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  Jun 2019 Ryan
beth fwoah dream boleyn
sweet as our lips,
summer boy,

dream of blue stone,
as the night flows like a tide,

burgeoning like a drifting

you are my boy of dream,
blossomed from water
and moon,  from crystal light -

i long for you
summer boy,

as the last stars vanish,
blunted like the hills.
Ryan Feb 2019
Elbow to elbow, hands weigh heavy
Interlaced and barely trembling
Whisper your last words to cold tiles
I forgive you, God, for an unjust trial
Now, forgive me for my sins

Shoot me once, I will pretend
To ignore the blood
To kneel on stained glass
To pay homage with repentance I cannot afford

Do you appreciate the words I etched onto your painting?
You must— you asked for them,
Didn't you?

A statue in an empty room calls for an execution
for the number of cuts across my knees
I blame you, I must hate you
But even with a hood over my eyes,
I will find a stone
I will throw it through your window
I will kneel again

— The End —