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pink song heart filled LOVE
life’s melody to dance on
only way to PEACE.

Shell ✨🐚
Only love softens the heart. Only love can win over hatred. Only love leads to peace .
I was standing proud
Holding my newborn in my arms
Looking around if someone was noticing me.
Look at me with this blanket wrapped wonder.
A bud to bloom in life.
I was, in away, a newborn too
No one had prepared me for this.
This feeling…..

When growing up nothing was to much for me.
That proud feeling never left.
I could sit and watch you from afar, thinking God has given me this wonderful human being, happy child.

Then gradually I saw a teenager developing. That came with up and downs.
Not mama’s little child anymore.
I saw you search your way through life
Thinking you knew it all.
Not listening anymore.
how could I know better when it was a different time with things I myself didn’t grow up with.

Then bad news knocked on the  door. The unexpected.
The worst.

Mother, father in pain
While writing this I cry.
The proud of your life did something you can’t comprehend.
Very hard to accept. You still can’t understand how this was even possible.
In shock.

Know that this
doesn’t make you a bad parent. Did you fail your child?
Maybe, maybe not.
What happened can be the result of so many things.
When children become adults and doing their own thing,
are in bad company
you have no control over that.
Of course it is wrong and you’re disappointed and sad,
there could have been other solutions. But most things happen in the moment.
Your child failed you.
All your expectations were swept away in one slap.
Like a hurricane destroying everything you build.
It hurts so much….

You want to run away and towards at the same time
You want to yell and scream
and give comfort at the same time
Tell yourself everything is going to be alright.

What happened was wrong.
The parents are the first to acknowledge  that.
The first to feel the guilt.
And for what?
God forbid it doesn’t happen to you
So don’t judge.

Your child will always be your child. No matter what .
There can be a wall between you .
There can be bars separating you,
but the love
will always be there as will be the tears in the eyes and the pain inside.

Fruit of my womb.
The flower in my life.
No matter what.

Shell ✨🐚
This was written for all the parents out there, whose child committed crime.
Blooming together,
Intertwined we must stay.
In the mist of life
Mystery of the morning
reflecting in nature.
Beautiful peonies
showing us how to be.

Shell ✨🐚
Nature, a reflection of life itself
Purple shades of sky
blinding eyes of starlike sunrise
Over mountain highs
and valley lows you shine.
Giving hope to every corner of the day.

Shell ✨🐚
Color me orange fire moon
When you’re near and full
Watching my beauty
That’s when I’ll bloom
in the light of night
Sun of dark
I’m so in love with you.

Shell ✨🐚
Moon in the desert where flowers bloom at night
you don’t have wings
to sit in a cage all day.
Fly high, explore
As you were meant to do.

Shell ✨🐚
A bird representing a woman.
We all have the right to be free.
Every minute of the day miracles do happen.
Many aren’t even aware of this.
You yourself can be a miracle to someone else every given day in life.
Just by being there.
listening or helping.
Or just encouraging that it will be alright.
Life is more then just existing for your own.
Miracles come from our own minds
God is inside each of us
When praying we call upon God
When praying with all the faith that’s inside us
we put our minds behind it.
By doing so the healing of ourselves starts and we can help others.
Miracles are in the little things. You have to be open for it to see it.
If someone is down and hurt you have the power to change that.
Just by being there you can make a difference and change someone’s view. Seems nothing but it’s huge.
Miracles don’t have to be big to be a miracle.
Holding someone’s hand and a smile seems nothing, but
a miracle it is
because it’s a connection from deep inside to reach someone deep inside.

Shell ✨🐚
God is inside each of us.
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