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Sarah Maher Jul 2018
You said you loved me
The scars on my skin say otherwise
You said I was your everything
The hole in my heart proves you wrong
Here I am, almost 10 years later thinking about the torture you put me through
Love has never been easy for me
Trust is almost impossible
I see the worst in my husband
You’ve ruined me
Why couldn’t you have just left me alone?
Why did you keep running back trying to convince me you were good for me?
Why was I so stupid to keep believing you?
It only took you 5 years to break me from my core
I’m not even sure I’m doing this marriage thing the right way
Because I’m so **** wrapped up in the pain that was inflicted on me those many years ago
You abused me
You ***** me
You humiliated me
Sarah Maher Jul 2018
I have a child that never listens to me
A husband too
My life has been a living hell
Someone, please tell me what to do!
Should I run away and hide
Or should I stay here and fight?
Neither options are right
In fact, both of them make me sad
I am just tired of waking up mad
Sarah Maher Jul 2018
For 9 seasons, I sat
I watched 10 years of their lives unfold in front of cameras
It was a nice break from my own reality
I enjoyed the laughs
I enjoyed the cries
I will never forget the times I laughed so hard that I cried
I gasped when I saw Michael come back
A reunion I waited so long for
“Michael. I can’t believe you actually came.”
Smiles were exchanged
Then his famous catch phrase
“That’s what she said.”
Oh how I laughed
An exaggerated knee slap laugh
Now I’m crying because it’s over
So I bid my farewell
Goodbye Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight, Stanley, Meredith, Phyllis, Andy, Erin, Darryl, Creed, Toby, Angela, Oscar, Kevin, Kelly, and Ryan

Sarah Maher Jul 2018
You were my first kiss
But also my first broken heart
You taught me about love
All the toils and turmoils that come with it
I lay awake at night thinking about the
“what ifs”
The “what would it be likes”
Would we be happy?
The questions are endless
There were many absent years but you somehow managed to find your way back into my life
Never at the right time
Why did you wait so long?
I could have been with you
I don’t regret marrying my husband
I love him— I do
The curiosity of it all just kills me
But those question will remain questions
Sarah Maher Jul 2018
A snake that she is!!
Taking a name and placing blasphemy upon it
It is a sin to lie, did you know?
What a hypocrite, you are!
I know the Lord tells me to hold my tongue.
But see, I am too— a sinner.
So I speak from anger.
Why does she start drama with her gossiping tongue?
Does she not have her own life to worry about?
Does mine entertain her more?
Mind your own, you snake!
Be gone, I demand of thee!
Sarah Maher Jul 2018
We surprised Aiden today with a bike as an early birthday gift
With frustration, I showed him how he has to pedal forward to go
He kept pushing back
It doesn’t move when you press back on brakes
After a few tries, he nailed it
He took off like the wind
I watched him ride off towards the sunset
Free as a bird
I pleaded for him to turn around
As he said the words, “Mommy, look at me! I can do it! I’m a big boy!”
Big boy, come back.
Come back and be my little boy again.
Mommy isn’t ready to see you grow up so fast.
It’s inevitable
“Slow down
Won’t you stay here a minute more
I know you want to walk through the door
But it’s all too fast
Let’s make it last a little while
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly
I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can somehow
Slow down“
Sarah Maher Jun 2018
Me? I am "The One That Got Away," you say.
You? The one who took too long.
Us? Never going to happen; a thing in the past.
Do I ever stray away from reality and think about the "what ifs"?
Of course.
But that's in another life.
In another life, I might be yours.
But I think about the things I wouldn't have if I ended up with you.
Most importantly, my son.
He plays a crucial role in the woman I have been shaped into today.
I can never give that up.
Any children I may have had with you wouldn't have shaped me in the way my little boy has.
I love my husband. I really do.
Were we a wrong fit for each other at one point?
But in the two years he and I were split up, I prayed for him every single day.
I prayed that he'd better himself.
Not for me.
Not even for our son. (Although that was very helpful)
But for HIMSELF.
He was miserable with the life he was living.
I truly believe I was placed in his life for a reason.
As he was for me.
So, sorry.
For now.
And probably forever.
I will remain...
"In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises. Be us against the world. In another life, I would make you stay so I don't have to say you were the one that got away."
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