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Poetry, a synchronised outburst of the mind
Shevek Appleyard Nov 2022
What hides in your dreams?
Rancid creatures that creep unseen
Holding the dice to your emotions
The keys that keep you quarantined

The demons have the strings
They call you to the void
You dodge with sinful distractions
Causing catastrophic reactions

Is reality intact?

Plummet into mindless thoughts
That are seamlessly absorbed
A summit of corrupted feelings
That cannot be fought

Aggression tumbles rapidly
Hatred cramps the untrained brain
Spasms that remind you daily
The easy way to escape the pain

What a sweet delight
The idea of suicide
Swift souls taking flight
Finding solace in their own demise
TW: suicide , intrusive thoughts, depression

this was written a very long time ago, but to anyone suffering with mental health or struggles please reach out! you are ALWAYS worth it! if you need to talk to someone please call the Samaritans UK 116 123 or other help lines

Shevek Appleyard Nov 2022
sensations under a primary sun spread through generations
wax drips like sweat on to sweat dripping like rain that clings to our canvas shield
the daybreak smiles as it dries the dewed tarps
Our fuzzy minds
These Scuzzy feet
Refuse to yield
immersed in every moment the field can offer
ears catching natter spewed as clatter builds
the happy daze that sweeps reality away,
anxieties at bay
primary sun rises above another day
to be blurred into every colour created and yet to exist
sigh to witness the mornings mist
hung to frame this picture of bliss
I try to resist
I grasp to the sounds and movements of the night
Knowing sleep will separate me
Till they are pickled pages of a story I'll half tell
amongst the days of this week seeping together
let my emotions howl as my feelings digest
a jumble of potions and poisons
and unfinished sentences
I need to rest
but now it is the present
reality is tearing at the seams
dance myself to bed
as the day begins

I sit alone, in a circle
on the soft green carpet of the world
i feel safe
my eyes so dry i shield them
sun fast fading in the sky
my nose crusted rusted shut from the inside
i cry
the wet salt fills my barren pupils
sadness an oasis for my sight to swim through
my breath raspy and raw
throat sharded with sniffs full of backdrip
lungs swollen from heavy tokes on spliff
its tugging me back to reality
i feel defeated and completed
still i want more
and endless sesh of happiness
a party of all of those i adore
my head hits the floor
tomorrow my ceiling will not be the sky
i will not have drugs to help me fly
the hardest part is always goodbye

i hope your shade of small world blues is a nice shade
the clouds always seems grey
when summer slips away
the world beneath mirrors it
confidence depleted
hearts defeated
it all feels synthetic
no one sympathetic
my serotonin trapped in
flashbacks of myself, energetic
surrounded by the swish of everyone dazzled up swimming through the same rhythm
primary sun holds us all as children
bodies of movement glittered with sweat
feathered with freedom
shedding regrets
we form circles shapes
and sparkled squiggles
we feel eternal
suppressed only by giggles
we colour skies
we paint our skin
we dance on highs
with solidified grins
im only 9 months away
i cannot give in
I wrote in 2019 without realising it would be more than 9 months of no festivals
Shevek Appleyard Nov 2022
Discord hangs like an ornament
Shadowing these small shrines we cling to
Showing us escape plans
The most delightful
A cove gifted with halcyon pebbles
Strands of a sequence and holy devils are at your core
Temptation is predictable
Yet I gulp down that guilt spiked euphoria
Your sadness immediate
The peace you lost to the sea
Empty white heirlooms
Sky black perfumes
Bite your eyes when the night reveals him
Salix discolored
And the vertigo hits
Shevek Appleyard Nov 2022
Coyote is my daughter
For every fifth blessing is a curse
A sweet evil in the mouth you need to make your worth
Coyote is my daughter
Lost and dangerous in the stars
An appreciation for golden hour
A tribute of the words I owe myself
She cries at my feet
Coyote is my daughter
her eyes multiply when she sees the moon
And she is studded with the sky now
As her fangs take over
Hell leaks dreams
And heaven bites me hard

Coyote was born dreaming
of my love and her love will be mine forever
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