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 Sep 2019 Cm
How much poetry live within me

Or am I merely a vessel

That has to be loaded and unloaded

To not waste away under the calm wind

And sink to a weighted depth of silent

And unfulfilled dreams

Yet what is the use

Carrying a soul from an unwritten land

To an unread land

Both dotted with footprints of past voyageurs

But no path or end in sight

Perhaps I am destined to be an unnamed pilgrim

That treads upon and whose marks will be tread upon

The wasteland of hapless ambitions

Transforming it into a garden of everlasting

Love, freedom, and hope


You may find me one day

Though you will not know it

Nor will I

Within a petal of the rose

A dust in the dew

The wings of a honeybee

And if you look closely,

Listen closely

Within the laughing wind

As the gale brings all of us

Across the sea

Carrying vessels after vessels

From dream to dream
Sentient Dreams: My Poetry Anthology

This is the manuscript to my amazon vanity press poetry anthology: "Sentient Dreams" that I have now decided to just share it here digitally. All of the poems have been published here on HP at certain points of time anyway.

Almost all of the poems are from October 2017-July 2019.
Please feel free to share! :)

I don't think I will be adding to this specific anthology in the future. (Except three more poems that will be updated later.)

Vessels from Dream to Dream
By: Yitkbel
June 25, 2018
 Sep 2019 Cm
i'll be there
 Sep 2019 Cm
one day,
i will be dead,
and it will be true.
i will sit in a dark cave
thinking of you.

i'll send all my love
and every drop of care.
you may not see me,
but i will be there.

helping you
along the way
each and every
single day.

i will never disappear,
even after i'm gone.
i will still be with you,
from thereon.

i'll be there,
in the whispers you hear.
i will be there
whispering in your ear,
drying every tear
that you shed;
in every poem
that you left unread,
in everything you want to forget,
but i won't let you yet.

i will replace
all the bad.
and put in it's place,
i will put the glad.

the good,
the happy,
replace the ******,
and especially,
put in the sappy.
 Sep 2019 Cm
are you depressed?
nope i'm just stressed.
are you sad?
no, why do you ask?

are you okay?
what am i supposed to say,
do i tell them the truth?
or should i hide
behind the lie
and say that "i'm fine"?
 Sep 2019 Cm
they tell me you care
and you were always there.
anytime i needed you
you were there to help me through.

i'm trying to stay
but now you're walking away
at a faster pace
then i can face.

you're pretending
that you can't see me.

you're pretending
that i'm not here.

if you keep pretending
my reality will become what i fear.

i think it's my fault
but i really don't know.
i'm the one that waited two years
to finally let my feelings show.

so now i'm going to take my feelings
and make them really small,
until they don't feel as strong
and they're in a tiny ball.

guess i was a "too little, too late", huh?
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