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Cmi Feb 2019
I am a hidden
around you

Cmi Jan 2019
Am a hidden
Around you
Cmi Aug 2019
I hear your muffled sobs
In the silence
Your tears
Rains through my eyelids
I feel the clouds of pain
Filling your chest
I sense your aches
Inside of me
Your fears draw
Your loneliness
Thirsting to see
I wait inside of you
But you keep running away
From your true love

Cmi Mar 2021
When you are far
You feel close
Because your soul
Travels to me
When you are close
You feel too far
Because your ego travels to me
Rather let you be far
And love your closeness
Cmi Jan 2019
Once you learn to dive
Into your solitude
You never enjoy
The crowd
You are never
The same person again
Fullness of solitude
Is unexplainable

Cmi Jan 2019
You are my pain, I am your tears
Baths our soul
You are my words, I am your song
My heart sings
You are my joy, My lips smile
I am your flute, Empty inside
With your breath Fill me within
Never leaving my side
Paint my soul With
The color of your love
Sprinkling rainbow

Cmi Jan 2019
Love is a word
Produced by the mind

Soul connection
Is the strong bond
Made by the universe
Beyond the birth ,death
And the earth
Where in each other
Two souls merge

Cmi Jan 2019
My heart is  torn
Here bleeds love
Painting my being
Soul escaping  from its cave
Comes flying To you
Caged inside the body
As this journey ,Never Ending
Can live no longer In the body
Pretending & Pretending

Cmi Jan 2019
I love you
In my heart
I embrace you
In my soul
Body comes
And goes
In time and space
I love you
I whenever
Soul is

Cmi Jan 2019
Longing to see you
My Soul pines
A Price Of love
I will drink it
My  tear's wine
The End of Time
The last breath
Of mine

Cmi Mar 2019
Under this darkness
Laying by your side
Gazing at twinkling stars
Here I come
As your soul’s bride

Echoes of aches
Filling up
My chest tonight
Burning and churning
Smoke of this pain
Clouds in the sky ignite

Cmi Jan 2019
Under this darkness
Laying by your side
Gazing at twinkling stars
Here I come
As your soul’s bride

Echoes of aches
Filling up
My chest tonight
Burning and churning
Smoke of this pain
Clouds in the sky ignite

Sobbingsoul ♥️
Cmi Jan 2019
"Once you get

The calling of the soul

Things in the outer world

Just doesn’t matter"

Cmi Jan 2019
No fame
Or name
My heart
All are

Cmi Feb 2019
You are my peaceful breeze
You are my calm ocean
Fragrance of your smile
Envelopes me making
My soul tranquilized

Cmi Apr 2019
Body dissolves
Heart aches
for the silence
Silence cries
for the words
Words sob
for the  stillness
Soul witnesses
the nothingness
It’s the game
so called
The world

Cmi Jan 2019
The body lives for desires
Heart lives for love
Mind lives for thoughts
Soul lives for nothing
But witnesses the drama
Of body, Mind & heart

Cmi Jan 2019
You Like the  Movement
I Like the Silence
Once you are tired
Of the motion and the noise
You can Join me
In this Silence
I will be waiting
For you

Cmi Apr 2019
Take me somewhere
No one can see me
Hide me inside
Your soul
No one can take me

Cmi Mar 2019
Take me
Take my raw true self
Just for a moment
Take everything
Of mine
For this moment
I offer you
My  raw true self
On platter for you
Take me as you wish
For this day
Never let me go
I just want to
Live this way

Cmi May 2019
Crime of the eyes
The beloved
Yet it’s
A blessing
Of a heart
To feel
The ecstasy
In union
Cmi Apr 2019
Tear is the best medicine
For your achy Heart
Cmi Feb 2019
When I miss you
You are my tears
When I feel you
You are my smiles

Cmi Feb 2019
Sitting in my solitude
Feeling the gift of love
Tears flow into gratitude
Knowing the joy to love you

Cmi Feb 2019
Of your beloved
When tears
Fall from
Your eyes
Don’t stop
Let fall
Let it Rain
Let it wash
Your soul
Take a bath
In it
It’s a grace
Grace of love
Grace of depth
Grace of sincerity
The grace of your being
Love it
Cherish it
It’s not a sadness
It’s love
It’s a  desire
It’s an expression
Let it fall down
Upon your
Of  true love
Your tears
Are for the pure  love
To your eyes
To your cheeks
To your whole being
To your heart
And to your soul
Where Love gets
Bathed too
Kills you
And Cracking
Your heart
Let the gap
Be there
Then only
You see
His  light
Of love Shinning
your soul
Fear and
Keeps you
In distant
Accept it
It’s only
An illusion
For a moment
Until purity
In heart
Gives the strength
To feel

Cmi Jan 2019
Only through reaching the depths of pain,
Will you know what bliss  is.
Every layer of emotion must be experienced;
Happiness,Sadness, Envy, Jealousy,
Anger, Hatred, Greed, Fear, Love
Just everything.
Non of them are Permanent
Non of them exist.
Yet they are part our wholeness
Can’t be ignored but acknowledged
In the depths of your true self,
There is only Nothingness.
You are the Ocean not the waves,
Your Emotions are waves.
It’s your choice where you want to dwell,
In the tranquility of depths or
With the rumbling of the waves.
Noise or silence.
It’s your decision.
I oscillate between being,
Sometimes in depths,
Other times on the surface.

Cmi Aug 2020
Thank you for
The depth
You made
Me dive in
Thank you
For the love
You made me feel

Thank you
For your
Heart space
For taking me in
Thank you
For your presence
In the journey of my soul
I love you  eternally

Cmi Mar 2019
Success of love is
An understanding
Without possessing
Without Expecting
The connection
The union
It’s a blessing
To feel the depth
The unique
Connection making
Us dive
Somewhere deep
All I can say
Thank you
To my most beautiful
I love you

Cmi Jan 2019
Find me
In your breath
Your chest
That’s where
I always rest

Cmi Jan 2019
Silence Is
The Bridge to the Soul
The Depths of Which Yield
The Jewell of the Self

Yet One is
Scared of  the Silence
The Feeling of
Loneliness it Brings

Not Realizing
That Silence is all
That is left
At the

Cmi May 2019
Addicted to the material  world
Inside the crowd of empty desires
Dwelling the self  
In the crowd of the lost minds
Not realizing
The destination
Lies   higher and higher
Cmi Aug 2019
You are my poem
I write it
You are my tears
I let it bath me
You are my flowers
I let it blossom through my being
You are my pain
I let it take me deep within
You are my spark of love
I let it burn me as a bonfire
Letting  the flame e of our love
Raise higher and higher

Cmi Jan 2019
Each Birth
Happens for a lesson
One's Passion
The heart's

Cmi Jan 2019
Stopping resisting
The mind
Makes thoughts vanish
Let the thoughts
Come and go
Let it wander like
An uninvited visitor

Once it doesn’t get
The nourishments
By the attention
It will die on its own
Nourish it
If it serves
the purpose

Cmi Jan 2019
Within the center
Of  My  being
There is a peace
Every act of unconditional love
Echoes in the eternity

Cmi Jan 2019
Witness this Beauty
Witness this love
Silence is speaking
Your own heart
Through your
Own breath
Living in love
There is no death
Oh, my Beloved

Cmi Feb 2019
There's a place
Where I meet you
Between my Breath
Where we can't escape
Between awake
And half asleep
We are at ease

When my mind
Stops racing
No right or wrong
There is
Heart yearns
Your presence
I feel you
With me
Wrapping  you
With my
Loving thoughts
Taking you
Into the depth
Of my soul
Where we
Both Belong

Cmi Mar 2019
Same ocean
Flows within
In your heart
And mine
Never ending
Feeling of love
Lives within

It’s all
Love only
Yours and mine

Even in your anger
I see the lull

In your
I sense felicity

In your Ego
I see the humility

In your selfishness
I see the generosity

In your doubt
I feel the trust

In your fear
I see the hidden bravery

In your detachment
I am attached
I see every
Aspect of you
I feel every
Layer of you

The way you make
Me feel
As if
My heart
A Big Bang
No one can
Do this to me
But you
Your love
We Carry
The same ocean
Of love within
No matter
How many
Of love
Yours and mine
In this stillness

Cmi Jan 2019
“Sharpness of the sword
Soothes me
As it cuts and bleeds
My pain
To relief me “

Accepting the healing process
Cmi Jan 2019
The mind is always greedy
And  hungry
The soul is content
And peaceful
The war between
The mind and
The body
Is the world

Cmi Aug 2019
If you see the beauty in others
You have found your beauty within
If you feel love for others
You have found love within
What you see outside
Is nothing but yourself
The world is only your mirror
Cmi Mar 2019
Sleeps like a silent night
Am at ease thinking
Oh it’s gone now
Oh no
It’s here again
Burns me
Like a fire
Comes and goes
Never ending journey
Can’t get rid
Of this desire

Cmi Aug 2019
In the cave of my heart
Endless path
Infinite space
For you

Keep journeying
Until you find
The destination

One body
One life time
Not enough
Diving only in purity
Dwelling in sacred love
Peeling the ego self
You can reach this space
The Voyage  is tough

Cmi Jan 2019
Imprisoning the force
Fencing  the  Thunder
In my cells
Living This life
Was only For you
Knowing  ,Yet Pretending
Not knowing
This life is for you

Cmi Jan 2019
When your absence
Blades   my heart
Into thousands pieces
Bleeding unbearable pain
Even your presence
Is not my cure
It’s not your form
And name I want
Which is nothing
But bundle of
Five elements

In the depth
of your being
Beyond birth
And death
Beyond this world
I yearn for
Your beautiful soul
That’s where
I feel whole

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