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Cmi Jan 2019
To know me
Know yourself
To feel me
Feel yourself
To explore me
Explore   yourself
Find your depth first
To find mine
Then you will
understand me
And can be my friends
Or you will not
know who I am

Cmi Jan 2019
Waves of thoughts
And emotions
Baggage of karma
Trying  to make
The boat float
The body sinks in this Ocean ..
The world
Before reaching the shore

Oh Divine
You are my breath
Embracing you in my breath
I sail the boat of my life
In the ocean of this world
You are my guide
You are my mentor
Guide me to reach the shore

Cmi Aug 2019
Loneliness is the doorway
To silence
Silence is the doorway
To unspoken
Unspoken is the doorway
To the  infinite

Cmi Jan 2019
Neither time, distance
Nor space I care
Travel freely
Love I share
I am  
the infinite

Cmi Feb 2020
“True Love lets you be free
Not be  possessed
Possession is an attachment
Attachment is a greed
Greed is not love

“True Love lets you be free
Not possessed
Possession is an attachment
Attachment is a greed
Greed is not love
True love liberates the soul
Greed entwines in karma
In the wheel of life and death
True love expands the consciousness
Greed and attachments
Contract the consciousness
Only rare ones on this planet experiences
True love
Mind survives on attachments
Greed and wants
Heart survives in
Unconditional love  

Cmi Jan 2019
Discovering true love
Is this curse or blessing ?
Separation kills
Union brings bliss
Invisible in bodies
One in soul
Whatever it is
This connection
Adoringly I kiss

Cmi Jan 2019
"Only my own experience
Is true wisdom to my self "

The more experiences
The more wisdoms

Embrace every
little experience
Come to your way
It helps expand
The consciousness 
All else are
Loaned and borrowed
Knowledges  from
Someone else’s
Bank account

Cmi Jul 2019
The greater
the darkness  
the brighter
the light
Cmi Jan 2019
Perceiving through The mind
A truth today could be
A lie tomorrow
A lie today could be
A truth tomorrow
Perceiving through
The heart the truth
Remains the same  in the eternity

Cmi Jul 2019
Your Soul dances within my Soul  

Under the starry night

All senses lost in  awe
overwhelmed with
The Current of your presence

Everything dissolves

Leaving the universe  in stillness

Cmi Mar 2019
Under the Starry night
Wrapped in your breath
Encapsulated with your kiss
All senses lost in silence
Overwhelmed with
The current of your presence
Everything dissolved
Leaving the universe
In this stillness

Cmi Mar 2019
"She loved him
so intensely,
Yet she never
possessed him.
He loved her
so passionately,
He never said
a word to her.
They only felt
Each other
In their hearts
Their relationship with
no names,
no tags,
no earthly bondings.
No obligations
In the cosmos

This bonding
So strong
So intense
No one can explain

Cmi Jan 2019
Your world is Unique
It's special
Cant be compared
Your Journey is authentic
Don't follow
Someone else's path
Your passion
Is your mission
Live in your own heart
Feeling what it has to say
Experience your own being
Getting what  has to give
learn from it, move on
Don't get stuck on
Just one thought

Cmi Jan 2019
Diving deep
In the sea of silence
I submerge  within
Bridge of
swirling breath
Carries me
To unknown
Timeless place
That is
To myself  

Cmi Jan 2019
Unseen forces
Ties me with you
Strong bond
Between you and me
I feel I belong to no one but you

Cmi Jan 2019
I didn’t know
What I had hidden
Inside the cave
Of my heart
Until you came back
And started

Cmi Mar 2019
Unzipping my heart
You are emptying
My hidden thoughts
As these words
Thank you
My love
Cmi Jan 2019
We are stolen by thoughts
Moment to moment
Dancing like a pendulum
From past to future
Can’t stay still  At the moment
Being robbed by The mind
The thoughts ,Thrown by others
Painted by others, Moment to moment
Heart sobs ,Begging you
To come home,At the center
Here, again,Thoughts of
Technology ,people ,Society ,culture
Steal you From your True  self
Thoughts are the stealer of the self
From the heart
At times  ,I  am also the victim of thoughts

Cmi Jan 2019
Everything is
Just a wave
Comes and goes
While surfing
On the ocean of life
At times
Eyes are clouded
With pain & strife

Cmi Jan 2019
Tying  me
With the rope of your love
You  have made me
The  prisoner
In your  heart
With Fear & Ego
You have been
The prisoner of
Your own mind
We both
Are  the prisoners  in this life
And cant unite

Cmi Apr 2019
Deep within each other's cell
In the nucleus
I know you
You know me
I feel you
You feel me
I love you
You love me
Cmi Jan 2019
Infinite drops
Of my tear
Filled with
Your memories
Pillows soaked
My dear
Wet eyes raining tear
Is something always
I can bear
Achy heart
Missing pieces within
This is All I feel it here

Emotions are waves it’s nice experience all kind they are all temporary in the ocean of mind here
Cmi Mar 2019
What is that burns within?
Its not the flesh
Not the bone
Not the blood
Its burning within
Can't be felt with the  skin
Its burning eternally
From the time
Our souls United
Its the fire of your love,
Burning my being
Can be felt
only with my  heart

Cmi Apr 2019
What should I do ?
How should
I tell you ?
To prove you
That I love you
And always did
Should I
Tear my chest apart
And show you my
Achy heart?
Nothing you can
See but bleeding starts
Hurts inside
Neither you can see
Nor I
Can’t explain
What it is
Doesn’t go away
Sometimes it’s bliss
Sometimes anguish
Feel within
Your pulsating vein
Where flowing
my love remains
Cmi Jul 2020
Can I fly and
meet you up in sky ?

Can I die
And see you in soul
Cause this world is a lie

Nowhere you are found
Sitting in the corner
I just want to cry

Cmi Jan 2019
Who  is Beloved
Who is Enemy
If we all
Came from one
Where is far
Where is Near
Where there is no space and time
Everything is dissolved in one
Everything is Love
Spreading  my arms
I embrace the cosmos
myself in love
I am in everything
Everything is in me
You are in me
I am in you
You and I are one

Cmi Jul 2019
Lying here lost
in your arms
Love entwined
forever in time
And if our tomorrows
ever drift apart
I will find you again
By unwrapping
each moment
We  live tangled
in each other’s  heart

Cmi Jan 2019
When I am long gone to the land of silence
When you can no more see me or hold me
Flowing with the breeze caressing you
Merged in blue sky watching over you
Blended with the dirt path walking with you
Will you still recognize me?

When my voice no longer reaches you
Will you still hear me?
Will you still sense my heart?
Will you still feel my love ?

Even when my body is being cremated
My soul will be watching over you with a smile
Being thankful for the connection
Between you and me
I recognize your soul from many past lives
I find you in placeless places
I hear you in the sound of silence
I am eternally with you in timeless time
We are never apart
It’s a great feeling of peace
Because you are me and I am you
Thank you for coming into my life
I love you!

Cmi Mar 2019
Give me the wine
Of your tears from
Life times
I will drink it
Show me your
Hidden scars
Of wound
I will kiss it  
Letting you
Heal ✨✨
Cmi Aug 2019
On this little Sphere
Called the world
We all are jolted
Back and forth
With ego
Fears ,Anger
And the temporary Gains
Something exists
Beyond this Sphere
That embraces love
Wears the wings
Of realizations
And soars into the eternity

Cmi Aug 2019
I sense
The thunder
In your silent heart
I see
The gurgling tears
In your oceanic eyes
I feel
The burning fire
Of love
In your every cell
I  find my home
Within your soul
Where we are whole

Cmi Jan 2019
The eyes
Of love
Are all
With love

Cmi May 2019
My breath
With yours
My heart
With yours
Even though
I am not with you
My being
Lives with yours

Cmi Jan 2019
The most beautiful
I discovered

This heart
your heart
More adventurous

Cmi Mar 2019
If you are  the falling stars
I will be your milky way
wrapping you in my light
Making you bright

Cmi Mar 2019
When it’s
For the sacred
The pure love

Out of this pain
Is born bliss
Peace in separation
Aches and anguish
Stab at the same time flourish
Flowers of creation
Beauty prevails
In distance
Voices of soul
Echo in silence
In your physical presence
You seem too far
Your fear wins you
In your absence
You feel Close
Your love expands
Union is the end
Is continuation
Of love
Longing ,yearning
And burning
Keep this fire
Of love alive
I guess

When it’s out of love
Everything is beautiful
Cmi Feb 2019
My heart feels the love in your heart for me
I see the Shinning love in your eyes
I mask the tears and pain with my smile
You do the same
I pretend  I am perfect
each beat of my heart searches
For your heart
so does yours
In this empty space
My soul searches for yours
Neither you can find me
Nor me but get drenched
In own tears
Both souls yearns for each other
But can’t unite in physical reality
My heart feels pulsating crying heart of yours and mine
Why does this yearning exist that can  never  Come true
Yet it’s true in souls reality

Cmi Jan 2019
You are the brightest
part of my darkest places
Cmi Apr 2019
You are my music
You are my poems
You are my Art
Cmi Apr 2019
You are my sculpturer
I am your Sculpture
You shape me
With you love
You are my Artist
I am your Art
You paint me
With your essence
In my breath
Radiating your fragrance

In the cave of my heart
Feeling your love
Dead part of me
New life Starts

Cmi Oct 2020
When  my eyes long to see you
And you are not found
You are my tears

When my heart yearns to
Feel your love
You are at the distant
You are my pain

When my eyes
Finally find you
You are my joy
When my heart feels you
You are  my bliss
In the waves of  your love
You are my pain
You are my blessing
After all
We both live beyond
Playing game
Of pain and blessing
In this physical bodies
you are my  eternal love
In my heart
I had forgotten to feel
I love you

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