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Dec 2020 · 110
SaturnKnight Dec 2020
Take me high,
Then take me low.
Experiment with gravity.
Go with the flow.

Hold me tight.
Don't let go.
Up to the sky,
Then to the floor.

It's like a high,
I'm needing more.
I'll hold you down;
I'll hold you close.

Just close the door.
And I am yours.
Nov 2020 · 106
SaturnKnight Nov 2020
I knew you before knowing you.
It's like the saying, "Namaste".
I knew you before knowing you.
My soul recognized yours and yours recognized mine.

Perhaps I'm overthinking.
But, my heart knows well.
I assume you may feel this too.

It's like magic, or perhaps a spell.
A feeling of hypnosis and a feeling so real.

The night we met was unreal.
Until this day, I believe we met for a reason.
My only hope, although unexpected and unexplained..
Is for us to remain and not change like the seasons.

So many reasons and little time.
Es algo magico. Que tiene tu mirada que me hypnotisó.
Nov 2020 · 93
SaturnKnight Nov 2020
Felíz día de los muertos y día de tu cumpleaños.
El día que celebramos tú día de vida y también el día de los que departaron de esta tierra.
Ambos son importantes.
La vida, específicamente el día que llegaste a este mundo.
A igual la muerte de nuestros queridos y todos que se les acabaron el tiempo.
En este día de supuesta oscuridad hay luz que brilla como la luna llena.
Aug 2020 · 97
Stainless Stains
SaturnKnight Aug 2020
Blood spilled like a glass of wine at three o'clock in the morning.
The stain it leaves on a white carpet.
Wine and water
Blood and wine
"Blood and wine is no different from water. Not less nor more important than spilling the other. But, which one is harder to remove?"
Aug 2020 · 92
21st Century lovE
SaturnKnight Aug 2020
It's not affection they look for but, much needed attention.
That's what love seems to feel like these days.
They seek the many benefits with no effort put into it.
Lack of emotional intelligence because they see no use for it.
But, what is love without it when you don't work for the best of it?
They want company but, not commitment.
The convenience to have you just when they need it.
To hold and to kiss you for their own selfish reasons.
A title to be given and taken like fashion styles for the seasons.
They are not here for a long time but, simply, for a good time.
When the time has run out and they've caused an energy drought.
They'll leave as quickly as they came and do another round.
Apr 2020 · 141
SaturnKnight Apr 2020
Cuanto quisiera un amor de esos
que te erisan el bello de tu piel
y te hace sentir mariposas en tu vientre.

La bellesa de un amor que no se puede obtener.

El amor que sola mente se vive en novelas y peliculas.

Pero cuanto uno quisiera obtenerlo.

La triste realidad
es que el amor como esos casi nunca ocurren.

Amores como aquellos no son impossible, pero tampoco son perfectos.

No son amores que nacen de un dia para el otro, ni entran a tu vida de sorpresa.

Y si asi es, esa esencia no durara mucho tiempo.

Todos quisieramos una historia de amor perfecta.
Pero la perfection no existe.

La bellesa de un amor verdarero
es aquel que te calienta.
Asi sea con amor, sensualidad o enojo.

Aquel amor que te deja bajar la guarda
para aceptar y quererse uno a el otro
tal y como son sin temor ninguno.

Aquel amor donde aunque sean diferentes
se unan a ayudarse crecer y mejorarse.

Aquel amor donde puedan llorar y hablar de temas juntos.

Aquel amor que nunca duda
aun cuando el sol ya no brille
y pase una tormenta.

Un amor que mantiene fé, esperanza, y sobre todo amor puro, honesto y verdadero.
12:00-15a.m. Sa.4:18-20
Apr 2020 · 96
Apocalyptic Love
SaturnKnight Apr 2020
I loved you.
Who am I kidding;
I still love you.

Oh, how much I love you.
So much--
that although I'm the reason;
The reason we're now apart,
I save all of these things I'd wish to share with you.

I look through the variety of photos I have of you.
Your many faces--
the smiles, laughs, and goofy ones too.
All of which makes me miss you.

I hope you understand that my love is pure and true;
Even when I'm angry and rude.

You wouldn't understand if I explained what causes these things.
In this case you are not the one to blame.

We've been through so much and we both seem to have gone insane.
We love each other so much and can no longer endure the pain.

One minute it's bright and the next is pitch black.

It's like we're afraid of the dark and not knowing the unseen, that makes us come back to the very same thing.

At this time we're quarantined.
Not just you and I, but nation wide.
I've been taking this time to self-reflect and analyze.

Some of the things I've done brought chaos to paradise.
And others, you've done that have brought me heartache which left me paralyzed.

Maybe, when all of this comes to an end;
Maybe, we'll both realize--
only the strong survive.
Jan 2020 · 84
SaturnKnight Jan 2020
When you look back to the previous year do not dwell on the things that have gone wrong, plans that did not go as planned, people who didn't stick around for the upcoming year; your next chapter, your new journey.

When you look back and think those things have gone wrong for a reason; to make way for a blessing or to teach you a valuable lesson.

I want you to look back and think those plans did not go as planned because although that's what you wanted, it is not what you needed.

I want you to look back and think those people who walked away from you no longer served a purpose in your life.

The universe has a funny way of annually cleaning up our lives to renew it; renew ourselves, our worth, and surroundings for spiritual growth.

You've made it this far; another day, another year... you are still here.

You're stronger than you think and you'll get stronger throughout the year.

Do not give up. Your blessings are yet to come; they are very near.
Goodbye to the old. Hello to the new.
Let the past go, we no longer live there.
The only thing that matters is now.
Dec 2019 · 95
Wild Flower
SaturnKnight Dec 2019
You're a flower, my darling.
Let them water you.

You grab the attention of many.
It's something about your essence.

Your beauty shines so bright that even the blind can sense your presence.

Those who cherish you will not tear you away from your roots for their own selfish reasons.

They will admire you from any distance.

They'll let you grow without persistence.

They'll water you with tears; tears of pure joy.

They'll nurture you with smiles as warm as sun light.

Those moments will spread into seeds.

Those seeds will flourish into many little dreams.

Their roots intertwined with yours; making you whole.

You were once a flower, my darling.
Now you're a garden.

Look how beautifully you've grown.

You are what many see but, very few will call home.

There's no love like a honey bee; the only true love of thee.

You are so sweet yet, so bitter to those who don't appreciate your taste.

That's why the one's that understand you, love you.

You are a flower, my darling.

Beautiful and filled with thorns.

Not because you want to but, that's just the way the world was formed.

Just like the honey bee; cute and with a sting.

No one appreciates the things they cannot understand beyond what they see.

But you, my darling.
You have something no amount of money can buy.

But those who take the time will make gold with the love that you provide.

Love is always blind to those who do not see beyond the naked eye.

You're a flower, my darling.

Although you may not be able to fly.

Your essence flows throughout the sky; and in no time many of you will arise.
12:23'19 2:02a.m.
Dec 2019 · 100
Winter Home
SaturnKnight Dec 2019
She was afraid of opening up.
Because those who have entered did not respect her temple.
They did not make it their home.
Instead, they made a mess and stole all of those lovely things she once wanted to share.

She sits in her home now-- what's left of it; all alone in the dark, surrounded by four walls.
The roof is missing and there are no doors.

There is no escaping this place but, it's the only place she's ever known; she now calls it home.

She sings, she dances, and she prays for better days.

As the nights approach she realizes that just like yesterday, there's no one in sight to save her.

It seems to be getting colder and the rain is starting to pour.
But, where can she go if her home no longer has doors.

She has no choice but, to contemplate her life and continue to pray.

It's getting to cold for her to breath and the water is building up.

She's frozen and unable to move; unable to swim or stay afloat.
Even if she could float, how long would she last?

Not long enough until the water evaporates.
Not long enough to make it.

She's given up.
She's disappeared before the water has.

She's given up.
No one is coming to save her.
But she cannot blame them.
Her home no longer had doors for anyone to enter. Even if it did, no one would even come to visit with the mess that's been left.

Her heart, soul and body are too cold for hands to touch. She's too cold for anyone to hold her; too cold for anyone to warm her.

With her last breath she says, "I would've been able to put up a better fight if someone was brave enough to stand by my side."

It's too late now; there is nothing left of her but, ice.
Dec 2019 · 106
Tis The Season
SaturnKnight Dec 2019
Tis the season to be jolly; yet, all things seem to be falling
Falling out of the sky like snowflakes on a winter night
A winter night with a cold breeze that sends shivers down our spine
It's cold, it's dark, it's dry...
The only thing that's wet is the snow that falls and melts on our faces
Just like the tears that we cry
Tis the season, there's nothing left to do but, face it
No matter how much we try; there seems to be no changes
Running fast on the snow-covered pavement
Take a look back and see the steps from where we began
Take a look at where we are now
Look how far we've made it
Keep running
Running, like it's a race
Not running out of breath and giving up on first place
You must be more careful
After all, tis the season where snow and ice will guarantee a great fall
Nov 2019 · 101
Falling Leaves
SaturnKnight Nov 2019
It was almost Fall when we met. Around the time the hot days turned into warm evenings and cool afternoons. Before we knew it, the leaves began to change color and fall off of the trees. That's how it all started. I didn't realize the beauty that laid in front of me. The same way people don't realize the beauty of changing leaves.
As the leaves changed, so did I. My heart, my soul, my emotions; I soon began to melt into a cup of pumpkin spice. Oh, how I wish it was everything nice. I was afraid; I fell so slowly yet, unexpectedly. That fear drove us away because I realized it just a little bit too late. At that time, Winter came. I get depressed around that time anyway. So, it didn't bother me that we decided to walk away. We both needed the space.
Along came Spring. I thought about you but, my pride stood in the way; I wouldn't say a thing. Who can see you crying when you're dancing in the rain? You've always said something similar to that.. we've grown so close that now we say things that remind us of each other.
Oh, why, hello there summer. The sun came out to greet me and so did you. That's when you said you realized our love was like no other; that it is true. And as soon as we noticed we had fallen; welcoming the Fall once again. Meeting you on my favorite season is now the best thing about it all.

A reminder of how I fell for you during the Fall.
Nov 2019 · 103
SaturnKnight Nov 2019
I'm two days late. It's passed thanksgiving. But why give thanks for all of the things life has given-- on one specific day. In that day we should be reminded that there's always something to give thanks for. Not just on that day but, every day. Yeah, things may shake you and others may break you. But life throws blessings at you even one's in disguise. You know, those kind where you think you won't make it out alive? A lesson. Each event, each word, each emotion is a destined experience in our journey. It is our response, our reaction, our faith, our strength that determines the outcome. Do not dwell, do not live in fear or regret because everything happens as it should and for a valid reason; whether we may or may not understand the meanings-- whether it feels like it tears you apart and you may never recover from those feelings. But our battles and struggles are what makes us grow stronger, better, wiser and much more. Be thankful for those obstacles you've overcame because you were stronger than them to continue even through all of the pain. The past is in the past and it no longer lives here; don't be ashamed because there's so much you have gained.
Nov 2019 · 348
SaturnKnight Nov 2019
Rising sun, you awaken me
Peace, love and serenity
Warm to the touch; you caress me
Pulling me towards you, so gently
This feeling so amazing and fulfilling
There may be so many other meanings
But today, as every other day, you've raised me
With each day, there's many more reasons for Thanksgiving
I am living
Nov 2019 · 179
Heavy Love
SaturnKnight Nov 2019
"Love me first and I will send you a love as pure as mine" my Devine creator said. "Because the love you seek and desire lies beneath me. But what is within me, lies with you as well. Love thee and thyself before any." This love I have inside is more than many. A heart so big and at times too heavy. In need of a partner that is strong enough to help me carry.
Oct 2019 · 141
SaturnKnight Oct 2019
With each step, my roots spread through the ground
When our palms touch it's a feeling that I wish had no end

Do you hear that sound?
It's a melody; it is home saying,
"My darling, you have been found"

I arrive to you; greeted with open arms
As if I never left and always stuck around

The comfort of your warm golden silk sheets
The sound of your voice; nothing can compare

It's a lullaby like no other; peacefully I sleep while you sing to me underneath the stars

A place that holds me tight; each time gets harder to say goodbye
Yet reminding me every night
"My darling, everything will be alright. Please, don't cry"

No matter how far or how long we are apart I feel your love deep within my heart

"I give you the moon"
When I look at it I feel your essence

Hearing you whisper within the breeze
"Remember, I am always with you"

I see my dreams within each of your waves "You know I wish you could stay, I wouldn't want it any other way"

Back to reminiscing to the synchronized rhythm of our heartbeats

As we dance barefoot on the sand and our souls intertwine

At that very moment I knew, "I wish to never let go of you hand"
Need to Edit
Jun 2019 · 103
Faith & Love
SaturnKnight Jun 2019
You are gone like the wind
It blew every piece of you far away
To a place so far in which I cannot chase
Reality is I have no time to waste in chasing something that was never my fate
The memory of your face, touch & smell
All of those memories in which I no longer dwell on
The wind has gone
I have moved on
To a new smile, feeling, and love
A kind, genuine, and gentle love
The kind that loves me unconditionally
One that loves every single piece of me
The good, the bad, the great, the terrible
A love so true, that is untearable
Because with you I was torn
Yet this new love of mine picked up the pieces and put them back together
Together we are better
I am better
He is better
We are better together
Now, I say my goodbyes forever
See you never
You are gone with the wind
I have chosen to let God in
6.10.19 12:07am
May 2019 · 103
Finding Peace/Finding Me
SaturnKnight May 2019
Hello, hello
It has been a while
It has been a while since I've been here
Since I've been there
The place of solitude
The place of solitude in which my Inspiration comes from
I have been away
Lost & locked away
In a place in which I have found my way
A place in which I have found & realized
I was never lost in the first place
If you were looking
Here I am
Same old me
With a new mind & spirit
A brand new me
Yet the person I once was
Before this cruel world shook me

I have found my light
In the darkest of nights
I would stay up until sunrise
Putting up a fight
If you must know
I have won the the battle
There is not one nor a thousand in which I cannot handle
I am not alone & I never was
I am not just one
I am all of us
I fight for you & I fight for me
I fight for every living thing
Now I am back & on my feet
I give thanks to God for allowing me to be me
To be free
To be the
The bee of honey
So sweet & nurturing
Yet ready to sting
To give it's life for what it believes
Get lost with me
Let's be free together
Rise up & fly my fellow bumble bees
Many aren't aware of how important we are
But together we'll show the world without us they cannot be who they are
May 2018 · 298
Picture Perfect
SaturnKnight May 2018
I think about you often

The reflection within your eyes
that would take me back to the forrests I would get lost in

Those memories we shared
nothing could compare

Nourishing my heart and mind until it blossomed

I would say how much I missed you then
Now, I'd say, I definitely miss you still

You are no longer here
I am no longer there
but no matter where
I will forever care

This is to you, my flame
because of you I will never be the same

I hope you picture my face and hang it on a frame

Maybe then I'd feel less ashamed
to think of you as often as I do

In my eyes you were a dream come true
Feb 2018 · 132
SaturnKnight Feb 2018
I cannot concentrate
I sit here and contemplate
What if
What if things weren't so black and white
What if things were gray
What if things were transparent
Crystal clear
Like looking through a crystal ball
Seeking for fortune
Searching for future solutions
"To let go" Is my new years resolution
To my confusion
As well as the conclusion
To those things
I will let go
Jan 2018 · 154
Are you an artist?
SaturnKnight Jan 2018
Love is an art, only dreamed and imagined by an artist
Creating the beauty of a world we have always wished to live
Delicate pastel colored strokes overflowing the canvas
Each piece of emotion into one masterpiece
Transforming a long lost memory into an every lasting reality
Jun 2017 · 210
SaturnKnight Jun 2017
I had an empty heart with much room
It was not for rent nor for sale
You came to me saying
"I have an offer you cannot refuse"
I seen happiness within you & thought you'd share it with me too
You walked right in & made yourself at home
Not worrying about the broken doors, shattered windows, & the floor boards with loose screws
You seen potential in my heart as I seen in you
You remodeled, painted & furnished your new home the way you pleased
Living comfortably & peacefully within my heart, with no worries in sight
Everything is fixed, everything is just right
There's no more work to be done
So we thought..
Feb 2017 · 241
SaturnKnight Feb 2017
You are as bright as the sun, & as the sun sets, you too should get some rest. The vibrant rays may go away for the day, & all of those feelings you have may get in the way. Yet, as the sun sleeps, the moon awakens. A slightly dimmer light comes from the night skies, yet it is still shinning down through the darkest hours. Let the sky lights guide you, the moon, sun, & stars will heal you.

As some may say, "There will always be light at the end of the tunnel".
There is always some light in our darkest days. We must open our eyes, hearts, mind, & soul to what is beautiful in the ugliest of times..
Jan 2017 · 262
SaturnKnight Jan 2017
Everything seems so right, so beautifully perfect
Like all of the damage done was definitely worth it
Never wanting this to end, but these unwanted thoughts roam through my head
As if it'll be like the last time
Although this seems different, I am afraid that it might repeat once again
These walls of mine are finally breaking down
& as they fall, I do too
Yet I still wonder whether you'd catch me or let me hit the ground
I'm really hoping you stick around because you're the best thing I've found
Dec 2016 · 477
SaturnKnight Dec 2016
If you only knew how much my soul feels for you
How much these emotions tear my mind apart without an explanation
The energy
The electricity
The chills
The vibes
The waves
You're so powerful..
I cannot explain the unexplained..
Dec 2016 · 263
Holding On
SaturnKnight Dec 2016
Your soul is like a melody my heart knows by memory

The rhythm of its song flows through my body so gently, yet heavily

My heart reaches out to you to listen a little closer, to feel the vibrations of the beat

It's electric, so powerful

A feeling of nostalgia in which I surrender to

Letting myself drift away through the sound  of the waves

I have trusted the waters

Now I am floating to where I belong
Random 1252a
Nov 2016 · 326
Trapped in my vents
SaturnKnight Nov 2016
Everyone seems to say the same
It'll be okay, It will get better, Don't give up, I'm here for you
Yet, I am not okay nor will I be, it will not get better because it never has, I have given up & I will no longer keep trying, & when I'm broken down into millions of pieces no one is ever there to pick me up from the ground, no one is there to whipe my tears, no one is there to hear my fears
Everyone says things to comfort you, instead of comforting you
Everyone listens, yet no one understands
No one ever cares until its too late for anything to be done
Everyone waits until that day in which everything is gone
I'm back.. & more broken than ever. Hope you've missed my pain. Its great to share it with you all. #Poetry
Jun 2016 · 275
Old Love
SaturnKnight Jun 2016
"It was Strange" is what I could possibly say, at the least that is..
Seeing you once again, locking eyes, yet turning our heads, only to feel each others stares..
hearing the echos as we speak, while we do not dare to take a peak..
I will not tell a lie, & say I did not feel what was once there..
Your smile made me remember, that although we fell so hard, there had to be a high from where we have fallen.. & there was.
A memory of positivity, from something that has done so much damage, yet I can truly say I have overcame.. To deeply find out within myself, & can proudly say "I have changed".. I cannot say the same for you Sir, for you are the same.. There has been no change.
Not speaking to seem better than you, but better than who I was.. & I will not look down upon you because change is something you must want.
I simply look back at who you were, & you were never this troubled.. You've changed into something you, yourself even fear of, & that is what pushed me away.. Yet there you are, still the same, with no change made.
I always seen something better, & brighter in you than which you choose to show.. But you never really understood the universe, which there is inside of you..
You were always afraid of the light.. Walking around with shades on.
Yet continuously wondering, & asking "What am I doing wrong?"..
If you would have just listened.. I've been telling you all along.
I'm glad you're finally realizing.. You say to me "A little too late", yet I respond "Better late, than never".
I just hope one day you'll make things right.. Not for us.
Because what was, no longer is.. But for you, your well being, & your soul.
Do not let it stay cold.. Turn it into gold.
#Ramblventing.. #Friendship #FailedRelationship #Reconnection #Closure #SelfHealing #ETC.
May 2016 · 293
Crush-ed Memo
SaturnKnight May 2016
The world may not revolve around you, but everything in my world, reminds me of you

Anything green brings a mental image of you, not because it is your favorite color, which has been mine as well, since the day I've met you, & had the pleasure to find who lied within your uniquely green eyes
I could ramble on about the shades of greens your eyes are similar to, but nothing would ever compare

I still enjoy nature walks, & going on adventures, although it was always better to do so with you
I no longer look at the trees, nor sky the same
Because even the wind whispers your name
The moon no longer shines as bright, nor do the stars flicker
So dim, so still, the sky does not dance anymore, like the universe knows I lost the sparkle I once had

Nothing at all will ever be the same, because this mental image I have of you I can easily paint, & put on a frame

I see you in everything that I see
Smell you in everything that has aroma
Taste you in everything that taste
& feel you in everything that I touch

My mind no longer wants to want you, but my heart says I must
I guess this is why they call it a crush
May 2016 · 459
SaturnKnight May 2016
The horrifying feeling of being rejected
Not simply rejected, since we once were
But being used as a tool of ****** pleasure
Yet, not quite a pleasure of love
Had this spiritual connection, as if it wasn't the first time we've met
The pleasantly beautiful sense of calmness, just laying there on the bed
The laughs, looks, & smiles we shared during deeply personal conversations
How you'd hold me tight through the night, simply staring into each others eyes, it always felt so right
The best part of my day would always be spending the night with you, gazing at the moon, & sharing energy within the two
Felt as if you were the one
The one others might say is a soulmate, a twin flame
But you did not see the same
Although I was the only one who you'd talk to, about everything that would trouble you
Aware of the feelings I've had, I was always strong enough to wish you best in what you thought you needed to have
Absolutely heart broken in imagining you in someone else's hands, but giving you advice because all I wanted was to see your soul dance
Now I sit here silently, wishing you'd come back
Staring at these pictures, when things didn't seem so bad
Breaking down quietly, no one can see I'm sad
I finally get the courage to say how much I really miss you
Yet, as soon as I start typing I feel like I can't see you
It's hard to face the truth sometimes
But I never gotten closure
I hope for the day, we break down this walls, & become a little closer
Haven't spoken for months now, yet you still roam my mind
Wishing for the day, the you will once again be mine
But for now I play this mind games
Hoping in answers to find
I don't know what else to say..
Simply broken a little inside..
May 2016 · 275
Still for You
SaturnKnight May 2016
The essence of your fragrance
I will forever imbrace it
Inhale it in my soul once more
Memories of clothes stripping to the floor
The way you'd make my toes curl
Always had me moaning for more
Your light face
Green eyes
Will forever be ingraved in my mind
You always had the best of me
Not just physically, but mentally
You were like my therapy
Through fantasy, & reality..
Kept losing track of thought..
I enjoy the memories, but reality is troubling..
I miss you..
May 2016 · 289
Forever Your Megara
SaturnKnight May 2016
Reminiscing about when those feelings were real
the way you'd make me feel
& giving me strength of steel
how I'd play with your beard
& you'd whisper in my ear
all them beautiful things I wish I'd still hear
from the day you've disappeared
I've been stuck on this hamster wheel
going no where, but here
trying to run away from these fears
with out you to whipe my tears
so I drown in the thoughts that although I felt you close, you were no where near
My Hercules..
May 2016 · 289
SaturnKnight May 2016
I've been consumed by all of this negative poison
Wearing all black, it is what my soul has turned in
Left alone in a box, with all of these emotions
Glitter, Sparkle, Shine has gone with the ocean
In need of a friend, or maybe a potion
I drown in these tears, along with my fears
Yet walk around with a smile, so no one will notice
My mind has been lost, I can barely focus
Body so cold, my heart has been frozen
If I hit rock bottom, being broken, won't be the problem
My depression.. Seems to be my creative motivation..
Apr 2016 · 336
Wandering Thoughts
SaturnKnight Apr 2016
I met you at an awful time
Yet you made things feel so right
Although months have passed us by
I cannot seem to get you off of my mind
Till this day, you seem to catch my eye
& when I try to speak to you, I tend to feel butterflies
Yet when I receive you replies
I begin to think those feelings have went bye-bye
I need you to open up to me, like I've  done with you.. Before I spread these wings of mine
Feb 2016 · 342
SaturnKnight Feb 2016
You were the reason I loved the sun
& now the reason why it hurts my skin
It reminds me of all of the mornings we would kiss
Those feelings left, along with you
A snake in my grass, just never heard you hiss
I am now in love with the moon
Something more beautiful than noon
As the sun.. The sun has gone..
Feb 2016 · 275
SaturnKnight Feb 2016
Lost in thoughts
No creativity
Trapped in a box
Sealed with ice
It's so cold
Can't seem to open my eyes

Mind constantly running
Can't seem to catch up
Blank stares
Images of white pages
Goodness gracious
These depressing phases

Once a brightly colored
coloring book
Now a black, & white
news paper
With slowly vanishing words
& images..
I apologize for my new updates..
-Lack of Motivation
-Writers Block
Not good.. But it helps to somewhat vent on here.
Thanks HelloPoetry, xo.
Feb 2016 · 306
Winter Wonderlost
SaturnKnight Feb 2016
Seasonal depression is in session
I'm losing grip of my reflection
through these winter storms
& no true connection
Spring, Summer, Fall
I need it all
Concentration, & meditation
Spiritual healing in Nature
is what I am truly in need of
Feb 2016 · 337
SaturnKnight Feb 2016
I am truly mind blown
by how this life we live goes
The most beautiful people
with big hearts, & golden souls
are always the ones that seem to go
Leaving an imprint in our lives
Opening our eyes
to realize, that the good ones go
& we are left alone
with the rest
Questioning, whether we are one of the best..
Rest in Paradise to all the Beautifully Golden Souls that sadly had to go.. Enjoy the warm sun, & ocean breezes, & the views from under the palm trees. Till we meet again..
Feb 2016 · 320
SaturnKnight Feb 2016
A bite of the forbidden fruit
has poisoned this berries youth
**** snake in the grass
did not speak with truth
Should have never trusted in you
Jan 2016 · 380
Spiritual Visual
SaturnKnight Jan 2016
Someone once told me,
when you truly love someone,
you'll fall in love with their eyes.
Why? You may ask.
It is because, eyes never lie.
They will not age.
They will not change..
even if their feelings fade,
their eyes will remain the same.
It is like looking into a kaleidoscope.
A collage of dreams, memories,
& the universe within their soul.
When they begin to get old,
& their hearts turn cold,
their eyes..
Their eyes will forever stay gold.
Jan 2016 · 278
SaturnKnight Jan 2016
Winter season
Cold, dry breezes
In this white Winterland
my heart tends to freeze
Death like trees
bring sadness to me
Feeling so weak
with shivering knees
Shouting for Spring time
to please rescue me
Jan 2016 · 229
SaturnKnight Jan 2016
A mind built of armor
& a soul made of gold
A heart wrapped in thorns
in which you cannot take a hold
This body is so cold
Lay me in hot water
& I'll shall explode
A glimmering mist
in the most beautiful way, I'll go..
I Am Gold.
Jan 2016 · 295
Reliving death
SaturnKnight Jan 2016
Pitch black nights
& glimmering star lights
Awake until sunrise
Beautiful bright skies
A reflection seen your eyes
in which was foreign to mine
To only realize, the one in the mirror, was I
Yet not myself..
How do I handle this all so well?
Those words I will never tell..
Dec 2015 · 353
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
Memory lanes
We run through our brains
Might have caused pain
Yet, so much we've gained
Life is a game
It's all about how you play
We pick, & choose our ways
Like passing through a maze
What we do, & say
Determines the prices we'll pay
Along the way
Through our veins
That are Memory lane
You would never be the same..
Dec 2015 · 255
HSS Tree
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
I've seen it in my dreams
& when seen in reality
I did not realize what attracted me
Paid no mind
Yet, knew it had to be mine
Finally in my hands
I began to dajavu
My soul yelling at me
"this is a part of you"
Who knew?
Dec 2015 · 202
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
I've seen it in my dreams
& when seen in reality
I did not realize what attracted me
Paid no mind
Yet, knew it had to be mine
Finally in my hands
I began to dajavu
My soul yelling at me
"this is a part of you"
Who knew?
Dec 2015 · 205
Memory hill
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
Reflecting on old habits
Once was blind from all tablets
Wrapped inside the devils blanket
His worshipping, is what I practice
Oh how I wished I hadn't
Having his way with me on my darkest days
& taking control over me on my pitch black nights
Now to think, there's many other ways I could've handled it
Realizing I could've made a few turns, & stops
Yet, already thinking about hitting the high way
Numb to the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair, the warmth of the sun beaming down on my face,
deaf to the sounds of nature that surrounded me
So blind, so cold, so dry..

Narcotics are chaotic
if you let the chaos come over you
Mountain high
not visualizing with the naked eye
that the view isn't as clear,
Not clear enough to see your soul falling into its hands
to finally have you as a whole
yet, devour you as one
He will demand, & demand,
you'll obey his commands
Unless you're strong enough to brake free from the chains,
all with bare hands
It is never to late to start a new chapter. Once you decided to end one, another has already begun. #Strength #Change #Battles #Lessons
Dec 2015 · 251
Forgotten Dreams
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
I find it interesting
that others dream of us
Yet, I do not dream of you anymore
You are not reality, & no longer a dream
You are imaginary, a fantasy in which I can not see.
Dec 2015 · 322
Mrs.Mary Jane
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
The sweetest love you make to me, nothing else could compare
to your beautiful hair, green eyes, & aroma of paradise.
You are my life..
Dec 2015 · 250
You, & me..
SaturnKnight Dec 2015
Spiritually lifted, with dreams that are vivid.
She is my mistress, paying a visit when in stress.
Greeted with delight, always on my darkest nights.
Consuming her, while she consumes me.
I feel her on my chest..
The way it should be.
The sweetest love you make to me, nothing else could compare to your beautiful hair, green eyes, & aroma of paradise. You are my life.. Mary Jane. -xo
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