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Aug 2023 · 293
Autumn vibes
Remembering mother’s kitchen.
Feelings of recognition.
Harvest time and giving Thanks.
View of yellow, tangerine golden leaves.
Pumpkin pie with cinnamon scent.
Gathering with family and friends.
Gratitude in our minds.

Shell ✨🐚
September the first.
Autumn time is here.
🍂 🍁 golden season 🍃 🍂 time to reflect.
Feelings of deja vu.
Aug 2023 · 295
Egg yolk sun from billion years.
Burning staring eye,
hot air
Steaming Earth’s weather.
Silent mountains witness.
Full moon in full display.
Tides power play.
Life’s expectations linger.
Silence before the storm.
Then, suddenly
Journey over turbulent waters ends.
Kayak of life standing still.

Shell  ✨🐚
Global warming.  Storms, floods and wildfires. Hard to watch.
Aug 2023 · 329
Quote 167 🌷
The seed of love is always in you
Waiting for the best conditions to shoot root.

Aug 2023 · 150
Unique white bark trees
American Aspen,
Dalmatian  like bark trees.
Yellow fall leaves falling.
Creating soft forest path.
Leading us
to just another gloomy sunrise.

Shell  ✨🐚
The American Aspen, such unique white bark tree.
Aug 2023 · 420
Haiku, summer
summer’s golden touch
bright fine flowers growing wild
hot air’s cloudless sky.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 138
Autumn of life.
Golden bronze haze.
Soft embrace, hold me tight.
Cold breeze.
Take a walk towards life’s winter.
Watch all the trees changing.
Like goals of life, not achieved.
From gold to terracotta to earth.
Traveling leaves.
Shattered dreams.
Elegance in born bold silhouettes.
Nature’s wonder on repeat.
Life’s light will light up again.
Warm coat, comfortabel boots.
Hugging shawl in cool colors.
Take a walk, look around.

Be thankful
to be part of this creation.
Live your seasons of life well.
They pass so quickly.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 105
Homeless child
On the music of the wind
She started dancing
Listening with closed eyes
Felt sunbeams on her skin
Yet another hard day to go through
on an empty stomach
in this no one’s land.
Bare ground is my bed
and everything for that matter.
I watch nature
Hope nature watches me.
God keep the wind soft
Let the sun keep shining
In this dark cold world of mine
So that I can keep on dancing
in my imagination.
Keep surviving.
One day at a time.

God, take care of all children..
Especially homeless ones.
Aug 2023 · 428
Quote 166🌷
Don’t fear silence
because there is always
music  deep within.
Just listen to your own melody.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 181
Little gifts of life.
Two blue sapphire like eyes looking at me.
I felt myself melting.
A very little teddy bear like Pekingese pup.
He seemed a merry baby dog
with wiggling tail and all.
While caressing him with my eyes I saw a little movement in the corner of my sight.
That’s when I saw him.
The other one.
The brother.
Two shiny black diamonds looking at me
in silence.
He was just sitting very still.
With such anticipation,  it pinned me down.
There was an instant connection.
He was everything the other was not.
And I loved them instantly,
the black sparkles touched my core.

I took both.
Blue eyes died when he was nine.
My sweet black glittering eyes love
died last year .
He was fourteen.
I grieved a long time.
The sadness is still there.
Deep within.
Invisible pain
Like hidden translucent pearls
behind the eyes.

Shell ✨🐚
Let your pets enrich your life.
Aug 2023 · 554
Red velvet
Red velvet soft lips
Lipstick ended on your collar
Result of a missed passionate kiss.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 347
Foster child
I was born out of the blue.
Lost and oh so sad, it’s true.
No one cared, no one loved.
Then you found me.
My own you are now.
Close to your heart I’ll always be.
You couldn’t carry me yourself
But you are carrying me now.
Kind and loving in many ways.
I’m so blessed to have found
a mother like you.

Shell  ✨🐚
What a noble thing to do. Adopting an orphan or a left behind child. I admire you all. Blessings.✨✨✨✨
Aug 2023 · 618
So impressed.
On canvas sky blue
Grey clouds blocking late sun
from coming through.
a bright fluorescent lamp glow
hiding behind opaque white snow.
Leaving a
sharp silver lining aura
staying on my retina.
Underneath a citrus colored glow
clear blue with cotton white puffs,
inviting the sun to set.
Not ready yet.
I’m so impressed
Can’t stop looking
Can’t take my eyes away
on my way home.

Shell ✨🐚
When driving home from work I look at the sky and realize my Creator loves me.
Aug 2023 · 144
Turn back home
What color blue did the Divine originally created the sky.
What hue of green was the first tree.
What kind of human was created at first.
The kind made out of love,
for love , to love.
Who only wanted peace.
How come people turned so bad.
They don’t even care if children are sad.
Skies are less blue
Trees are less green
Human less humane
each passing day.

Apocalypse is near if we
go ahead
If things don’t change.
Starting with ourselves and the way we behave.
Let our Creator back into our lives.
Let’s give love to all kinds of children in the world.
No more wars
No more harm and pain
No children trafficking
All for greed and gain
No more famine and homelessness
Let’s do it together.
Respect humanity.
It’s time for us  to return home.

“ Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,  for
the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these “
Mark 10 : 13-16.

Shell ✨🐚
A plea for humanity.
Aug 2023 · 318
Quote 165🌷
If it ain’t hurt it isn’t love.
Love is love because it hold hands with sadness.

Shell ✨🐚
When you love someone, parents, children your partner you will be sad on many occasions.
Illness, parting, pain, death.
Aug 2023 · 137
Made by God
Raven black from lightless land.
God made fallen angel.
Important messages you bring.
Leave us broken minded.
Lost, still sincere  you are.
Sculptured like a twilight.
Representing what many of us are.
Two in one.

Shell ✨🐚
We all have two sides . A bad one and a good one
We all have a little bit of female and male inside
We all are  created by one Creator.
So don’t judge no one.
What you are today I can be easily tomorrow.
Aug 2023 · 1.2k
Three white doves
Three white doves sitting still
No use flying now
Danger everywhere.

sitting in the cellar,
sitting numb,  
praying for LOVE….
shooting guns
throwing bombs.

Shell ✨🐚
Hope- Love - Peace will get us through life.
It’s ironic that we fight for peace.
Aug 2023 · 197
Life’s tsunami
One day you wake up
Realizing that nothing you lived, was.
Everything one big deceptive illusion
of something that never was.
Misinterpretation, sensory misconception.
False believe, drowning idea before even coming to life.
Feeling cheated on so many levels.
After thinking it was solid ground
you were standing on.
Like a severe earthquake
hitting everything that was built fragile.
Hitting it with one blow away.
Still so much love inside
holding hands with deep sadness.
Keep going with the flow,
you just can’t drown now.
Living breathing life
while  it’s so suffocating.
Still smiling,
while everything inside
has been broken,
time after time.

Shell ✨🐚
Stay positive and hopeful no matter what.
It are the little things in life that  made it worth living for.
Aug 2023 · 195
In one moment in time
when things come together.
You’re conceived.
For everyone there is a time
a purpose
to come to life.
A time to be born.

Shell ✨🐚
The thought of Ecclesiastes 3. 1,2
Jul 2023 · 259
How can they.
In war everything new
turns instantly old.
Children missing childhood.
Only tears and fears they know.

How can people
throw bombs and fire missiles
knowing innocent children are there.
Are we that bad?

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes it’s hard to understand why people do certain things.
Jul 2023 · 430
Elephant baby boy
Don’t walk away.
Stay close flesh of my flesh.
I always want to touch you.
Let my eyes never lose sight.
Mother forever I’ll be.
There will be enough alone time
when you leave me.
Please don’t hurt him, human.

Shell  ✨🐚
Elephant daughters stay forever with their mother.
The boys leave when they are 7 , 8 years old.
Humans **** these enormous animals for the sake of money.  Have a heart human.
A baby elephant is called a calf.
Jul 2023 · 378
All it takes
It costs nothing to smile
but a kind heart.
It costs nothing to pull someone up ,
when he is down
but a reaching hand.
It costs nothing to share the love
you have inside
to see one as they are
as we are.
Warm embrace.

Shell ✨🐚
Smile, love, care
It will make you happy.
Jul 2023 · 109
Poppy love
Three sunrises I’ll be here.
Ephemerals bright red.
Field of color, vibrant waving
Until sun sets,
watching poppies breeze dancing wild.
Letting go in soft nuances
inviting night to steal the show.

closing petals while you fly.
Remembering lost loved ones
Saying once again goodbye.
Forever peace, lay to rest
I’ll surround you my loved one
with field of only poppy love.

Shell ✨🐚
Fields of poppy flowers dancing in the wind during sunset,
Symbol of our lost soldiers.
Jul 2023 · 253
Quote 163🌷
In war, everything new
turns instantly old.
Children without childhood.

Shell ✨🐚
How can one throw bombs and fire missiles without thinking about innocent children.
Jul 2023 · 703
First you pray then you sing.

When you’re down
think of all the colors of bloom
The different skies above you
Hug someone.

Shell ✨🐚
Only love will save humanity.
Jul 2023 · 1.1k
Broken ways
Broken are the days when you’re struggling to survive.
Mentally, physically and financially.
Broken are the nights
Lying in bed all alone, no one by your side.
Broken is this life , full of sadness full of pain.
At the end nothing you have gained.

If only you could have captured the warmth of sun during sunny days.
Could have frozen the beauty of silhouettes in cold winter time.
If only you could have made a song
of the magic of the moon
Could have felt the compassion of others who did really see the true I love you.

You would have known warm days with enchanting nights.
Plenty of people who loved and cared for you.
When living life look at both sides.
Where there is sadness and pain
Happiness and comfort are not far away.
Just stay positive and graceful on your way.
Live life while looking and really seeing what’s around you too.
Life will get a whole other meaning for you.

Quote 🌷

While walking the path of life don’t forget the watch the view.

Shell  ✨🐚
I dedicate this poem
to Richard Shepherd. .✨✨✨
Jul 2023 · 271
Sunday wishes
Sweet Sunday morning
Coming through
I bring you flowers
And coffee too
Some milk and cookies to go along.
You are the one
Who does it right
Who knows what’s important
right from the start.
Sending you prayers and love vibes too.

you a blessed and happy day.
Stay safe and sound ,always.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy blessed Sunday, stay safe . Think and care about each other.
Jul 2023 · 856
Peaceful morning, harmony.
Two lovebirds gliding gracefully
In peace without a sound .
As morning takes off.
Two mallard ducks
silently in love.

Shell ✨🐚
Love gives peace gives silence
Jul 2023 · 305
Quote 162🌷
With strength, perseverance and faith
Dark tunnels become paths of light.

Shell ✨🐚
Jul 2023 · 433
Songbird, voice of art.
Fragile passerine  
Singing songs, expressing art
Seems you want to tell the world,
everything you saw up there.
Letting nestlings know
Mama is on her way.
Selflessness of love’s defense.

Shell ✨🐚
Precious songbirds bringing joy and beauty to the world.
Jul 2023 · 167
Fairytale true stories
Silent flower
Waiting for the sun
To bloom and to be kissed
So much beauty inside
Ready to show off.
Lonely woman
Waiting for her Prince
To make her heart flutter
To bloom and to be kissed
So much love inside
Ready to give.

And when the sun came
The prince arrived
The flower started to bloom
Lonely woman opened her eyes
She started to glow.
Flower in paradise.

Then came the butterflies and the bees.
To make sure everywhere flowers would appear.
The prince took his lady by the hand.
To live happily ever after,
to never be lonely again.

True stories begin
With hearts filled with love.
To make this world a beautiful flower garden with white doves.
All people living together in harmony and peace.

It’s on us the people, to
let this fairytale come true.

Shell ✨🐚
We humans are like different flowers
Making this Earth a beautiful flower garden.
Let’s live in  peace and harmony with each other to make this world a happy peaceful place for you and me.
Jul 2023 · 103
Birth of the Monarch 🦋
In the haze of dawn.
Silent forest, awakening.
Caterpillars hanging on
auburn autumn leaves 🍁
Butterflies calmly waiting
to fly out.

Shell ✨🐚
The Monarch, a butterfly mostly seen
in autumn. 🍂 🍂
Jun 2023 · 129
Invisible pain
Pain, sorrow and sadness from deep within.
The kind you can’t express,
can’t verbalize cause there are no words
to display the hurt you’re in.
The kind of sadness that makes you numb,  there seems no way how to overcome.
It’s a feeling that changes your view
On what this life is all about
and what lies ahead for you.
Translucent tears that fill the eyes are healing waters which wash away the sorrow of the heart.
When the eyes stay dry while the soul is in pain
that is when you have to worry
about the strain.
That’s when real trauma takes root,
that’s when you need guidance from above to survive mentally on your way.
We are all human beings with
all kinds of stress
Takes strength and a loving environment
to survive life’s tests.
Life is for many so hard and unfair,
it’s up to us all to help and lighten each other’s path.
So next time you meet someone quiet
with pain in dry eyes
try to reach out
to ease the mind.
Try to be  the light on their path.
Be part of their healing.

Shell ✨🐚
We all feel the same pain when hurt.
When sad. When disasters strike.
So be there for each other.
Jun 2023 · 98
Quote 161🌷
Only a smile gives a smile
Only kindness leads to kindness
Only love attracts love.

Shell  ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 114
Fuchsia ( Haiku)
lila breeze breathing
purple bloom’s unseen kisses
flutter of the mind

Shell ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 122
A mother’s love
My love is like a flower garden
Always in bloom

My children
Flowers of my love
My love is the fertile soil of your root
It will always make you bloom
even after I’m gone.

Shell ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 245
I took my moon
I slept the sleep of moonlight dreams
Kayaking on waves of a melody
Where different tunes made me fly
Up to heaven between the stars
Then I reached out for the moon
Plucked her gently from the sky.
To give to you.

Shell ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 80
Hold my hand and save me
Holding my hand in the darkness
of this world
Making my world lighter
Giving kindness to me
my life becomes brighter

Let me hold your hand too
Dry your tears
Show you bloom of life
Give you warmth with a smile
Accept you for who you are
Don’t give up I’m right here

Blinded eyes,
Blackness around
Hold my hand, let me lead you
To life with light
So you can see I see you
Life has colors too
You are save with me.

Shell ✨🐚
Care and take care.❤️
Jun 2023 · 304
Quote 160🌷
First you pray then you sing.

Shell ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 79
What really matters.
Beautiful fallen cherry blossom
waiting under the tree.
Waiting for a cool breeze
to be taken away,
Taken away to unexpected places.
Unexpected places like the sea.
To see the horizon,
being part of eternity.
On land, with the wind and by the sea.
And all the blossoms went to see.
Bringing this mellow fragrance with them
for everyone to follow.
At the shore you’ll find
a carpet of white pink wilted blossoms.
Scent is still there,
calling you to be…..
Happy and content
even when wilted and being carried
to eternity.
As long as you are burden free.

Shell ✨🐚
At the end don’t carry any burdens with you.
Be free and fly .
Jun 2023 · 305
Quote 159 🌷
A father is the son of a mother first.
A woman is the mother of all fathers.
Women, be strong and loving
All fathers must be dads too.

Shell  ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 113
Here I am
Broken to the bone
Everything hurts can’t breathe anymore.
God are You there?
Do You see me lying here
Do You still watch over me
taking care, protecting me?
I’ve lost my path in life, left in  the cold.
I’m on the road to living hell
searching the way back to home.
Only heartbreak and sorrow.
I’ve been in touch with the devil.
Had him in my veins, my brains.
Nowhere to go only places to hide.
Nothing to eat, afraid for the night.
That’s the time I got to think, miss them all.
When will my time come for happiness
and to be really free.
God are you there, are you near?

Shell ✨🐚
The circle must be broken by courage and help.
Many are homeless as a result of many many problems or circumstances and drug abuse.
Jun 2023 · 89
Many need a listening ear.
Someone who will be there.
So many people lost their way.
Totally thrown off their old ways.
Can’t find their place, lost all control.
Who is there to hug you or just  hold you these days.
So many unspoken words
So many feelings hidden away
Buried inside, too painful to say.
Left alone all by their selfs.
Days go by without speaking a word.
Unspoken stories locked up inside.
Lockdown means to be locked up in your mind.
All we can do is to look out for one another.
Show that we are here.
That we care.

Shell ✨🐚
Thinking of those in war, those who lost everything after nature disasters.
Those who feel helpless and alone.
Jun 2023 · 88
Quote 158🌷
With all the money of the world
The day has just so many hours left.
life too.

Shell ✨🐚
Jun 2023 · 122
Scents of fall
It’s getting colder
Autumn is around the corner.
Green leaves leave.
Orange, golden to brown to see.
Scents of earth come along
with terracotta colors,
fragrance of hay
Mint like cool in the wind
touching the skin.
Peppermint taste in my mouth
At home smell of baked potatoes,
chocolate and cinnamon welcome me.
I know an apple pie is in the oven.

Shell  ✨🐚
Welcome autumn.
Jun 2023 · 412
Driving in my car
Looking at the sky
I smile
I realize
Oh my Creator
I love you.

Shell  ✨🐚
In my heart I’m just happy to be.
In the midst of summer heat
I dream of autumn colors.
Wanted to be on my parents farm again
by the big oak tree turning golden orange.
Many memories and longings overwhelming me.
It was there that I drew a heart together with my young forever love.
I can still smell the scent of hay in the barn
where I had my first kiss lying in his arms.
Precious are those moments back in mother’s kitchen, where we made shepherds pie, boiled potatoes
on an open fire.
Long gone are those days, still part of my everyday living.
There is where my core is,
part of me wants to go back.
Mountain’s view,
pine trees standing tall in silence.
Dear deer walking by looking at me with big dark eyes.
I feel tears falling.
I hear my mother calling
For me to come inside and leave this town behind.

Shell ✨🐚
We always long to go back home.
Where it was warm and safe.
Jun 2023 · 141
Quote 157🌷
Where there is sun,
there will be shadows too.

Jun 2023 · 942
Sometimes seasons start in an unexpected way
Some nights the sleep is stolen away
Some loves are never meant to be
people come into your life and leave.
There are moments in life when everything falls in place
Moments everything falls apart.
Sometime someone comes along
and  makes you laugh,
a gift from heaven.
Energy comes free,
a sparkle lightening up the soul.
Adding time to living .

Laugh and you’ll live longer.

Shell ✨🐚
Laughter is like a healing balm for the soul.
velvet dusk meeting
sun and moon’s lingering love
fleeting encounter.

Shell ✨🐚
Sun and moon meet at twilight
Jun 2023 · 181
Soft imagination
While living in extreme drought of lands
Sitting under a brown silhouette tree
Many questions are overwhelming me.
Am I born on the wrong side of Earth,
no one seems to understand or care.
I look at the shivering air in front of me
Must walk miles to get me some water.
Thirsty throat made me feel drowsy
I close my eyes sitting here.
Pretending I am in a land with pastel colors
I see a beach with rolling waves
A soft blue of sky and waters.
Never saw a beach before but it’s good
to be there now.
Cool breeze is touching me
I feel goosebumps creeping on my skin.
I can hear the sounds of ocean
In my mind it made me sleepy
Drifting away drifting away
Further more further more.
Realize I want to keep drifting to never
to  return to land of thirst.
Please God keep me here.

When feeling trapped, close your eyes.
Let your imagination carry you.

Shell ✨🐚
Think about all the children living under these circumstances. In famine . Pray.
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