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Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Bound to the darkness

of reality ,

Until The Sun

wakes up and

sets me free.

I don't know

what I want;

but I know

I don't want her.

My apology

was slurred

by the true suffering

of seeking your forgiveness.

It takes an

addict to know an addict.

How well do you know yourself these days?

I'm ****** up because you ****** me up,

What's your excuse?

The basement is empty

but theres always something to do

on the fifth floor.

I'm always upstairs,

if you catch my drift.

Sacrelicious Mar 2012
Siting quietly at the

crowded station.  

Waiting for

this feeling

to stop racing like

a train.

On the tracks of my strung out heart.

I'm trying to forget your name.

Just let me get my drink on




be good on that.

Colder than January's breathe,

the silence of our empty room

has made me bitter.

January's Breathe.  I'm cold cause you left my heart open.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
When your life lies within the hands of crooked doctors and blood thirsty nurses. Who've made you too weak to speak out against the horrific experiments, they have conducted on you. "Professionals" That claim to be searching for a cure, to an already cured disease.

When friends and family can give you no comfort because, you're too doped up to understand any words of sympathy. Modern medicine can never help, the entire industry is infested with corporate criminals looking to make fast money so they have something to fornicate with later on this evening.

When the machines break down and you get trapped inside the mechanical afterlife. We will seek revenge against the mad men who did this. You will be found, no matter how far we have to travel through the circuit board. Your soul will be found before it is sent through the assembly line and manufactured into a techno logic ghost. You will escape the factory. I promise, you will never become one of them.

Sacrelicious Mar 2012
I know I am alive when,
I think of you.
I know I am alive when,
You touch me.
I know I am alive when you hate me.
I know I am dead
When I see you with another man.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
****** Mary,
****** Mary,
****** Mary,
isn't the only ghost I see in the mirror.
Our resemblance haunts me like a lost soul in purgatory.
Helpless and horrified.
******, burning like a match does in hell.
Incinerating deep with in my pumping void.
I stopped caring
when you said you had nothing left to live for.
You took the train and left me at the station.
But when the night ends and the sun wakes up
I'll rise from my pine box and live again.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012
If the moment is yours, then live in it.

Just because you're grounded,

it doesn't mean you can not roam the world.

Don't look down on me for too long.

Cause  one day the scale will balance

and it will be just you and I.

You're running out of cards

and I still have a full deck.

The Queen of hearts

was killed by The King of Spades.

My heart is cold because you left the door wide open.

Prepare for war.
Sacrelicious Mar 2012

It's not dope, it's chronic so chill out
and I'll pass you that blunt.
Better off high on positivity.
Than down from negativity.
Sulking in all of my
strung out,
burnt out,
and miserable glory.
It's not dope, it's chronic so chill out
and I'll pass you that blunt.

If you can drive in reverse, you'll pass the test.
Just remember to keep one eye on the mirror
and the other one on your back.
The road is full of black holes
that only wish to break you down
in a dark, depressing ditch.

People keep calling me the anti-christ.
Today, I'm flattered.
Tomorrow, I could be flattened by their stones.
I'm trying to scare  away the stupid.
It's not working.
Cause I'm an idiot magnet.

The black sheep is always first to get
exiled from the flock.
You'll find more life in a cemetery than you will in my heart.
Cause magic isn't microwavable it has to cook the real way.

They say time is always working against us.
But what they really don't know is that time doesn't exist.
We will always be here.

Rapid cycling mood rings:

I used to control my mouth
until I cracked under the pressure
and bit my tongue off.
The world is out to **** me of everything they can take.
I got my dress shoes on and my wallets loaded with condoms.
I know what is inevitable and what is avoidable.
**** get's better.
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