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 Apr 2016 Alt C
Worry about things
Gives you something else to do
But leads you nowhere
Yep. I worried too much today. I was officially transferred to a new department. New working environment. Ughhh.
Written date : 8:46pm Monday, April 25, 2016
 Apr 2016 Alt C
Again, you are trying to fit in
And I always dreaded that feeling
But then, as they say, change is inevitable
I have to accept it like I don't have a choice at all

So yeah, I will definitely try
Not to fit in the mold
But to keep my shape and smile
Just be myself and be bold
Don't just try to fit,
at least create or build a space for yourself. But still, keep the RESPECT and accept the differences. Written date: 9:16pm, Wednesday, April 27, 2016

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