Iā€™ve forgiven your darkness I do not know LOVe. I can tel Iā€™m in love now, I avoid falling asleep because reality is finally better than my dreams.
77 · Apr 2020
On top
Letitia Adair Apr 2020
I wanna sit on it
My insides are craving it
Long hard and thick
The way it separates my lips
I canā€™t hold it in
The grip of your **** is like a drug
When itā€™s not penetrating my soul
Iā€™m wishing it was
When your not arching my back
Iā€™m wishing you were
Behind me as my *** claps
The deeper you go
The crazier I become
I love it when I feel your hardness grow on my back
I know itā€™s time to get satisfied
Feet flat on the bed
Let me ride
Full access to the path you want
Youā€™re in control itā€™s yours have fun
A ride youā€™ll never forget
A way to escape the physical way to vent
Unload your problems deep inside me
Let me carry your loads
Coming down from this high
This is your prize, Iā€™m sold!

— The End —