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Three white doves sitting still
No use flying now
Danger everywhere.

sitting in the cellar,
sitting numb,  
praying for LOVE….
shooting guns
throwing bombs.

Shell ✨🐚
Hope- Love - Peace will get us through life.
It’s ironic that we fight for peace.
One day you wake up
Realizing that nothing you lived, was.
Everything one big deceptive illusion
of something that never was.
Misinterpretation, sensory misconception.
False believe, drowning idea before even coming to life.
Feeling cheated on so many levels.
After thinking it was solid ground
you were standing on.
Like a severe earthquake
hitting everything that was built fragile.
Hitting it with one blow away.
Still so much love inside
holding hands with deep sadness.
Keep going with the flow,
you just can’t drown now.
Living breathing life
while  it’s so suffocating.
Still smiling,
while everything inside
has been broken,
time after time.

Shell ✨🐚
Stay positive and hopeful no matter what.
It are the little things in life that  made it worth living for.
In one moment in time
when things come together.
You’re conceived.
For everyone there is a time
a purpose
to come to life.
A time to be born.

Shell ✨🐚
The thought of Ecclesiastes 3. 1,2
In war everything new
turns instantly old.
Children missing childhood.
Only tears and fears they know.

How can people
throw bombs and fire missiles
knowing innocent children are there.
Are we that bad?

Shell ✨🐚
Sometimes it’s hard to understand why people do certain things.
Don’t walk away.
Stay close flesh of my flesh.
I always want to touch you.
Let my eyes never lose sight.
Mother forever I’ll be.
There will be enough alone time
when you leave me.
Please don’t hurt him, human.

Shell  ✨🐚
Elephant daughters stay forever with their mother.
The boys leave when they are 7 , 8 years old.
Humans **** these enormous animals for the sake of money.  Have a heart human.
A baby elephant is called a calf.
It costs nothing to smile
but a kind heart.
It costs nothing to pull someone up ,
when he is down
but a reaching hand.
It costs nothing to share the love
you have inside
to see one as they are
as we are.
Warm embrace.

Shell ✨🐚
Smile, love, care
It will make you happy.
Three sunrises I’ll be here.
Ephemerals bright red.
Field of color, vibrant waving
Until sun sets,
watching poppies breeze dancing wild.
Letting go in soft nuances
inviting night to steal the show.

closing petals while you fly.
Remembering lost loved ones
Saying once again goodbye.
Forever peace, lay to rest
I’ll surround you my loved one
with field of only poppy love.

Shell ✨🐚
Fields of poppy flowers dancing in the wind during sunset,
Symbol of our lost soldiers.
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