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Safana Jan 4
The morning is kissed by the sunrise.
The evening kisses the sunset.
Safana Jan 4
Solar planets rebel against the sun.
So, what occurred?
The planets will stand their ground.
Because the living things within them are sufficient.
They provide fuel and coal for combustion.
This results in the provision of energy.
The energy that teared the ozone layer.
Safana Jan 3
"Days are melting,
melting in the air."

So where is the breathiness?
Safana Jan 2
Ya tsalala ihu,
Tsula ya tsalala ihu.
Yayi shiru,
Bayan ya tsalala ihu.
Sai ya kece da ihu,
Tsula ya fece da gudu
Abida tana a gefe.
bayan ya tsala ihu,
Safana Jan 2
Tirka-tirka ana tara tara.
Hujjojin duka an tattara.
Lauyoyi sun debi wara.
A can kotu kuwa an fara.
Tattara hujjoji a fili karara.
A cikin kotun koli ba'a bara.
In baka da hujja sai ka tara.
Wani lokaci ko wata shekara.
Wata zai kama, mu dau kara
Don tsula biri ya shirya zara.
Buri nasa yayi ta kona kara
Tsula tuni a kai nasa ya sha gora

Wata ya doso
Lokacin tsayawar sa ya taso
Jama'a ku zo mu siyo soso
Mu wanke dattin kwanso
Wata kila tsula zai je gidan kaso
Kuma za'a daure **** a kwankwaso
Zai yi ta tsalle ko baya so
Don ya sha wankan soso

Wai ina yake ne, kantoma
Mun sani baka da makoma
In  ka tafi ba badda kama
Duk abin da ka shuka zai girma
Zaka girba tabbas ba tantama
A gidan kaso ko a magarkama.

An fara duba wata.
Ga samaniya ta haskaka
Masoyan korra sun rausaya
Murna ta su ta wuce zolaya
To ina masoya ja?
Sun hauhawa.
Farashi nasu ya raurawa,
ya fadi kasa tamkar wawa.
Tun sun ga wata a samaniya,
jinjiri me yaye hayaniya,
Sun tunzura su yi hayaniya.

Shugaban jam'iyya yace
Kowa ya fito da idaniya
Ya kura su sama yayi dubiya
Jariri na wata zai bayyana
A daren yau ko gobe da jibi.
Safana Jan 1
What have you done in the past?
What were your plans after that?
I hope you did well.
I hope you made better plans.
It is not a question of getting there today.
It is a matter of proving yourself to be the best.
The best and most noble deeds.
Between your heart and humanity.
We can celebrate if our deeds are better.
We can regret if our deeds are inferior.

Let's plan well, not plot.
Let's help the poor, not **** them.
And young ones need to grow.
The elderly need a lot of help.
The women need to be guided.
And the world need peace.
Safana Dec 2023
I said that again.
Being with you is wonderful.
Long or for a while.

Because I love you,
Feel that I love you,
So I loved you yesterday.

And I am loving you today,
I will keep loving you tomorrow
I will keep it until there are no more days
I will keep it until there is no yesterday
I will keep it until there is no tomorrow
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