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Samira Sep 2019
When he looks into my eyes, I see a forever. I feel burning hot passion. Even if the fire we share in our hearts were to blow out, they would ignite  once again and again. Fun, friendship, no title and communication keeps us going. To be carefree and let go of all insecurities around each other.  To embrace him while  living in the moment. Be grateful for the moment. You don’t have to move too fast or even too slow... let your hearts connect naturally with no expectations. Move at a steady pace. What’s meant to be will become yours, and in that case, he is mine.
Samira Sep 2019
We had each other so many times but it all felt like my very first time. *** had become foreign to me. Things were different. Things were exciting. Things were fun. Things were new.
Samira Jul 2019
He was different than the rest. His voice, his words, his smell, his touch, his affection. She hadn’t met one like him in a very long time... she knew his love was all that she had been needing, all that she had been craving for the past years. He added happiness to her life, he added years before they could even start. Suddenly she loved again.
Samira Feb 2019
All the freedom in the world yet I choose to stay at home. Home is my safety place, where I recharge my energy. Home is where family is, the loves of my life. Home is where I rest and fall in love with my bed over and over again. All the freedom in the world and I still choose home. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. I read though. I read, I write, I read, I write. Long days at work, I choose home.
Samira Feb 2019
Two years ago, I met “him”. He was new to me but familiar as he reminded me of my father. Arms & chest full of tattoos. I was afraid of his exterior, he seemed tough & a little rough. I had just moved to the city as a small town kinda girl. He was so cool, chill and had good vibes. I remember it like it was yesterday. It’s all about how you make someone feel, and he made me feel safe. Today, two years and a month later... I see so much in him. A student athlete, a hardworker, a college student and a young man with so much potential. I’ve left before but I could never leave again. I could never block him out again.
Samira Feb 2019
Letting go of what once was. Letting go of hurt. Letting go of pain, and most importantly... letting go of the past. The past is now a memory that I have made peace with. The thought of someone else with you once made me loose my breath but now the thought is acceptance. I can move on, I can go away, I can leave you alone. It’s ok, I will survive.
Samira Jan 2018
He has goals, he has drive, he has ambition and the most attractive quality about him... He knows exactly what he wants. I wonder, who raised him? How did he become this way? To me he is great. He could lead and build an empire if he wanted to and that's the type of man that I can respect the most. When you look at him, he's tough to the core but inside there's depth. Caring, Mature, intelligent, cultured, athletic & so much more... He's a man of substance.
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