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Dear Sin,
You have always been but rarely is seen
Your bait, Mr Temptation looks great till you get us jailed
The gate of your dungeon is a thing the world’s heart dreams
At last, alas! The devoted captives you own cry
Dear Sin,
We have walked, talked and worked,
Our times together never are less than a mess
But like the fool I was, I loved you in full
All these while swimming in your pool
Believing the lie that told me you’re cool
Dear Sin,
I call you dear not because you are but just so you lend me your ears
Yes! The years we shared in your bed,
The moments when you clad your lies in your wide smiles
Teaching me lust and calling it love
I followed on till you led me astray and ready to be slayed
Dear Sin,
Alone in my heart you made your safe abode
But Dear Sin, today your rent expires
And the tents of your spies are rend
The deep scars you left on my hearts wall,
I’ve found a healer who’d seal
Dear sin,
I miss how you made a toy of the boy I was
Your lessons were costly; I spent a valuable part of me to learn them.
You made me love the now and robbed me of love for the best
But I'm glad to be freed from the capture of your spirito-myopia spell
I'm dead to you yet alive, the One who once for me died, to serve.
Dear sin,
I’m the captive you lost
But I am the happy son He freed
Now at home, I plead to be alone
Away all days from thee and always with Him
His bruises do more than your vices can dream
I resign and signed for Him my life to reign
Forever, Dear sin, dare me not, never!
When an heart inflated by true love gets deflated by denials
When opportunities seem absent for dreams
And nursed love finds no bed to root down
Failure inscribes its signet on wandering hopes
Highflying balloons of love brought low by a puncture of "no"
It scares the mind and drills scars in the heart.
But new hopes keeps you going

Some nos are better than yes after all
Love Things
She's seriously humour infested
She wears seriousness underneath her joy
Fighting always for the best
Determined to surpass the traditional landmarks
Not dreaming wealth but aiming the world
To make a better place for all she meets.

With a heart burning with passionate love
She lights the world around her with her affectionate aura

She's firm with choices but rocks all off their feet with her joy untold.
And she's called Stella my friend

Les soldats de la vie sans cesse peiné.
Il était un rêve, de ne jamais devenir le sol.
Ces hommes ont vu de vieux camarades à se joindre départ.

Toutes les forces et les compétences a été égrenée dans la douleur.
Avec des chemins et des outils conçus smithed nouveau à gagner.
Victoire o'er la tombe reste le prix qu'ils attendent.

Peur de mettre fin à la course pour la victoire générationnelle.
Ces soldats de la vie ont gardé le rythme dans leur chasse pour la gloire.
Mais pour la Grâce, leurs vies ont peut-être eu la même histoire.

Non étourdi par la lumière de sa sainteté.
Les contemplaient Son don pour la défense.
Aujourd'hui, les loua pour son salut si désintéressé.

La bataille leur bravoure a échoué à remporter.
Sa Grâce péniblement gagné et a donné à travers Lui.
Ces soldats propre paix et pour son service sont aptes.
Si vous aimez cela, ne pas hésiter relire et partager
The soldiers of life ceaselessly  toiled.
It was a dream, never to become soil.
These men saw comrades of old depart to join.

All strengths and skill was churned out in pain.
With paths designed and tools smithed again to gain.
Victory o'er the grave remain the prize they wait.

Scared to end the generational race for victory.
These soldiers of life kept the pace in their chase for glory.
But for the Grace, their lives may have had the same story.

Not dazed by the light of His  holiness.
Them gazed on His gift for the helpless.
Today, praised them for His salvation so selfless.

The battle their bravery failed to win.
His Grace painfully won and gave thru Him.
Those soldiers own peace and for His service are fit.
If you liked this, don't hesitate read again and share
This is no poem.
They are my thoughts and views.

Nobody wants to give service but everybody wants to enjoy service.
Politicians would misuse national assets and wealth, deny citizens of the deserved services but chase them for taxes.

Citizens lazy around their work, avoid tax, act irresponsibly when using national assets but are first to cry out for what they deserve from the nation.

Certain pastors would not spend time to prepare a good sermon but would be expecting all church members to be all punctual and giving off their best in might and wealth for the church.
There also are church members who would go to church late, sit, sing and leave early but still complain bitterly about how things are not going right in the church. They easily see how unkept the church premises is and would do nothing about it but seriously expect something to be done about it.

Husbands want to be loved but are the last to show love to wives. The same it is with certain wives as well.
Fathers want respect from children but act all irresponsibly and shirk their responsibilities.
Children want care, love, protection and provision from parents but would not respect and obey parents.

So everyone wants something but wants to give nothing.

When we **** that selfish attitude in our views of life, relationships would at least improve a bit and peace would find feet.
please this is in no wise a poem by my standards
Thrown into a phase of no words.
Powerful denies the powerless of choice.
Humanity is stolen
We're victimized again
Because we strive for change
Someone needs to be crazy
Someone needs to be bold
Are we all going to watch forever?
Will none of us utter words?
World in jeopardy
And men walking in a line
I'd jump the queue
Just to present my words
I'd break the rules
Just to bring order
Even if I fail,
I'd be glad I tried.
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