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Nov 2023 · 768
riverlike streams of wisdom
leading to open sea.
White strings of hair telling a story.
Never been heard.
Lesson to be learned.
Falling and rising.
Swimming against the tide
and still surviving.

Shell ✨🐚
Wisdom comes with years
Nov 2023 · 507
Naked life.
Sad or happy, it’s there
In everyone’s story,
No exception.
Feelings, universal.
we are,
with our own melody.
When dying we all remember.
In our own way.

Shell ✨🐚
We think we are different
We are not
Even world leaders
We are the same!!!
Same flesh, blood and
Nov 2023 · 270
Quote 173🌷
Write poetry
Read poetry
and see
magnolias and butterflies
come to life.

Shell  ✨🐚
It’s a whole other world out there.
Nov 2023 · 518
Autumn of life
In evening of summer
a change appears.
Cooler breeze is coming my way.
Looking at trees I feel thankful just to be.
Colors so soft taking all sharpness away.
Making me want to hum a silent song.
Watermelon leaves next to olive green and beige all going to the golden gate.
In this transition time of trees and leaves
it’s good for humans to realize
that autumn season
is like autumn of years.
Coming to the eve of our lives.
Life in pastel colors, softens the mind.
Going towards hopefully golden times.
Live well.

We don’t know what lies ahead for us in life.
Many problems can come along with getting older. Therefore let us do our part. Live healthy.
Take good care of yourself.
Oct 2023 · 256
Quote 172🌷
A treasure must be treasured
The ones who you love
and love you
are the real
jewels of your life
so treasure them.

Many treasure the wrong things in life.
Oct 2023 · 881
Melody of water.
of fluid nature.
pacifying calls.
Peaceful humming
of forest rapids.
Mountain’s waterfalls
echoing on and on
Nature’s streaming song.

Shell ✨🐚
So many soothing sounds of nature’s waters
Big moon is watching
as we are in each other’s arms.
Shining light on weeping willow,
our romantic hide away arms.
I lay down, look at you.
Big Charon is jealous of your view.
There are no ferrymen here
to cross souls over Pluto’s underworld rivers
Only surrounding loving moonlight’s auras.
Making our nights special.
Natural candlelight shivering with moving branches
Weeping willow sheds green tears.

Shell ✨🐚
Charon is one of the many moons of Pluto.
Oct 2023 · 1.2k
Quote 171🌷
All the honey and milk of another country couldn’t give him the feeling that spring water of his home gave to him.

Shell ✨🐚
Oct 2023 · 1.7k
If I could, if I would.
If I could paint ongoing war
it would be a canvas grey.
If I could paint the children’s hurt,
the sadness in their eyes,
It would be a canvas black,
like eyes without a sight.

If I could paint the hatred
between mankind right now
the canvas would catch fire.
Like bombs and missiles
thrown at innocent homes,
killing everyone with all their desires.

But I would like to paint
the prayers cry for help.
From all who feel your pain,
helpless child in war.
It will be a painting with soft yellow light.
Like a flaming candle in the night.
Canvas black must bathe in this shining glow.
Every prayer like a little star
on a moonless night.
Shedding light on human pain
comforting all children’s sorrow.

And white dove still sits patiently.
Hoping for better times.
To fly and bring green leaves for everyone.
For every little child.

When will the time come for him.
Message he wants to bring
message of world peace.

Children, I pray for you.

Shell ✨🐚
Pray for those little ones in these traumatizing times.
Oct 2023 · 1.4k
Quote 170🌷
You can fool yourself
with almost anything
but…..falling in love.

Shell ✨🐚
Oct 2023 · 278
Cry in the dark.
What’s happening in the world today.
Wars everywhere.
People shooting people because of different faith,
greed for one little piece of land.
Missiles thrown at innocent women, children and men.

A child grew up on conflict ground.
Saw all family and friends dying.
Born was the devil in him.
Only rage in a traumatized mind.
A planted seed without love.
Devil he will become.
Don’t you see.
Killing each other to have peace leads to nothing but loss.
Loss of love and loved ones.
Revenge leading to nothing but pain and end of everything
nothing has been gained.
Keep feeding hate with hate.
Wars will know no end.

Don’t throw bombs at innocent ones.
Children are just children wherever they’re from
No matter on which side of the borders they are.
Don’t you see you only create hate with what you do.
There is no faith that says go hurt
**** a child or a helpless man.

You can’t stop the hate with hate.
You can stop hate with nothing but love.
Please for once learn from the past.
You don’t have a winner in war.
You think that you might have won.
But there is that child somewhere
with rage in the heart.
And everything starts all over again.

Shell ✨🐚
Please stop the wars. Stop the killings of innocent ones. It doesn’t make you a hero .
Oct 2023 · 515
Self worth
She picked a flower
and put it in her hair
She felt beautiful.
They laughed at her at school.
It didn’t matter.
She smiled and the flower smiled too.

Shell ✨🐚
Always know your self worth.
What others think of you is their problem.
Oct 2023 · 128
Sunflower’s head is down.
It’s raining today.
No sun to look at and glow.
Sunflower’s tears mixed with the rain.
Fell on the ground whispering a name.
Then out of nowhere a rainbow appeared.
Saw sadness on Earth
and called out a name.
Sun appeared like on command.
Sunflower lift up her head and started to shine.
Winked at the ribbon of colors up in the sky.

Yes after the rain ribbon of candy
delivered the Sun.
A promise of light after the dark.
Of better times when things are bad.
Just never forget to
call out His name.

Shell  ✨🐚
Always try to stay positive even when bad things happen. Believe.
Oct 2023 · 140
Missing your roots
Sitting alone
Thinking again and again
The images in my conscience can’t go away
I’m reminded every giving moment when I’m alone.
You gave me away
For what?
To thrive?
I don’t fit in in this society.
I’m from my land and my sea.
Miss my own people
I miss the old me.
I’m a stranger who doesn’t fit in.
I tried, God how I tried.
There is this long forgotten song
deep in me.
I’ve cried every night since you left me here.
I’m blood of your blood
How can’t you understand me.
Or feel what I feel.
Mother don’t you miss me?

Shell ✨🐚
It’s astonishing how adopted children always search for their biological parents, no matter how good they have it . In a way understandable too.
Sep 2023 · 377
Haiku- happiness
healthy body bliss
nature’s view I thrive on you
music feeds my core

What does one need to feel happy.
Health, nature, music.
This on the fundament of Faith.
When being healthy you can work and take care.
In nature you find peace of mind
With music you fly.
Sep 2023 · 322
From hurt to happiness
I am sad.
This balloon is all I have.
Cheering  me up while hurting.
Why parents act so mean.
I rather run away with my balloon
then let it go.

Dear pet
When no one is here
you are by my side
Looking at me as if understanding.
That I’m in need of touching love.
You lick my face.

The words flow out of my mind
On paper white,
screen’s delight.
In many ways
I’ve learned to find
peace of mind.
Look at me now
I am a happy human being.

Shell ✨🐚
Always stay positive. Try.
Sep 2023 · 210
Almost there.
Falling leaves
on the rhythm of the wind
you fly.
To a place unknown.
Rainy days,
it’s getting colder.
People haste.
Umbrellas are up.
Year is getting older.
Let’s go home.

Shell ✨🐚
Yes, december is almost here.
In no time another year passes.
So much happened all over the world.
We are the falling leaves.
Different living skies as long as we are.

Nothing more interesting then the sky.
Every time another picture passes by.
Promises it holds.
I’m mesmerized by this.
It makes me happy and often makes my day.

Sky, I can watch you for hours . Sitting and just observing how you constantly change your ways.
Interesting clouds, snow white to dark.
Reflection of life you are.
Covering the sun sometimes creating a sharp silver lining.
Blue, grey, pastel.

With global warming,
all consuming fire in the sky.
Fright and we flee to safer havens where
softer heavens are.

Ceiling of life
I can feel safe under you
but also afraid when you look threatening.
Such bright colors, especially when the sun rises or sets.
Dawn and twilight how precious.
Not two times the same.

At night I look for the moon.
Hope you’re watching too.
Let’s take care of our nature.
It’s precious.
We need nature more then it needs us.


Don’t take from nature if it doesn’t feed you.

Shell ✨🐚
Sep 2023 · 109
Autumn- haiku
falling leaves of fall
rainy days with faster pace
umbrellas season

Shell ✨🐚
Sep 2023 · 133
Weather of life.
Searching for my goal.
Want to experience all seasons
of life
before it’s game over.

Shell ✨🐚
Sep 2023 · 1.0k
Quote 169🌷
Where there is love
There will be fertile grounds
And  there’ll be blooming

Shell ✨🐚
Sep 2023 · 150
Autumn of day.
Time stands still.
Kayaking to the horizon, you can only hear last birds calling.
The sun is setting peacefully
while nightfall will soon begin.
It’s autumn of day.
Calming waters leading way
to soft endless skyline.
Looking at the cloudy cotton candy sky
night rain is in the air.
Promising a cozy night
with soothing sounds to sleep.
Lullaby for humankind
as long as humans be.
The sun is almost gone leaving
a fading yellow crown.
Remember me, I was here.
And lingers on.
I look around, hold my breath
say a silent prayer.
It’s times like this that I realize how precious this Earth is
as is the Creator.

Shell ✨🐚
While writing this I think of all the disasters.
Let’s take care of Earth.
Nature is beautiful but is can be very forceful and
without mercy. A very scary thing.
Sep 2023 · 240
Quote 168🌷
Wear a bling and it becomes a jewel.
Something is as worthy
as the worth you give to it.

Shell ✨🐚
Nothing and no one gives  you
status and prestige but yourself.
Aug 2023 · 314
Autumn vibes
Remembering mother’s kitchen.
Feelings of recognition.
Harvest time and giving Thanks.
View of yellow, tangerine golden leaves.
Pumpkin pie with cinnamon scent.
Gathering with family and friends.
Gratitude in our minds.

Shell ✨🐚
September the first.
Autumn time is here.
🍂 🍁 golden season 🍃 🍂 time to reflect.
Feelings of deja vu.
Aug 2023 · 305
Egg yolk sun from billion years.
Burning staring eye,
hot air
Steaming Earth’s weather.
Silent mountains witness.
Full moon in full display.
Tides power play.
Life’s expectations linger.
Silence before the storm.
Then, suddenly
Journey over turbulent waters ends.
Kayak of life standing still.

Shell  ✨🐚
Global warming.  Storms, floods and wildfires. Hard to watch.
Aug 2023 · 346
Quote 167 🌷
The seed of love is always in you
Waiting for the best conditions to shoot root.

Aug 2023 · 186
Unique white bark trees
American Aspen,
Dalmatian  like bark trees.
Yellow fall leaves falling.
Creating soft forest path.
Leading us
to just another gloomy sunrise.

Shell  ✨🐚
The American Aspen, such unique white bark tree.
Aug 2023 · 434
Haiku, summer
summer’s golden touch
bright fine flowers growing wild
hot air’s cloudless sky.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 150
Autumn of life.
Golden bronze haze.
Soft embrace, hold me tight.
Cold breeze.
Take a walk towards life’s winter.
Watch all the trees changing.
Like goals of life, not achieved.
From gold to terracotta to earth.
Traveling leaves.
Shattered dreams.
Elegance in born bold silhouettes.
Nature’s wonder on repeat.
Life’s light will light up again.
Warm coat, comfortabel boots.
Hugging shawl in cool colors.
Take a walk, look around.

Be thankful
to be part of this creation.
Live your seasons of life well.
They pass so quickly.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 117
Homeless child
On the music of the wind
She started dancing
Listening with closed eyes
Felt sunbeams on her skin
Yet another hard day to go through
on an empty stomach
in this no one’s land.
Bare ground is my bed
and everything for that matter.
I watch nature
Hope nature watches me.
God keep the wind soft
Let the sun keep shining
In this dark cold world of mine
So that I can keep on dancing
in my imagination.
Keep surviving.
One day at a time.

God, take care of all children..
Especially homeless ones.
Aug 2023 · 438
Quote 166🌷
Don’t fear silence
because there is always
music  deep within.
Just listen to your own melody.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 191
Little gifts of life.
Two blue sapphire like eyes looking at me.
I felt myself melting.
A very little teddy bear like Pekingese pup.
He seemed a merry baby dog
with wiggling tail and all.
While caressing him with my eyes I saw a little movement in the corner of my sight.
That’s when I saw him.
The other one.
The brother.
Two shiny black diamonds looking at me
in silence.
He was just sitting very still.
With such anticipation,  it pinned me down.
There was an instant connection.
He was everything the other was not.
And I loved them instantly,
the black sparkles touched my core.

I took both.
Blue eyes died when he was nine.
My sweet black glittering eyes love
died last year .
He was fourteen.
I grieved a long time.
The sadness is still there.
Deep within.
Invisible pain
Like hidden translucent pearls
behind the eyes.

Shell ✨🐚
Let your pets enrich your life.
Aug 2023 · 573
Red velvet
Red velvet soft lips
Lipstick ended on your collar
Result of a missed passionate kiss.

Shell ✨🐚
Aug 2023 · 363
Foster child
I was born out of the blue.
Lost and oh so sad, it’s true.
No one cared, no one loved.
Then you found me.
My own you are now.
Close to your heart I’ll always be.
You couldn’t carry me yourself
But you are carrying me now.
Kind and loving in many ways.
I’m so blessed to have found
a mother like you.

Shell  ✨🐚
What a noble thing to do. Adopting an orphan or a left behind child. I admire you all. Blessings.✨✨✨✨
Aug 2023 · 654
So impressed.
On canvas sky blue
Grey clouds blocking late sun
from coming through.
a bright fluorescent lamp glow
hiding behind opaque white snow.
Leaving a
sharp silver lining aura
staying on my retina.
Underneath a citrus colored glow
clear blue with cotton white puffs,
inviting the sun to set.
Not ready yet.
I’m so impressed
Can’t stop looking
Can’t take my eyes away
on my way home.

Shell ✨🐚
When driving home from work I look at the sky and realize my Creator loves me.
Aug 2023 · 156
Turn back home
What color blue did the Divine originally created the sky.
What hue of green was the first tree.
What kind of human was created at first.
The kind made out of love,
for love , to love.
Who only wanted peace.
How come people turned so bad.
They don’t even care if children are sad.
Skies are less blue
Trees are less green
Human less humane
each passing day.

Apocalypse is near if we
go ahead
If things don’t change.
Starting with ourselves and the way we behave.
Let our Creator back into our lives.
Let’s give love to all kinds of children in the world.
No more wars
No more harm and pain
No children trafficking
All for greed and gain
No more famine and homelessness
Let’s do it together.
Respect humanity.
It’s time for us  to return home.

“ Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,  for
the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these “
Mark 10 : 13-16.

Shell ✨🐚
A plea for humanity.
Aug 2023 · 334
Quote 165🌷
If it ain’t hurt it isn’t love.
Love is love because it hold hands with sadness.

Shell ✨🐚
When you love someone, parents, children your partner you will be sad on many occasions.
Illness, parting, pain, death.
Aug 2023 · 152
Made by God
Raven black from lightless land.
God made fallen angel.
Important messages you bring.
Leave us broken minded.
Lost, still sincere  you are.
Sculptured like a twilight.
Representing what many of us are.
Two in one.

Shell ✨🐚
We all have two sides . A bad one and a good one
We all have a little bit of female and male inside
We all are  created by one Creator.
So don’t judge no one.
What you are today I can be easily tomorrow.
Aug 2023 · 1.2k
Three white doves
Three white doves sitting still
No use flying now
Danger everywhere.

sitting in the cellar,
sitting numb,  
praying for LOVE….
shooting guns
throwing bombs.

Shell ✨🐚
Hope- Love - Peace will get us through life.
It’s ironic that we fight for peace.
Aug 2023 · 215
Life’s tsunami
One day you wake up
Realizing that nothing you lived, was.
Everything one big deceptive illusion
of something that never was.
Misinterpretation, sensory misconception.
False believe, drowning idea before even coming to life.
Feeling cheated on so many levels.
After thinking it was solid ground
you were standing on.
Like a severe earthquake
hitting everything that was built fragile.
Hitting it with one blow away.
Still so much love inside
holding hands with deep sadness.
Keep going with the flow,
you just can’t drown now.
Living breathing life
while  it’s so suffocating.
Still smiling,
while everything inside
has been broken,
time after time.

Shell ✨🐚
Stay positive and hopeful no matter what.
It are the little things in life that  made it worth living for.
Aug 2023 · 205
In one moment in time
when things come together.
You’re conceived.
For everyone there is a time
a purpose
to come to life.
A time to be born.

Shell ✨🐚
The thought of Ecclesiastes 3. 1,2
Jul 2023 · 272
How can they.
In war everything new
turns instantly old.
Children missing childhood.
Only tears and fears they know.

How can people
throw bombs and fire missiles
knowing innocent children are there.
Are we that bad?

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes it’s hard to understand why people do certain things.
Jul 2023 · 455
Elephant baby boy
Don’t walk away.
Stay close flesh of my flesh.
I always want to touch you.
Let my eyes never lose sight.
Mother forever I’ll be.
There will be enough alone time
when you leave me.
Please don’t hurt him, human.

Shell  ✨🐚
Elephant daughters stay forever with their mother.
The boys leave when they are 7 , 8 years old.
Humans **** these enormous animals for the sake of money.  Have a heart human.
A baby elephant is called a calf.
Jul 2023 · 393
All it takes
It costs nothing to smile
but a kind heart.
It costs nothing to pull someone up ,
when he is down
but a reaching hand.
It costs nothing to share the love
you have inside
to see one as they are
as we are.
Warm embrace.

Shell ✨🐚
Smile, love, care
It will make you happy.
Jul 2023 · 119
Poppy love
Three sunrises I’ll be here.
Ephemerals bright red.
Field of color, vibrant waving
Until sun sets,
watching poppies breeze dancing wild.
Letting go in soft nuances
inviting night to steal the show.

closing petals while you fly.
Remembering lost loved ones
Saying once again goodbye.
Forever peace, lay to rest
I’ll surround you my loved one
with field of only poppy love.

Shell ✨🐚
Fields of poppy flowers dancing in the wind during sunset,
Symbol of our lost soldiers.
Jul 2023 · 272
Quote 163🌷
In war, everything new
turns instantly old.
Children without childhood.

Shell ✨🐚
How can one throw bombs and fire missiles without thinking about innocent children.
Jul 2023 · 718
First you pray then you sing.

When you’re down
think of all the colors of bloom
The different skies above you
Hug someone.

Shell ✨🐚
Only love will save humanity.
Jul 2023 · 1.1k
Broken ways
Broken are the days when you’re struggling to survive.
Mentally, physically and financially.
Broken are the nights
Lying in bed all alone, no one by your side.
Broken is this life , full of sadness full of pain.
At the end nothing you have gained.

If only you could have captured the warmth of sun during sunny days.
Could have frozen the beauty of silhouettes in cold winter time.
If only you could have made a song
of the magic of the moon
Could have felt the compassion of others who did really see the true I love you.

You would have known warm days with enchanting nights.
Plenty of people who loved and cared for you.
When living life look at both sides.
Where there is sadness and pain
Happiness and comfort are not far away.
Just stay positive and graceful on your way.
Live life while looking and really seeing what’s around you too.
Life will get a whole other meaning for you.

Quote 🌷

While walking the path of life don’t forget the watch the view.

Shell  ✨🐚
I dedicate this poem
to Richard Shepherd. .✨✨✨
Jul 2023 · 291
Sunday wishes
Sweet Sunday morning
Coming through
I bring you flowers
And coffee too
Some milk and cookies to go along.
You are the one
Who does it right
Who knows what’s important
right from the start.
Sending you prayers and love vibes too.

you a blessed and happy day.
Stay safe and sound ,always.

Shell ✨🐚
Happy blessed Sunday, stay safe . Think and care about each other.
Jul 2023 · 885
Peaceful morning, harmony.
Two lovebirds gliding gracefully
In peace without a sound .
As morning takes off.
Two mallard ducks
silently in love.

Shell ✨🐚
Love gives peace gives silence
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