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Oct 2015 · 314
abysses free verse
Sea Oct 2015
let me raise square one over my head like a battle flag. back in the same place I was as a single *******. nothing more and nothing less. don't look at me here, forget I'm there, driven by a desire to fill the dark abyss.
Oct 2015 · 503
clean your own messes
Sea Oct 2015
you reaped the soil
  and now you sow
karma comes to those
dishonest with themselves
(and everyone else)
pick up the pieces
  that you broke
and leave behind
  what you cannot help
move forward
and good will come
stay back
and you'll never grow
pick the side
and choose your fights:
tell the truth
or you're as good as doomed
Oct 2015 · 313
The games
Sea Oct 2015
and the Adulteress wins again.
the girl gets the bed
and the Adulteress has the rest.
A hellish romance,
formed from a devilish grin,
the Adulteress holds his soul
in her heartless hands.
Cruel intentions on an adventure
to take them all,
and the Adulteress
leads the quest
never getting hurt
in her bulletproof vest.
It won't end until
the Adulteress finds her best fit
Oct 2015 · 392
Sea Oct 2015
Swimming away from me. In a sea of broken promises, endless hurt, blood and black and blue. Turn the key and lock the door, throw it to the floor. Cry some more. Towards the open ocean, towards the choice you’ve chosen. I’ll never find you, not here, not there. And I’ve nothing left to give but a bitter grin. I’ll find the color jade and make it in my own way. Sharp and jagged edge to deter anyone else from half-assed attempts to sew the pieces back together and make me whole again
Oct 2015 · 287
acting lessons
Sea Oct 2015
I’ll pretend my heart is made of lead
a bulletproof iron vest
it never gets hurt
it always forgives
It cracked in half.
More like quarters, still,
I must act like it’s left intact.
It hurts with a piece of Scotch tape
holding it in place.
Every breath
fuels the icy pit in my chest.
Oct 2015 · 200
Two wrongs make a right
Sea Oct 2015
A little lie here and there
years of trends
we couldn't stand
different rooms, separate beds.  
don't trust those two
alone together.
see it now
and tell the truth
say what they
would never hear;
we are
nothing but
two good people
who do bad things
Oct 2015 · 200
Sea Oct 2015
all I've known
for a while now
is a foreign touch
a caress of the neck
leads to nothing more
than a question:
'can you lock the door?'
for reasons I'm unsure,
this could be my fate
if I no longer
wish to wait
for the real thing,
to hold someone again
Oct 2015 · 251
Minty breath
Sea Oct 2015
“I’m sorry.” The words were mumbled under minty breath, barely a plea in their delivery.

Eyes diverted to the ground, avoiding contact with his. He stood his ground while her left foot pushed out and tapped the toe of his shoe gently.

For a moment she appeared to be a puppy with her tail between her legs, getting a scolding for ******* on the living room rug again. Her dark hair hung around her shoulders, limp, like sad dog ears sagging against her head.

Allowing her voice to sink in, he tilted her chin up with one hand, forcing their gaze to meet.

One moment was all that was needed to know she didn’t mean it.  She would do it again.

The choice was his.
Torture himself, or abandon ship.
Oct 2015 · 628
Sea Oct 2015
October arrived with the force of a hurricane.
I am left with nothing but a cold bed
and the crunch of the first fallen leaf.
No one to give warmth but I,
as 2015 eagerly waits
at the alter
to be given away.
Sep 2015 · 608
side piece.
Sea Sep 2015
Give it up.
My self-deprecation leads me to be a lowly side piece.  
Never a center stage girl, instead a wing, hiding, waiting for someone to say something.
The broccoli next to a flank steak.
Blinking into the bright lights wondering when it’ll be my time.
Haven’t found the one to say ‘I wanna stay’
Karma? Or is it something else?
I’m the old toy they ditch for something better,
Never the one they tell the world ‘I’ve met her’
I can see the future and it’s
New men every week until
They find someone less bitter
Sep 2015 · 265
Sinning for one
Sea Sep 2015
throw thoughts aside
and take a hit
meaning disguised
as soulless ***
frictionless fire
skin to skin
if it's what I think
I must stop my sins.
Sep 2015 · 269
without a trace
Sea Sep 2015
Can't establish the texture of his hair in words.
Detached from envisioning the exact shade of blue
in his eyes.
Unable to recollect the precise placement of the freckles
on his shoulders.
At one point I could sense each individual thing
as if it was my own.
What does it mean?

There has been enough distance between
that these things
can fade away
without a
Sep 2015 · 220
In September
Sea Sep 2015
In September
with the taut skin
and the lopsided grin
one of them came in
over the wood floor
(younger then)
stabbed a knife into my heart
threw it aside
and told me not to cry.
In September of
the current year
the pain has waned,
and I'm aware
it still hurt less
than all the rest.
Sep 2015 · 262
Sea Sep 2015
is it the fear of the insecure?
longer than a year
it's been since
I cradled the old face.
I stand in the place
between knowing for certain
and being unsure.
Should I fight the urge?
Or is it time to
welcome freshness in?
Sep 2015 · 255
a change of a season
Sea Sep 2015
I couldn't find solace in a hot summer day
turned to autumn, found a bed of leaves to lay
to consider this: my mind changes faster than the weather
my heart sinks quicker than a feather
I burrow into fall, a muddied sky of grey,
blow a kiss and wish
for the cold to come with grace
Sea Sep 2015
Giving more
than a drunken 'hey'
is hard to manage
in this day and age.
Even a woman like me
wants more than that.
No ***** calls
is a bit of a stretch.
Pet my head,
tell me I'm pretty,
ask me to sleep in your bed.
I'll still be that girl
you text for ***
at 2 AM.
Sep 2015 · 297
the questioning
Sea Sep 2015
Was I in love with you when I shoved my tongue down another person’s throat?

This question I’m asked, on the spot, left with my thoughts, sift through and find the truth. Four months in, there I was, grinding on a stranger, staring at your jealous texts while someone else’s junk was rubbing up against me. Guilt so tough I wanted to puke. Promising and failing to never hurt you again. Some secrets are better left unsaid.

Officer, please, I was in love. Why wouldn’t I be?

I failed the sobriety test?
Of course: No choice but to feel the worst. A liar gets in too deep.

I’ll take the plea bargain;
One lie for you. One lie for me.
Sep 2015 · 214
loneliness is...
Sea Sep 2015
Loneliness comes in many forms.
For me, it's a raging stream,
trying to pull me underneath.
It's a pillow I sleep with
that suffocates my lungs.
It's the sound of laughter
filling the room while I stand outside the door.
It's a devil on my shoulder, daring me
to cry some more.
It's a weight pressing on my chest
And no one is there to save me.
It's staring at the empty bed
and wondering when
someone will fill the space again.
Aug 2015 · 297
Sea Aug 2015
and in the year of the Dragon
I kissed a forehead with lips of nothing but love
the kind that hurt, shoved heat
through my mouth and down his throat,
burned our souls from the inside out

and in the year of the Horse
the flame died out
Aug 2015 · 224
Regrets or not.
Sea Aug 2015
Never had it. The  peach skin of an early morning move-in. Freshmen, fresh faces, awkwardly sharing smiles with those in the same boat.
Wondering what college will hold.
I have been stunted by the changing of the guards, never a need for an open heart.
Too many different places and not enough to settle down.
Never a chance to feel the feeling.
Regrets or not. I can't do much.
Aug 2015 · 741
Sea Aug 2015
skips on a vinyl, replayed so often
there's nothing left but broken sound.

a crinkled old photo floating
to the floor.

the continual blurring of video footage
in my brain.

the memories faded
but the feeling never went away.
Aug 2015 · 215
Time: the enemy
Sea Aug 2015
Time remains my enemy

Time's the reason
I couldn't see the future

to know the Timing was off.

Time doesn't care that it failed
from nothing but a broken clock.

the face stopped moving
but Time did not
Aug 2015 · 508
more high poetry
Sea Aug 2015
Under the identical night sky as yours,
I fill my lungs with the sweet smoke,
knowing you're doing the same thing
miles away.
you, the need to fit in,
me, wishing to forget my sins
you, a sense of belonging with your friends,
me, alone, wondering who I became.

through the haze, I see your face.
Aug 2015 · 782
Sea Aug 2015
I don't believe in heaven,
couldn't find a reason.
If I get to live after I die,
I'd rather live another life.
Jul 2015 · 256
is it too much to ask
Sea Jul 2015
Is it too much to ask
for your friendship
and your ***, too?

what are you scared of?

is it really me, or is it you?
Jun 2015 · 381
back and forth
Sea Jun 2015
we're teetering at the edge of a roller coaster's hill
quietly taking each other in like it's the first time we met and then

we pummel back down to the reality of earth which is:
I left you and ever since
we put up a front to forget.
filled with men who want to penetrate me,
and your girls and their flashing poisoned teeth.

it's a reality that we will not face:
perhaps it's not simple loneliness, but fate.
Jun 2015 · 270
it goes and goes and goes
Sea Jun 2015
there are times I want to use him
dig my nails under his skin and tear him limb to limb

the moment passes and the truth is this:
after all this time I still want
the chest I lie on to go to sleep to be his

weeks can pass and we reunite
in a grassy patch under summer moonlight
and I breathe his scent and wonder
if he's figured it out yet
Jun 2015 · 924
the Internet generation
Sea Jun 2015
"Ten things you understand
if you're this or that"
screams the title of another Internet list,
where people go to feel they're not alone,
scroll through a generalized view of our age group,
a world so relate-able you're no longer you,
you're a '90s kid' or a 'tomboyish girl';
we all want to be unique,
yet we buy into this stereotyping technique
to feel connected with people we'll never meet.
Is it strange that I want to define 'me'?
not a lengthy list on a computer screen,
not strangers who lump me into a category.
I'll tell me what I want to be.
May 2015 · 1.1k
hometown summers
Sea May 2015
We're sixteen again,
sneaking around at night,
pouring rain in the summertime,
quiet whispers in your teenage bed,
heavy breaths and covered mouths,
don't wake up the rents

And like I'm sixteen,
not turning twenty-two,
I don't know better than to break my addiction
and I come back again
to feel the poisoned fingers on my skin
May 2015 · 273
questioning my motives
Sea May 2015
my fear of romantic relationships encircles me and I question:

Do you like me?
Am I annoying you?
Did I say something wrong?

And I push away the good ones as easily by my insecurities as I drew them in by with my air of confidence.
May 2015 · 253
Sea May 2015
my heart stays still to remember this is about use
emotionless nothing, yet our foreheads touch in that moment of sweet sweat and heavy breaths
I try to hold it in laying next to you in the bed but
running my fingers through the blonde hair on your head
makes me want to tell you everything again
May 2015 · 375
colors of spring
Sea May 2015
spring has sprung.
little tree buds stretch their arms
from a long, dead winter,
opening up to lap up the sun.

the walk to school becomes
less of a chore and
more of an excuse to be outdoors.

the grass turns as green
as it was before,
thick dark blades peeking through
dry brown dirt.

the world lives again,
under a roof of bright blue sky,
canopies of pink flowers
with the summer in mind.
May 2015 · 446
being a woman
Sea May 2015
a joyous occasion.

don't act too much like yourself,
men might not like that.
don't approach him first,
you don't want to come off too strong.
wait patiently, but don't sit around,
have the power, but not too much of it,
don't be a pushover, but don't shout too loud.
don't text him first, don't pay for your own meal,
wait and wait some more, because if he likes you,
it's all on him.
we're powerless to make a change,
get labeled 'crazy' when we initiate things;
called a '*****' when we love to ****,
wearing no makeup makes us ugly
and wearing too much makes us *****.

what a beautiful way for society to reward us
for bearing their babies--if we want--
but wouldn't you? because women are
meant to be mothers, meant to stay at home,
meant to nourish and look pretty
while husbands are at work.

find a man who loves you,
but only if he admits it first...
Apr 2015 · 628
Sea Apr 2015
“You don’t want to be with me. I’m damaged goods,” she says, a coy smile creeping across her face.  
“I don’t care,” he pulls her in with his hands around her waist. It’s the perfect height. He ignores the telltale signs of a liar and she tilts her chin up to meet his lips.
She hides her mischievous look behind a long sheet of black hair.
He barely notices the dragon’s heat rising from her chest.
She’s the green-eyed monster, getting poised to strike again.
Apr 2015 · 290
I hold this power
Sea Apr 2015
I cannot cook. I do not clean.
I can talk politics and
I don't read women's magazines.
I know exactly what I want,
and I go for it, too;
I never think, I only do.
I know how to make you tick,
run my hand down your thigh;
I can blink thick with big green eyes,
lead you in and make you mine, but:
I'm not the girl you want to date,
I'm the one you wanna ****.
Apr 2015 · 290
grown-up fears
Sea Apr 2015
To think again as a child would be bliss.
The grey spring skies mean nothing but that
I have to play inside.

I may whine, but with the distraction
of character macaroni and my favorite show,
I'll survive.

I'll see with my big green eyes
puddles to jump in and
spring coming alive.

A wonderful life with no stress,
nothing but my head to rest
on my father's shoulder as I go to bed.
Apr 2015 · 355
coin collections
Sea Apr 2015
He puts one ******* display like the Mona Lisa
their bed is the Louvre

For me I say, a new one every night,
every state quarter, I want them all as mine

The collection of men as my single bed
gives free admission to those who choose
to fill the holes of my coin book

My mission: collect all fifty states.

He'll want to be the last but I fear
she has the Wisconsin in her grasp
Apr 2015 · 290
flashback forward
Sea Apr 2015
Would it have been different if I'd changed myself for those around me?
Would I have been popular, well-liked, would I have managed
to replace my old friends with new?

Would I have wanted to?
Apr 2015 · 243
the heat of the...
Sea Apr 2015
I fill the void
with carnal desire,
in its animal form

I want nothing but
hot flesh, pulsing places,  
*** for pleasure's sake

No emotions, piercing stares,
the heat of the **** is what I want,
until something better comes along
Apr 2015 · 2.7k
Snapchat communication
Sea Apr 2015
A flash of quick wit
"I still love you" in a five-second clip
better be careful, I say.
I might believe you and
slide back on what I've gained.

and just like the Snapchat picture
you'll disappear again
Apr 2015 · 166
Sea Apr 2015
I wonder if I'll ever feel again
a romantic touch, or if I'm stuck
with the heat of the ****
Mar 2015 · 335
seas of salted flesh
Sea Mar 2015
I swim through seas of salty flesh looking for the best.
The waves of goosebumps crawling up the crest.
The crash that fills my chest.
I want to be carried to the shore
to make my rest.
Mar 2015 · 527
High poetry
Sea Mar 2015
If you were here
you'd be my anti-anxiety
instead of the leaf

my medication would be
a strawberry-blonde
head of hair
nuzzling my cheek
Mar 2015 · 250
Sea Mar 2015
you gotta know
I won't sit forever,
waiting for your voice
to greet my ears
in the morning,
or for your lips
to grace my cheek
Mar 2015 · 358
Sea Mar 2015
it began in the doorway
to a different time: where I itched
for someone whose brain worked
dissimilar to mine.

it ended on a suburban porch,
the gateway to the current day: where he
watched my taillights fade away
into an entirely separate place.

March twelfth of twenty-twelve,
when we decided to give it a try
and three years later,
it's long been left behind.
Mar 2015 · 340
Accepting the resolution
Sea Mar 2015
I gave it up when I said, "I don't care to be used"
and you responded with "Well-What do you think this is?"

Upon the words I realized the fire we'd started was smoldering
waiting to be doused.

The intimate way you'd look at me
was replaced with something else.

You'd become a ravenous tiger waiting to pounce.
You wanted my taste on your tongue. My blood on your teeth.

I gave one last sweet, innocent
kiss on your lips before finally walking out.
Mar 2015 · 332
The Newfound March
Sea Mar 2015
I changed  since the March
when I was eighteen looking for a thing


At the time
your problems became mine

My life's complacency
was overtaking me

This year around I

Decided I'd let the dusty ruins build up
in the palms of my hands far too long

and I blew them into the cold night air

It's the new found March
where I'll find out who I am
Feb 2015 · 708
Sea Feb 2015
I can't decide who I was
when I let him take the worst of me,
and bring it out for everyone to see.
He had my soul, and threw it
into the icy waters of Lake Ontario.
It has never been found,
not on the shores of the South Carolina sea,
not in the open palms of the past charmed;
not in the pieces he left behind
for me to quarantine in
the darkest part of my mind.

I may never find that soul again.
Feb 2015 · 335
February 8th, 2009
Sea Feb 2015
today is the twenty-third birthday
of the first boy I fell for.
I can remember his seventeenth
like it was yesterday.
A sweet goodnight kiss
in a bitter winter's cold,
on the porch of my parent's house
after a high school formal dance.
In my gut then I knew
he would be the one to wreck me,
ruin my future's self-esteem,
but in my fifteen year's naivety
I ignored my brain
until he was gone and through.
Feb 2015 · 198
Sea Feb 2015
I begun painting my nails
so that when I am hanging onto the real world
with nothing but my fingertips,
at least my hands will look pretty
before I fall
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